43rd SEAA 2017: Vienna, Austria

Refine list

showing all ?? records

SPPI-1: Continuous Integration

SPPI-2: Empirical Studies and Industry Experiences

SPPI-3: Development and Testing


SM-1: Management in the Agile Context

SM-2: Peopleware in Software Engineering



SMSE-1: Systematic Literature Reviews and Mapping Studies 1


SMSE-2: Systematic Literature Reviews and Mapping Studies 2

TETS-CPSoS/SMSE-3: Software and System Engineering Research and Teaching

CPS-1: Cyber Physical Systems 1

CPS-2: Cyber Physical Systems 2

CPS-3: Cyber Physical Systems 3

SM-3: Management and Design

ESE: Modelling and Design of Embedded Software

SM-4: Software Teams and Innovation

TD-1: Technical Debt 1

TD-2: Technical Debt 2

A-BPM-1: BPM and Sustainability Concerns in SW Development

A-BPM-2: Ontology Models

SM-5: Management and Software Development

SM-6: Modeling and Agile Maturity

TD-3: Technical Debt 3

EsPreSSE: Estimation and Prediction in Software and Systems Engineering