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19th Earth Observing Systems 2014: San Diego, California, USA
- James J. Butler, Xiaoxiong (Jack) Xiong, Xingfa Gu:
Earth Observing Systems XIX, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego, California, USA, 17-21 August 2014. SPIE Proceedings 9218, SPIE 2014, ISBN 9781628412451 - Front Matter: Volume 9218. 921801
Soumi NPP I
- Nathaniel P. Smith, Susan Thomas, Mohan Shankar, Z. Peter Szewczyk, Robert S. Wilson, Dale R. Walikainen, Janet L. Daniels, Phillip C. Hess, Kory J. Priestley:
Assessment of the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Flight Model 5 (FM5) instrument performance and stability. 921802 - Ning Lei, Xuexia Chen, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Determination of the SNPP VIIRS SDSM screen transmittance from both yaw maneuver and regular on-orbit data. 921803 - Jon P. Fulbright, Zhipeng Wang
, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Suomi-NPP VIIRS lunar radiometric calibration observations. 921804 - Robert Frouin, Alain Sei, Bruce Hauss, Patty Pratt:
Operational in-flight calibration of S-NPP VIIRS in the visible using Rayleigh scattering. 921806
Soumi NPP II
- Shihyan Lee, Chengbo Sun, Vincent Kwofu Chiang, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
An overview of NASA VCST SNPP VIIRS day-night band on-orbit calibration methodology. 921808 - Stephen P. Mills, Steven D. Miller:
VIIRS Day-Night Band (DNB) calibration methods for improved uniformity. 921809 - Shihyan Lee, Hassan Oudrari, Jeffrey McIntire, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Assessment of on-orbit crosstalk impact for SNPP VIIRS VisNIR bands. 92180A - Stephen P. Mills:
The ground track oblique Cassini projection used for producing VIIRS mapped imagery. 92180C
Instrument Cross-Comparisons and Vicarious Calibration I
- Denis A. Elliott, Hartmut H. Aumann:
Comparison of AIRS, IASI, and CrIS radiances and trends at Dome C. 92180D - Evan M. Manning, Hartmut H. Aumann, Ali Behrangi:
AIRS Level-1C and applications to cross-calibration with MODIS and CrIS. 92180E - Hartmut H. Aumann, Evan M. Manning:
Evaluation of the AIRS and CrIS relative radiometric calibration under cloudy conditions. 92180F - Boryana Efremova, Aisheng Wu, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Relative spectral response corrected calibration inter-comparison of S-NPP VIIRS and Aqua MODIS thermal emissive bands. 92180G - Benjamin R. Scarino, David R. Doelling, Patrick Minnis
, Arun Gopalan, Conor O. Haney, Rajendra Bhatt:
Calibrating historical IR sensors using GEO and AVHRR infrared tropical mean calibration models. 92180H
Instrument Cross-Comparisons and Vicarious Calibration II
- Sirish Uprety, Changyong Cao
, Slawomir Blonski, Wenhui Wang:
Assessment of VIIRS radiometric performance using vicarious calibration sites. 92180I - Amit Angal, Nischal Mishra, Xiaoxiong Xiong, Dennis L. Helder:
Cross-calibration of Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI with Aqua MODIS using PICS. 92180K
EOS Terra I
- Angelita C. Kelly, Eric Moyer, Dimitrios Mantziaras, Warren F. Case:
Terra mission operations: Launch to the present (and beyond). 92180M - Carol J. Bruegge, Sebastian Val, David J. Diner, Veljko M. Jovanovic, Ellyn Gray
, Larry Di Girolamo, Guangyu Zhao:
Radiometric stability of the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) following 15 years on-orbit. 92180N - Xiaoxiong Xiong, Brian N. Wenny, Aisheng Wu, Amit Angal, Xu Geng, Hongda Chen, Jennifer L. Dodd, Daniel O. Link, Sriharsha Madhavan, Na Chen, Yonghong Li, Sean Iacangelo, William L. Barnes, Vince Salomonson:
Status of Terra MODIS operation, calibration, and performance. 92180O - Merritt Deeter, S. Martínez-Alonso, Helen M. Worden, Louisa Emmons, V. Dean, D. Mao, David P. Edwards, John Gille:
Retrieval algorithm development and product validation for TERRA/MOPITT. 92180P
EOS Terra II
- Mohan Shankar, Kory J. Priestley, Nitchie Smith, Susan Thomas, Dale R. Walikainen:
On-orbit stability and performance of the Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument sensors onboard the Aqua and Terra Spacecraft. 92180Q - K. Arai:
Vicarious calibration of Terra/ASTER/VNIR with desert scenes together with cross calibration. 92180R - Hideyuki Tonooka
, Simon J. Hook, Tsuneo Matsunaga
, Soushi Kato
, Elsa Abbott, Howard Tan:
ASTER/TIR vicarious calibration activities in US and Japan validation sites for 14 years. 92180S - Chris Moeller, W. Paul Menzel
, Greg Quinn:
Review of Terra MODIS thermal emissive band L1B radiometric performance. 92180T
- Gerhard Meister, Robert E. Eplee, Bryan A. Franz:
Corrections to MODIS Terra calibration and polarization trending derived from ocean color products. 92180V - Aisheng Wu, Amit Angal, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Comparison of coincident MODIS and MISR reflectances over the 15-year period of EOS Terra. 92180W - Joel McCorkel
Cross-calibration of Earth Observing System Terra satellite sensors MODIS and ASTER. 92180X - Jeffrey Czapla-Myers
, Kurtis J. Thome, Nikolaus Anderson, Stuart F. Biggar:
The absolute radiometric calibration of Terra imaging sensors: MODIS, MISR, and ASTER. 92180Y
Pre-Launch Calibration
- B. Carol Johnson
, Stephen Maxwell
, Eric L. Shirley
, Kim Slack, Gary D. Graham:
Validation of spectral radiance assignments to integrating sphere radiance standards for the Advanced Baseline Imager. 92180Z - Mark A. Schwarz, Craig J. Kent, Steven W. Brown, John T. Woodward
, Chungsan Lin:
Improved thermal-vacuum compatible flat plate radiometric source for system-level testing of optical sensors. 921810 - Bilgehan Gür, Hedser van Brug, Man Xu
, Elizabeth Vela:
Diffuser properties and according performance in BSDF and spectral features in space application. 921811 - Vijay Murgai, Lindsay Johnson, Eric M. Moskun:
BRDF characterization of solar diffuser for JPSS J1 using PASCAL. 921812
Landsat 8 I
- Brian L. Markham
, Julia A. Barsi, Edward Kaita, Lawrence Ong, Md. Obaidul Haque, Nischal Mishra, Jeffrey Czapla-Myers
, Nima Pahlevan
, Dennis L. Helder:
Landsat-8 operational land imager on-orbit radiometric calibration and stability. 921815 - Esad Micijevic, Kelly Vanderwerff, Pat L. Scaramuzza, Ron A. Morfitt, Julia A. Barsi, Raviv Levy:
On-orbit performance of the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager. 921816 - Matthew Montanaro, Julia A. Barsi, Allen Lunsford, Scott Rohrbach, Brian L. Markham
Performance of the Thermal Infrared Sensor on-board Landsat 8 over the first year on-orbit. 921817 - Raviv Levy, Julia A. Barsi, Brian L. Markham
, Philip W. Dabney, Pat L. Scaramuzza, Esad Micijevic, Frank Pesta:
Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) detector-to-detector uniformity challenge and performance. 921818 - Jeffrey Czapla-Myers
, Nikolaus Anderson, Kurtis J. Thome, Stuart F. Biggar:
The absolute radiometric calibration of the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager using the reflectance-based approach and the Radiometric Calibration Test Site (RadCaTS). 921819
Landsat 8 II
- John R. Schott, Aaron Gerace, Nina G. Raqueno, Emmett J. Ientilucci, Rolando Raqueño, Allen W. Lunsford:
Chasing the TIRS ghosts: calibrating the Landsat 8 thermal bands. 92181A - Ron A. Morfitt, Mike J. Choate, Julia A. Barsi:
Landsat-8 data processing evolution. 92181B - Ferran Gascon, Roberto Biasutti, Riccardo Ferrara, Peggy Fischer, Luca Galli, Bianca Hoersch, S. Hopkins, Jan Jackson, Samantha J. Lavender
, Stefano Mica, Amy Northrop, A. Paciucci, F. Paul, S. Pinori, Sebastien Saunier
European Space Agency (ESA) Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+ Archive Bulk-Processing: processor improvements and data quality. 92181C
New Missions and Instruments
- K. Dieter Klaes, Kenneth Holmlund:
EUMETSAT programmes and plans. 92181D - Ferran Gascon, Enrico Cadau, Olivier Colin, Bianca Hoersch, Claudia Isola, B. López Fernández, Philippe Martimort:
Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission: products, algorithms and Cal/Val. 92181E - Bernd Sierk, Jerôme Caron, Armin Löscher, Yasjka Meijer, Jean-Loup Bézy, Michael Buchwitz, Heinrich Bovensmann
The CarbonSat candidate mission: imaging greenhouse gas concentrations from space. 92181F - Patrick M. Burns, Nicholas W. Sawruk, Andre VanTuijl, Slava Litvinovitch, Ti Chuang, Ryan E. Edwards, William J. Rudd, Elias Fakhoury, Theodore Wysocki, Floyd E. Hovis:
Design validation for ICESat-2 space-based laser transmitter. 92181G - J. W. Leitch, T. Delker, W. Good, Lyle Ruppert, F. Murcray, K. Chance, X. Liu, Caroline Nowlan
, Scott J. Janz, Nickolay A. Krotkov
, K. E. Pickering, Matthew Kowalewski, Jun Wang
The GeoTASO airborne spectrometer project. 92181H - Matthew G. Kowalewski, Scott J. Janz:
Remote sensing capabilities of the GEO-CAPE airborne simulator. 92181I
MODIS On-Orbit Performance
- Amit Angal, Xiaoxiong Xiong, Xu Geng, Junqiang Sun:
Monitoring the Terra and Aqua MODIS RSB calibration using scattered light from the Nadir-port. 92181J - Hongda Chen, Xiaoxiong Xiong, Amit Angal, Xu Geng, Aisheng Wu:
Progress on alternative method of the on-orbit RVS characterization for MODIS reflective solar bands. 92181K - Brian N. Wenny, Aisheng Wu, Sriharsha Madhavan, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Evaluation of Terra and Aqua MODIS thermal emissive band response versus scan angle. 92181L - Zhipeng Wang
, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Calibration impact assessment of MODIS spectral band location on the focal plane assemblies. 92181M
Poster Session
- Ning Lei, Kwo-Fu Chiang, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Examination of the angular dependence of the SNPP VIIRS solar diffuser BRDF degradation factor. 92181N - Peng Chen, Delu Pan, Chuanwen Hu, Jianyu Chen, Haiqing Huang:
Lidar monitoring of organic matter in the Pearl River estuary (withdrawal notice). 92181O - Xu Geng, Amit Angal, Junqiang Sun, Hongda Chen, Aisheng Wu, Yonghong Li, Daniel Link, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Status of time-dependent response versus scan-angle (RVS) for Terra and Aqua MODIS reflective solar bands. 92181P - Konstantin V. Khlopenkov, David R. Doelling, Arata Okuyama:
Development of 2D deconvolution method to repair blurred MTSAT-1R visible imagery. 92181Q - Jian Sun, Kai Zhao, Tao Jiang, Lingjia Gu:
Correction method of physical temperature variation for airborne double-antenna microwave radiometer. 92181R - Leonid Mikheenko, Volodymyr Borovytsky, Valentine Mironovich:
Design of the precise uniform light source based on optically connected integrating spheres for VIIR calibration. 92181T - Boryana Efremova, Aisheng Wu, Xiaoxiong Xiong, James J. Butler:
CLARREO calibration uncertainty assessment tool: status and path forward. 92181U - Michael G. Grotenhuis
, Xiangqian Wu, Larry Flynn
, Eric Beach, Jianguo Niu, Wei Yu:
Post-launch performance evaluation of the OMPS Nadir Mapper and Nadir Profiler. 92181V - Zhipeng Wang
, Xiaoxiong Xiong, Boryana Efremova, Hongda Chen:
Using the Moon to evaluate the radiometric calibration performance of S-NPP VIIRS thermal emissive bands. 92181W - Xi Shao, Changyong Cao
, Sirish Uprety, Frank Padula, Taeyoung Choi:
Comparing Hyperion Lunar Observation with model calculations in support of GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) calibration. 92181X - Ivan Procházka, Josef Blazej, Jan Kodet:
Technology demonstrator of radiation resistant photon counting detector. 921820 - Wenhui Wang, Changyong Cao
, Sirish Uprety, Yan Bai, Frank Padula, Xi Shao:
Developing an automated global validation site time series system for VIIRS. 921823 - Sriharsha Madhavan, Junqiang Sun, Xiaoxiong Xiong, Brian N. Wenny, Aisheng Wu:
Statistical analysis of the electronic crosstalk correction in Terra MODIS Band 27. 921824

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