International Conference on Array Processing Languages (APL)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      APL 2010: Berlin, Germany

      APL 2007: Montreal, Canada

      No proceedings were published for the 2007 conference

      APL 2003: San Diego, California, USA

      APL 2002: Madrid, Spain

      APL 2001: New Haven, Connecticut, USA

      APL 2000: Berlin, Germany

      APL 1999: Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA

      APL 1998: Rome, Italy

      APL 1997: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

      APL 1996: Lancaster, UK

      APL 1995: San Antonio, Texas, USA

      APL 1994: Antwerp, Belgium

      APL 1993: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

      APL 1992: St. Petersburg, Russia

      APL 1991: Palo Alto, CA, USA

      APL 1990: Copenhagen, Denmark

      APL 1989: New York City, NY, USA

      APL 1988: Sydney, Australia

      APL 1987: Dallas, TX, USA

      APL 1986: Manchester, UK

      APL 1985: Seattle, WA, USA

      APL 1984: Helsinki, Finland

      APL 1983: Washington, DC, USA

      APL 1982: Heidelberg, Germany

      APL 1981: San Francisco, CA, USA

      APL 1980: Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

      APL 1979: Rochester, NY, USA

      8th APL 1976: Ottawa, Canada

      7th APL 1975: Pisa, Italy

      6th APL 1974: Anaheim, CA, USA

      5th APL 1973: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

      4th APL 1972: Atlanta, Georgia, USA

      3rd APL 1971: Berkeley, CA, USA

      2nd APL 1970: Greenbelt, MD, USA

      1st APL 1969: Binghamton, New York, USA

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