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21st EnviroInfo 2007: Warsaw, Poland - Part 1
- Olgierd Hryniewicz, Jan Studzinski, Maciej Romaniuk:
Environmental Informatics and Systems Research: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference for Environmental Protection, EnviroInfo 2007, Warsaw, Poland, September 12-14, 2007, Part 1. Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2007, ISBN 978-3-8322-6397-3
Plenary Presentations
- Olgierd Hryniewicz, Zbigniew Nahorski:
Applications of Systems Analysis in Solving Problems Related to Environment. 3-13 - Márta Nagy-Rothengass, Michel Schouppe:
Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Growth: Future Challenges. 15-19 - Thomas Pick:
From Århus to Inspire: Putting Environmental Information on the Map. 21-33 - Lorenz M. Hilty:
CO2 Reduction with ICT: Prospects and Barriers. 35-42 - Andrea Emilio Rizzoli, Ioannis N. Athanasiadis, Ferdinando Villa:
Delivering Environmental Knowledge: a Semantic Approach. 43-50
Knowledge and Information Management
- Thomas Vögele, Martin Klenke, Fred A. Kruse:
Metadata Creation and Management of Distributed Data Catalogs with PortalU® and InGrid® 1.1. 53-57 - Yu-Chi Chu, Sumei Huang, Chin-Cheng Lien, Chen-Chau Yang:
An Ontology-Driven Approach for Harmonizing and Integrating Environmental Information. 59-62 - Ralf Isenmann, Hans-Knud Arndt, Jan Brosowski, Jorge Marx Gómez, Monika Schappert:
Using Internet Technologies and Services for Sustainability Reporting: Research Initiative, Agenda, Early Results. 63-70 - Axel Drefahl:
Extraction and Application of Environmentally Relevant Chemical Information from the ThermoML Archive. 71-78 - Hans-Knud Arndt, Henner Graubitz, René Klesinski:
Sustainability Reporting Topic Maps: An Approach to Support Stakeholder Inclusiveness. 79-86 - Peter Kutschera, Severin Ecker, Gerald Schimak:
Source System Integration using the Framework for ORCHESTRA Services. 87-95 - Reiner Krause:
Development of a Very Flexible Web based Database System for Environmental Research. 97-104 - Halisson Brito, Julia Celia M. Strauch, Jano M. Souza:
A Web-based System to Support e-Collaboration in the Design and Construction of Environmental Models. 105-111 - Gisela Dösinger, Klaus Tochtermann:
Knowledge Sharing & Transfer - Interpretation Methodology and Experiences. 113-119 - Jörg Jochims, Wolf-Fritz Riekert:
SNS-Navigator: A Graphical Interface to Environmental Meta-Information. 121-126 - Benoît Gschwind, Lucien Wald, Robert Mahl, François Irigoin, Lionel Ménard:
Test of Several Approaches for the Composition of Web Services in Meteorology. 127-133 - Benoît Gschwind, Lionel Ménard, Thierry Ranchin, Lucien Wald, Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.:
A Proposal for a Thesaurus for Web Services in Solar Radiation. 135-142
Systems Analysis in Environmental Engineering and Environmental Informatics
- Birgitta Krüger:
Calculations of the Energy Consumption for Water Heating in Households on the Basis of Publicly Available Data. 145-149 - Jirí Hrebícek, Danka Némethová, Jaroslav Rácek:
Proposal of Interoperability Framework of the Czech Republic in Environmental Information Exchange. 151-158 - Jochen Wittmann:
A Software Architecture for the Cooperation Project HADU: (Hamburg's Dynamical Geological Underground). 159-166 - Marzena Osuch, Renata J. Romanowicz, Jaroslaw J. Napiorkowski:
Dispersion Processes in Wetlands - Application of Data Based Mechanistic and Transient Storage Models. 167-174 - Adam Kiczko, Renata J. Romanowicz, Jaroslaw J. Napiorkowski:
A Study of Flow Conditions Aimed at Preserving Valuable Wetland Areas in the Upper Narew Valley Using GSA-GLUE Methodology. 175-183 - Jan Studzinski, Lucyna Bogdan:
Application of Kriging Algorithms for Environmental and Engineering Parameters Approximation. 185-192 - Janusz Lomotowski, Magdalena Keszycka:
A Method for Rapid Characterization the Algae Size with Laser Granulometer. 193-197 - Michael Stadler, Wolfram Krause, Michael Sonnenschein, Ute Vogel:
The Adaptive Fridge - Comparing Different Control Schemes for Enhancing Load Shifting of Electricity Demand. 199-206 - Grazyna Petriczek, Jerzy Holubiec:
Modelling Water Quality Management. 207-215
Decision Support Information Systems for Optimization and Control of Environmental Processes
- Decha Pimpisut, Bernard Page, Thomas Spehs, Volker Wohlgemuth:
An Environmental Management Information System for Eco-Efficiency of Agro-Industries in Thailand Based on Material Flow Networks. 219-227 - Radoje Vujadinovic, Danilo Nikolic:
Innovated Model REPAS for Calculation of CO2 Emission from Passenger Cars in Developing Ccountries. 229-237 - Arno Röder, Hans-Joachim Klemmt, Stefan Seifert, Ralf Moshammer, Hans Pretzsch:
Integration of the Forest Growth Simulator SILVA in Practical Forest Management. 239-246 - Florie Leveillard, Valerie Laforest, Eric Piatyszek, Jacques Bourgois:
Cleaner Production Method Applied to Surface Finishing Workshop. 247-253 - Veronique Antoni, Nicolas Saby, Claudy Jolivet, Benoit Toutain, Jacques Thorette, Dominique Arrouays:
The French Information System on Soils: a Decision Support System for Soil Inventory, Monitoring and Management. 255-262 - Erich Weihs, Stefan Marzelli:
Methodological Basis for Information Management - The DIAMONT Database for Indikators, Data and Instruments as a Contribution to the Alpine Convention. 263-270 - Mario Schmidt, Hendrik Lambrecht, Andreas Möller:
Optimisation Approaches in Material Flow Models of Manufacturing Systems. 271-278 - Izabela Rojek:
Design Methodology of a Decision Support System for the City's Water Supply and Sewage System. 279-287
Environmental Engineering and Environmental Informatics with Respect to Health Protection
- Andrea Ranzi, Laura Erspamer, Sotoris Michalopoulos, Valeria Fano, Francesco Forastiere, Carlo A. Perucci, Stefania Trinca, A. Gardini, Paolo Lauriola:
An Environmental-Health Information System for Exposure Assessment of Population Living in Areas with Incinerators and Industrial Plants. 291-298 - Stefan Trausan-Matu, Kostas D. Karatzas, Costin-Gabriel Chiru:
Environmental Information Perception, Analysis and Communication with the Aid of Natural Language Processing. 299-306 - Stefania Trinca, Giovanna Martini, Luciana Cossa, Fabrizio Falleni, Marzia Matteucci, Augusta Piccardi, Loredana Musmeci:
Indicators of Waste Exposure in an Area of Campania (Southern Italy) Characterized by Numerous Dumping Sites. 307-315
Emergencies and Disaster Management
- Uwe Rüppel, Armin Wagenknrecht:
Integrating Decision Support Applications in Computer Based Emergency Management Processes. 319-325 - Andrzej Ziólkowski, Jan W. Owsinski:
Emergency Procedures with Linguistic Parameter Definitions. 327-332
e-Society and Environmental Protection
- Peter Fischer-Stabel, Rolf Krieger, Kerstin Schäfer, Stefan Wannemacher:
Functional and Technical Requirements for a Regional Environmental Information System. 335-341 - Riitta-Liisa Hahtala, Silja Huuhtanen, Seppo Kajaste, Elina Karhu, Sari Kemppainen, Olli Linsiö, Minna Partti:
The Waste Prevention Kit for Education, Enterprises and Households (WastePrevKit). 343-349 - Lucyna Bogdan, Andrzej Straszak, Jan Studzinski:
Systems Integrated Eco-Info-Techno Solutions for Poland. 351-360
Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation Methods and Algorithms
- Shouke Wei, Albrecht Gnauck:
Game Theory Based Water Quality Models for Reservoir Management. 363-370 - Christoph Horner, Frank Engelmann, Lutz-Peter Schmolke, Gunnar Nützmann:
Modelling Assessment of an in situ Oxygen Sparging Remediation of an Ammonium Contamination - Pilot Plant BIOXWAND Berlin. 371-378 - Piotr Nowak, Maciej Romaniuk:
Pricing Financial Instruments Derivatives Inspired by Kyoto Protocol. 379-387 - Tatiana Ermolieva, Maciej Romaniuk, Guenther Fischer, Marek Makowski:
Integrated Model-Based Decision Support for Management of Weather-Related Agricultural Losses. 389-398 - István Pál, Peng Huang, Hans Pretzsch, G. Schütze, Hans-Joachim Klemmt, Stefan Seifert, Thomas Seifert, E. Uhl, L. Steinacker, Peter Biber:
Automatical Extraction of the Forest Inventory Parameters on Laser Scanning Data using Mathematical Methods. 399-407 - Javier Murillo, Pilar Brufau, Pilar García-Navarro, M. Rodriguez Pallares, Alfonso Andres-Urrutia:
A Mathematical Model for Numerical Simulation of Shallow Water Flow: Description and Practical Application of GUAD|2D. 409-416 - Aneta Ivanovska, Celine Vens, Saso Dzeroski, Nathalie Colbach:
Studying the Presence of Genetically Modified Variants in Organic Oilseed Rape by Using Relational Data Mining. 417-424 - István Pál:
Numerical Methods for the Detection of Whirlwind (Cyclone, Tornado, Hurricane) on Satellite Data. 425-432
Trends in Environmental Information and Geographical Information Systems
- Ales Versic:
Transmission of Spatial Data Through Web Services (Web Map Service and Web Feature Service) Based on Geographical Information Systems. 435-443 - Giuseppe Amadore, Luca Viarengo:
The Management of Hydrological Cycle in Piedmont Region. The Experience of SIRI. 445-448 - Ivica Ruzic, Jadranka Pecar-Ilic:
A Method for High Precision Coordinate Transformation in Environmental GIS Applications. 449-457 - Shunsuke Mori, Shogen Koike, Takeshi Ishida:
An Analysis of Regional Energy Demand and an Assessment of Potential CO2 Emission Reduction in Japan Using GIS. 459-463 - Nguyen-Xuan Thinh, Le Hai Dang, Sebastian Hoechstetter, Ulrich Walz:
Extending GIS-Functionality for the Analysis of 3D Data in Landscape Ecology - A Comparison of Different Approaches. 465-472 - Peter Mooney, Adam C. Winstanley:
Improving Environmental Research Data Management. 473-476 - Matthias Menger, Petra Jahnke, Josef Eiblmaier:
Migrating to Modern Web Technologies - Experiences in Re-Designing a Substance Retrieval Systems. 477-481 - Fabian Grüning, Mathias Uslar:
Annotating and Integrating Legacy RDBMSs for the Utility Domain. 483-490 - Harry Storch, Bang Anh Tuan, Michael Schmidt:
Spatial Information Management for Megacity Research in Asia. 491-500
Monitoring, Transmission and Visualization Systems
- Carsten Heidmann, Jörn Kohlus:
NOKIS - Information Infrastructure for the North and Baltic Sea. 503-510 - Jochen Wittmann:
Basic Considerations on Using Visualization and Fuzzy Methods to Generate 3D-Models from Different Geological Data Sources. 511-517 - Christian Kollmitzer, Paul Skritek, Kurt Woletz, Hermann Stadler:
New Methods including Picture Processing for Hydro-Meteorological On-Line Data Acquisition. 519-522 - Peter Baumann:
Status and Prospects in Geo Raster Service Standardization. 523-530 - Benoit Toutain, Nicolas Saby, Christian Walter, Christian Schvartz, Jacques Thorette, Dominique Arrouays:
Interactive Web Mapping and Monitoring of Soil Properties. A Case Study in France. 531-534 - Zygmunt Kubiak, Andrzej Urbaniak:
Embedded Systems in Distributed Measuring Network. 535-541
Economical Aspects Related to Environmental Informatics
- Burkhardt Funk, Andreas Möller, Peter Niemeyer:
Integration of Risk-Oriented Environmental Management Information Systems and Resource Planning Systems. 545-552 - Pawel Bartoszczuk:
Drinking Water Pricing and Consumption. The Environmetrical Evaluation of the Situation in Poland. 553-557 - Jan Gadomski, Zbigniew Nahorski:
Impact of the Pollution Emission Limits on Technological Structure of Production. A Modelling Approach1. 559-566
Application of Environmental Informatics: Practical Cases
- Uwe Rüppel, Peter Göbel:
Semiautomatic Verification of Groundwater Measured Data. 569-576 - Jana Görmer, Helmut Lessing:
Integration of Standardized Geographical Data in the Detectino® Project. 577-584 - Gerlinde Knetsch, Erich Weihs:
Web-Services as an Instrument for Data Retrieval and Data Mapping - The DIOXIN-POP Database of Germany. 585-592 - Friedhelm Hosenfeld, Dieter Kuhn:
Automatic Transformation and Harmonizing of Soil Data via Digital Translation Keys. 593-600 - Horst F. Wedde, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Edmund Handschin, Olav Krause:
A Technical and Distributed Management Basis for an Environmentally Clean and Sustainable Energy Supply. 601-610 - Yu-Chi Chu:
A Multi-layered System Architecture for Environmental Monitoring Data Management - Taiwan's Experience. 611-618 - Joachim Kiesel, Karl-Otto Wenkel:
Spatial Generalization Methods Based on the Moving Window Approach and Their Applications on Landscape Analysis. 619-626 - Jirí Jarkovský, Klára Kubosová, Radim Klapka, Vratislav Kubik, Jaroslav Rácek, Jan Hodovský, Miroslav Petras:
Data Analysis and Processing of Biomonitoring Data in the Arrow Project for the Evaluation of Ecological State of Surface Waters in the Czech Republic According to WFD EU. 627-634 - Karl-Otto Wenkel, Wilfried Mirschel:
Model-Based-Climate Change Impact Assessment for Agriculture in North-East German Moraine Landscapes - What We Have Learned ? 635-643
Risk Assessment and Risk Management
- Lisa Maurer, Christian Klingler, Rajendra K. Pachauri, Klaus Tochtermann:
Data Mining as Tool for Protection against Avalanches and Landslides. 647-654 - Alberto Susini, Jesper Hansen, Felix Gmünder, Andreas Schönenberger, Christian Hürzeler, Philippe Minier:
Cartography of Automated Environmental Technological Risks by Means of GIS Risk-Register, the Examples of Geneva, "Geneva Risk" and Zurich "Chemrisk". 655-661 - Martin Schmieder, Thomas Usländer, Julian Fischer:
Framework for the Development of Environmental Risk Management Services According to the ORCHESTRA Architecture. 663-670 - Christian Alegre, Rubén Pérez:
WIN: A New Service Oriented Architecture for Risk Management. 671-674 - Nguyen-Xuan Thinh, Rico Vogel:
Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis of Retention Areas for Flood Risk Management. 675-682

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