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ALIFE 2008: Winchester, United Kingdom
- Seth Bullock, Jason Noble, Richard A. Watson, Mark A. Bedau:
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, ALIFE 2008, Winchester, United Kingdom, August 5-8, 2008. MIT Press 2010, ISBN 9780262287197
Presented papers
- Alaa Abi-Haidar, Luis M. Rocha:
Adaptive Spam Detection Inspired by the Immune System. 1-8 - Peter Andras:
Uncertainty and communication complexity in iterated cooperation games. 9-16 - Paul S. Andrews, Adam T. Sampson, John Markus Bjørndalen, Susan Stepney, Jon Timmis, Douglas N. Warren, Peter H. Welch:
Investigating Patterns for the Process-Oriented Modelling and Simulation of Space in Complex Systems. 17-24 - Tom Anthony, Daniel Polani, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv:
On Preferred States of Agents - how Global Structure is reflected in Local Structure. 25-32 - Stefan Artmann, Soichiro Tsuda, Klaus-Peter Zauner:
Information-Theoretic Aspects of Control in a Bio-Hybrid Robot Device. 33-40 - Edgar Bermudez Contreras, Andrew Philippides, Anil K. Seth:
Movement Strategies for Learning in Visual Recognition. 41-48 - Hugues Bersini:
The Emergence of Specialization. 49-55 - Ben Blundell:
Autocatalytic Replication of Polymers Revisited. 56-63 - Josh C. Bongard:
Behavior Chaining - Incremental Behavior Integration for Evolutionary Robotics. 64-71 - Stefan Bornhofen, Claude Lattaud:
Evolving CSR Strategies in Virtual Plant Communities. 72-79 - John Bryden, David C. Hogg, Sita Popat, Mick Wallis:
Building artificial personalities - expressive communication channels based on an interlingua for a human-robot dance. 80-87 - Mikhail S. Burtsev:
Basic Principles of Adaptive Learning through Variation and Selection. 88-93 - Peter Cariani:
Design Strategies for Open-Ended Evolution. 94-101 - Blanca Cases, Carmen Hernández, Manuel Graña, Alicia D'Anjou:
On the ability of Swarms to compute the 3-coloring of graphs. 102-109 - Satpal Singh Chaggar, Jason Noble, Dave Cliff:
The effects of periodic and continuous market environments on the performance of trading agents. 110-117 - Michael Cohen, Mark A. Miodownik, Buzz Baum:
Measuring the robustness of a developmental system based on sequential growth rules. 118-125 - Lara S. Cowan, Ian D. Walker:
"Soft" Continuum Robots - the Interaction of Continuous and Discrete Elements. 126-133 - Sylvain Cussat-Blanc, Hervé Luga, Yves Duthen:
From Single Cell to Simple Creature Morphology and Metabolism. 134-141 - Kyran Dale:
A Model Chemical Memory in an Evolved Animat. 142-149 - Gemma B. Danks, Susan Stepney, Leo S. D. Caves:
Protein folding with stochastic L-systems. 150-157 - James Decraene, George G. Mitchell, Barry McMullin:
Unexpected Evolutionary Dynamics in a String Based Artificial Chemistry. 158-165 - Ralf Der, Frank Güttler, Nihat Ay:
Predictive information and emergent cooperativity in a chain of mobile robots. 166-172 - Alan Dorin, Kevin B. Korb, Volker Grimm:
Artificial-Life Ecosystems - What are they and what could they become? 173-180 - René Doursat:
Programmable Architectures That Are Complex and Self-Organized - From Morphogenesis to Engineering. 181-188 - James G. Dyke:
Entropy production in an energy balance Daisyworld model. 189-196 - Nicholas Geard, Seth Bullock:
Group formation and social evolution - a computational model. 197-203 - Ângela Gonçalves, Ernesto Costa:
A Computational Model of Gene Regulatory Networks and its Topological Properties. 204-211 - Carlos Grilo, Luís Correia:
What Makes the Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma Game Sensitive to Asynchronism? 212-219 - Taichi Haruna:
Being Arranged in Advance - Quantum Entanglement and Biological Feedback. 220-226 - Inman Harvey:
Misrepresentations. 227-233 - Tom Hebbron, Seth Bullock, Dave Cliff:
NKα - Non-uniform epistatic interactions in an extended NK model. 234-241 - Antoine Hiolle, Lola Cañamero:
Why Should You Care? - An Arousal-Based Model of Exploratory Behavior For Autonomous Robot. 242-248 - Enda Howley, Colm O'Riordan:
The Effects of Payoff Preferences on Agent Tolerance. 249-256 - Eduardo Izquierdo, Thomas Bührmann:
Analysis of a Dynamical Recurrent Neural Network Evolved for Two Qualitatively Different Tasks: Walking and Chemotaxis. 257-264 - Eduardo Izquierdo, Chrisantha Fernando:
The Evolution of Evolvability in Gene Transcription Networks. 265-273 - Mariusz Jacyno, Seth Bullock:
Energy, Entropy and Work in Computational Ecosystems - A Thermodynamic Account. 274-281 - Francis Jeanson:
Evolving Asynchronous Cellular Automata for Density Classification. 282-288 - Dafyd J. Jenkins, Dov J. Stekel:
Effects of Signalling on the Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks. 289-296 - Michal Joachimczak, Borys Wróbel:
Evo-devo in silico - a Model of a Gene Network Regulating Multicellular Development in 3D Space with Artificial Physics. 297-304 - Ben Jones, Yaochu Jin, Bernhard Sendhoff, Xin Yao:
Evolving Functional Symmetry in a Three Dimensional Model of an Elongated Organism. 305-312 - Ciaran Kelly, Barry McMullin, Darragh O'Brien:
Enrichment of Interaction Rules in a String-Based Artificial Chemistry. 313-320 - Johannes F. Knabe, Maria J. Schilstra, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv:
Evolution and Morphogenesis of Differentiated Multicellular Organisms - Autonomously Generated Diffusion Gradients for Positional Information. 321-328 - Joel Lehman, Kenneth O. Stanley:
Exploiting Open-Endedness to Solve Problems Through the Search for Novelty. 329-336 - Adam Lein, Richard T. Vaughan:
Adaptive multi-robot bucket brigade foraging. 337-342 - Thorsten Lenser, Naoki Matsumaru, Thomas Hinze, Peter Dittrich:
Tracking the Evolution of Chemical Computing Networks. 343-350 - Anthony M. L. Liekens, Huub M. M. ten Eikelder, Marvin N. Steijaert, Peter A. J. Hilbers:
Simulated Evolution of Mass Conserving Reaction Networks. 351-358 - Yaroslav Litus, Richard T. Vaughan:
Distributed Gradient Optimization with Embodied Approximation. 359-365 - Joseph T. Lizier, Mikhail Prokopenko, Ivan Tanev, Albert Y. Zomaya:
Emergence of Glider-like Structures in a Modular Robotic System. 366-373 - Joseph T. Lizier, Mikhail Prokopenko, Albert Y. Zomaya:
The Information Dynamics of Phase Transitions in Random Boolean Networks. 374-381 - Santosh Manicka, Inman Harvey:
'Psychoanalysis' of a Minimal Agent. 382-389 - Manuel Marques-Pita, Luis M. Rocha:
Conceptual Structure in Cellular Automata - The Density Classification Task. 390-397 - Jamie Matthews:
The Longevity of Distinct Cultures in an Agent-Based Model of Memetic Drift. 398-403 - Thomas Miconi:
Fitness Transmission - A Genealogic Signature of Adaptive Evolution. 404-411 - Naeem Assif Mirza, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Rene te Boekhorst:
Anticipating Future Experience using Grounded Sensorimotor Informational Relationships. 412-419 - Marco Möller, Daniel Polani:
Common Concepts in Agent Groups, Symmetries, and Conformity in a Simple Environment. 420-427 - Antonio Miguel Mora, Carlos Miguel Fernandes, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós
, Vitorino Ramos, Juan Luis Jiménez Laredo, Agostinho C. Rosa:
KohonAnts - A Self-Organizing Ant Algorithm for Clustering and Pattern Classification. 428-435 - Colm O'Riordan, Alan Cunningham, Humphrey Sorensen:
Emergence of Cooperation in N-player games on small world networks. 436-442 - Nicolas Oros, Volker Steuber, Neil Davey, Lola Cañamero, Rod Adams:
Optimal noise in spiking neural networks for the detection of chemicals by simulated agents. 443-449 - Greg Paperin, Suzanne Sadedin, David G. Green, Alan Dorin:
Holey Fitness Landscapes and the Maintenance of Evolutionary Diversity. 450-457 - Jorge Peña:
Conformist Transmission and the Evolution of Cooperation. 458-465 - Enea Pestelacci, Marco Tomassini:
Hawks and Doves in an Artificial Dynamically Structured Society. 466-473 - Peter-Paul Pichler, Lola Cañamero:
Evolving Morphological and Behavioral Diversity Without Predefined Behavior Primitives. 474-481 - Fiona A. C. Polack, Tim Hoverd, Adam T. Sampson, Susan Stepney, Jon Timmis:
Complex Systems Models - Engineering Simulations. 482-489 - Daniel Polani, Mikhail Prokopenko, Matthew Chadwick:
Modelling Stigmergic Gene Transfer. 490-497 - Simon T. Powers, Alexandra S. Penn, Richard A. Watson:
The Efficacy of Group Selection is Increased by Coexistence Dynamics within Groups. 498-505 - John Rieffel, Barry Trimmer, Hod Lipson:
Mechanism as Mind - What Tensegrities and Caterpillars Can Teach Us about Soft Robotics. 506-512 - Fabrice Saffre, Mark Shackleton:
"Embryo" - an autonomic co-operative service management framework. 513-520 - Matthias Scheutz, Paul W. Schermerhorn:
The Limited Utility of Communication in Simple Organisms. 521-528 - Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim:
Analysing honeybees' division of labour in broodcare by a multi-agent model. 529-536 - Chris Scogings, Kenneth A. Hawick:
Altruism Amongst Spatial Predator-Prey Animats. 537-544 - Anil K. Seth:
Measuring emergence via nonlinear Granger causality. 545-552 - Murray Shanahan, Dustin Connor:
Modeling the Neural Basis of Cognitive Integration and Consciousness. 553-560 - V. Anne Smith:
Evolving an Agent-Based Model to Probe Behavioral Rules in Flocks of Cowbirds. 561-568 - Andrea Soltoggio, John A. Bullinaria, Claudio Mattiussi, Peter Dürr, Dario Floreano:
Evolutionary Advantages of Neuromodulated Plasticity in Dynamic, Reward-based Scenarios. 569-576 - Luc Steels, Michael Spranger:
Can Body Language Shape Body Image? 577-584 - Marvin N. Steijaert, Anthony M. L. Liekens, Huub M. M. ten Eikelder, Peter A. J. Hilbers:
Multiple Functionalities of Biochemical Reaction Networks. 585-591 - Bas Straatman, Roger White, Wolfgang Banzhaf:
An Artificial Chemistry-based Model of Economies. 592-599 - Keisuke Suzuki, Takashi Ikegami:
Homeodynamics in the Game of Life. 600-607 - Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita:
How Learning Can Guide Evolution of Communication. 608-615 - Elio Tuci, Christos Ampatzis, Vito Trianni, Anders Lyhne Christensen, Marco Dorigo:
Self-Assembly in Physical Autonomous Robots - the Evolutionary Robotics Approach. 616-623 - Gunnar Tufte:
Evolution, Development and Environment Toward Adaptation through Phenotypic Plasticity and Exploitation of External Information. 624-631 - Dieter Vanderelst, René M. C. Ahn, Emilia I. Barakova:
Simulated Trust - Towards robust social learning. 632-639 - Patrícia Amâncio Vargas, Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Phil Husbands:
A study of GasNet spatial embedding in a delayed-response task. 640-647 - Sébastien Vérel, Gabriela Ochoa, Marco Tomassini:
The Connectivity of NK Landscapes' Basins - A Network Analysis. 648-655 - Nathaniel Virgo, Inman Harvey:
Adaptive Growth Processes - A Model Inspired by Pask's Ear. 656-661 - Sebastian von Mammen, Christian Jacob:
The Spatiality of Swarms - Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Interaction Networks. 662-669 - Jens Wawerla, Richard T. Vaughan:
Optimal Robot Recharging Strategies For Time Discounted Labour. 670-677 - Matt Webster, Grant Malcolm:
Hierarchical Components and Entity-based Modelling in Artificial Life. 678-685 - Andrew Weeks, Fiona Polack, Susan Stepney:
Investigating Emergence by Coarse Graining Elementary Cellular Automata. 686-693 - Kai Willadsen, Jochen Triesch, Janet Wiles:
Understanding robustness in Random Boolean Networks. 694-701 - Paul L. Williams, Randall D. Beer, Michael Gasser:
Evolving Referential Communication in Embodied Dynamical Agents. 702-709 - Owen Woodberry, Kevin B. Korb, Ann E. Nicholson:
Species Selection of Aging for the Sake of Diversity. 710-716 - Simon Worgan, Rob Mills:
Initial Modelling of the Alternative Phenotypes Hypothesis. 717-724 - Larry S. Yaeger, Virgil Griffith, Olaf Sporns:
Passive and Driven Trends in the Evolution of Complexity. 725-732 - Juan Cristóbal Zagal, Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Adrian Galo Palacios:
Fitness Based Identification of a Robot Structure. 733-741
Presented abstracts
- Christoph Adami, Nicolas Chaumont, Jeffrey A. Edlund, Arend Hintze:
Topological properties of evolved robot brains. 742 - Fernando Almeida e Costa:
Evolutionary robotics and the morphological turn - an epistemological perspective. 743 - Fernando Almeida e Costa, Ian MacInnes, Inman Harvey:
Morphodynamics and perceptual worlds - conceptual approach and an experiment in evolutionary robotics. 744 - Davide Anguita, Davide Brizzolara, Alessandro Ghio, Giancarlo Parodi:
Smart plankton - a new generation of underwater wireless sensor network. 745 - Masashi Aono, Masahiko Hara:
Combinatorial optimization and self-disciplined computing by amoeba-based neurocomputer. 746 - Xabier E. Barandiaran, Ezequiel A. Di Paolo:
Artificial mental life. 747 - Lionel C. Barnett:
Ruggedness and evolvability - an evolution's-eye view. 748 - Mark A. Bedau:
A functional account of minimal cellular life. 749 - Mark A. Bedau:
The arrow of complexity hypothesis. 750 - Katie Bentley, Paul A. Bates, Holger Gerhardt:
Artificial life as cancer research - embodied agent modelling of blood vessel growth in tumours. 751 - Mark H. Birkin, Alison J. Heppenstall:
Modelling spatial market dynamics with retail agents. 752 - Sergio Branciamore, Walter de Back, Enzo Gallori:
Does coexistence solve the prebiotic information problem? 753 - John Bryden:
How might group selection explain the major evolutionary transitions? 754 - Christopher L. Buckley, Lionel C. Barnett, Seth Bullock:
Dynamical complexity of spatially embedded networks. 755 - Mikhail Burtsev, Konstantin V. Anokhin, Patrick Bateson:
Learning drives the accumulation of adaptive complexity in simulated evolution. 756 - John Cartlidge:
Dynamically adapting parasite virulence to combat coevolutionary disengagement. 757 - Alastair Channon:
A measure for natural selection's contribution to the origins and maintenance of organismal complexity. 758 - James Clark, Hywel Williams:
An adaptive model of marine biogeochemistry in the Archaean. 759 - Walter de Back, Sergio Branciamore, George Kampis:
Phenotype-based evolution of complex food webs. 760 - Ezequiel A. Di Paolo:
Life in time - the missing temporal dimension in autopoiesis. 761 - Peter Dittrich, Florian Centler, Christoph Kaleta, Naoki Matsumaru, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio:
Chemical organizations in living systems. 762 - Stephen English, Jeffrey Gough, Alexis Johnson, Robert Spanton, Joanna Sun, Richard Crowder, Klaus-Peter Zauner:
Strategies for maintaining large robot communities. 763 - Arantza Etxeberria:
Abstract organization and material parts in ALife and synthetic biology. 764 - Daniel W. Franks, Richard James, Jason Noble, Graeme D. Ruxton:
Developing a methodology for social network sampling. 765 - Andrew Free, Amanda McNeil, Olivia Mozley, Rosalind J. Allen:
Utility and experimental testability of the Gaia hypothesis. 766 - Enrico H. Gerding, Peter McBurney, Jinzhong Niu, Simon Parsons:
CAT - a market design competition. 767 - Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh, Bing Zhang, Alexander R. A. Anderson:
The gene-function relationship in the metabolism of yeast and digital organisms. 768 - Richard A. Goldstein, Orkun S. Soyer:
In silico evolution of chemotaxis. 769 - David Gowans, Paul Marrow, Richard Tateson:
Immune-inspired networked service delivery. 770 - Dan Greenwood:
From market to non-market - an autonomous agent approach to central planning. 771 - Graeme Groom, Rob Mills, Richard A. Watson:
How epigenetic evolution can guide genetic evolution. 772 - Martin M. Hanczyc, Takashi Ikegami:
Chemical basis for minimal cognition. 773 - Inman Harvey:
Homeostasis via chaos - implementing the uniselector as a dynamical system. 774 - Robin Hofe, Roger K. Moore:
Animatronic model of a human tongue. 775 - Hiroyuki Iizuka, Takashi Ikegami:
Simulating active touch with a simple embodied agent. 776 - David J. Irons, Fabrice Saffre, Chris Cannings:
Adaptive fault tolerance in wireless sensor networks. 777