BibTeX record conf/jisbd/RuizRZZ10

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  author       = {Roberto Ruiz and
                  Daniel Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and
                  Marta E. Zorrilla and
                  Jos{\'{e}} Jacobo Zubcoff},
  editor       = {Ernest Teniente and
                  Silvia Abrah{\~{a}}o},
  title        = {Apoyo a la Decisi{\'{o}}n en Ingenier{\'{\i}}a del Software
                  (ADIS, 10{\textordfeminine} ed.)},
  booktitle    = {{XV} Jornadas de Ingenier{\'{\i}}a del Software y Bases de Datos
                  {(JISBD} 2010), Valencia, Spain, September 7-10, 2010. Actas},
  pages        = {345},
  publisher    = {{IBERGARCETA} Pub. {S.L.}},
  year         = {2010},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 17 Nov 2011 19:27:37 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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