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20th CLUSTER 2018: Belfast, UK
- IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, CLUSTER 2018, Belfast, UK, September 10-13, 2018. IEEE Computer Society 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-8319-4
IEEE Cluster Conference
Session I: Best Papers (Areas 1 and 2)
- Ali Murat Gok, Sheng Di, Yuri Alexeev, Dingwen Tao, Vladimir A. Mironov, Xin Liang, Franck Cappello:
PaSTRI: Error-Bounded Lossy Compression for Two-Electron Integrals in Quantum Chemistry. 1-11 - Mohammadreza Bayatpour, Jahanzeb Maqbool Hashmi, Sourav Chakraborty, Hari Subramoni, Pouya Kousha, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
SALaR: Scalable and Adaptive Designs for Large Message Reduction Collectives. 12-23
Paper Session II: Matrix Algorithms
- Zheng Miao, Jon Calhoun, Rong Ge:
Energy Analysis and Optimization for Resilient Scalable Linear Systems. 24-34 - Tetsuya Hoshino, Akihiro Ida, Toshihiro Hanawa, Kengo Nakajima:
Load-Balancing-Aware Parallel Algorithms of H-Matrices with Adaptive Cross Approximation for GPUs. 35-45 - Juan Carlos Pichel, Beatriz Pateiro-López:
A New Approach for Sparse Matrix Classification Based on Deep Learning Techniques. 46-54
Paper Session III: Architecture and Interconnect
- Qingye Jiang, Young Choon Lee, Albert Y. Zomaya:
Janus: A Generic QoS Framework for Software-as-a-Service Applications. 55-65 - Alexandru Uta, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Ahmed Musaafir, Chris Lemaire, Alexandru Iosup:
Exploring HPC and Big Data Convergence: A Graph Processing Study on Intel Knights Landing. 66-77
Paper Session IV: Generating and Optimizing Applications
- Sebastian Kuckuk, Harald Köstler:
Whole Program Generation of Massively Parallel Shallow Water Equation Solvers. 78-87 - Linjin Cai, Yichao Wang, William M. Tang, Bei Wang, Stéphane Ethier, Zhao Liu, James Lin:
OpenACC vs the Native Programming on Sunway TaihuLight: A Case Study with GTC-P. 88-97 - Sameh Abdulah, Hatem Ltaief, Ying Sun, Marc G. Genton, David E. Keyes:
Parallel Approximation of the Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Prediction of Large-Scale Geostatistics Simulations. 98-108 - Sandeep Madireddy, Prasanna Balaprakash, Philip H. Carns, Robert Latham, Robert B. Ross, Shane Snyder, Stefan M. Wild:
Modeling I/O Performance Variability Using Conditional Variational Autoencoders. 109-113
Paper Session V: Filesystems and Applications
- Kun Feng, Xian-He Sun, Xi Yang, Shujia Zhou:
SciDP: Support HPC and Big Data Applications via Integrated Scientific Data Processing. 114-123 - Masahiro Tanaka, Osamu Tatebe, Hideyuki Kawashima:
Applying Pwrake Workflow System and Gfarm File System to Telescope Data Processing. 124-133 - Teng Wang, Suren Byna, Bin Dong, Houjun Tang:
UniviStor: Integrated Hierarchical and Distributed Storage for HPC. 134-144 - Yida Wang, Changhai Zhao, Zengbo Wang, Chao Liu, Chao Li, Haihua Yan, Jiamin Wen:
HIDStore: A Hierarchical Intermediate Data Storage System for Seismic Processing Application. 145-149
Poster Reception
- Masato Gocho, Takehiro Hoshino:
Performance Evaluation of Parallel Stripmap CS-SAR Imaging on NVLink-Connected GPUs. 150-151 - Young-Sung Shin, Jin-Su Jang, Yeon-Woo Jang, Jae-Woo Chang:
C2-HyTM : An Adaptive Hybrid Transactional Memory Scheme as Efficient Synchronization Mechanism for Multicore Parallel Processing. 152-153 - Maria Clara Silva, Iria C. S. Cosme, Idalmis M. Sardina, Samuel Xavier de Souza:
Scalable Shared-Memory Parallelization of the Block Recursive Inversion Algorithm. 154-155 - Pengfei Zou, Derek Rodriguez, Rong Ge:
Maximizing Throughput on Power-Bounded HPC Systems. 156-157 - Ronnie Mativenga, Prince Hamandawana, Se Jin Kwon, Tae-Sun Chung:
EDDAPS: An Efficient Data Distribution Approach for PCM-Based SSD. 158-159 - Prince Hamandawana, Ronnie Mativenga, Se Jin Kwon, Tae-Sun Chung:
PADS: Performance-Aware Dynamic Scheduling for Effective MapReduce Computation in Heterogeneous Clusters. 160-161 - Kejiang Ye, Cheng-Zhong Xu:
Reducing Tail Latency of Interactive Multi-tier Workloads in the Cloud. 162-163 - Romolo Marotta, Mauro Ianni, Andrea Scarselli, Alessandro Pellegrini, Francesco Quaglia:
A Non-blocking Buddy System for Scalable Memory Allocation on Multi-core Machines. 164-165 - Weidong Zhang, Mingyue Zhang:
Graph Partitioning Algorithm with LSH: Poster Extended Abstract. 166-167
Session VI: Best Papers - Areas 3 and 4
- Chen Wang, Nikoli Dryden, Franck Cappello, Marc Snir:
Neural Network Based Silent Error Detector. 168-178 - Xin Liang, Sheng Di, Dingwen Tao, Zizhong Chen, Franck Cappello:
An Efficient Transformation Scheme for Lossy Data Compression with Point-Wise Relative Error Bound. 179-189
Paper Session VII: Benchmarking and Modeling
- Omar Aaziz, Jeanine E. Cook, Jonathan Cook, Tanner Juedeman, David Richards, Courtenay Vaughan:
A Methodology for Characterizing the Correspondence Between Real and Proxy Applications. 190-200 - Alexandru Calotoiu, Alexander Graf, Torsten Hoefler, Daniel Lorenz, Sebastian Rinke, Felix Wolf:
Lightweight Requirements Engineering for Exascale Co-design. 201-211 - Michal Zasadzinski, Marc Solé, Álvaro Brandón, Victor Muntés-Mulero, David Carrera:
Next Stop "NoOps": Enabling Cross-System Diagnostics Through Graph-Based Composition of Logs and Metrics. 212-222
Paper Session VIII: Managing Heterogeneity and Imbalance
- M. Haseeb Javed, Xiaoyi Lu, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Cutting the Tail: Designing High Performance Message Brokers to Reduce Tail Latencies in Stream Processing. 223-233 - Young Ki Kim, M. Reza HoseinyFarahabady, Young Choon Lee, Albert Y. Zomaya, Raja Jurdak:
Dynamic Control of CPU Usage in a Lambda Platform. 234-244 - Luna Xu, Ali Raza Butt, Seung-Hwan Lim, Ramakrishnan Kannan:
A Heterogeneity-Aware Task Scheduler for Spark. 245-256
Paper Session IX: Graphs and Big Data Analytics
- Keita Iwabuchi, Geoffrey Sanders, Keith Henderson, Roger Pearce:
Computing Exact Vertex Eccentricity on Massive-Scale Distributed Graphs. 257-267 - Jianping Zeng, Hongfeng Yu:
A Scalable Distributed Louvain Algorithm for Large-Scale Graph Community Detection. 268-278 - Ryan D. Friese, Nathan R. Tallent, Malachi Schram, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Kevin J. Barker:
Optimizing Distributed Data-Intensive Workflows. 279-289
Paper Session X: Performance Engineering in Filesystems
- Anthony Kougkas, Hariharan Devarajan, Xian-He Sun, Jay F. Lofstead:
Harmonia: An Interference-Aware Dynamic I/O Scheduler for Shared Non-volatile Burst Buffers. 290-301 - Rohan Garg, Apoorve Mohan, Michael B. Sullivan, Gene Cooperman:
CRUM: Checkpoint-Restart Support for CUDA's Unified Memory. 302-313 - Dingwen Tao, Sheng Di, Xin Liang, Zizhong Chen, Franck Cappello:
Fixed-PSNR Lossy Compression for Scientific Data. 314-318 - Marc-Andre Vef, Nafiseh Moti, Tim Süß, Tommaso Tocci, Ramon Nou, Alberto Miranda, Toni Cortes, André Brinkmann:
GekkoFS - A Temporary Distributed File System for HPC Applications. 319-324
Paper Session XI: Hierarchy and Sharing in System Architecture
- Sascha Hunold, Alexandra Carpen-Amarie:
Hierarchical Clock Synchronization in MPI. 325-336 - Philipp Samfass, Jannis Klinkenberg, Michael Bader:
Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Reactive Work Stealing in Distributed Memory in the PDE Framework sam(oa)^2. 337-347 - Guillaume Aupy, Anne Benoit, Brice Goglin, Loic Pottier, Yves Robert:
Co-Scheduling HPC Workloads on Cache-Partitioned CMP Platforms. 348-358
Paper Session XII: Scheduling, Elasticity and Energy
- Jinwei Liu, Haiying Shen, Ankur Sarker, Wingyan Chung:
Leveraging Dependency in Scheduling and Preemption for High Throughput in Data-Parallel Clusters. 359-369 - Benjamin Camus, Anne Blavette, Fanny Dufossé, Anne-Cécile Orgerie:
Self-Consumption Optimization of Renewable Energy Production in Distributed Clouds. 370-380 - Alexandru Uta, Sietse Au, Alexey Ilyushkin, Alexandru Iosup:
Elasticity in Graph Analytics? A Benchmarking Framework for Elastic Graph Processing. 381-391
Paper Session XIII: Deep Learning
- Dheeraj Sreedhar, Vaibhav Saxena, Yogish Sabharwal, Ashish Verma, Sameer Kumar:
Efficient Training of Convolutional Neural Nets on Large Distributed Systems. 392-401 - Yosuke Oyama, Tal Ben-Nun, Torsten Hoefler, Satoshi Matsuoka:
Accelerating Deep Learning Frameworks with Micro-Batches. 402-412 - Liandeng Li, Jiarui Fang, Haohuan Fu, Jinlei Jiang, Wenlai Zhao, Conghui He, Xin You, Guangwen Yang:
swCaffe: A Parallel Framework for Accelerating Deep Learning Applications on Sunway TaihuLight. 413-422
Paper Session XIV: Languages and Programming Models
- Juan J. Galvez, Karthik Senthil, Laxmikant V. Kalé:
CharmPy: A Python Parallel Programming Model. 423-433 - Tim Süß, Nils Döring, André Brinkmann, Lars Nagel:
And Now for Something Completely Different: Running Lisp on GPUs. 434-444 - Herbert Jordan, Thomas Heller, Philipp Gschwandtner, Peter Zangerl, Peter Thoman, Dietmar Fey, Thomas Fahringer:
The AllScale Runtime Application Model. 445-455
Paper Session XV: Scalable Filesystems
- Lihui Wu, Weigang Wu, Ning Huang, Zhiguang Chen:
PDFE: Flexible Parallel State Machine Replication for Cloud Computing. 456-465 - Teng Wang, Shane Snyder, Glenn K. Lockwood, Philip H. Carns, Nicholas J. Wright, Suren Byna:
IOMiner: Large-Scale Analytics Framework for Gaining Knowledge from I/O Logs. 466-476 - Jingqing Mu, Jérome Soumagne, Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol, Richard Warren:
A Transparent Server-Managed Object Storage System for HPC. 477-481
Paper Session XVI: Algorithms, Applications and Performance
- Peng Chen, Mohamed Wahib, Shin'ichiro Takizawa, Ryousei Takano, Satoshi Matsuoka:
Efficient Algorithms for the Summed Area Tables Primitive on GPUs. 482-493 - Balázs Németh, Tom Haber, Jori Liesenborgs, Wim Lamotte:
Relaxing Scalability Limits with Speculative Parallelism in Sequential Monte Carlo. 494-503 - Shweta Salaria, Aleksandr Drozd, Artur Podobas, Satoshi Matsuoka:
Predicting Performance Using Collaborative Filtering. 504-514
FTS'18: Fault Tolerant Systems Workshop
- Muhammad Alfian Amrizal, Pei Li, Mulya Agung, Ryusuke Egawa, Hiroyuki Takizawa:
A Failure Prediction-Based Adaptive Checkpointing Method with Less Reliance on Temperature Monitoring for HPC Applications. 515-523 - Nathan T. Weeks, Glenn R. Luecke, Pieter Maris, James P. Vary:
Challenges in Developing MPI Fault-Tolerant Fortran Applications. 524-531
HPCMASPA'18: Workshop on Monitoring and Analysis for High Performance Computing Systems Plus Applications
- Ville Ahlgren, Stefan Andersson, Jim M. Brandt, Nicholas Cardo, Sudheer Chunduri, Jeremy Enos, Parks Fields, Ann C. Gentile, Richard Gerber, Michael Gienger, Joe Greenseid, Annette Greiner, Bilel Hadri, Yun He, Dennis Hoppe, Urpo Kaila, Kaki Kelly, Mark Klein, Alex Kristiansen, Steve Leak, Mike Mason, Kevin T. Pedretti, Jean-Guillaume Piccinali, Jason Repik, Jim Rogers, Susanna Salminen, Mike Showerman, Cary Whitney, Jim Williams:
Large-Scale System Monitoring Experiences and Recommendations. 532-542 - Omar Aaziz, Jonathan Cook, Mohammed Tanash:
Modeling Expected Application Runtime for Characterizing and Assessing Job Performance. 543-551 - Mathieu Stoffel, Abdelhafid Mazouz:
Improving Power Efficiency Through Fine-Grain Performance Monitoring in HPC Clusters. 552-561 - Saurabh Jha, Jim M. Brandt, Ann C. Gentile, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
Characterizing Supercomputer Traffic Networks Through Link-Level Analysis. 562-570 - Byung H. Park, Yawei Hui, Swen Boehm, Rizwan A. Ashraf, Christopher Layton, Christian Engelmann:
A Big Data Analytics Framework for HPC Log Data: Three Case Studies Using the Titan Supercomputer Log. 571-579 - Jeanette M. Sperhac, Benjamin D. Plessinger, Jeffrey T. Palmer, Rudra Chakraborty, Gregary Dean, Martins Innus, Ryan Rathsam, Nikolay Simakov, Joseph P. White, Thomas R. Furlani, Steven M. Gallo, Robert L. DeLeon, Matthew D. Jones, Cynthia D. Cornelius, Abani K. Patra:
Federating XDMoD to Monitor Affiliated Computing Resources. 580-589
WRAp'18: Workshop on Representative Applications
- Wael R. Elwasif, Eduardo F. D'Azevedo, Arghya Chatterjee, Gonzalo Alvarez, Oscar R. Hernandez, Vivek Sarkar:
MiniApp for Density Matrix Renormalization Group Hamiltonian Application Kernel. 590-597 - Tom Deakin, Simon McIntosh-Smith, Justin Lovegrove, Richard P. Smedley-Stevenson, Andrew Hagues:
UnSNAP: A Mini-App for Exploring the Performance of Deterministic Discrete Ordinates Transport on Unstructured Meshes. 598-606 - Danilo Guerrera, Rubén M. Cabezón, Jean-Guillaume Piccinali, Aurélien Cavelan, Florina M. Ciorba, David Imbert, Lucio Mayer, Darren S. Reed:
Towards a Mini-App for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics at Exascale. 607-614 - David Truby, Steven A. Wright, Robert Kevis, Satheesh Maheswaran, Andrew Herdman, Stephen A. Jarvis:
BookLeaf: An Unstructured Hydrodynamics Mini-Application. 615-622
REV-A'18: Re-Emergence of Vector Architectures Workshop
- Nils Meyer, Peter Georg, Dirk Pleiter, Stefan Solbrig, Tilo Wettig:
SVE-Enabling Lattice QCD Codes. 623-628 - Shivanshu Kumar Singh, Kota Sakakura, Sourav Saha, Raghunandan Mathur, Chirag Sharma, Koji Goto, Osamu Watanabe, Akihiro Musa:
Optimizations of COAWST for a Large Simulation on the Earth Simulator. 629-636 - Javier Setoain, Alejandro Chacón, Filippo Spiga:
Simulating SVE-Optimised Genomics Workloads on Gem5. 637 - Miguel Tairum Cruz:
Performing SVE Studies using the Arm Instruction Emulator. 638 - E. Theodore L. Omtzigt:
Stillwater Knowledge Processing Unit (KPU^TM). 639-643 - Angela Pohl, Biagio Cosenza, Ben H. H. Juurlink:
Cost Modelling for Vectorization on ARM. 644-645 - Yuichiro Ajima, Takahiro Kawashima, Takayuki Okamoto, Naoyuki Shida, Kouichi Hirai, Toshiyuki Shimizu, Shinya Hiramoto, Yoshiro Ikeda, Takahide Yoshikawa, Kenji Uchida, Tomohiro Inoue:
The Tofu Interconnect D. 646-654
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