7th SEKE 1995: Rockville, Maryland, USA

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Session 2A: Requirements Engineering

Session 2B: Knowledge Acquisition and Representation

Session 3A: Panel

Session 3B: Object Technology

Session 4: Advances in SE & KE

Session 4B: Advances in Software Engineering

Session 4C: Advances in Knowledge Systems

Session 4D: Advances in Information Systems

Session 5A: Specification Languages

Session 5B: Reuse and Reusability

Session 6A: Visual Technology and User Interface

Session 6B: Knowledge Systems

Session 7: Plenary Session

Session SA: Verification and Validation

Session 9A: Database Techniques

Session 9B: Workshop

Session 10A: Distributed Systems

Session 10B: Workshop

Session 11A: Tools and Environments

Session 11B: Chair's Session

Demonstration of CASE and Software Tools