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ICCS 2004: Krakow, Poland
- Marian Bubak, G. Dick van Albada, Peter M. A. Sloot, Jack J. Dongarra:
Computational Science - ICCS 2004, 4th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, June 6-9, 2004, Proceedings, Part IV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3039, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-22129-8
Workshop on Advanced Methods of Digital Image Processing
- Piotr Porwik
, Agnieszka Lisowska:
The New Graphic Description of the Haar Wavelet Transform. 1-8 - Tomasz Arodz:
On New Radon-Based Translation, Rotation, and Scaling Invariant Transform for Face Recognition. 9-17 - Ján Glasa
On Bit-Level Systolic Arrays for Least-Squares Digital Contour Smoothing. 18-25 - Rastislav Lukac, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Bayer Pattern Demosaicking Using Local-Correlation Approach. 26-33 - Vinh Hong, Henryk Palus, Dietrich Paulus:
Edge Preserving Filters on Color Images. 34-40 - Katarzyna Stapor, Adam Switonski, Radim Chrástek, Georg Michelson:
Segmentation of Fundus Eye Images Using Methods of Mathematical Morphology for Glaucoma Diagnosis. 41-48 - Katarzyna Stapor, Leslaw Pawlaczyk, Radim Chrástek, Georg Michelson:
Automatic Detection of Glaucomatous Changes Using Adaptive Thresholding and Neural Networks. 49-55 - Pavel Zahradnik, Miroslav Vlcek:
Analytical Design of 2-D Narrow Bandstop FIR Filters. 56-63 - Pavel Zahradnik, Miroslav Vlcek:
Analytical Design of Arbitrary Oriented Asteroidal 2-D FIR Filters. 64-71 - Rastislav Lukac, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
A {k, n}-Secret Sharing Scheme for Color Images. 72-79
Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling (CGGM 2004)
- Pierre-François Bonnefoi, Dimitri Plemenos, William Ruchaud:
Declarative Modelling in Computer Graphics: Current Results and Future Issues. 80-89 - Kwan-Hee Yoo, Jong-Sung Ha:
Geometric Snapping for 3D Meshes. 90-97 - Imma Boada, Narcís Coll, Joan Antoni Sellarès:
Multiresolution Approximations of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams. 98-106 - J. Francisco Ramos, Miguel Chover
LodStrips: Level of Detail Strips. 107-114 - Vincent Jolivet, Dimitri Plemenos, Patrick Poulingeas:
Declarative Specification of Ambiance in VRML Landscapes. 115-122 - Ivana Kolingerová
, Václav Strych, Václav Cada:
Using Constraints in Delaunay and Greedy Triangulation for Contour Lines Improvement. 123-130 - Kwan-Hee Yoo, Jong-Sung Ha:
An Effective Modeling of Single Cores Prostheses Using Geometric Techniques. 131-138 - María Victoria Luzón, Enrique Barreiro
, Enrique Yeguas, Robert Joan-Arinyo:
GA and CHC. Two Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve the Root Identification Problem in Geometric Constraint Solving. 139-146 - Michal Varnuska, Ivana Kolingerová:
Manifold Extraction in Surface Reconstruction. 147-155 - Jean-Luc Mari, Jean Sequeira:
Expression of a Set of Points' Structure within a Specific Geometrical Model. 156-163 - Polina Kondratieva, Vlastimil Havran, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Effective Use of Procedural Shaders in Animated Scenes. 164-172 - Inmaculada Remolar, Cristina Rebollo
, Miguel Chover
, José Ribelles
Real-Time Tree Rendering. 173-180 - Lee Soo Yeon, Yong Han Soon, Kyung-hyun Yoon:
A Brush Stroke Generation Using Magnetic Field Model for Painterly Rendering. 181-188 - Mateu Sbert
, Francesc Castro:
Reuse of Paths in Final Gathering Step with Moving Light Sources. 189-196 - Celso Campos, Ricardo Quirós, Joaquín Huerta, Emilio Camahort, Roberto Vivó, Javier Lluch
Real Time Tree Sketching. 197-204 - Young-Suk Shin:
Facial Expression Recognition Based on Dimension Model Using Sparse Coding. 205-212 - Sixto Romero, Francisco J. Moreno:
An Application to the Treatment of Geophysical Images through Orthogonal Projections. 213-220 - José F. M. Morgado, Abel João Padrão Gomes:
A Derivative-Free Tracking Algorithm for Implicit Curves with Singularities. 221-228 - Francisco Luengo, Andrés Iglesias
Framework for Simulating the Human Behavior for Intelligent Virtual Agents. Part I: Framework Architecture. 229-236 - Francisco Luengo, Andrés Iglesias
Framework for Simulating the Human Behavior for Intelligent Virtual Agents. Part II: Behavioral System. 237-244 - Pere-Pau Vázquez
, Jordi Marco
, Mateu Sbert
Point-Based Modeling from a Single Image. 245-251 - Pilar Herrero, Angélica de Antonio:
Introducing Physical Boundaries in Virtual Environments. 252-257 - Ioannis Fudos, Ioannis Kyriazis
Thin Client Access to a Visualization Environment. 258-263 - Radoslaw Mantiuk, Karina Murawko-Wisniewska, Dorota Zdrojewska:
Interactive Visualization of Relativistic Effects with the Hardware Acceleration. 264-269
Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and Applications (CASA 2004)
- Piotr Luszczek, Jack J. Dongarra:
Design of Interactive Environment for Numerically Intensive Parallel Linear Algebra Calculations. 270-277 - Ramutis Bansevicius, Algimantas Cepulkauskas, Regina Kulvietiene, Genadijus Kulvietis:
Computer Algebra for Real-Time Dynamics of Robots with Large Numbers of Joints. 278-285 - Hitoshi Yanami, Hirokazu Anai:
Development of SyNRAC-Formula Description and New Functions. 286-294 - Yongwei Wu, Guangwen Yang, Weimin Zheng, Dongdai Lin:
DisCAS: A Distributed-Parallel Computer Algebra System. 295-302 - Robert Ipanaqué, Andrés Iglesias
A Mathematica Package for Solving and Displaying Inequalities. 303-310 - Ryszard A. Walentynski
Choleski-Banachiewicz Approach to Systems with Non-positive Definite Matrices with Mathematica. 311-318 - Haiduke Sarafian:
A Closed Form Solution of the Run-Time of a Sliding Bead along a Freely Hanging Slinky. 319-326 - Juan Félix San-Juan, Sergio Serrano, Alberto Abad:
Analytical Theory of Motion of a Mars Orbiter. 327-334 - Alfred G. Noël:
Computing Theta-Stable Parabolic Subalgebras Using LiE. 335-342 - Alain Bretto
, Luc Gillibert:
Graphical and Computational Representation of Groups. 343-350 - Ciro D'Apice, Giuliano Gargiulo, Rosanna Manzo
First Order ODEs: Mathematica and Symbolic-Numerical Methods. 351-357 - Andrey S. Siver:
Evaluation of the Fundamental Physical Constants in Mathematica. 358-363 - Ali Yazici, Irfan Altas, Tanil Ergenç:
Symbolic Polynomial Interpolation Using Mathematica. 364-369 - Igor Gashkov:
Constant Weight Codes with Package CodingTheory.m in Mathematica. 370-375 - Ünal Ufuktepe
, Goksen Bacak, Tina Beseri:
Graph Coloring with web Mathematica. 376-381 - S. Yu. Vernov:
Construction of Solutions for Nonintegrable Systems with the Help of the Painleve Test. 382-387 - Tamara Ivanova:
Computer Algebra Manipulations in Astronomy. 388-393
Workshop on New Numerical Methods for DEs: Applications to Linear Algebra, Control and Engineering
- Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Stefan Dirnstorfer:
Higher Order Quadrature on Sparse Grids. 394-401 - Avram Sidi:
Application of Extrapolation Methods to Numerical Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations Related to Boundary Value Problems. 402-409 - Harald Köstler
, Ulrich Rüde:
Extrapolation Techniques for Computing Accurate Solutions of Elliptic Problems with Singular Solutions. 410-417 - Silvana Martucci, Beatrice Paternoster:
Vandermonde-Type Matrices in Two Step Collocation Methods for Special Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations. 418-425 - Fasma Diele, Carmela Marangi
, Stefania Ragni:
Direct Optimization Using Gaussian Quadrature and Continuous Runge-Kutta Methods: Application to an Innovation Diffusion Model. 426-433 - Luca Bergamaschi, Marco Caliari, Marco Vianello:
The ReLPM Exponential Integrator for FE Discretizations of Advection-Diffusion Equations. 434-442 - Liviu Gr. Ixaru, Beatrice Paternoster:
Function Fitting Two-Step BDF Algorithms for ODEs. 443-450 - J. Mead, Barbara Zubik-Kowal
Pseudospectral Iterated Method for Differential Equations with Delay Terms. 451-458 - Nicoletta Del Buono, Luciano Lopez:
A Hybrid Numerical Technique for the Solution of a Class of Implicit Matrix Differential Equation. 459-466 - Tiziano Politi:
A Continuous Approach for the Computation of the Hyperbolic Singular Value Decomposition. 467-474
Workshop on Parallel Monte Carlo Algorithms for Diverse Applications in a Distributed Setting
- Vassil N. Alexandrov, Ashish Thandavan, Péter Kacsuk:
Using P-GRADE for Monte Carlo Computations in a Distributed Environment. 475-482 - Mark Calleja, Martin T. Dove:
Calculating Activation Energies in Diffusion Processes Using a Monte Carlo Approach in a Grid Environment. 483-490 - Vassil N. Alexandrov, Zahari Zlatev:
Using Parallel Monte Carlo Methods in Large-Scale Air Pollution Modelling. 491-498 - Sofiya Ivanovska
, Aneta Karaivanova
Parallel Importance Separation for Multiple Integrals and Integral Equations. 499-506 - Todor V. Gurov, Paula A. Whitlock:
Investigation of the Sensitivity of the Monte Carlo Solution for the Barker-Ferry Equation with Sequential and Parallel Pseudo-Random Number Generators. 507-514 - Mikhail Yakutovich:
Design and Distributed Computer Simulation of Thin p+-i-n+ Avalanche Photodiodes Using Monte Carlo Model. 515-522 - Stefka Fidanova:
Convergence Proof for a Monte Carlo Method for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. 523-530 - Donka S. Angelova, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Tzvetan Semerdjiev:
Monte Carlo Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking and Classification. 531-539
Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Multi-physics Multi-scale Systems
- Paul Albuquerque, Davide Alemani, Bastien Chopard, Pierre Leone:
Coupling a Lattice Boltzmann and a Finite Difference Scheme. 540-547 - Abdel Monim Artoli, Lilit Abrahamyan, Alfons G. Hoekstra:
Accuracy versus Performance in Lattice Boltzmann BGK Simulations of Systolic Flows. 548-555 - Alexandre Dupuis, Julia M. Yeomans
Mesoscopic Modelling of Droplets on Topologically Patterned Substrates. 556-563 - Bernhard F. W. Gschaider, Claudia C. Honeger, Christian E. P. Redl:
Soot Particle Deposition within Porous Structures Using a Method of Moments - Lattice Boltzmann Approach. 564-571 - Pieter Van Leemput
, Kurt Lust:
Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Lattice Boltzmann Models: A Reaction-Diffusion Example. 572-579 - Savino Longo, Mario Capitelli, Paola Diomede:
Particle Models of Discharge Plasmas in Molecular Gases. 580-587 - Francesco Taccogna, Savino Longo, Mario Capitelli, Ralf Schneider:
Fully Kinetic Particle-in-Cell Simulation of a Hall Thruster. 588-595 - Alexey Y. Kuksin, Igor V. Morozov
, Genri E. Norman, Vladimir V. Stegailov:
Standard of Molecular Dynamics Modeling and Simulation of Relaxation in Dense Media. 596-603 - Alexander van Zuijlen, Hester Bijl:
Implicit and Explicit Higher Order Time Integration Schemes for Fluid-Structure Interaction Computations. 604-611 - David Néron, Pierre Ladevèze, David Dureisseix
, Bernhard A. Schrefler:
Accounting for Nonlinear Aspects in Multiphysics Problems: Application to Poroelasticity. 612-620 - John Michopoulos:
Computational Modelling of Multi-field Ionic Continuum Systems. 621-628 - Taisuke Boku, Hajime Susa, Kenji Onuma, Masayuki Umemura, Mitsuhisa Sato, Daisuke Takahashi
Formation of Dwarf Galaxies in Reionized Universe with Heterogeneous Multi-computer System. 629-636 - Michal P. Sobera, Chris R. Kleijn, Paul Brasser, Harry E. A. Van den Akker:
A Multi-scale Numerical Study of the Flow, Heat, and Mass Transfer in Protective Clothing. 637-644 - Linxiang X. Wang, Roderick V. N. Melnik:
Thermomechanical Waves in SMA Patches under Small Mechanical Loadings. 645-652 - Roman Samulyak, Tianshi Lu, Yarema Prykarpatskyy
Direct and Homogeneous Numerical Approaches to Multiphase Flows and Applications. 653-660 - Arjan J. H. Frijns
, Silvia V. Nedea, A. J. Markvoort, Anton A. van Steenhoven, Peter A. J. Hilbers:
Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo Simulations for Heat Transfer in Micro and Nano-channels. 661-666 - Andrei Bourchtein, Ludmila Bourchtein:
Improved Semi-Lagrangian Stabilizing Correction Scheme for Shallow Water Equations. 667-672 - Monika Gall, Ryszard Kutner, Andrzej Majerowski, Dariusz Zebrowski:
Bose-Einstein Condensation Studied by the Real-Time Monte Carlo Simulation in the Frame of Java Applet. 673-678
Workshop on Gene, Genome, and Population Evolution
- Jean R. Lobry:
Life History Traits and Genome Structure: Aerobiosis and G+C Content in Bacteria. 679-686 - Pawel Mackiewicz, Malgorzata Dudkiewicz, Maria Kowalczuk, Dorota Mackiewicz
, Joanna Banaszak, Natalia Polak, Kamila Smolarczyk, Aleksandra Nowicka, Miroslaw R. Dudek, Stanislaw Cebrat:
Differential Gene Survival under Asymmetric Directional Mutational Pressure. 687-693 - Natalia Polak, Joanna Banaszak, Pawel Mackiewicz, Malgorzata Dudkiewicz, Maria Kowalczuk, Dorota Mackiewicz
, Kamila Smolarczyk, Aleksandra Nowicka, Miroslaw R. Dudek, Stanislaw Cebrat:
How Gene Survival Depends on Their Length. 694-699 - Alexandra Calteau, Vincent Daubin, Guy Perrière:
Super-tree Approach for Studying the Phylogeny of Prokaryotes: New Results on Completely Sequenced Genomes. 700-708 - Stanislaw Cebrat, Jan P. Radomski, Dietrich Stauffer:
Genetic Paralog Analysis and Simulations. 709-717 - Richard A. Goldstein:
Evolutionary Perspectives on Protein Thermodynamics. 718-727 - Ivo L. Hofacker, Peter F. Stadler
The Partition Function Variant of Sankoff's Algorithm. 728-735 - Sergei V. Semovski:
Simulation of Molecular Evolution Using Population Dynamics Modelling. 736-741 - François Coppex, Michel Droz, Adam Lipowski:
Lotka-Volterra Model of Macro-Evolution on Dynamical Networks. 742-749 - Maria Stanislawa Magdon-Maksymowicz:
Simulation of a Horizontal and Vertical Disease Spread in Population. 750-757 - Maria Stanislawa Magdon-Maksymowicz, Andrzej Zbigniew Maksymowicz:
Evolution of Population with Interaction between Neighbours. 758-764 - Stanislaw Cebrat, Andrzej Pekalski:
The Role of Dominant Mutations in the Population Expansion. 765-770
Workshop on Computational Methods in Finance and Insurance
- Nicola Bruti Liberati, Eckhard Platen
On the Efficiency of Simplified Weak Taylor Schemes for Monte Carlo Simulation in Finance. 771-778 - Fabio Lamantia
, Sergio Ortobelli Lozza
, Svetlozar T. Rachev:
Time-Scale Transformations: Effects on VaR Models. 779-786 - Wojciech Szatzschneider, Monique Jeanblanc, Teresa Kwiatkowska:
Environment and Financial Markets. 787-794 - Sebastian Rasmus, Søren Asmussen, Magnus Wiktorsson:
Pricing of Some Exotic Options with NIG-Lévy Input. 795-802 - Aleksander Janicki, Jakub Zwierz:
Construction of Quasi Optimal Portfolio for Stochastic Models of Financial Market. 803-810 - Leszek Slominski
, Tomasz Wojciechowski:
Euler Scheme for One-Dimensional SDEs with Time Dependent Reflecting Barriers. 811-818 - Bartosz Ziemkiewicz
On Approximation of Average Expectation Prices for Path Dependent Options in Fractional Models. 819-826 - Piotr Kokoszka, Gilles Teyssière
, Aonan Zhang:
Confidence Intervals for the Autocorrelations of the Squares of GARCH Sequences. 827-834 - Piotr Lipinski, Jerzy J. Korczak
Performance Measures in an Evolutionary Stock Trading Expert System. 835-842 - Jovita Nenortaite, Rimvydas Simutis:
Stocks' Trading System Based on the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 843-850 - Jasper Anderluh, Hans van der Weide:
Parisian Options - The Implied Barrier Concept. 851-858 - Michael Bierbrauer, Stefan Trück, Rafal Weron:
Modeling Electricity Prices with Regime Switching Models. 859-867 - Krzysztof Burnecki, Rafal Weron:
Modeling the Risk Process in the XploRe Computing Environment. 868-875
Workshop on Computational Economics and Finance
- Liyong Yu, Shouyang Wang, Yue Wu, Kin Keung Lai:
A Dynamic Stochastic Programming Model for Bond Portfolio Management. 876-883 - Takashi Matsuhisa:
Communication Leading to Nash Equilibrium without Acyclic Condition (S4-Knowledge Model Case). 884-891 - Jianping Li
, Jingli Liu, Weixuan Xu, Yong Shi:
Support Vector Machines Approach to Credit Assessment. 892-899 - Zheng Yang, Yue Wang, Yu Bai, Xin Zhang:
Measuring Scorecard Performance. 900-906 - Jinlan Tian, Lin Zhu, Suqin Zhang, Gang Huang:
Parallelism of Association Rules Mining and Its Application in Insurance Operations. 907-914 - Ken Horie, Takashi Matsuhisa:
No Speculation under Expectations in Awareness. 915-922 - Min Jiang, Qiying Hu, Zhiqing Meng:
A Method on Solving Multiobjective Conditional Value-at-Risk. 923-930 - Yi Peng, Gang Kou
, Zhengxin Chen, Yong Shi:
Cross-Validation and Ensemble Analyses on Multiple-Criteria Linear Programming Classification for Credit Cardholder Behavior. 931-939