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HPCC-ICESS 2012: Liverpool, United Kingdom
- Geyong Min, Jia Hu, Lei (Chris) Liu, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Seetharami Seelam, Laurent Lefèvre:
14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication & 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, HPCC-ICESS 2012, Liverpool, United Kingdom, June 25-27, 2012. IEEE Computer Society 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-2164-8
HPCC-2012: The 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
Parallel Computing (1)
- John M. Ye, Tianzhou Chen:
Exploring Potential Parallelism of Sequential Programs with Superblock Reordering. 9-16 - David L. González-Álvarez, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez
, Juan Antonio Gómez Pulido
, Juan Manuel Sánchez-Pérez:
A Parallel Multi-Core Team of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms to Discover DNA Motifs. 17-24 - Yi He, Maolin Guan, Chunyuan Zhang, Tian Tian, Qianming Yang:
Fully Distributed On-chip Instruction Memory Design for Stream Architecture Based on Field-Divided VLIW Compression. 25-32 - Jianliang Ma, Shaobin Zhang, Tongsen Hu, Minghui Wu, Tianzhou Chen:
Parallel Speculative Dom-based XML Parser. 33-40 - Jinglin Zhang, Jean-François Nezan, Jean-Gabriel Cousin:
Implementation of Motion Estimation Based on Heterogeneous Parallel Computing System with OpenCL. 41-45 - Álvaro Rubio-Largo
, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez
, Juan Antonio Gómez Pulido
, Juan Manuel Sánchez-Pérez:
A Parallel Multiobjective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Dealing with the Traffic Grooming Problem. 46-53
Parallel Computing (2)
- Ivan Simecek
, Daniel Langr
, Pavel Tvrdík:
Space-efficient Sparse Matrix Storage Formats for Massively Parallel Systems. 54-60 - Demian Rosas-Ham, Isuru Herath, Paraskevas Yiapanis, Mikel Luján, Ian Watson:
Architectural Support for Exploiting Fine Grain Parallelism. 61-70 - Nader Khammassi, Jean-Christophe Le Lann, Jean-Philippe Diguet, Alexandre Skrzyniarz:
MHPM: Multi-Scale Hybrid Programming Model: A Flexible Parallelization Methodology. 71-80 - Mayez A. Al-Mouhamed, Khaled A. Daud:
Experimental Analysis of SMP Scalability in the Presence of Coherence Traffic and Snoop Filtering. 81-88 - Zhenyu Liu, Lizhi Cai, Yun Hu:
Application Parallel Test with Parameter of High Performance Computer. 89-95 - Yang Liu, Feng Wang:
SoAP: A Strip-oriented Asynchronous Prefetching for Improving the Performance of Parallel Disk Systems. 96-103 - Guojing Cong, Hui-Fang Wen, Hiroki Murata, Yasushi Negishi:
Tool-assisted Optimization of Shared-memory Accesses in UPC Applications. 104-111
Multicore Systems
- Tse-Min Chen, Li-Juo Lin, Hsuan-Liang Chen, Kuei-Chun Liu, Ching-Lung Su, Chao-Yi Cho:
A DVB-T Implementation for Android Stagefright on a Heterogeneous Multi-core Platform. 112-118 - Shuai Jiao, Da Wang, Xiaochun Ye, Weizhi Xu, Hao Zhang, Ninghui Sun:
PartitionSim: A Parallel Simulator for Many-cores. 119-126 - Walid El-Reedy, Ali El-Moursy
, Hossam A. H. Fahmy:
High Performance Memory Requests Scheduling Technique for Multicore Processors. 127-134 - Shuai Jiao, Da Wang, Xiaochun Ye, Weizhi Xu, Hao Zhang, Ninghui Sun:
ALWP: A Workload Partition Method for the Efficient Parallel Simulation of Manycores. 135-142 - Panagiotis D. Michailidis
, Konstantinos G. Margaritis
Computational Comparison of Some Multi-core Programming Tools for Basic Matrix Computations. 143-150 - Itai Avron, Ran Ginosar:
Performance of a Hardware Scheduler for Many-core Architecture. 151-160 - Yu Liu, Hong An, Xiaomei Li, Peng Leng, Sun Sun, Junshi Chen:
VSCP: A Cache Controlling Method for Improving Single Thread Performance in Multicore System. 161-168
Distributed Systems and Applications (1)
- Yanyan Hu, Xiang Long, Jiong Zhang:
Enhance Virtualized HPC System Based on I/O Behavior Perception and Asymmetric Scheduling. 169-178 - Xiaochuan Yu, Alvin Chan Toong Shoon:
A Hypercubic Event-dissemination Overlay Using Structure-aware Addressing for Distributed XML-based Pub/sub System. 179-186 - Xuekang Sun, Rong Qiao:
Joint ML and MMSE Estimation Based Signal Detection for MIMO-OFDM Radio over Fiber System. 187-192 - Bogdan Florin Cornea, Julien Bourgeois
, The Tung Nguyen, Didier El Baz
Scalable Performance Predictions of Distributed Peer-to-Peer Applications. 193-201 - Linchen Yu, Hai Jin, Yang Yu, Xiaofei Liao, Wenbin Jiang:
A Distributed Index Service for Peer-to-Peer VOD. 202-207 - Yannan Liu, Tianzhou Chen, Tiefei Zhang, Jinming Yue:
Dealing with the Functional Units Starvation in SMT. 208-215 - Claudia Rosas
, Anna Sikora
, Josep Jorba
, Andreu Moreno, Eduardo César
Dynamic Tuning of the Workload Partition Factor in Data-Intensive Applications. 216-223 - Luigi Nardi, Fouad Badran, Pierre Fortin, Sylvie Thiria:
YAO: A Generator of Parallel Code for Variational Data Assimilation Applications. 224-232 - Wenbin Jiang, Lei Zhang, Weizhong Qiang, Hai Jin, Yaqiong Peng:
MyStore: A High Available Distributed Storage System for Unstructured Data. 233-240
Distributed Systems and Applications (2)
- Jeonghoon Lee, Frédéric Magoulès
Detection of Concept Drift for Learning from Stream Data. 241-245 - Weijiang Liu, Wenyu Qu, Zhaobin Liu, Keqiu Li, Jian Gong:
Identifying Elephant Flows Using a Reversible MultiLayer Hashed Counting Bloom Filter. 246-253 - Eduardo Marques, Hervé Paulino
Single Operation Multiple Data - Data Parallelism at Subroutine Level. 254-261 - Ruixuan Li, Xuefan Chen, Chengzhou Li, Xiwu Gu, Kunmei Wen:
Efficient Online Index Maintenance for SSD-based Information Retrieval Systems. 262-269 - Qi Hu, Nail A. Gumerov, Ramani Duraiswami
Scalable Distributed Fast Multipole Methods. 270-279 - Yin Liao, Haitao Jiang, Guangzhong Sun, Guojie Jin, Guoliang Chen:
Improve Indirect Branch Prediction with Private Cache in Dynamic Binary Translation. 280-286 - Jeffrey Godwin, Christer Karlsson, Zizhong Chen
Runtime Optimization of Broadcast Communications Using Dynamic Network Topology Information from MPI. 287-294 - Yang Zhang, Feng Shi, Qi Zuo, Shahnawaz Talpur, Ziyu Liu:
Express Router Microarchitecture for Triplet-based Hierarchical Interconnection Network. 295-302
Grid, Cluster and Cloud Computing
- Jeffrey S. Young, Sudhakar Yalamanchili:
Commodity Converged Fabrics for Global Address Spaces in Accelerator Clouds. 303-310 - Bahman Javadi, Parimala Thulasiraman, Rajkumar Buyya:
Cloud Resource Provisioning to Extend the Capacity of Local Resources in the Presence of Failures. 311-319 - Andrea Azzara, Daniele Alessandrelli, Stefano Bocchino, Paolo Pagano
, Matteo Petracca
Architecture, Functional Requirements, and Early Implementation of an Instrumentation Grid for the IoT. 320-327 - John Interrante, Kareem S. Aggour
Applying Cluster Computing to Enable a Large-scale Smart Grid Stability Monitoring Application. 328-335 - Subhash Saini, Steve Heistand, Haoqiang Jin, Johnny Chang, Robert Hood, Piyush Mehrotra, Rupak Biswas:
An Application-based Performance Evaluation of NASA's Nebula Cloud Computing Platform. 336-343 - Daisuke Takahashi
, Atsuya Uno, Mitsuo Yokokawa
An Implementation of Parallel 1-D FFT on the K Computer. 344-350 - Trilce Estrada
, Boyu Zhang, Michela Taufer
, Pietro Cicotti, Roger S. Armen:
Reengineering High-throughput Molecular Datasets for Scalable Clustering Using MapReduce. 351-359 - Seoyoung Kim, Yoonhee Kim:
Application-specific Cloud Provisioning Model Using Job Profiles Analysis. 360-366 - Stefania Costache, Nikos Parlavantzas, Christine Morin, Samuel Kortas:
Themis: Economy-based Automatic Resource Scaling for Cloud Systems. 367-374
GPU Computing
- Philip C. Pratt-Szeliga, James W. Fawcett, Roy D. Welch
Rootbeer: Seamlessly Using GPUs from Java. 375-380 - Muhammad Mobeen Movania, Lin Feng:
High-Performance Volume Rendering on the Ubiquitous WebGL Platform. 381-388 - Imen Chakroun, Nouredine Melab:
An Adaptative Multi-GPU Based Branch-and-Bound. A Case Study: The Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem. 389-395 - Haipeng Jia, Yunquan Zhang, Weiyan Wang
, Jianliang Xu:
Accelerating Viola-Jones Facce Detection Algorithm on GPUs. 396-403 - Nuo Zhang, Toshinori Watanabe:
Image Feature Description by Frequent Patterns. 404-409 - Ruymán Reyes
, Iván López-Rodríguez, Juan J. Fumero
, Francisco de Sande
Directive-based Programming for GPUs: A Comparative Study. 410-417 - Seren Soner, Can C. Özturan
Integer Programming Based Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Cluster Scheduler for SLURM Resource Manager. 418-424 - Shadi G. Alawneh
, Dennis K. Peters
Ice Simulation Using GPGPU. 425-431 - Nhat-Phuong Tran, Myungho Lee, Sugwon Hong, Minho Shin:
Memory Efficient Parallelization for Aho-Corasick Algorithm on a GPU. 432-438 - Lukás Polok, Pavel Smrz
Fast Linear Algebra on GPU. 439-444 - Mehdi Goli, Michael T. Garba, Horacio González-Vélez
Streaming Dynamic Coarse-Grained CPU/GPU Workloads with Heterogeneous Pipelines in FastFlow. 445-452 - Walid A. Abu-Sufah, Asma Abdel Karim:
An Effective Approach for Implementing Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Graphics Processing Units. 453-460 - Feng Ji, Ashwin M. Aji, James Dinan, Darius Buntinas, Pavan Balaji, Rajeev Thakur
, Wu-chun Feng, Xiaosong Ma:
DMA-Assisted, Intranode Communication in GPU Accelerated Systems. 461-468
Embedded Systems
- Yang Chen, Chunming Hu, Tianyu Wo:
Radiata: Enabling Whole System Hot-mirroring via Continual State Replication. 469-476 - Meikang Qiu, Jianwei Niu, Fei Pan, Yu Chen, Yongxin Zhu:
Peak Temperature Minimization for Embedded Systems with DVS Transition Overhead Consideration. 477-484 - Jingcheng Shao, Tianzhou Chen, Li Liu:
Incremental Run-time Application Mapping for Heterogeneous Network on Chip. 485-492 - Weiwei Fu, Jingcheng Shao, Bin Xie, Tianzhou Chen, Li Liu:
Design of a High-Throughput NoC Router with Neighbor Flow Regulation. 493-500 - Bin Xie, Weiwei Fu, Tianzhou Chen:
TrafficLite: A Configurable On-Chip Interconnect Router Microarchitecture. 501-508 - Wen Su, Longbing Zhang, Dan Tang, Xiang Gao:
Using Direct Cache Access Combined with Integrated NIC Architecture to Accelerate Network Processing. 509-515 - Thomas Canhao Xu
, Tapio Pahikkala
, Antti Airola
, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila
, Tapio Salakoski, Hannu Tenhunen
Implementation and Analysis of Block Dense Matrix Decomposition on Network-on-Chips. 516-523 - Amir H. M. Zaytoun, Hossam A. H. Fahmy, Khaled M. F. Elsayed
Implementation and Evaluation of Large Interconnection Routers for Future Many-core Networks on Chip. 524-531 - Prasun Ghosal, Sunita Choudhuri, Hafizur Rahaman
Diametric Mesh of Tree (DiaMoT) Routing Framework for High Performance NoCs: A Hierarchical Approach. 532-537
Scientific and Engineering Computing
- Simon Coakley, Marian Gheorghe
, Mike Holcombe, Lee Shawn Chin, David Worth, Chris Greenough:
Exploitation of High Performance Computing in the FLAME Agent-Based Simulation Framework. 538-545 - Mads Ruben Burgdorff Kristensen
, Brian Vinter:
Managing Communication Latency-Hiding at Runtime for Parallel Programming Languages and Libraries. 546-555 - Yanning Du, Yinliang Zhao, Bo Han, Yuancheng Li:
A Data Structure Centric Method and Execution Model for Partitioning Sequential Programs into Multiple Speculative Threads. 556-563 - Xiaoguang Gu, Lei Zhang, Dongming Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, Jintao Li, Ning Bao:
Data Independent Method of Constructing Distributed LSH for Large-Scale Dynamic High-Dimensional Indexing. 564-571 - Simone Ferlin Oliveira, Karl Fürlinger
, Dieter Kranzlmüller:
Trends in Computation, Communication and Storage and the Consequences for Data-intensive Science. 572-579 - Qing Zhu, Zuoyan Qin:
HyDB: Access Optimization for Data-Intensive Service. 580-587 - Branimir Dickov, Miquel Pericàs, Guillaume Houzeaux
, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguadé
Assessing the Impact of Network Compression on Molecular Dynamics and Finite Element Methods. 588-597 - Ana Jokanovic
, José Carlos Sancho
, Jesús Labarta
, Germán Rodríguez, Cyriel Minkenberg:
Effective Quality-of-Service Policy for Capacity High-Performance Computing Systems. 598-607
Autonomic, Reliability and Fault-tolerance
- Esteban Stafford
, Emilio Castillo
, Fernando Vallejo, José Luis Bosque
, Carmen Martínez
, Cristobal Camarero, Ramón Beivide:
King Topologies for Fault Tolerance. 608-616 - Holger Dachsel, Michael Hofmann, Jens Lang, Gudula Rünger:
Automatic Tuning of the Fast Multipole Method Based on Integrated Performance Prediction. 617-624 - Seyoung Park, Hyosung Hwang, Yunju Baek:
Night-Watch: Cooperated Low Power Operation of Container Security Devices. 625-630 - Issam Rabhi:
Robustness Testing of Web Services Composition. 631-638
Scheduling and Services
- Yuming Xu, Kenli Li, Tung Truong Khac, Meikang Qiu:
A Multiple Priority Queueing Genetic Algorithm for Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous Computing Systems. 639-646 - Ashwin M. Aji, James Dinan, Darius Buntinas, Pavan Balaji, Wu-chun Feng, Keith R. Bisset, Rajeev Thakur
MPI-ACC: An Integrated and Extensible Approach to Data Movement in Accelerator-based Systems. 647-654 - Guodong Wang, Yongmao Ren, Jun Li:
Application Based Rate Controllable TCP for High Performance Bulk Data Transfer. 655-659 - Lei Du, Qinbao Song:
A Simple Classifier Based on a Single Attribute. 660-665 - Linchen Yu, Hai Jin, Wenbin Jiang, Guangxian Liao, Xiaofei Liao:
Self-adaptive Schedule Mechanism for Peer-to-peer Multi-rate Live Streaming System. 666-672 - Jianjiang Wang, Xiaomin Zhu, Jianghan Zhu, Manhao Ma, Laurence Tianruo Yang:
DMTRH: A Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm for Multiple Earth Observation Satellites. 673-680 - Mingyang Guo, Liu Liu, Yongle Zhang, Zhenjun Liu, Lu Xu:
Stable Set Model Based Methods for Large-capacity Client Cache Management. 681-690
Wireless Networks
- Li-Ling Hung, Chih-Yung Chang, Tzu-Lin Wang, Chih-Yao Hsiao:
Cooperative MAC Protocol for Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. 691-698 - Md. Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan
, Guojun Wang, Jiannong Cao
Sensor Placement with Multiple Objectives for Structural Health Monitoring in WSNs. 699-706 - Won-Suk Kim
, Sang-Hwa Chung:
Design and Implementation of IEEE 802.11n in Multi-hop over Wireless Mesh Networks with Multi-Channel Multi-Interface. 707-713 - Chih-Yung Chang, Li-Ling Hung, Tzu-Chia Wang, Tzu-Lin Wang:
ORZBP: An Obstacle-Resistant Zone-based Broadcasting Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 714-721 - Lihua Yang, Sang-Hwa Chung:
HWMP+: An Improved Traffic Load Sheme for Wireless Mesh Networks. 722-727 - Haosong Gou, Younghwan Yoo:
An Energy Efficient MAC Protocol Based on IEEE 802.11 DCF for Wireless Sensor Networks in Port Logistics. 728-733 - Nilanjan Banerjee, Swades De
, Pradipta De, Kiran Dhamale:
Dynamic Source and Channel Rate Adaptation for Video Streaming over Wireless Fading Channels. 734-739 - Siyi Wang
, Weisi Guo
, Tim O'Farrell
Two-tier Cellular Networks with Frequency Selective Surface. 740-747 - Yuwei Xu, Jeremiah D. Deng
, Mariusz Nowostawski:
Optimizing Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Networks Using Analytical Capacity Estimation: A Study on Video Streaming. 748-755
Performance Evaluation and Measurement
- Antonio Delgado Peris
, José M. Hernández
, Eduardo Huedo
Evaluation of the Broadcast Operation in Kademlia. 756-763 - Jie Zhao, Rongcai Zhao, Han Lin:
A Nonlinear Array Subscripts Dependence Test. 764-771 - Wei Li, Demetres D. Kouvatsos, Rod J. Fretwell:
Performance Comparison of Queues with Batch Renewal Arrivals in Continuous and Discrete Times. 772-777 - Patrick MacArthur, Robert D. Russell:
A Performance Study to Guide RDMA Programming Decisions. 778-785 - Xiaowei Chen, Xiaowen Chu
, Adele Lu Jia, Johan A. Pouwelse
Inequity of Sharing Ratio Enhancement in Darknet: Measurement and Improvement. 786-793 - João Marco C. Silva
, Solange Rito Lima
Optimizing Network Measurements through Self-adaptive Sampling. 794-801 - Ezra Kissel, D. Martin Swany
Evaluating High Performance Data Transfer with RDMA-based Protocols in Wide-Area Networks. 802-811
FGC-2012: The Third International Workshop on Frontier of GPU Computing
- Ming-Da Chen, Tung-Ju Hsieh:
Run-Time GPU Computing and Rendering of Earthquake Ground-Motion Data. 812-817 - Qinjian Li, Chengwen Zhong
, Kai Li, Guangyong Zhang, Xiaowei Lu, Qing Zhang, Kaiyong Zhao, Xiaowen Chu:
Implementation of a Lattice Boltzmann Method for Large Eddy Simulation on Multiple GPUs. 818-823 - Matthias Vogelgesang, Suren Chilingaryan
, Tomy dos Santos Rolo
, Andreas Kopmann
UFO: A Scalable GPU-based Image Processing Framework for On-line Monitoring. 824-829 - Ridvan Özaydin, D. Turgay Altilar
OpenCL Remote: Extending OpenCL Platform Model to Network Scale. 830-835 - Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed
, Frédéric Magoulès
Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems on Graphics Processing Unit. 836-842 - Qinjian Li, Chengwen Zhong
, Kaiyong Zhao, Xinxin Mei, Xiaowen Chu
Implementation and Analysis of AES Encryption on GPU. 843-848 - Yu-Rong Chen, Che-Lun Hung, Yu-Shiang Lin, Chun-Yuan Lin, Tien-Lin Lee, Kual-Zheng Lee:
Parallel UPGMA Algorithm on Graphics Processing Units Using CUDA. 849-854 - Jinwoong Kim, Sumin Hong, Beomseok Nam:
A Performance Study of Traversing Spatial Indexing Structures in Parallel on GPU. 855-860
WNM-2012: The Third International Workshop on Wireless Networks and Multimedia
- Youn-Sik Hong, Hye-Kyung Jeon:
A Partial Reconstruction of Connected Dominating Sets in the Case of Fault Nodes. 861-866 - Fahad Ullah, Gul Muhammad Khan, Sahibzada Ali Mahmud:
Intelligent Bandwidth Management Using Fast Learning Neural Networks. 867-872