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26th ECIS 2018: Portsmouth, UK
- Peter M. Bednar, Ulrich Frank, Karlheinz Kautz:
26th European Conference on Information Systems: Beyond Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change, ECIS 2018, Portsmouth, UK, June 23-28, 2018. 2018
Research Papers
- Jannis Hanke, Matthias Hauser, Alexander Dürr, Frédéric Thiesse:
Redefining the Offline Retail Experience: Designing Product Recommendation Systems for Fashion Stores. 1 - Anna Kupfer, Verena Tiefenbeck, Thorsten Staake:
The Ambiguous Boundary Between Professional and Private Use of Information Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis. 2 - Ana Ortiz de Guinea:
Employees' cognitive load and performance during multitasking use of Information Technology. 3 - Stefan Stieglitz, Milad Mirbabaie, Jennifer Fromm, Stefanie Melzer:
The Adoption of social media analytics for crisis management - Challenges and Opportunities. 4 - Vikram Sadhya, Harshali Sadhya, Rudy Hirschheim, Edward Watson:
Exploring Technology Trust in Bitcoin: the Blockchain Exemplar. 5 - Martin Adam, Mario Pecorelli:
Recommendations in Augmented Reality Applications - the effect of Customer Reviews and Seller Recommendations on Purchase Intention and Product Selection. 6 - Gabor Darvasi, Martin Spann:
The effect of Joint Consumption on Mobile Coupon Redemptions - a field Experiment. 7 - Henner Gimpel, Florian Haamann, Manfred Schoch, Marcel Wittich:
User Roles in Online Political Discussions: a Typology based on Twitter Data from the German Federal Election 2017. 8 - Jan Kemper, Patrick Deufel:
Show me how you buy and I will tell you how you pay: The situational effect on payment method choice in e-commerce. 9 - Abdolrasoul Habibipour, Anna Ståhlbröst, Annabel Georges, Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn:
Drop-out in Living Lab field Test: analysing Consequences and some Recommendations. 11 - Channarong Intahchomphoo:
Social Media and youth Suicide: a Systematic Review. 13 - Mary Ann Barbour:
Firm's Size effect in the E-Service Industry: the Case of a Developing Country. 14 - Tina Natalie Morlok, Ioanna D. Constantiou, Thomas Hess:
Gone for Better or for Worse? Exploring the Dual Nature of Ephemerality on Social Media Platforms. 15 - Julian Löbbers, Nils Siegfried:
Toward a Unified View of IS Certification: A Structured Literature Review on Theoretical Lenses. 16 - Ashutosh Jha, Debashis Saha:
Diffusion and Forecast of Mobile Service Generations in Germany, UK, France and Italy - a Comparative Analysis based on Bass, Gompertz and Simple logistic growth Models. 17 - Sahar Sabbaghan, Cecil Chua, Lesley A. Gardner:
A Test of a Computer-adaptive Survey using Online Reviews. 18 - Elisabeth Z. Palvölgyi:
Detecting Structure In Chaos: A Customer Process Analysis Method. 19 - Bastian Wurm, Theresa Schmiedel, Jan Mendling, Christian Fleig:
Development of a Measurement Scale for Business Process Standardization. 21 - Louise Harder Fischer, Richard L. Baskerville:
Socio-Technical Change: The Equilibrium Paradox. 22 - Peter Heinrich, Axel Uhl, Monika Josi:
Designing for Knowledge Based Cyber-Security - Episode 1: What Should We Teach? 24 - Steven Alter:
In Pursuit of Systems Theories for Describing and Analyzing Systems in Organizations. 25 - Steven Alter:
A Systems Theory of IT Innovation, Adoption, and Adaptation. 26 - Safa'a AbuJarour, Hanna Krasnova, Farina Hoffmeier:
ICT as an Enabler: Understanding the Role of Online Communication in the Social Inclusion of Syrian Refugees in Germany. 27 - Michael Adelmeyer, Marc Walterbusch, Peter Biermanski, Frank Teuteberg:
Trust Transitivity and Trust Propagation in Cloud Computing Ecosystems. 29 - Robert Rockmann, Heiko Gewald, Maximilian Haug:
Equal Access for Everyone? A Digital Divide Cascade for retired Senior Citizens. 30 - Peter Sommerauer, Oliver Müller:
Augmented Reality for Teaching and Learning - a literature Review on Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. 31 - Christian Bremser:
Starting Points for Big Data Adoption. 32 - Patrick Felka, Oliver Hinz:
The effect of Honey-Spots on the Consumers' Responsiveness towards Mobile Advertisement. 33 - Armel Lefebvre, Elizabeth Schermerhorn, Marco Spruit:
How Research Data Management can Contribute to Efficient and Reliable Science. 35 - Joao V. Cunha:
Power Realtions in Cross-Organizational Networks: a New Democratizing effect of Communication Technologies. 36 - Arne Buchwald, Albert Letner, Nils Urbach, Matthias von Entreß-Fürsteneck:
Insights into Personal ICT Use: Understanding continuance and Discontinuance of Wearable Self-tracking Devices. 37 - Ritanjali Panigrahi, Praveen Ranjan Srivastava:
Role of Personal Attributes and System characteristics in Predicting the Effectiveness of Online Learning- an Indian Perspective. 38 - Karolin Stefani, Patrick Zschech:
Constituent Elements for Prescriptive Analytics Systems. 39 - Jens Brunk, Dennis M. Riehle, Patrick Delfmann:
Prediction of Customer Movements in Large Tourism Industries by the Means of Process Mining. 40 - Phillip Haake, Silvia Schacht, Benjamin Mueller, Jens Lauterbach:
Toward an Operationalization of Effective Use. 41 - Christian Süllwold, Dirk Basten, Janek Richter:
Does the Approach Matter? A Qualitative Study on Differences Concerning Time Pressure in Agile and Sequential Information System Projects. 42 - Alina Bockshecker, Sarah Hackstein, Ulrike Baumöl:
Systematization of the term digital transformation and its phenomena from a socio-technical perspective - A literature review. 43 - Eric Darmon, Nathalie Oriol, Alexandra Rufini:
Lending robots and Human Crowds: Interest rate determination on a Reverse Auction Platform. 45 - Simon Kloker, Tim Straub, Stefan Morana, Christof Weinhardt:
The effect of Social Reputation on retention: Designing a Social Real-Time Delphi Platform. 46 - Shahrokh Nikou:
Consumers' Perceptions on Smart Home and Smart Living. 47 - Nora Jansen, Oliver Hinz, Thorsten Strufe:
"Police - to Protect and Serve" Online: Factors contributing to Modern Ways of Interaction between Citizens and Law Enforcement Agencies. 48 - Michelle Désirée Haurand, Christian Stummer:
The Early-stage Development of two-Sided Digital Platforms: a simulation Approach. 49 - Stefan Stepanovic, Tobias Mettler:
Gamification applied for health promotion: does it really foster long-term engagement? A scoping review. 50 - Anne Kristin Ajer, Dag Håkon Olsen:
Enterprise Architecture Challenges : a Case Study of three Norwegian Public Sectors. 51 - Florian Johannsen, Susanne Leist, Daniel Braunnagel:
Development of Metrics for Evaluating Decomposed Process Models based on Wand and Weber's Good Decomposition Model. 52 - Marc Matthiae, Janek Richter:
Industry 4.0-Induced Change Factors and the Role of Organizational Agility. 53 - Felix Härer:
Decentralized Business Process Modeling and Instance Tracking Secured by a Blockchain. 55 - Kristin Kutzner, Thorsten Schoormann, Ralf Knackstedt:
Digital Transformation in Information Systems Research: a Taxonomy-based Approach to Structure the field. 56 - Dominik Gutt:
In the eye of the Beholder? - Empirically Decomposing Different Economic Implications of the Online Rating variance. 57 - Mark de Reuver, Bouke Nederstigt, Marijn Janssen:
Launch strategies for multi-sided data analytics platforms. 58 - Benedict Bender, Benjamin Fabian, Johannes Haupt, Stefan Lessmann:
Track and Treat - Usage of E-Mail Tracking for Newsletter Individualization. 59 - Sofia Schöbel, Andreas Janson:
Is it all about having Fun? - Developing a Taxonomy to gamify Information Systems. 60 - Kati Stormi, Teemu Laine, Tapio Elomaa:
Feasibility of B2C Customer Relationship Analytics in the B2B Industrial Context. 61 - Michael Lang, Manuel Wiesche, Helmut Krcmar:
Explaining the Impact of Cloud Assurance Seals on Customers' Perceived Privacy. 62 - Theo Lynn, Pierangelo Rosati, Grace Fox:
Legitimizing #Blockchain: An Empirical Analysis of Firm-Level Social Media Messaging on Twitter. 63 - Jörg Hans Mayer, Reiner Quick, Christian Friedrich:
Towards a More Situated is Design by Prioritizing Use Situations. 64 - Esko Penttinen, Henje Kasslin, Aleksandre Asatiani:
How to Choose between Robotic Process Automation and Back-end System Automation? 66 - Alexander Benedikt Merz:
Mechanisms to Select Ideas in Crowdsourced Innovation Contests - A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda. 68 - Millicent Agangiba, Salah Kabanda, Irwin Brown:
Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in Accessing E-Government Services in Ghana. 69 - Juan Giraldo:
X-Border Platforms: the Implications of Distributed Ledger Technology. 70 - Helmi Issa, Bouchaib Bahli:
Understanding the Consequences of Technostress: A Non-Linear Perspective. 71 - Carlos Andres Agudelo Serna, Rachelle Bosua, Atif Ahmad, Sean B. Maynard:
Towards a Knowledge Leakage Mitigation Framework for Mobile Devices in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. 72 - Bendik Bygstad, Ole Hanseth:
Transforming Digital Infrastructures through platformization. 74 - Daniel Erik Brylla, Gianfranco Walsh:
Floating Products in Online Shops: Exploring Negative Effects of Isolated Product Depictions on Attitude and Purchase Intentions. 75 - Connor Stead, Savanid Vatanasakdakul, Chadi Aoun:
Big Data Analytics Capabilities for IFRS 9 Success. 76 - Andreas Kopper, Daniel Fuerstenau, Stephan Zimmermann, Christopher Rentrop:
Business-managed IT: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Illustration. 77 - Lisa Otto, Peter Angerer, Steffen Zimmermann:
Incorporating External Trust Signals on Service Sharing Platforms. 78 - Kai Luo, Wei Cui, Dan Ding, Cheng Suang Heng:
A Qualitative Study about Designing and Expressing Emotion: A Tale of Two Cycles. 79 - Yannik Gehrke, Patrick Schanze, Markus Mandrella, Simon Trang:
Antecedents and Outcomes of Operational Alignment in the Context of Academic Institutions. 80 - Marc-André Kaufhold, Nicola Rupp, Christian Reuter, Christoph Amelunxen:
112.social: Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Crisis App for Bidirectional Communication between Emergency Services and Citizens. 81 - Marta Stelmaszak, Aleksi Aaltonen:
Closing the Loop of Big Data Analytics: the Case of Learning Analytics. 82 - Gilbert Fridgen, Ferdinand Regner, André Schweizer, Nils Urbach:
Don't slip on the ICO - a Taxonomy for a Blockchain-Enabled Form of Crowdfunding. 83 - Rachid Chemsi:
Human/Technology Co-Adaptation in the context of Cybersecurity. 84 - Jin P. Gerlach:
Work, Home, and Technology: Towards a Framework of IT-Based Boundary Management. 85 - Adéle da Veiga, Ruthea Vorster, Fudong Li, Nathan L. Clarke:
A Comparison of compliance with data privacy requirements in two countries. 86 - Sanna Tiilikainen:
The Hidden Curriculum of ICT and the Social Behavior of Young Children. 88 - Scott Thiebes, Dino Scheidt, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Alexander Benlian:
Paving the Way for Real-Time Delphi in Information Systems Research: A Synthesis of Survey Instrument Designs and Feedback Mechanisms. 89 - Eva Hartl, David Nawrath, Thomas Hess:
Refining the Influence of Organizational Culture on Individual IS Adoption. 90 - Elena Davcheva:
Text Mining Mental Health Forums - Learning from User Experiences. 91 - Stephan Berger, Marie-Sophie Denner, Maximilian Roeglinger:
The Nature of Digital Technologies - Development of a Multi-Layer Taxonomy. 92 - Robert Linden, Mario Müller, Abdullah Özel:
Challenges of Client-Vendor Relationships in Information Technology Outsourcing Engagements: An Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach. 94 - Eugenia Ha Rim Rho, Alfred Kobsa, M.-H. Carolyn Nguyen:
Differences in Online Privacy & Security Attitudes based on Economic Living Standards: a Global Study of 24 Countries. 95 - Timm Teubner, Florian Glaser:
Up or out - The dynamics of star rating scores on Airbnb. 96 - Matthias Palmér, Matthias Eickhoff, Jan Muntermann:
Detecting Herding Behavior using Topic Mining: the Case of Financial Analysts. 97 - Richard Lackes, Markus Siepermann, Georg Vetter:
Turn IT on! - User Acceptance of Direct Load control and Load Shifting of Home Appliances. 98 - Monalisa Mahapatra, Radhakrishna Pillai:
Technostress in organizations: A review of literature. 99 - María Isabel Arias, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada, Gabriela Labres Mallmann:
Are we Providing Service Quality with is? Empirical Evidence from the Justice System of two Developing Countries. 100 - Philipp Vincent Rouast, Marc Thomas Philipp Adam, Tracy Burrows, Raymond Chiong:
Using Deep Learning and 360 Video to Detect Eating Behavior for User Assistance Systems. 101 - Marcus Grieger, André Ludwig, Jun Shen:
Adding Agility to Software Readiness Assessment Procedures - a Case on Digital Transformation from the Automotive Industry. 102 - Michael Schermann, Marieluise Merz:
User Participation in Information Systems Projects: Necessary But Not Sufficient. 103 - Julian Schmidt, Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer:
Charting the Emerging Business Ecosystem of Fintechs and banks: seven Types of Collaborative Business Models. 104 - Emma Møller Jeppesen, Katrine Klee Olsen, Alexander Richter, Shahper Richter:
User Attitudes and Support in Health Information Systems Implementation - the Case of the Danish Sundhedsplatformen. 105 - Netta Iivari:
"I Don't have any Problem with IT being Marked Public... : -)" Making Sense of Challenges to Openness in Multiparty is Design. 106 - Marko Niemimaa:
Affordances and agential Realism: a Relational Ontology for a Relational Theory. 107 - Katharina Hartwig, Matthias Simon Billert:
Measuring Service Quality: a Systematic literature Review. 108 - Alivelu Mukkamala, Roman Beck:
The Role of Social Media for Collective Behavior Development in response to Natural Disasters. 109 - Martin Matzner, Florian Plenter, Friedrich Chasin, Jan Hendrik Betzing:
New Service Development Through Action Design Research in Joint Research Projects. 110 - Vanessa Kohn, David Harborth:
Augmented Reality - a Game Changing Technology for manufacturing Processes? 111 - Olgerta Tona, Ulrike Schultze:
On the Value of Mobile Business Intelligence: an Affordance Approach. 112 - Ulrich Gnewuch, Stefan Morana, Marc T. P. Adam, Alexander Maedche:
Faster is Not Always Better: Understanding the Effect of Dynamic Response Delays in Human-Chatbot Interaction. 113 - Tomi Dahlberg, Altti Lagstedt, Tiina Nokkala:
How to Address Master Data Complexity in in-formation Systems Development - a Federative Approach. 114 - Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Patryk Zapadka, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Design Science Research in Green IS - Analyzing the Past to Guide Future Research. 115 - Elitsa Alexander, Martin J. Eppler, Alice Comi:
Building on Disagreement Visually: the System and the method. 116 - Jingzhi Zhang, Weiquan Wang, Lara Khansa, Sung Kim:
Actual Privacy Self-Disclosure on Online Social Network sites: Reflective-impulsive Model. 117 - Simon Lansmann, Stefan Klein:
How much Collaboration? Balancing the Needs for Collaborative and Uninterrupted Work. 118 - Manan Podar, Alvaro E. Arenas, Jie Mein Goh, Ambuj Anand:
Reading between the lines: Legal risk mitigation by equity crowdfunding platforms. 119 - Iris Beerepoot, Inge van de Weerd:
Prevent, Redesign, Adopt or Ignore: Improving Healthcare Using Knowledge of Workarounds. 120 - Maryam Roshan Kokabha, Riitta Hekkala, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen:
Utilization of Accelerator Facilities in Mobile App Developer Startups. 121 - Oliver Krancher, Matthias Stürmer:
Explaining Multisourcing Decisions in Application Outsourcing. 122 - Lennart Jaeger, Andreas Eckhardt:
When Colleagues Fail: Examining the Role of Information Security Awareness on Extra-Role Security Behaviors. 124 - Jascha-Alexander Koch, Jens Lausen, Moritz Kohlhase:
Towards Internalizing the Externalities of Overfunding - Introducing a 'Tax' on Crowdfunding Platforms. 125 - Patrick Bedué, Alexandra Cetto, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier:
Customers' Intention to Switch to Mobile Self-Service Technologies. 127 - Thomas Schulz, Heiko Gewald, Markus Böhm:
The Long and Winding Road to Smart Integration of Door-to-Door Mobility Services: an Analysis of the Hindering Influence of intra-Role Conflicts. 129 - Nicolai Bohn, Dennis Kundisch:
The Role of Technology Pivots in Software Startups: Antecedents and Consequences. 130 - Amir Haj-Bolouri, Sandeep Purao, Matti Rossi, Lennarth Bernhardsson:
Action Design Research in Practice: Lessons and Concerns. 131 - Andreas Hein, Markus Scheiber, Markus Böhm, Jörg Weking:
Towards a Design Framework for Service Platform Ecosystems. 132 - Magnus Rotvit Perlt Hansen, Jan Pries-Heje:
Principles for unbounded secondary design. 133 - Hannes Rothe, Karl Täuscher, Rahul C. Basole:
Competition between platform ecosystems: a longitudinal study of MOOC platforms. 134 - Thomas Schulz, Martin Überle:
How Institutional Arrangements impede Realization of Smart Ecosystems: the Case of Door-to-Door Mobility integrators. 135 - Florian Schwade, Petra Schubert:
A Survey on the Status Quo of Social Collaboration Analytics in Practice. 136 - Benedikt Berger, Thomas Hess:
Hedonic Information Systems: What We Know and What We Don't Know. 138 - Tobias Bier, Anne Lange:
A formation Model for supply Networks: a Fundament for Investigations of Complex supply Networks. 139 - Christian Bartelheimer, Jan Hendrik Betzing, C. Ingo Berendes, Daniel Beverungen:
Designing Multi-sided Community Platforms for Local High Street Retail. 140 - Jelmer Jan Koorn, Henrik Leopold, Hajo A. Reijers:
A Task Framework for Predicting the effects of Automation. 141 - Alexander Baumeister, Caroline Schäfer:
Design of an Online Optimisation Tool for Smart Home Heating Control. 142 - Felix Hannemann, Nicolas Pröllochs, Simon Alfano, Dirk Neumann:
Noise Trader Behavior - A Disaggregated Approach to Understanding News Reception in Financial Markets. 143 - Tiemo Thiess, Oliver Müller:
Towards Design Principles for Data-Driven Decision Making - An Action Design Research Project in the Maritime Industry. 144 - Hawa Nyende:
The role of technology in value co-creation of maternal healthcare: A service-dominant logic perspective. 145 - Afef Awadid, Dominik Bork, Dimitris Karagiannis, Selmin Nurcan:
Toward Generic Consistency Patterns in Multi-View Enterprise modelling. 146 - Sebastian Feuß, Malte Brettel:
Credence Goods in Online Markets: An Empirical Analysis of Returns and Sales After Returns. 147