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CBMS 2004: Bethesda, MD, USA
- 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2004), 24-25 June 2004, Bethesda, MD, USA. IEEE Computer Society 2004, ISBN 0-7695-2104-5
Medical Databases
- Ana Ferreira, Ricardo João Cruz Correia, Luis Antunes, Ernesto Palhares, Pedro Manuel Vieira Marques
, Pedro Costa, Altamiro da Costa Pereira
Integrity for Electronic Patient Record Reports. 4-9 - Sydney Henrard:
Preliminary Instrumentation for the Efficient Use of Web-Based Electronic Health Records. 10-14 - Michael A. Wirth, Jennifer Lyon, Matteo Fraschini, Dennis Nikitenko:
The Effect of Mammogram Databases on Algorithm Performance. 15-20 - Nawaz Khan, Shahedur Rahman, A. G. Stockman:
A Framework for Molecular Biology Database Integration Using Context Graph. 21-26 - Hong Yu, Won Kim, Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou, W. John Wilbur:
Using MEDLINE as a Knowledge Source for Disambiguating Abbreviations in Full-Text Biomedical Journal Articles. 27-
Image Processing 1
- John Qualter, Marc M. Triola, Matthew J. Weiner, Mary Ann Hopkins, Miro Kirov, Martin S. Nachbar:
The Virtual Surgery Patient: Development of a digital, three-dimensional model of human anatomy designed for surgical. 34-38 - Ian R. Greenshields:
Gross Computed Surface Anthropometry from 3D Datasets. 39-43 - Thiago R. dos Santos, Daniel D. Abdala, Aldo von Wangenheim:
Three-dimensional Visualization of Radiological Images using Octrees. 44-47 - Huchen Xie, Guang Li, Holly Ning, Cynthia Ménard, C. Norman Coleman, Robert W. Miller:
3D Voxel Fusion of Multi-modality Medical Images in a Clinical Treatment Planning System. 48-53 - Abhishek Mitra, Swapna Banerjee:
A New Interpolation Free Method for X-ray CT Image Reconstruction. 54-
Clinical Applications 1
- Frank Pierce:
Patient Management Logistics. 61-66 - Charlotte A. Seckman, Carol Romano, Stephen Rosenfeld:
Standard Web-Based Clinical Radiology Images and Reports at the Point of Care. 67-71 - Huey Cheung, Yang C. Fann, Shaohua Alex Wang, Barg Upender, Adam Frazin, Raj Lingam, Sarada Chintala, Frank Pecjak, Gladys Wang, Marc Kellogg, Robert L. Martino, Calvin A. Johnson:
A Web-Based Protocol Tracking Management System For Clinical Research. 72-77 - Carolyn K. Hamm, Matthew R. Kennedy, Timothy T. Wu, Jill S. Phillips:
An Operational Data Store for Reporting Clinical Practice Guideline Adherence in Chronic Disease Patients. 78-
Content-Based Image Retrieval
- Caetano Traina Jr., Agma J. M. Traina, Josiel Maimoni de Figueiredo:
Including Conditional Operators in Content-Based Image Retrieval in Large Sets of Medical Exams. 85-90 - Agma J. M. Traina, André G. R. Balan, Luis M. Bortolotti, Caetano Traina Jr.:
Content-based Image Retrieval Using Approximate Shape of Objects. 91-96 - Xiaoqian Xu, Dah-Jye Lee, Sameer K. Antani, L. Rodney Long:
Partial Shape Matching of Spine X-Ray Shapes Using Dynamic Programming. 97-102 - Paul Miki Willy, Karl-Heinz Küfer:
Content-based Medical Image Retrieval (CBMIR): An Intelligent Retrieval System for Handling Multiple Organs of Interest. 103-
Image Processing 2
- Jiangling Guo, Prateek Shrivastava, Kayla Kepley, Shuyu Yang, Sunanda Mitra, Brian Nutter:
Bit-rate Allocation Control and Quality Improvement for Color Channels in HMVQ Image Compression. 110-115 - Alberto Aguirre, Sergio D. Cabrera, Aldo Lucero:
Compression of Three-Dimensional Medical Image Data based on JPEG 2000. 116-121 - Yeshwanth Srinivasan, Brian Nutter, Sunanda Mitra, Benny Phillips, Daron Ferris:
Secure Transmission of Medical Records Using High Capacity Steganography. 122-127 - Balaji Raman, Even S. Bursell, Mark P. Wilson, Gilberto Zamora, I. Benche, Sheila C. Nemeth, Peter Soliz:
The Effects of Spatial Resolution on an Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Screening System's Performance in Detecting Microaneurysms for Diabetic Retinopathy. 128-133 - Michael A. Wirth, Matteo Fraschini, Jennifer Lyon:
Contrast Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Mammograms using Morphological Enhancement and Non-flat Structuring Elements. 134-
Handheld Computing for Medicine
- Michael A. Grasso:
Clinical Applications of Handheld Computers. 141-146 - Susan E. Hauser, Dina Demner-Fushman, Glenn Ford, George R. Thoma:
A Testbed System for Mobile Point-of-Care Information Delivery. 147-152 - Néstor J. Rodríguez, José A. Borges, Yajaira Soler, Viviam Murillo, Daniel Z. Sands:
A Usability Study of Physicians' Interaction with PDA and Laptop Applications to Access an Electronic Patient Record System. 153-160 - Wu-chun Feng:
A Multimodal Interface for the Immediate Transcription of Radiology Dictation. 161-166 - Massoud Vahabzadeh, David H. Epstein, Mustapha Mezghanni, Jia-Ling Lin
, Kenzie Preston:
An Electronic Diary Software for Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) in Clinical Trials. 167-
Medical Systems
- Han Wang, Hao Wang, Jinmei Shen:
Architectural Design and Implementation of Highly Available and Scalable Medical System with IBM WebSphere Middleware. 174-179 - Khalil ur Rehman, Ali Iqbal, David Harvey:
DICOM Configuration Management. 180-184 - Whe Dar Lin:
The Network Method for Medical Platform. 185-190 - Ying-Wen Bai, Chien-Yung Cheng:
The Performance Estimation by Queuing Network Models for a Web-based Medical Information System. 191-196 - Shuangbao Wang, Jim X. Chen, Zegang Dong, Robert S. Ledley:
SMIS - A Real-Time Stereoscopic Medical Imaging System. 197-
Pattern Recognition
- Ronald Joe Stanley, Santhosh Seetharaman, L. Rodney Long, Sameer K. Antani, George R. Thoma, Edward Downey:
Image Analysis Techniques for the Automated Evaluation of Subaxial Subluxation in Cervical Spine X-ray Images. 204-209 - Yu-Chien Shiau, Hsiao-Hsuan Chou, Shue-Tsun Fan, Shu-Hsun Chu, Te-Son Kuo:
Using Back Propagation Neural Network for Cardiac Wall Motion Detection on Angiocardiography. 210-215 - Dzung L. Pham:
Integrating Intensity and Boundary Information for Tissue Classification. 216-220 - Gregor Stiglic, Peter Kokol
Sizing tumors with TNM Classifications and Rough Sets Method. 221-223 - Walker H. Land Jr., Lut Wong, Daniel W. McKee, Mark J. Embrechts, Rizly Salih, Frances R. Anderson:
Applying Support Vector Machines to Breast Cancer Diagnosis using Screen Film Mammogram Data. 224-
Decision Support Systems
- Mitja Lenic, Petra Povalej, Milan Zorman, Peter Kokol
Multiple Opinions for Medical Decision Support. 230-235 - Reeva M. Lederman:
The Medical Privacy Rule: Can Hospitals Comply Using Current Health Information Systems? 236-241 - Susan L. Mabry, Caleb R. Hug, Russell C. Roundy:
Clinical Decision Support with IM-Agents and ERMA Multi-agents. 242-247 - Massoud Vahabzadeh, Jia-Ling Lin
, Anne Gupman, John Schmittner, Kenzie Preston:
Automating Variations in Clinical Research Protocols Workflow. 248-253 - Joseph Finkelstein, C. Martin, A. Bhushan, Mohit Arora, Ashish Joshi:
Feasibility of Computer-Assisted Education in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. 254-
Signal Processing
- Nutan D. Ahuja, V. Raghavan, Vikas Lath, Ashish Patil, Sreejit Pill:
Heart Rate Variability and its Clinical Application for Biofeedback. 263-266 - Ou Bai
, Guido Nolte, Mari Zoltan, Sherry Vorbach, Mark Hallett:
Visualization of Spatiotemporal Patterns of EEG Rhythms During Voluntary Movements. 267-272 - Ying-Wen Bai, Wen-Yang Chu, Chien-Yu Chen, Yi-Ting Lee, Yi-Ching Tsai, Cheng-Hung Tsai:
The Combination of Kaiser Window and Moving Average for the Low-Pass Filtering of the Remote ECG Signals. 273-278 - Yongjian Yu, Janelle A. Molloy, Scott T. Acton:
Generalized Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion for Ultrasound Imagery. 279-284 - Andreas Schmid:
Stimulation Signal Processing for Intraocular Vision Implants. 285-
- Philip S. King, Sunanda Mitra, Brian Nutter:
An Automated, Segmentation-Based, Rigid Registration System for Cervigram TM Images Utilizing Simple Clustering and Active Contour Techniques. 292-297 - Shiri Gordon, Gali Zimmerman, Hayit Greenspan:
Image Segmentation of Uterine Cervix Images for Indexing in PACS. 298-303 - Bipul Das, Swapna Banerjee:
Homogeneity Induced Inertial Snake with Application to Medical Image Segmentation. 304-309 - Matthias Hahn, Thomas Beth:
Balloon Based Vertebra Separation in CT Images. 310-315 - Hongqing Zhu, Huazhong Shu, Limin Luo:
Blood Vessels Segmentation in Retina via Wavelet Transforms Using Steerable Filters. 316-
- Saleem Hussain:
From Sequence to Structure Using PF2: Improving Methods for Protein Folding Prediction. 323-328 - Salvatore Alesci, Yan A. Su, George P. Chrousos:
hMiDas and hMitChip: New Opportunities in Mitochondrial Bioinformatics and Genomic Medicine. 329-334 - WeiPing Chen, Wei Zha, Terry Cox, Xiujun Zhao, Paul Russell:
3Si: A Computer Program for the Optimal Design of Short Interfering RNA (siRNA) for Gene Silencing. 335-342 - WeiPing Chen, Dongying Wu, Wei Zha, Paul Russell:
Identification of Highly Significant Sequence Patterns in siRNAs for the Optimal Design of siRNA. 343-350 - Csaba J. Egyhazy:
Dynamic Generation of Database Tables for Genetic Data. 351-
- Rujirutana Srikanchana, David Thomasson, Peter L. Choyke, Andrew Dwyer:
A Comparison of Pharmacokinetic Models of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI. 361-366 - Paulo Roberto Dellani, Paulo Roberto Wille, Goran Vucurevic, Thomas Bauermann, Peter Stoeter, Martin Glaser, Axel T. Stadie, Peter Grunett, Axel Perneczky, Aldo von Wangenheim:
Tracking Cerebral White Matter Pathways from Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data: Application in Patients with Brain Tumors. 367-372 - William W. Lau, Homayoun Mozaffari-Naeini, Nitish V. Thakor
Four-Wavelength Near-Infrared Imaging of Abdominal Aorta Blood Flow under Surgical Occlusion. 373-378 - Anindya Hazra, J. Bhattacharyya, Swapna Banerjee:
Real Time Noise Cleaning of Ultrasound Images. 379-384 - Lewis L. Hsu, Daniel M. Schimel:
Computed Tomography Imaging of Lungs in Mouse Models of Human Disease - Advancing the Computing Interfaces with Physiology. 385-
Image Processing 3
- Gang Dong, Edward Damiano, Michael L. Smith, Scott T. Acton, Klaus Ley:
Detection of Microspheres in Venules for Automated Particle Image. 392-395 - Dmitry Maksimov, F. Finkel, Tiina Dietz, Steffen Diehl, Christoph Düber, Philipp Rebholz, Jürgen Hesser, Reinhard Männer:
An Interactive Application for Removal of Bone Information in CT-Angiography. 396-401 - Samuel Foucher
, Marc Lalonde, Langis Gagnon, A.-M. Steff:
Software for Automatic Detection and Monitoring of Fluorescent Lesions in Mice. 402-407 - Rakesh Sharma:
What We Learn from Multimodal Co-registration Methods for Stereotactic Imaging: From Here to Where?. 408-413 - Jasjit S. Suri, Vasanth Pappu, Olivier Salvado, Baowei Fei
, Shaoxiong Zhang, Jonathan S. Lewin, Jeffrey L. Duerk, David L. Wilson:
Rotational Effect on ROI's for Accurate Lumen Quantification in Bifurcated MR Plaque Volumes. 414-
Clinical Applications 2
- Susan Kansagra, Chris Chang, Saleem Hussain, Gregory Hulka, Linda Gray Leithe:
Online Medical Teaching Case Database. 420-422 - Marc M. Triola, Mary Ann Hopkins, Matthew J. Weiner, William Holloway, Richard I. Levin, Martin S. Nachbar, Thomas S. Riles:
Surgical Interactive Multimedia Modules: A novel, non-browser based architecture for medical education. 423-427 - Robert Milewski, Venu Govindaraju:
Handwriting Analysis of Pre-Hospital Care Reports. 428-433 - Bhavesh D. Goswami, Lawrence O. Hall, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Eugene Fink, Jeffrey P. Krischer:
Using Probabilistic Methods to Optimize Data Entry in Accrual of Patients to Clinical Trials. 434-
- Dana Sharman, Boulat Alibekov, Talgat Soultanov, Shamshiddin Balgimbekov:
The First Telemedicine Project Kazakhstan. 440-445 - Lesley-Ann Black, Michael F. McTear, Norman D. Black, Roy Harper:
Intelligent Computer Consultants - Interfacing the Future. 446-451 - Joseph Finkelstein, Ashish Joshi, Mohit Arora:
Home Automated Telemanagement in Hypertension. 452-459 - Michael Kreutzer, Martin Kähmer, Heiko Falk:
Service Discovery with Higher Order Services in Mobile Hospitals. 460-
Medical Devices
- Rakesh Sharma:
High-Field 4.23 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Initial Experience in Turbo-Inversion Recovery Imaging and fMRI Physics. 467-472 - Lawrence Pfeffer, David Ide, Craig Stewart, Dietmar Plenz:
A Life Support System for Stimulation of and Recording from Rodent Neuron Networks Grown on Multi-Electrode Arrays. 473-478 - Shuyu Yang, Gavin Erry, Sheila C. Nemeth, Sunanda Mitra, Peter Soliz:
Image Restoration with High Resolution Adaptive Optical Imaging System. 479-487 - Jun Dong, Hong-hai Zhu:
Mobile ECG Detector through GPRS/Internet. 485-489 - Soon-Yong Chun, Un-Ho Ji, H. Troy Nagle:
Observations of the Current Change on Acupuncture Spots at the Meal Time. 490-
Clinical Applications 3
- Nikita E. Shklovskiy-Kordi, Boris Zingerman, Marina Krol:
Incorporation of Computerized Blood Product Labeling in Hospital Information System. 497-499 - Donald J. Johann, Michael D. McGuigan, Stanimire Tomov, Eric Blum, Gordon R. Whiteley, Emanuel F. Petricoin, Lance A. Liotta:
Toward a Systems Biology Software Toolkit. 500-505 - Margaret G. E. Peterson, Sandy B. Ganz:
Assignment of Measurement Period by an "Expert" Computer Program. 506-509 - Ian R. Greenshields:
Agent-Based Model of Flow in the Urethra. 510-515 - Istvan Nagy, Alois C. Knoll, Robert Bauernschmitt, Eva U. Schirmbeck, Hermann Georg Mayer:
Real-Time Matching of Angiographies with In Situ Heart Image Sequences. 516-
Data Mining
- Carlos Roberto Valêncio, Mauricio N. Tronco, Ana C. Bonini-Domingos, Cláudia R. Bonini-Domingos, Caetano Traina Jr., Agma J. M. Traina:
Knowledge Extraction using Visualization of Hemoglobin Parameters to Identify Thalassemia. 523-528 - Shao Hua, Guiran Chang, Zhao Hong:
The Consistency between the Attribute Relationships and Time-Serial Count Operators. 529-534 - Mykola Pechenizkiy
, Alexey Tsymbal, Seppo Puuronen:
PCA-based Feature Transformation for Classification: Issues in Medical Diagnostics. 535-
Image Processing Tools
- Marc Lalonde, France Laliberté, Langis Gagnon:
RetsoftPlus: A Tool for Retinal Image Analysis. 542-547 - Zhan Zhang, Michael J. Ackerman, Jixing Li:
A Prototype Colon Straightening System for Polyp Detection. 548-552 - Yonghong Shi, Feihu Qi:
Feature-based Deformable Registration of Brain Images. 553-557 - Jose Jeronimo, Mark Schiffman, L. Rodney Long, Leif Neve, Sameer K. Antani:
A Tool for Collection of Region Based Data from Uterine Cervix Images for Correlation of Visual and Clinical Variables Related to Cervical Neoplasia. 558-562 - Mike Bopf, Tina Coleman, L. Rodney Long, Sameer K. Antani, George R. Thoma, Jose Jeronimo, Mark Schiffman:
An Architecture for Streamlining the Implementation of Biomedical Text/Image Databases on the Web. 563-
Clinical Applications 4
- Olivier Curé:
XIMSA : eXtended Interactive Multimedia System for Auto-medication. 570-575 - Derek Greene, Alexey Tsymbal, Nadia Bolshakova, Padraig Cunningham
Ensemble Clustering in Medical Diagnostics. 576-581 - Yumei Miao, Yimin Wang, Yusong Miao:
The Research of Semantic Content Applied to Brain CT Images. 582-587 - Pedro Luiz de Paula Filho, Aldo von Wangenheim, Paulo Roberto Dellani:
An Approach to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Management Compliant with DICOM Standard. 588-593 - Shaohua Alex Wang, Yang C. Fann, Huey Cheung, Frank Pecjak, Barg Upender, Adam Frazin, Raj Lingam, Sarada Chintala, Gladys Wang, Marc Kellogg, Robert L. Martino, Calvin A. Johnson:
Performance of Using Oracle XMLDB in the Evaluation of CDISC ODM for a Clinical Study Informatics System. 594-

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