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CCNC 2013: Las Vegas, NV, USA
- 10th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 11-14, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-3131-9
- Mario E. Rivero-Angeles
, Gerardo Rubino, Ivan Omar Olguin Torres, Luis Antonio Martinez:
Window-based streaming Video-on-Demand transmission on BitTorrent-like Peer-to-Peer networks. 1-6 - Rodolfo da Silva Villaça, Luciano Bernardes de Paula, Rafael Pasquini
, Maurício Ferreira Magalhães:
Hamming DHT: Taming the similarity search. 7-12 - Xu Zhang, Ning Wang, Michael P. Howarth:
A hybrid peer selection scheme for enhanced network and application performances. 13-21 - Debessay Fesehaye Kassa, Klara Nahrstedt:
Hincent: Quick content distribution with priorities and high incentives. 22-30 - Chai Kiat Yeo
, Bu-Sung Lee, Ing Yann Soon, Yang Xia, Zoebir Bong, Yuanyuan Mao:
Dual-metric hybrid protocol for application level multicast for live video streaming. 31-36 - Hany S. Hussein
, Mostafa El-Khamy
, Farhad Mehdipour, Mohamed El-Sharkawy:
Low complexity independent multi-view video coding. 37-42 - Lingni Ma, Raphael Favier, Luat Do, Egor R. V. Bondarev, Peter H. N. de With:
Plane segmentation and decimation of point clouds for 3D environment reconstruction. 43-49 - Hyong-Euk Lee, Nahyup Kang, Jae-Joon Han, Ji-Yeon Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, James D. K. Kim, Chang-Yeong Kim:
Interactive manipulation and visualization of a deformable 3D organ model for medical diagnostic support. 50-55 - Ha-Young Kim, Hye Jin Kam, Jihyun Lee, Sanghyun Yoo, Kyoung-Gu Woo, Jai Sung Noh, Seungmin Yoo:
Monitoring for disease progression via mathematical time-series modeling: Actigraphy-based monitoring patients with depressive disorder. 56-61 - Woon-Sung Baek, Dong-Min Kim, Faisal Bashir, Jae-Young Pyun:
Real life applicable fall detection system based on wireless body area network. 62-67 - Sangil Choi, Richelle LeMay, Jong-Hoon Youn:
On-board processing of acceleration data for real-time activity classification. 68-73 - Zheng Chang
, Tapani Ristaniemi:
Energy efficiency of collaborative OFDMA mobile clusters. 74-78 - Yu Wang, Xinyu Yang, Shusen Yang, Wei Yu
, Sulabh Bhattarai, Dan Shen, Genshe Chen:
Towards energy-efficient cooperative routing algorithms in wireless networks. 79-84 - Difan Zhang, Linqiang Ge, Rommie L. Hardy, Wei Yu
, Hanlin Zhang
, Robert J. Reschly:
On effective data aggregation techniques in Host-based Intrusion Detection in MANET. 85-90 - Won-Yong Shin, Hyoseok Yi, Vahid Tarokh:
Energy-efficient base-station topologies for green cellular networks. 91-96 - Kenzo Okuda, Shingo Ata, Yasuto Kuroda, Yuji Yano, Hisashi Iwamoto, Kazunari Inoue, Ikuo Oka:
2D Sliced Packet Buffer with traffic volume and buffer occupancy adaptation for power saving. 97-105 - Vinay Kumar Mittal, B. Yegnanarayana:
Production features for detection of shouted speech. 106-111 - Min Y. Mun, Young Wan Seo:
Everyday mobility context classification using radio beacons. 112-117 - Sebastián Basterrech
, Gerardo Rubino:
Echo State Queueing Network: A new reservoir computing learning tool. 118-123 - Yuhuan Du, Gustavo de Veciana:
Mobile applications and algorithms to facilitate electric vehicle deployment. 130-136 - Sehoon Park, Qichen Chen, Heon Y. Yeom:
PIOS: A platform-independent offloading system for a mobile web environment. 137-142 - Truc D. Le, Thong M. Doan, Han N. Dinh, Nam Tuan Nguyen:
ISIL: Instant search-based indoor localization. 143-148 - Elizabeth Ha, David A. Wagner:
Do Android users write about electric sheep? Examining consumer reviews in Google Play. 149-157 - Eyal Toledano, Dan Sawada, Andrew Lippman, Henry Holtzman, Federico Casalegno:
CoCam: A collaborative content sharing framework based on opportunistic P2P networking. 158-163 - Erich Dondyk, Cliff Changchun Zou:
Denial of convenience attack to smartphones using a fake Wi-Fi access point. 164-170 - Mohammed Shehada, Bo Fu, Srisakul Thakolsri, Wolfgang Kellerer
QoE-based resource reservation for unperceivable video quality fluctuation during Handover in LTE. 171-177 - Yohei Nemoto, Kazumine Ogura, Jiro Katto
An adaptive TCP congestion control having RTT-fairness and inter-protocol friendliness. 178-183 - Scott Kuzdeba, Alexander M. Wyglinski
, Brandon Hombs:
Prototype implementation of a visual communication system employing video imagery. 184-189 - Imad Abdeljaouad, Ahmed Karmouch:
Utility function for predicting IPTV Quality of Experience based on delay in Overlay Networks. 190-195 - Eiichi Isomura, Shuji Tasaka
, Toshiro Nunome:
A multidimensional QoE monitoring system for audiovisual and haptic interactive IP communications. 196-202 - Houssein Wehbe, Ahmed Bouabdallah, Bruno Stévant, Usama Mir:
Analysis of synchronization issues for live video-context transmission service. 203-209 - Pinghua Zhao, Yanwei Liu, Ruixiao Yao, Song Ci, Hui Tang:
Perceptual quality driven cross-layer optimization for wireless video streaming. 210-215 - Manuel Gorius, Yongtao Shuai, Thorsten Herfet:
Dynamic media streaming with predictable reliability and opportunistic TCP-friendliness. 216-223 - Jeevan Pokhrel
, Bachar Wehbi, Anderson Nunes Paiva Morais, Ana R. Cavalli, Eric Allilaire:
Estimation of QoE of video traffic using a fuzzy expert system. 224-229 - Jim Martin, Yunhui Fu, Nicholas Wourms, Terry Shaw:
Characterizing Netflix bandwidth consumption. 230-235 - Richard Framjee, Jonathan Bredow:
Packet wait times in voice over IP wireless reverse links. 239-240 - Jun Wei, Duy Nguyen, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Kathleen M. Nichols:
Experience with collaborative conferencing applications in Named-Data Networks. 241-246 - Hyun Lee, Jae-Yong Yoo, JongWon Kim:
MOVi+: Opportunity extension for mobile peer-to-peer video on demand. 247-252 - Igor Santos
, Carlos Laorden
, Borja Sanz
, Pablo García Bringas
JURD: Joiner of Un-Readable Documents to reverse tokenization attacks to content-based spam filters. 259-264 - Nakul Joshi, Ronald Petrlic:
Towards practical privacy-preserving digital rights management for cloud computing. 265-270 - Fei Yin, Zhenhong Li, Haifeng Wang:
Energy-efficient data collection in multiple mobile gateways WSN-MCN convergence system. 271-276 - Syed Muhammad Asad Zaidi, Jieun Jung, Byunghun Song, Hyung Su Lee, Hee Yong Youn:
Multi-Channel Multi-Path video transmission over wireless sensor networks. 277-282 - Olusegun O. Odejide, Elizabeth S. Bentley, Lisimachos P. Kondi, John D. Matyjas:
Resource management in Visual Sensor Networks using Nash Bargaining Solution in generalized fading. 283-287 - Young Hwan Kim, Kuk-Jin Jang, Seung-chul Lee, Chang-Won Park, Hee Yong Youn:
A robust wearable health monitoring system based on WSN. 288-293 - Yohan J. Roh, Inchul Song, Joo Hyuk Jeon, Kyoung-Gu Woo, Myoung-Ho Kim:
Energy-efficient two-dimensional skyline query processing in wireless sensor networks. 294-301 - Shruti Devasenapathy, R. Venkatesha Prasad, Vijay S. Rao, Ignas G. Niemegeers:
Impact of antenna directionality and energy harvesting rate on neighbor discovery in EH-IoTs. 302-307 - Mohammad Rezaeirad, Mahdi Orooji
, Sahar Mazloom, Dmitri D. Perkins
, Magdy A. Bayoumi:
A novel clustering paradigm for key pre-distribution: Toward a better security in homogenous WSNs. 308-316 - Abdulrahman Abahsain, Ashraf E. Al-Fagih, Sharief M. A. Oteafy
, Hossam S. Hassanein:
Selective context fusion utilizing an integrated RFID-WSN architecture. 317-322 - Pierre St. Juste, Heungsik Eom, Kyungyong Lee, Renato J. O. Figueiredo
Enabling decentralized microblogging through P2PVPNs. 323-328 - Shuo Jia, Pierre St. Juste, Renato J. O. Figueiredo
A multidimensional heuristic for social routing in peer-to-peer networks. 329-335 - Yutaka Ihara, Haris Kremo
, Onur Altintas, Hideaki Tanaka, Masaaki Ohtake, Takeo Fujii, Chikara Yoshimura, Keisuke Ando, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Masato Tsuru, Yuji Oie:
Distributed autonomous multi-hop vehicle-to-vehicle communications over TV white space. 336-344 - Satoshi Makido, Masaki Takanashi:
Compressive sensing based image transmission for multiuser V2X communications. 345-350 - Sungjin Park, Yusun Chang, Faisal Khan, John A. Copeland:
Dynamic Service-Channels Allocation (DSCA) in vehicular ad-hoc networks. 351-357 - Neda Nasiriani, Yaser P. Fallah
, Hariharan Krishnan
Stability analysis of congestion control schemes in vehicular ad-hoc networks. 358-363 - Bin Liu, Hui Tian, Lingling Xu:
An efficient downlink packet scheduling algorithm for real time traffics in LTE systems. 364-369 - Osama Aboul-Magd, Uikun Kwon, Youngsoo Kim, Chunhui Zhu:
Managing downlink multi-user MIMO transmission using group membership. 370-375 - Xin Gui, Guixia Kang, Ping Zhang:
Cooperative precoding with limited feedback in multi-user cognitive MIMO networks. 376-380 - Martin Hundeboll, Stephan A. Rein, Frank H. P. Fitzek
Impact of network coding on delay and throughput in practical wireless chain topologies. 381-386 - Bing Luo, Jinxia Sun, Wenyan Jin:
Optimal power allocation for coordinated wireless backhaul in OFDM based relay systems. 393-398 - Sayak Bose, Siddharth Deshmukh, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
Decentralized multi-cell beamforming with base station cooperation. 414-419 - Nicholas Roseveare, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
A structured approach to optimization of energy harvesting wireless sensor networks. 420-425 - Sang Joon Kim, Seung Keun Yoon, Ui-Kun Kwon:
Interaction between isolated resonators in near field channel. 426-431 - David Stynes, Kenneth N. Brown, Eric Jul:
Cooperative code-sharing for UMTS femtocells. 432-437 - Jinkyu Kang
, Joonhyuk Kang, Namjeong Lee, Byung Moo Lee
, Jongho Bang:
Minimizing transmit power for cooperative multicell system with massive MIMO. 438-442 - Yulin Deng, Wing Cheong Lau, On-Ching Yue:
Design and evaluation of RFID counting algorithms under time-correlated channels. 443-448 - Shusuke Narieda
AGC and ADC effects on receiver performance in FDM based narrowband wireless systems. 449-454 - Yue Ma, Lihua Li, Jin Jin, Yijing Liu:
A novel network coded relay-assisted Hybrid-ARQ scheme. 455-459 - Wojciech Sulek
, Marcin Kucharczyk, Grzegorz Dziwoki
GF(q) LDPC decoder design for FPGA implementation. 460-465 - Yuan Lu, Alexandra Duel-Hallen:
Channel-adaptive sensing strategy for Cognitive Radio ad hoc networks. 466-471 - Jaspreet Singh, Zhouyue Pi, Hoang Nguyen:
Low-complexity optimal CSI feedback in LTE. 472-478 - Abolfazl Mehbodniya
, Faisal Kaleem, Kang K. Yen, Fumiyuki Adachi
A novel wireless network access selection scheme for heterogeneous multimedia traffic. 485-489 - Zheng Chang
, Tapani Ristaniemi:
Asymmetric resource allocation for OFDMA networks with collaborative relays. 490-495 - (Withdrawn) Digital pheromone based patrolling algorithm in wireless sensor and actuator networks. 496-501
- (Withdrawn) Group size studies for collaborated sensors/robots. 502-507
- Dizhi Zhou, Wei Song, Minghui Shi:
Goodput improvement for multipath TCP by congestion window adaptation in multi-radio devices. 508-514 - Alexander Engels, Michael Reyer, Andreas Steiger, Rudolf Mathar:
Min-cut based partitioning for urban LTE cell site planning. 515-520 - Satoshi Komorita, Yoshinori Kitatsuji, Hidetoshi Yokota:
Congestion-based automatic calling for improving call establishment in VoLTE. 521-527 - Jung-Min Moon, Dong-Ho Cho:
Formation of cooperative cluster for coordinated transmission in multi-cell wireless networks. 528-533 - Yalda Farazmand, Attahiru Sule Alfa:
Power allocation framework for OFDMA-based relay-enhanced cellular networks. 534-539 - Hyosun Hwang, Jaesup Lee, Young-Jun Hong, Chisung Bae, Nak-Myeong Kim:
P-ARQ: Controllable PLL ARQ method for wireless low power communication. 540-545 - Adeyemi Abel Ajibesin, Neco Ventura, Alexandru Murgu, H. Anthony Chan:
Cost-efficient multicast over coded packet wireless networks using data envelopment analysis. 546-551 - Fatima Furqan, Doan B. Hoang:
WFICC: A new mechanism for provision of QoS and Congestion Control in WiMAX. 552-558 - Taeyoung Lee, Myounghwan Lee, Jaeeun Kang, Kyungik Cho, Chil-Youl Hacky Yang, Scott Seongwook Lee:
A cognitive link adaptation strategy with differentiated responses on Wi-Fi System-on-Chip. 559-564 - William Formyduval, David J. Thuente:
Priority inversion and queue management for 802.11 priority WLANs. 565-573 - Yiqun Yang, Chai Kiat Yeo
Design and analysis of a cluster-based calcium signaling network model. 574-579 - M. Faisal Amjad, Baber Aslam, Cliff Changchun Zou:
Transparent cross-layer solutions for throughput boost in Cognitive Radio Networks. 580-586 - Muhammad Shoaib Saleem, Eric Renault:
A Nash-Stackelberg Multiplicative Weighted Imitative CODIPAS-RL scheme for data relaying and handover management in wireless networks. 587-592 - Peng Xue
, Kitaek Bae, Kyeongyeon Kim, Ho Yang:
Progressive equalizer matrix calculation using QR decomposition in MIMO-OFDM systems. 593-596 - Weihua Sun, Naoki Shibata
, Keiichi Yasumoto
, Masaaki Mori:
Estimation of overlay link quality from previously observed link qualities. 597-600 - Faisal Bashir, Woon-Sung Baek, Pranesh Sthapit
, Dinesh Pandey, Jae-Young Pyun:
Coordinator assisted passive discovery for mobile end devices in IEEE 802.15.4. 601-604 - Wei Hao, James Walden
, Chris Trenkamp:
Accelerating e-commerce sites in the cloud. 605-608 - Seongik Hong, Myeong-Wuk Jang, Byoung-Joon Lee:
CCN networking architecture for mobile applications. 609-612 - Muhammad Shahid Iqbal, Abdul Ghafoor, Sajjad Hussain, Rizwan Ghaffar:
Channel state dependent adaptive spatial spectrum sensing algorithm for cognitive radios. 613-616 - Naima Iltaf, Abdul Ghafoor:
A fuzzy based credibility evaluation of recommended trust in pervasive computing environment. 617-620 - Egor Bondarev, Francisco Heredia, Rafael Favier, Lingni Ma, Peter H. N. de With:
On photo-realistic 3D reconstruction of large-scale and arbitrary-shaped environments. 621-624 - Xianyan Qiu, Xuewen Liao, Ke Dong, Shihua Zhu:
Energy efficiency analysis in device-to-device communication underlaying cellular networks. 625-630 - Kazuki Nakamura, Ryo Tanigawa, Hideki Shimada, Kenya Sato
Multi-Stream Viewer: Simultaneous viewing system for streaming videos with the time tag. 629-632 - Sehoon Park, Qichen Chen, Heon Y. Yeom:
PIOS: A platform-independent offloading system for a mobile web environment. 633-636 - Jong-Hyouk Lee, Jean-Marie Bonnin, Xavier Lagrange:
Host-based distributed mobility management: Example of traffic offloading. 637-640 - Hicham Slimani, Benoît Escrig
, Riadh Dhaou, André-Luc Beylot:
Cooperative MAC protocol with distributed relay selection and physical rate adaptation. 641-644 - Qian Dong
, Waltenegus Dargie
Performance analysis of a handover mechanism for a mobile wireless sensor network. 645-648 - Michael Van Devender, Yi Shang:
Wake IQ: Using a smartphone to reduce sleep inertia. 649-652 - Attapol Adulyasas, Zhili Sun
, Ning Wang:
An event-driven clustering-based technique for data monitoring in wireless sensor networks. 653-656 - Hosub Lee, Sunjae Lee, Young Sang Choi, Youngwan Seo, Eunsoo Shim:
A new posture monitoring system for preventing physical illness of smartphone users. 657-661 - Boon Ping Lim, Poh Kit Chong, Ettikan Kandasamy Karuppiah, Yaszrina Mohamad Yassin, Amril Nazir, Mohamed Farid Noor Batcha:
FARCREST: Euclidean Steiner Tree-based cloud service latency prediction system. 665-668 - Naima Iltaf, Abdul Ghafoor:
A fuzzy based credibility evaluation of recommended trust in pervasive computing environment. 669-672 - Seung Keun Yoon, Sang Joon Kim, Ui-Kun Kwon:
Energy relaying in mobile wireless sensor networks. 673-676 - Allen Lehopotseng Ramaboli, Olabisi Emmanuel Falowo
, H. Anthony Chan:
MPEG video streaming solution for multihomed-terminals in heterogeneous wireless networks. 677-682 - Sudha Velusamy, Viswanath Gopalakrishnan
, Balasubramanian Anand, Pratibha Moogi, Basant Kumar Pandey:
Improved feature representation for robust facial action unit detection. 681-684 - Melanie Neunerdt, Markus Niermann, Rudolf Mathar, Bianka Trevisan:
Focused crawling for building Web comment corpora. 685-688 - Muhammad Moiz Anis, Xavier Lagrange, Ramesh Pyndiah:
Analyzing the coverage of the Single Frequency Broadcast Network for handheld receivers. 689-692 - Omar Alfandi
, Arne Bochem
, Ansgar Kellner, Dieter Hogrefe:
Improving energy efficiency of data communication in a hybrid PKI-based approach for WSNs. 697-700 - Qilin Fan, Xiaohu Chen, Hao Yin, Ran Liu:
Smart switch: Optimize for green cellular networks. 701-704 - Shoshana Loeb:
Fluid user models for personalized mobile apps Overview of the BrightNotes™ system. 705-708 - Yue Ma, Lihua Li, Jin Jin, Yucang Yang:
An easy-to-implement dual codebook for multiuser MIMO systems. 709-712 - Hosub Lee
, Sunjae Lee, Young Sang Choi, Youngwan Seo, Eunsoo Shim:
A new posture monitoring system for preventing physical illness of smartphone users. 713-716 - Yang Lu, Qin Mu, Liu Liu, Mingju Li, Lan Chen, Kazuaki Takeda:
A new PUCCH resource mapping method in interband TDD carrier aggregation systems. 717-720 - Sumit Johar, Manoj Alwani:
Method for fast bits estimation in rate distortion for intra coding units in HEVC. 721-724 - M. Mudassir Feroz, Adnan K. Kiani
SHIM6 Assisted Mobility Scheme, an intelligent approach. 725-728