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CHI 1999: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Extended Abstracts
- Michael E. Atwood:
CHI '99 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI Extended Abstracts '99, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 15-20, 1999. ACM 1999, ISBN 978-1-58113-158-1
Demonstrations: tools for design
- Matthias Biere, Birgit Bomsdorf, Gerd Szwillus:
Specification and simulation of task models with VTMB. 1-2 - Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Chris Law, David P. Kelso:
EZ interface techniques for anytime anywhere anyone interfaces. 3-4
Video demonstrations: tangible, dynamic, and accessible interfaces
- John Underkoffler, Hiroshi Ishii:
Illuminating light: a casual optics workbench. 5-6 - Polle T. Zellweger, Bay-Wei Chang, Jock D. Mackinlay:
Fluid links for informed and incremental hypertext browsing. 7-8 - Michael Pieper, Alfred Kobsa:
Talking to the ceiling: an interface for bed-ridden manually impaired users. 9-10
Video demonstrations: interfaces for group work
- Hideaki Kuzuoka, Saul Greenberg:
Mediating awareness and communication through digital but physical surrogates. 11-12 - Joëlle Coutaz, François Bérard, Eric Carraux, William Astier, James L. Crowley:
CoMedi: using computer vision to support awareness and privacy in mediaspaces. 13-14 - Masaki Nakagawa, Koichiro Hotta, Hirokazu Bandou, Tsuyoshi Oguni, Naoki Kato, Shin-ichi Sawada:
A revised human interface and educational applications on ideaboard. 15-16
Demonstrations: visual interfaces
- Sougata Mukherjea, Kyoji Hirata, Yoshinori Hara:
AMORE: a world-wide web image retrieval engine. 17-18 - Allison Woodruff, James A. Landay, Michael Stonebraker:
VIDA: (Visual Information Density Adjuster). 19-20
Demonstrations: free-form interaction
- Daniela Petrelli, Elena Not, Marcello Sarini, Oliviero Stock, Carlo Strapparava, Massimo Zancanaro:
HyperAudio: location-awareness + adaptivity. 21-22 - Naoko Umeki, Akira Morishita, Shunichi Numazaki, Yasunobu Yamauchi, Isao Mihara, Miwako Doi:
A motional interface approach based on user's tempo. 23-24
Demonstrations: advances in graphical interaction
- Peter Lucas:
Interstacks end-user "scripting" for hardware. 25-26 - Takeo Igarashi, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, W. Keith Edwards, Anthony LaMarca:
Demonstrating flatland user interfaces. 27-28
Video demonstrations: augmenting reality
- Beverly L. Harrison, Kenneth P. Fishkin, Anuj Gujar, Dmitriy Portnov, Roy Want:
Bridging physical and virtual worlds with tagged documents, objects and locations. 29-30 - Brygg Ullmer, Hiroshi Ishii:
mediaBlocks: tangible interfaces for online media. 31-32 - Anuj Gujar, Kenneth P. Fishkin, Beverly L. Harrison, Roy Want:
Manipulative user interfaces: exploring physically embodied user interfaces. 33-34
Senior CHI development consortium
- Elisabeth Davenport, Reuben Connolly, Robert Spence, Kathy Buckner, Angus Whyte, Kirsty Barr:
Making interactions visible: tools for social browsing. 35-36 - Jason B. Ellis, Amy S. Bruckman:
Building a community of history. 37-38 - R. Darin Ellis, Donna L. Cochran:
Practices to encourage participation of older adults in research and development. 39-40 - Jean B. Gasen:
Technology and learner centered design: reaching out across the life span. 41-42 - Kay Hofmeester, Anthony Dunne, Bill Gaver, Marco Susani, Elena Pacenti:
A modern role for the village elders. 43-44 - Jennifer S. Kay, Patricia A. J. Kay:
Windows on the world: expanding the view from the nursing home. 45-46 - Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Annette Adler, Mizuko Ito, Charlotte Linde, Vicki L. O'Day:
Learning from seniors in network communities. 47-48 - Bozena Mannová:
Teaching IT for seniors. 49-50 - Wendy A. Rogers:
Technology training for older adults. 51-52
Doctoral consortium
- Anne Adams:
Users' perception of privacy in multimedia communication. 53-54 - Gregory Aist:
Skill-specific spoken dialogs in a reading tutor that listens. 55-56 - Ming Hou:
Perceptual localization of surface normal. 57-58 - Arthur E. Kirkpatrick:
Interactive touch: haptic interfaces based upon hand movement patterns. 59-60 - Tim Marsh:
Evaluation of virtual reality systems for usability. 61-62 - David W. McDonald:
Recommending expertise in an organizational setting. 63-64 - Kathleen McKinney Liston:
Designing 4D contexts for construction planners. 65-66 - Emily S. Patterson:
Computer-supported inferential analysis under data overload. 67-68 - Dmitri Roussinov:
Internet search using adaptive visualization. 69-70 - Alex Safonov:
Web macros by example: users managing the WWW of applications. 71-72 - Thomas Tan:
Active retrieval results: if a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a moving picture worth? 73-74 - Sabine Volbracht:
Effective navigation of children in virtual 3D environments. 75-76 - Guillermo S. Zeballos:
Developing tools for efficient collaborative web browsing. 77-78
- Batya Friedman, John C. Thomas, Jonathan Grudin, Clifford Nass, Helen Nissenbaum, Mark S. Schlager, Ben Shneiderman:
Trust me, I'm accountable: trust and accountability online. 79-80 - Beth Meyer, Dominic G. Bouwhuis, Sara J. Czaja, Wendy A. Rogers, Matthias Schneider-Hufschmidt, James L. Fozard:
Senior CHI: how can we make technology "elder-friendly?". 81-82 - Rolf Molich, Ann Damgaard Thomsen, Barbara Karyukin, Lars Schmidt, Meghan R. Ede, Wilma van Oel, Meeta Arcuri:
Comparative evaluation of usability tests. 83-84 - Albert T. Corbett, John R. Anderson, Arthur C. Graesser, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Kurt VanLehn:
Third generation computer tutors: learn from or ignore human tutors? 85-86 - Marc A. Smith, Steven Mark Drucker, Robert E. Kraut, Barry Wellman:
Counting on community in cyberspace. 87-88 - Alan Wexelblat, Andreas Dieberger, Paul Dourish, Kristina Höök, Paul Resnick:
Social navigation: what is it good for? 89-90 - B. J. Fogg, Allen Cypher, Allison Druin, Batya Friedman, Erik Strommen:
Is ActiMates Barney ethical?: the potential good, bad, and ugly of interactive plush toys. 91-92 - Stephanie Rosenbaum, Sarah A. Bloomer, Dave Rinehart, Janice Anne Rohn, Ken Dye, Judee Humburg, Jakob Nielsen, Dennis R. Wixon:
What makes strategic usability fail?: lessons learned from the field. 93-94
- Aaron Marcus, Elliot Soloway, Bruce Sterling, Michael Swanwick, Vernor Vinge:
Opening pleanary: sci-fi @ CHI-99: science-fiction authors predict future user interfaces. 95-96 - Barbara Simons:
Plenary: how to become an internet felon in three easy steps: will digital libraries become digital stores? 97
Closing plenary
- Ann Beeson:
Closing plenary: civil rights in cyberspace: how online free speech restrictions will inhibit online diversity. 98-99
- Keith A. Butler, Robert J. K. Jacob, Bonnie E. John:
Human-computer interaction: introduction and overview. 100-101 - David Shen, Irene Au, Brian Buschmann:
User interface design for the web. 102-103 - Chris Stary, Gerrit C. van der Veer:
Task analysis meets prototyping: seeking seamless UI-development. 104-105 - Susan M. Dray:
Practical observation skills for understanding users and their work in context. 106-107 - Charles D. Kukla, Thomas Binder, William L. Porter, Jacob Buur:
Innovation in design: strategies for designing together. 108-109 - Darren Gergle, Tom Brinck, Scott Wood:
Practical usability methods in website design. 110-111 - Aaron Marcus, Edward Guttman:
Visual design for E-commerce and performance tools. 112-113 - Sarah A. Bloomer, Susan J. Wolfe:
Successful strategies for selling usability into organisations. 114-115 - Thomas T. Hewett:
Cognitive factors in design: basic phenomena in human memory and problem solving. 116-117 - Wendy E. Mackay, Anne-Laure Fayard:
Video brainstorming and prototyping: techniques for participatory design. 118-119 - Steven E. Poltrock, Jonathan Grudin:
CSCW, groupware and workflow: experiences, state of art, and future trends. 120-121 - John W. Gosbee:
Computer-human interaction and health care: opportunities, roadblocks, tips, and tricks. 122-123 - Nicole Yankelovich, Jennifer Lai:
Designing speech user interfaces. 124-125 - Phillip B. Shoemaker:
Designing interfaces for handheld computers. 126-127 - Fintan Culwin:
An introduction to the java foundation classes (JFC). 128-129 - Anne Schur, Scott D. Decker, Richard May:
Design issues for next generation interfaces (NGI). 130-131 - Masaaki Kurosu:
Globalizing usability engineering: current status in Japan. 132-133 - Brian Bomeisler:
Drawing on the right side of the brain. 134 - Ann Blandford, Jason Good:
Programmable user modelling analysis in theory and in practice. 135-136 - Nigel Bevan, Ian Curson:
Planning and implementing user-centred design. 137-138 - Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh R. Beyer:
Contextual design: using customer work models to drive systems design. 139-140 - Jared M. Spool, Will Schroeder, Tara Scanlon, Carolyn Snyder:
Web sites that work: designing with your eyes open. 141-142 - Manfred Tscheligi, Verena Giller, Gernot Hueller:
Java based user interface design and development. 143-144 - Suzanne Watzman:
Visual literacy for interface designers: tips, tools, techniques and inspiration. 145-146 - Deborah J. Mayhew:
The usability engineering lifecycle. 147-148 - Nahum D. Gershon, Stuart K. Card, Stephen G. Eick:
Information visualization tutorial. 149-150 - Daniel Lafrenière, Tom Dayton, Michael J. Muller:
Variations of a theme: card-based techniques for participatory analysis and design. 151-152 - Kathy Potosnak:
Conceptual design. 153-154 - Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Shawn Lawton Henry:
Designing hands-free, eyes-free, silent (or noisy) environment, and accessible interfaces. 155-156 - Lisa Neal:
Distance learning. 157-158 - Elisa del Galdo, Tony Rose:
Speech user interface design for mobile devices. 159-160 - Jakob Nielsen, Rolf Molich, Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini:
Current issues in web design: building the network economy. 161-162
- John F. McGrew, Yvonne Waern:
Basic research symposium. 163 - Patrick Baudisch, Loren G. Terveen:
Interacting with recommender systems. 164 - Hilary Johnson, Eamonn O'Neill, Peter Johnson:
Interaction in the large: developing a framework for integrating models in HCI. 165 - Amy S. Bruckman, Thomas Erickson, Wendy A. Kellogg, Lee Sproull, Barry Wellman:
Research issues in the design of online communities. 166 - Gene Golovchinsky, Cathy Marshall, Bill N. Schilit:
Designing electronic books. 167 - Michael D. Levi, Frederick G. Conrad:
Interacting with statistics: designing interfaces to statistical databases. 168 - Birgit Bomsdorf, Gerd Szwillus:
Tool support for task-based user interface design. 169-170 - Jean C. Scholtz, Michael J. Muller, David G. Novick, Dan R. Olsen Jr., Ben Shneiderman, Cathleen Wharton:
An international SIGCHI research agenda. 171 - Kate Dobroth, Paul McInerney, Sharon Smith:
Organizing web site information: principles and practical experience. 172 - Keith S. Karn, Steve Ellis, Cornell Juliano:
The hunt for usability: tracking eye movements. 173 - Howie Goodell, Carol Traynor:
End-user programming and blended-user programming. 174 - Guy A. Boy, David G. Novick, Cathleen Wharton:
HCI in domains: common ground and key differences. 175 - James A. Larson, Sharon L. Oviatt, David L. Ferro:
Designing the user interface for pen and speech multimedia applications. 176 - Paul McInerney, Rick Sobiesiak:
The UI design process: planning, managing, and documenting UI design work. 177
Late-breaking results: seeing is understanding: new visualization techniques
- Stacie Hibino:
A task-oriented view of information visualization. 178-179 - Jun Rekimoto:
TimeScape: a time machine for the desktop environment. 180-181 - Koichi Hayashi, Eriko Tamaru:
Information management strategies using a spatial-temporal activity structure. 182-183 - Pieter Jan Stappers, Gert Pasman:
Exploring a database through interactive visualised similarity scaling. 184-185 - Nelson Minar, Judith S. Donath:
Visualizing the crowds at a web site. 186-187 - Martin Wattenberg:
Visualizing the stock market. 188-189
Late-breaking results: novel collaborative paradigms
- Hideaki Kuzuoka, Jun Yamashita, Keiichi Yamazaki, Akiko Yamazaki:
Agora: a remote collaboration system that enables mutual monitoring. 190-191 - Thomas P. Moran, Eric Saund, William van Melle, Robert K. Bryll, Anuj Gujar, Kenneth P. Fishkin, Beverly L. Harrison:
The ins and outs of collaborative walls: demonstrating the collaborage concept. 192-193 - Mark Billinghurst, Hirokazu Kato:
Real world teleconferencing. 194-195 - Dan Gruen, Candy L. Sidner, Carolyn Boettner, Charles Rich:
A collaborative assistant for email. 196-197 - Andrew L. Cohen, Debra Cash, Michael J. Muller, Curtis Culberson:
Writing apart and designing together. 198-199 - Roy Rodenstein, Gregory D. Abowd, Richard Catrambone:
OwnTime: a system for timespace management. 200-201
Late-breaking results: new methapors for user interfaces
- Maribeth Back, Rich Gold, Dana Kirsch:
The SIT book: audio as affective imagery for interactive storybooks. 202-203 - Roy Rodenstein:
Employing the periphery: the window as interface. 204-205 - Noriko Ito, Naotake Fujita, Hideo Shimazu, Noboru Nakajima, Keiji Yamada:
TransWorld: paper world as avatar of electronic world. 206-207 - Khai N. Truong, Gregory D. Abowd:
StuPad: integrating student notes with class lectures. 208-209 - Michelle Q. Wang Baldonado, Steve B. Cousins, Brian Lee, Andreas Paepcke:
Notable: an annotation system for networked handheld devices. 210-211 - Joseph A. Paradiso, Kai-yuh Hsiao:
Swept-frequency, magnetically-coupled resonant tags for realtime, continuous, multiparameter control. 212-213
Late breaking results: overcoming human limitations
- Chieko Asakawa, Takashi Itoh:
User interface of a nonvisual table navigation method. 214-215 - Atsushi Sugiura:
A web browsing interface for small-screen computers. 216-217 - Patrick Roth, Lori Petrucci, Thierry Pun, André Assimacopoulos:
Auditory browser for blind and visually impaired users. 218-219 - Kenton O'Hara, Abigail Sellen, Richard Bentley:
Supporting memory for spatial location while reading from small displays. 220-221 - Hesham M. Kamel, James A. Landay:
The integrated communication 2 draw (IC2D): a drawing program for the visually impaired. 222-223 - Stephen A. Brewster, Peter G. Cryer:
Maximising screen-space on mobile computing devices. 224-225
Late-breaking results: exploring the frontiers of interface design
- Wai-Tat Fu, Wayne D. Gray:
Redirecting direct manipulation or what happens when the goal is in front of you but the interface says to turn left? 226-227 - Fabio Paternò, Cristiano Mancini:
Developing task models from informal scenarios. 228-229 - Thomas Binder:
Setting the stage for improvised video scenarios. 230-231 - Jaya Vaidyanathan, Jason E. Robbins, David F. Redmiles:
Using HTML to create early prototypes. 232-233 - Terry Winograd, François Guimbretière:
Visual instruments for an interactive mural. 234-235