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30th ECIS 2022: Timisoara, Romania
- Roman Beck, Dana Petcu, Marin Fotache, Sabine Matook, Remko Helms, Martin Wiener, Lazar Rusu, Tuure Tuunanen:
30th European Conference on Information Systems - New Horizons in Digitally United Societies, ECIS 2022, Timisoara, Romania, June 18-24, 2022. 2022
ECIS 2022 Panels
- Dov Te'eni, Michel Avital, Tilo Böhmann, Emma Coleman, Monideepa Tarafdar:
The Role of Academic Associations in Building Bridges across Countries and Cultures.
ECIS 2022 Research-in-Progress Papers
- Michele Cipriano, Stefano Za:
A Cluster Analysis for Research on Digital Transformation in Non-profit Organisations. - Benjamin Matthies, Julian Koch, Kathrin Maassen, André Coners:
A Curriculum Mining Method for Clustering Study Modules and Assessing their Uniqueness. - Alexander Mayr, Lukas-Valentin Herm, Jonas Wanner, Christian Janiesch:
Applications and Challenges of Task Mining: A Literature Review. - Florian Weber, Sebastian Schween, Thiemo Wambsganss, Matthias Söllner:
A speech-based empathy training system - initial design insights. - Johannes Rude Jensen, Victor von Wachter, Omri Ross:
Blockchain-based Financial Infrastructure for Emerging Economies. - Timo Phillip Böttcher, Valentin Bootz, Norman Schaffer, Jörg Weking, Andreas Hein:
Business Model Configurations for Digital Platform Success - Towards a Typology of Digital Platform Business Models. - Monideepa Tarafdar, Irina Rets, Yang Hu:
Can ICT Enhance Workplace Inclusion? The Role of ICT Enabled Inclusion Practices. - Emanuel Schuster, Martin Spann:
Charged Less, Paid More - Non-optimal Tariff Choice Decisions in the Electric Vehicle Services Market. - Helena Monika Müller, Melanie Reuter-Oppermann:
Chatblood - Towards designing chatbots for blood donors. - Sophie Kniepkamp, Markus Nöltner, Julia Sarah Kroenung:
Claim the Name: Names of IT solutions and the Influence on Older adults. - Johannes Damarowsky, Stephan Kühnel:
Conceptualization and Design of a Workflow Management System Front End for Augmented Reality Headsets. - Eric T. K. Lim, Felix T. C. Tan, Chona Ryan:
Controlling Your Own Story Using a Digital Identity Solution: Creation Of Economic Identity for Financial Inclusion and Protection. - Hossein Azarpanah, Mohsen Farhadloo, Rustam M. Vahidov:
Crisis Communication during Health Crises: the Case of Canadian Officials' Social Media presence during the CoViD-19 Pandemic. - Veronika Huck-Fries, Stefan Maier:
Decisions-making in Agile Information Systems Development: The Role of Empowerment and Authority. - Sven Stahlmann, Oliver Ettrich, Detlef Schoder:
Deep Learning Enabled Consumer Research for Product Development. - Rikard Rosenbacke, Navid Tajhizi, Ioanna D. Constantiou, Åsa Melhus:
Designing a Digital Artifact for Data Collection to Improve Daily ADHD Medication. - Sven Scheu, Ivo Benke:
Digital Assistants for Self-Regulated Learning: Towards a State-Of-The-Art Overview. - Mengli Yu, Na Jiang, Eric Tze Kuan Lim, Chee-Wee Tan:
Disentangling the Effects of Instructor Credibility Cues in Bolstering Learners' Engagement with Health Short Videos. - Sebastian Schötteler:
Emergence Antecedents of Enterprise Social Media Networks: A Literature Review and Directions for Future Research. - Tobias Benjamin Fahse, Ivo Blohm, Richard Hruby, Benjamin van Giffen:
Explanation Interfaces for Sales Forecasting. - Prashanth Madhala, Hongxiu Li, Nina Helander:
Exploring Data Analytics Capability Building: An IS Success and Resource-Based View. - Lars Andraschko, Philipp Wunderlich, Saonee Sarker, Daniel Veit:
Exploring the Behavioral Sprouts of Smart Home Farming. - Angelo Romasanta, Gozal Ahmadova, Jonathan Wareham:
From potential to Realized impacts: the Bridging Role of Digital Infrastructures in Fair Data. - Kevin Schwehm, Jana-Kristin Prigge:
Give IT Away and Get IT Back? On the Role and Nature of Giveaway Campaigns by Social Media Influencers. - Gero Strobel, Frederik Möller, Hendrik van der Valk:
Healthcare in the Era of Digital twins: towards a Domain-Specific Taxonomy. - Pascal C. Kunz, Ekaterina Jussupow, Kai Spohrer, Armin Heinzl:
How the Application of Machine Learning Systems Changes Business Processes: A Multiple Case Study. - Julia Kotlarsky, Shohil Kishore, Layla Branicki, Bridgette Sullivan-Taylor:
How the World Understood the White Island Eruption: The Tales that Different Social Media Actors Tell Us. - Sven-Volker Rehm, Shane J. McLoughlin, Brian Donnellan:
How To Cope With The Dynamics Of Urban Sustainability: Urban Experimentation Platforms As Tools For Adaptive Policy-Making. - Jihao Lin, Christopher P. Holland, Nikolaos Argyris:
Imputing or smoothing? Modelling the missing Online Customer Journey Transitions for Purchase Prediction. - Sabine Nagel, Patrick Delfmann:
Investigating Inconsistency Understanding to Support Interactive Inconsistency Resolution in Declarative Process Models. - Bastian Wolff, Lukas Kelter, Daniel Schlagwein, Detlef Schoder:
Is Information Systems Research Concerned with Societal Grand Challenges? - Leorre Newman, Uriel Haran, Lior Fink:
Let me decide: The importance of user autonomy in accepting online recommendations. - Marvin Braun, Christine Harnischmacher, Henrik Lechte, Johannes Riquel:
Let's Get Physic(AI)l - Transforming AI-Requirements of Healthcare into Design Principles. - Lena Yuryna Connolly, Danica Cigoja Piper:
Media Framing of Cybercrime: Improving Victims' Reporting rates. - Lukas Falcke:
Online Networking at Virtual Conferences: a Features-Affordances Framework of Social Capital Accumulation and Empirical Evidence from the Clean Energy Sector. - Janina Seutter:
Online Reviews in B2B Markets: A Qualitative Study of Underlying Motives. - Max Schemmer, Niklas Kühl, Carina Benz, Gerhard Satzger:
On the Influence of Explainable AI on Automation Bias. - Nicola Staub, Kazem Haki, Stephan Aier:
Opportunity or Threat: A Complementors' Perspective on Platform Owner's Acquisitions. - Lena-Marie Pätzmann, Michael Bitzer, Andrea Back:
Organizational Readiness for Digital Intrapreneurship: towards the Design of an Assessment Tool. - Qifan Chen, Yang Lu, Charmaine S. Tam, Simon K. Poon:
Outcome-Oriented Predictive Process Monitoring to Predict Unplanned ICU Readmission in MIMIC-IV Database. - Christian Vorbohle, Dennis Kundisch:
Overcoming Silos: a Review of Business Model Modeling Languages for Business Ecosystems. - Stefanie Gante, Spyros Angelopoulos:
Paving the way toward Human-Algorithm Interactions: Understanding AI-CAD adoption for breast cancer detection. - Wirawan Agahari, Mark de Reuver:
Rethinking consumers' data sharing decisions with the emergence of multi-party computation: an experimental design for evaluation. - Björn Johansson, Malin Granath, Ulf Melin:
Smart Meters and demand Side Management in Smart Grids - Exploring Challenges and Outlining Future Research Directions. - Olle Barreflod, Martin Koncz, Jonas Landgren, Martin Eklund:
Studying the ability to use sport watches when running - insights from a small pilot study. - Benjamin Jack Munns, Christine Van Toorn, Patrick Finnegan, Bradley James Kalgovas, Alexander Benlian:
Sustaining Digital Transformation: The imperative to innovate continuously in the Australian financial services sector. - Stefanie Erlebach, Alexander Kupfer, Andrea Wrabel, Steffen Zimmermann:
Tag me if You can - (How) Should Platforms Tag Fake Reviews and Fake Users? - Marko Kraljev, Bastian Kindermann, Tessa Flatten:
Technology Clusters among Fintechs: Exploring the Signaling of Technology Scope and the Role of regulation. - Carlo Stingl, Sebastian A. Günther, Thorsten Staake:
The Behavioral Mechanisms Behind Feedback - A Preliminary Model for Quantifying Cause-Effect Relationships. - Hauke Precht:
The Classification of the Bill of Lading in the Token Economy. - Fabio Stano, Kenneth Qua, Verena Dorner:
The Pulse Of Impulse Buying: An experimental study on the effects of background music tempo on impulse buying. - Nikola Levkov:
To Buy or not to Buy Crypto - Cognitive Reflection, Temporal discounting, and Risk Preference in Crypto Assets Adoption. - Christian Au, Till J. Winkler, Herbert Paul:
Towards a Generation of Artificially Intelligent Strategy Tools: The SWOT Bot. - Hanna Marxen, Raviteja Chemudupaty, Valerie Graf-Drasch, Gilbert Fridgen, Michael Schoepf:
Towards an evaluation of incentives and nudges for smart charging. - Lennart Hofeditz, Anika Nissen, Reinhard Schütte, Milad Mirbabaie:
Trust Me, I'm an Influencer! - A Comparison of Perceived Trust in Human and Virtual Influencers. - Dominik Augenstein, Benedikt Morschheuser:
Understanding human factors in the metaverse - an autonomous driving experiment. - Christina Wagner, Manuel Trenz, Chee-Wee Tan, Daniel Veit:
Unraveling User Perceptions of Interorganizational Information Sharing. - Julius Kirschbaum, Tim Posselt, Angela Roth:
Use-Case-based Innovation for Artificial Intelligence - an Ontological Approach. - Ehsan Dabiran, Fang Wang, Samira Farivar:
Virtual influencer Marketing: anthropomorphism and its effect. - Willem Standaert, Sophie Thunus:
Virtual Meetings during the Pandemic: Boon or Bane for Gender Inequality. - Felix Brünker, Lennart Hofeditz, Ali Sercan Basyurt, Stefan Stieglitz:
'We're all in this toGather' - A Virtual World for Improving Knowledge Exchange and Social Interaction for Digital Work. - Philipp Dilger, Moritz Markgraf:
What drives Consumers' Trust in Proactive Services: A Best-Worst scaling approach. - Izabel Cvetkovic, Sarah Oeste-Reiß, Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock, Eva A. C. Bittner:
What Should AI Know? Information Disclosure in Human-AI Collaboration. - Kine Charlotte Jakobsen, Truls Bakkejord Ræder:
Workplace-Initiated mHealth Intervention for Increased Physical Activity.
ECIS 2022 Research Papers
- Désirée Krejci, Lionel Küng, Stéphanie Missonier:
A Case Study of Enterprise-wide Digital Innovation: Involving Non-IT Employees. - Gergana Vladova, Laura Scheel, André Ullrich:
Acceptance of Digital Learning in Higher Education - What Role do teachers' Competencies Play? - Martin Adam:
Accountability-Based User Interface Design Artifacts and Their Implications for User Acceptance of AI-Enabled Services. - Barbro Renland Haugjord, Alexander Moltubakk Kempton:
Achieving Data Innovation for Sustainable Energy solutions. - Patrick Marois, Josianne Marsan, Kevin Carillo, Klaas-Jan Stol, Brian Fitzgerald:
A Delphi Study of Obsolete Assumptions in Free/libre and Open Source Software. - Najmeh Hafezieh, Farjam Eshraghian:
Adopting a 'Search' Lens in Exploration of How Organisations transform digitally. - Stefan Hanke, Lauri Wessel:
Advancing the discussion about Clinical Decision Support Systems to tackle Adverse Drug Events: a 'problematizing' approach. - Alicia Roschnik, Stéphanie Missonier:
A Framework Proposal to Evaluate Conceptual Models Framing Wicked Managerial Concepts. - Luis Lämmermann, Patrick Richter, Amelie Zwickel, Moritz Markgraf:
AI Fairness at Subgroup Level - A Structured Literature Review. - Henrik Aage Skaug, Peter André Busch:
AI for Situational Awareness in Situations With High Uncertainty: An Explorative Case Study. - Mathias Schäfer, Johannes Schneider, Katharina Drechsler, Jan vom Brocke:
Ai Governance: are Chief AI Officers and AI Risk Officers Needed? - Panagiota Koukouvinou, Jonny Holmström:
Ai Management beyond the Narratives of Dystopian Nightmares and Utopian Dreams: a Systematic Review and synthesis of the literature. - Christoph Gerling, Philip Meier, Charlotte Köhler:
AI meets Digital: A Critical Review on Artificial Intelligence in Digital Entrepreneurship. - Philipp Hartmann, Nils Holthoff, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
(AI)n't Nobody Helping me? - Design and Evaluation of a Machine-Learning-based Semi-Automatic Essay Scoring System. - Jihad J. R. A. Al Wahshi, Jonathan Foster, Pamela Abbott:
An Investigation into the Role of Data Governance in Improving Data Quality: a Case Study of the Omani Banking Sector. - Kevin Wesendrup, Bernd Hellingrath:
A Prescriptive Maintenance Aligned Production Planning and Control Reference Process. - Faisal Rashed, Paul Drews, Mohamed Zaki:
A Reference Model for Data-Driven Business Model Innovation Initiatives in Incumbent Firms. - Florian Rampold, Florian Schütz, Kristin Masuch, Patricia Köpfer, Julia Warwas:
Are You Aware of Your Competencies? - the potentials of Competence Research to Design Effective SETA Programs. - Gilbert Fridgen, Eduard Hartwich, Vadim Rägo, Alexander Rieger, Alexander Stohr:
Artificial Intelligence as a Call for Retail Banking: Applying Digital Options Thinking to Artificial Intelligence Adoption. - Tim Schurig, Sine Zambach, Raghava Rao Mukkamala, Malte Petry:
Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis for University Teaching Analytics. - Tobias Roeck, Philipp Hoffmann, Kai Spohrer, Tobias Christian Schimmer, Armin Heinzl:
Assessing the Impact of Empirical Process Control Metrics in Agile Software Development - A Framework based on Improvement Capability. - Diana Fischer-Preßler, Dario Bonaretti:
A systematic literature review on information systems for disaster management and proposals for its future research agenda. - Sebastian Overhage, Thomas Widjaja:
A Taxonomy of Forks in the Context of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. - Tizian Matschak, Simon Trang, Christoph Prinz:
A Taxonomy of Machine Learning-based Fraud Detection Systems. - Felix Haag, Konstantin Hopf, Pedro Menelau Vasconcelos, Thorsten Staake:
Augmented Cross-Selling Through Explainable AI - A Case From Energy Retailing. - Barbara Buljat:
Augmented Reality for nudging Green Behavior: Design, Evaluation and Implementation. - Tobias Mettler, Dana Naous:
Beyond panoptic surveillance: On the ethical dilemmas of the connected workplace. - Shama Patel, Abayomi Baiyere, Christian Garmaan Johnsen:
Beyond Practice: assemblage Thinking in Sociomateriality Research. - Annalena Lorson, Christian Dremel, Danielly F. O. de Paula, Falk Uebernickel:
Beyond the Fast Lane Narrative - A Temporal Perspective on the Unfolding of Digital Innovation in Digital Innovation Units. - Marta Ballatore, Mira Toumi, Lise Arena:
Blockchain-based Data Sharing System: an Experimental Analysis of Behavioural Features affecting Inter-organisational Cooperation. - Benjamin Schellinger, Lennart Ante, Sebastian Björn Bauers:
Blockchain Use Cases and Concepts in Sports: A Systematic Review. - Ann-Catrin Cara Pristl, Matthias Simon Billert:
Citizen Participation in Increasingly Digitalized Governmental Environments - a Systematic literature Review. - Janine Hagen, Jacqueline-Amadea Pély, Thomas Hess:
Collaborative mechanisms for big data analytics projects: Building bridges over troubled waters. - Bijan Khosrawi-Rad, Heidi Rinn, Ricarda Schlimbach, Pia Gebbing, Xingyue Yang, Christoph Lattemann, Daniel Markgraf, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
Conversational Agents in Education - A Systematic Literature Review. - Tong Li, Yuval Millo, Markos Zachariadis:
Counting on Guanxi when Transacting Millions? Hybrid Guanxi and the Beauty of Bricolage. - Simon Hiller, Dominik Morar, Dimitri Petrik:
Creating Value in additive manufacturing - Modeling of Ecosystem Determinants. - Marc-André Kaufhold, Ali Sercan Basyurt, Kaan Eyilmez, Marc Stöttinger, Christian Reuter:
Cyber Threat Observatory: Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Dashboard for Computer Emergency Response Teams. - Marco Meier, Jens Mattke, Christian Maier:
Decentralized Finance: A Configurational Perspective on UTAUT. - Eva Andrea Meyer, Isabell M. Welpe, Philipp G. Sandner:
Decentralized Finance - A Systematic Literature Review and Research Directions. - Christina Erler, Markus Schinle, Michael Dietrich, Wilhelm Stork:
Decision model to design a blockchain-based system for storing sensitive health data. - Maxwell C. Burda, Maximilian P. M. P. Locca, Kalina S. Staykova:
Decision Rights Decentralization in de-FI Platforms. - Julia Amend, Torsten Eymann, Anna Lina Kauffmann, Tobias Münch, Patrick Troglauer:
Deriving Facilitators for Electronic Health Record Implementation: A Systematic Literature Review of Opportunities and Challenges. - Michael Greineder, Ivo Blohm, Christian Engel:
Design and Evaluating a Tool for continuously Assessing and Improving Agile Practices for increased Organizational Agility. - Julia Kathrin Lange, Salima Houta:
Design and Evaluation of a Serious Game for the Training of Epilepsy Patients. - Fabian Reinkemeier, Ulrich Gnewuch:
Designing Effective Conversational Repair Strategies for Chatbots. - Anuschka Schmitt, Thiemo Wambsganss, Andreas Janson:
Designing for Conversational System Trustworthiness: The Impact of Model Transparency on Trust and Task Performance. - Stefan Cronholm, Hannes Göbel:
Design Principles for Human-Centred AI. - Nathaniel Francis Golding, Lorenzo Hu, Chris Ge Lin, Irfan E. Kanat:
Devcoms: a Study of indie Videogame Developers' Community-Building Rhetorics Leading to launch. - Lukas Müller, Axel Hund, Heinz-Theo Wagner:
Digital convergence: examining the Dissolution of Industrial and technological Boundaries. - Anja Winterstein, Adeline Frenzel-Piasentin, Daniel Veit:
Digitalisation of the Individual: A Systematic Review from an Affordances-Use-Outcomes Perspective. - Valerie Graf-Drasch, Anna Krombacher, Anna Lindenthal, Anna Maria Oberländer, Ricarda Schäfer:
Digitally Social: Review, synthesis, and Future Directions for Digital Social Innovation. - Michelle Berger, Elias Greinacher, Linda Wolf:
Digital nudging to Promote Energy conservation Behavior - Framing and Default Rules in a Smart Home App. - Shengnan Han, Shahrokh Nikou, Workneh Yilma Ayele, Balasuriya Lekamalage Prasanna Balasuriya, Eric-Oluf Svee:
Digital Proctoring in Higher Education: a Systematic literature Review. - Carolin Wenke, Fabian Lang, Markus Buschle:
Distributed Ledger Technology in the Financial Industry: Managerial, Organizational, and Technological Challenges. - Yulia Vorotyntseva, Aleksi Aaltonen, Subodha Kumar, Paul A. Pavlou:
Does Platform Competition Drive Ratings Inflation? The Impact of Vertical Spillover Effects. - Cristina A. Mihale-Wilson, Kim Valerie Carl:
Drivers of Adoption of Contact Tracing Mobile Applications. - Alexander Stocker:
Driver Trust in Automated Driving Systems. - Micha Bender, Sebastian Frank, Sven Panz:
Dynamics of trending topics between social media, news, and scientific literature. - Alyssa Shuang Sha, Armin Haller, Yingnan Shi:
Effects of Label Usage on Question Lifecycle in Q&a Community. - Azuka Mordi, Mareike Schoop:
Enabling Agile Environments - Software Tools Revisited with an Agile Mindset. - Milen Ivanov, Edward Bernroider:
Enabling Digital Innovation in Product-Centric Firms through Microfoundations. - Jan-Lukas Selter, Katja Wagner, Hanna Schramm-Klein:
Ethics and Morality in AI - A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research. - Xiaobo Ke, Christian Wagner:
Everyday Gaming induces Amateur eSports Participation through Commitment.