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37th ICIS 2016: Dublin, Ireland
- Pär J. Ågerfalk, Natalia Levina, Sia Siew Kien:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems - Digital Innovation at the Crossroads, ICIS 2016, Dublin, Ireland, December 11-14, 2016. Association for Information Systems 2016, ISBN 978-0-9966831-3-5
Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding, Blockchain and the Sharing Economy
- Apostolos Filippas, Arne Rogde Gramstad:
A Model of Pricing in the Sharing Economy: Pricing Dynamics with Awareness-Generating Adoptions. - Gerrit Remané, Rob Nickerson, Andre Hanelt, Jan Fritz Tesch, Lutz Maria Kolbe:
A Taxonomy of Carsharing Business Models. - Yiftach Nagar, Patrick De Boer, Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia:
Accelerating the Review of Complex Intellectual Artifacts in Crowdsourced Innovation Challenges. - Ziru Li, Kevin Hong, Zhongju Zhang:
An Empirical Analysis of On-demand Ride Sharing and Traffic Congestion. - Xue Tan, Yingda Lu, Yong Tan:
An Examination of Social Comparison Triggered by Higher Donation Visibility over Social Media Platforms. - Benjamin Fabian, Tatiana Ermakova, Ulrike Sander:
Anonymity in Bitcoin? - The Users' Perspective. - Jongho Kim, Minhyung Lee, Daegon Cho, Byungtae Lee:
Are All Spillovers Created Equal? The Impact of Blockbusters and the Composition of Backers in Online Crowdfunding. - Alexander Benedikt Merz, Isabella Seeber, Ronald Maier, Alexander Richter, Robert Schimpf, Johann Füller:
Exploring the Effects of Contest Mechanisms on Idea Shortlisting in an Open Idea Competition. - Hailun Qi, Jiye Mao:
Facilitating Transactions on a Crowdsourcing Platform: A Cognitive Frame Perspective. - Shunyuan Zhang, Dokyun Lee, Param Vir Singh, Kannan Srinivasan:
How Much Is An Image Worth? An Empirical Analysis of Property's Image Aesthetic Quality on Demand at AirBNB. - Asin Tavakoli, Daniel Schlagwein, Detlef Schoder:
Lifecycle of Strategy Practices: The Case of CarCo's Open Strategy Online Community. - Dominik Gutt, Dennis Kundisch:
Money Talks (Even) in the Sharing Economy: Empirical Evidence for Price Effects in Online Ratings as Quality Signals. - Clara Walsh, Philip O'Reilly, Rob Gleasure, Joseph Feller, Shanping Li, Jerry Cristoforo:
New kid on the block: a strategic archetypes approach to understanding the Blockchain. - Oliver Zuchowski, Daniel Schlagwein, Kai Fischbach:
"Open Calls" Rather than "Fixed Assignments": A Longitudinal Field Study of the Nature and Consequences of Internal Crowdsourcing. - Svetlana Abramova, Rainer Böhme:
Perceived Benefit and Risk as Multidimensional Determinants of Bitcoin Use: A Quantitative Exploratory Study. - Dobin Yim, Tim Malefyt, Jie Ren:
Remembering Beauty or Artifacts? Empirical Investigation of Mobile Photo Evaluation. - Julia Troll, Ivo Blohm, Jan Marco Leimeister:
Revealing the Impact of the Crowdsourcing Experience on the Engagement Process. - Christoph Willing, Tobias Brandt, Dirk Neumann
Sharing is Caring - Understanding the Relationship Between the Sharing Economy and Sustainable Mobility. - Matthias Tietz, Alexander Simons, Markus Weinmann, Jan vom Brocke:
The Decoy Effect in Reward-Based Crowdfunding: Preliminary Results from an Online Experiment. - Krista Godfrey:
The Impact of Networks of Public on Crowdsourcing in the UK Heritage Sector. - Jongho Kim, Daegon Cho, Byungtae Lee:
The Mind Behind Crowdfunding: An Empirical Study of Speech Emotion in Fundraising Success. - Florian Hawlitschek, Timm Teubner, Marc Thomas Philipp Adam, Nils S. Borchers, Mareike Moehlmann, Christof Weinhardt:
Trust in the Sharing Economy: An Experimental Framework. - Jie (Kevin) Yan, Dorothy E. Leidner, Hind Benbya:
User-Generated Content and Employee Creativity: Evidence from Salesforce IdeaExchange Community.
Data Science and Business Analytics
- Zhuolan Bao, Michael Chau:
A Schema-oriented Product Clustering Method Using Online Product Reviews. - Xiaoping Liu, Xiao-Bai Li:
Data Acquisition for Business Analytics. - Ning Luo, Yilu Zhou, John Shon:
Employee Satisfaction and Corporate Performance: Mining Employee Reviews on Glassdoor.com. - Weifeng Li, Junming Yin, Hsinchun Chen:
Identifying High Quality Carding Services in Underground Economy using Nonparametric Supervised Topic Model. - Nicolas Pröllochs, Stefan Feuerriegel, Dirk Neumann
Is Human Information Processing Affected by Emotional Content? Understanding The Role of Facts and Emotions in the Stock Market. - Daniel Gartner, Rema Padman:
Mathematical Modelling and Cluster Analysis in Healthcare Analytics - The Case of Length of Stay Management. - Derek Legenzoff, Teagen Nabity:
Mining Domain Knowledge: Using Functional Dependencies to Profile Data. - Haidong Zhang, Wancheng Ni, Xin Li, Yiping Yang:
Modeling Idle Customers to Tackle the Sparsity Problem in Time-dependent Recommendation. - Alexander Seeliger, Timo Nolle, Benedikt Schmidt, Max Mühlhäuser:
Process Compliance Checking using Taint Flow Analysis. - Marios Kokkodis, Theodoros Lappas:
Realizing the Activation Potential of Online Communities. - Alexander Eck, Falk Uebernickel:
Reconstructing Open Source Software Ecosystems: Finding Structure in Digital Traces. - Ryo Onozuka, Tomohito Yamazaki, Jiro Kokuryo:
Redefiners of Discipline Borders: A Bayesian Detection Method for Conceptual Changes in Scientific Knowledge. - Katherine Hoffmann Pham, Panos Ipeirotis, Arun Sundararajan:
Ridesharing and the Use of Public Transportation. - Kevin Laubis, Viliam Simko, Alexander Schuller:
Road Condition Measurement and Assessment: A Crowd Based Sensing Approach. - Shan Huang:
Social Influence in Public and Private Behaviors. - Tianhui Tan, Tuan Phan:
Social Media-Driven Credit Scoring: the Predictive Value of Social Structures. - Xue Tan, Youwei Wang, Yong Tan:
The Value of Live Chat on Online Purchase. - Daning Hu, Jiaqi Yan, René Algesheimer, Markus Meierer:
Understanding Moderators of Peer Influence for Engineering Viral Marketing Seeding Simulations and Strategies. - Quan Wang, Beibei Li, Pengyuan Wang, Jimmy Yang:
Using TB-Sized Data to Understand Multi-Device Advertising. - Tomer Geva, Maytal Saar-Tsechansky:
Who's A Good Decision Maker? Data-Driven Expert Worker Ranking under Unobservable Quality.
Digital Innovation at the Crossroads
- Kai Reimers, Xunhua Guo, Mingzhi Li:
An Institutional Perspective on Two-sided Networks. - Leona Chandra Kruse, Sanja Tumbas:
Digital Ethnography: At the Crossroads of Mirage, Mosaic, and Mirror. - Suchit Ahuja, Yolande E. Chan:
Digital Innovation: A Frugal Ecosystem Perspective. - Jens Förderer, Thomas Kude, Sunil Mithas, Armin Heinzl:
Does Platform Owner's Entry Crowd Out Innovation? Evidence From Google Photos. - Liudmila Zavolokina, Mateusz Dolata, Gerhard Schwabe:
FinTech - What's in a Name? - Gongtai Wang, Ola Henfridsson, Joe Nandhakumar:
How Do Designers Assemble Representational Practices to Generate Radical Digital Innovations? - Sachithra Lokuge, Darshana Sedera:
Is your IT eco-system ready to facilitate organizational innovation? Deriving an IT eco-system readiness measurement model. - Matthias M. Herterich, Martin Mikusz:
Looking for a Few Good Concepts and Theories for Digitized Artifacts and Digital Innovation in a Material World. - Minjung Choi:
Organizing Open Digital Innovation: Evidence from Hackathons. - Élise Labonté-LeMoyne, Pierre-Majorique Léger, Sylvain Senecal, Radhika Santhanam:
Physical interaction with technology: kinesiology as a reference discipline for information systems research. - Thomas John:
Supporting Business Model Idea Generation Through Machine-generated Ideas: A Design Theory. - SungYong Um, Youngjin Yoo:
The Co-Evolution of Digital Ecosystems. - Netta Iivari, Tonja Molin-Juustila, Marianne Kinnula:
The Future Digital Innovators: Empowering the Young Generation with Digital Fabrication and Making. - Nihal Islam, Katrin Trautmann, Peter Buxmann:
Tradition Meets Modernity - Learning from Start-ups as a Chance to Create Digital Innovation in Corporations. - Louis Christian Püschel, Maximilian Roeglinger, Helen Schlott:
What's in a Smart Thing? Development of a Multi-layer Taxonomy.
E-Business and E-Government
- Zhijie Lin, Ying Zhang, Yong Tan:
An Investigation of Free Product Sampling and Rating Bias in E-Commerce. - Christopher Hahn, Jan C. Huntgeburth, Till J. Winkler, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Business and IT Capabilities for Cloud Platform Success. - Tianhui Tan, Prasanta Bhattacharya, Tuan Phan:
Credit-worthiness Prediction in Microfinance using Mobile Data: A Spatio-network Approach. - JaeHwuen Jung, Ravi Bapna, Joseph M. Golden, Tianshu Sun:
Does Care Lead to Share? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment on Call for Sharing. - Zuyin (Alvin) Zheng, Ting Li, Paul A. Pavlou:
Does Position Matter More on Mobile? Ranking Effects across Devices. - Sangwook Ha, Atreyi Kankanhalli, Jai S. Kishan, Ke-Wei Huang:
Does Social Media Marketing Really Work for Online SMEs?: An Empirical Study. - Kevin Hong, Bin Gu, Gordon Burtch, Nina Ni Huang, Chen Liang, Kanliang Wang, Dongpu Fu:
Effectiveness of Performance Feedback in Stimulating User-Generated Content. - Anat Goldstein, Orit Raphaeli, Shachar Reichman:
Engagement, Search Goals and Conversion - The Different M-Commerce Path to Conversion. - Huifang Li, Yulin Fang, Youwei Wang, Kai Hin Lim:
How to Reduce Product Return in the E-Marketplace: A Technology Perspective. - Mengyue Wang, Xin Li, Patrick Y. K. Chau:
Image Analysis to Assess the Impact of Photo Aesthetics on Online Consumer Click-through: An Empirical Study. - Sultana Lubna Alam:
Interactions on Government Facebook Pages: An Empirical Analysis. - Martin Bichler, Vladimir Fux, Jacob K. Goeree:
Linear payment rules for combinatorial exchanges. - Dominik Molitor, Philipp Reichhart, Martin Spann:
Location-Based Advertising and Contextual Mobile Targeting. - Yingjie Zhang, Beibei Li, Xueming Luo, Xiaoyi Wang:
Modeling User Engagement in Mobile Content Consumption with Tapstream Data. - Ding Li, Khim-Yong Goh, Cheng Suang Heng:
Monetizing User-Generated Content in FinTech: An Empirical Study of a Social Investing Site. - Thomas Walter Frick, Ting Li:
Personalization in Social Retargeting - A Field Experiment. - Angela Aerry Choi, Daegon Cho, Dobin Yim, Jae Yun Moon, Wonseok Oh:
See for Yourself or Listen to Others: Complementary and Substitutive Effects of Previews and Reviews on E-Book Purchase and Consumption. - Naama tzur, Lior Zalmanson, Gal Oestreicher-Singer:
The Dark Side of User Participation - The Effect of Calls to Action on Trust and Information Revelation. - Lin Yue, Barney Tan, Lili Cui:
The Development, Enactment and Social Implications of Digital Entrepreneurship: Insights from a Rural Chinese Village. - Xitong Li, Jiayin Zhang:
The Effects of Monetary Incentives and Social Comparison on MOOC Participation: A Randomized Field Experiment. - Jun Liu, Vibhanshu Abhishek, Beibei Li:
The Impact of Mobile Adoption on Customer Omni-Channel Banking Behavior. - Thomas Friedrich, Sven Overhage, Sebastian Schlauderer:
The More the Better? Exploring the Relationship between Social Commerce Feature Intensity, Social Factors, and Consumers' Buying Behavior. - Khalid Al Rawahi, Crispin R. Coombs, Neil F. Doherty:
The Realization of Public Value through E-government: a Structuration Perspective. - Marios Kokkodis, Theodoros Lappas:
The Relationship Between Disclosing Purchase Information and Reputation Systems in Electronic Markets. - Gunwoong Lee, T. S. Raghu:
The Role of Quality in Mobile App Markets. - Young Kwark, Gene Moo Lee, Paul A. Pavlou, Liangfei Qiu:
The Spillover Effects of User-Generated Online Product Reviews on Purchases: Evidence from Clickstream Data. - Felix Ter Chian Tan, Shan Ling Pan, Jun Yong Liu:
Towards a Self-Organizing Digital Business Ecosystem: Examining IT-Enabled Boundary Spanning Practice of China's LeEco. - Uttara M. Ananthakrishnan, Michael D. Smith, Rahul Telang:
When Streams Come True: Estimating the Impact of Free Streaming Availability on EST Sales. - Zhixing Zhang:
Who Boost Your Sales, Somebody or Nobody?
Economics and Value of IS
- Per Paulsen, Martin Bichler:
A Principal-Agent Model of Bidding Firms in Multi-Unit Auctions. - Jinyang Zheng, Youwei Wang, Yong Tan:
Conform or To Be Cast Out: Quantifying the Effect of Platform Endorsement and Consumer Generated Reputation in Online Service Marketplace Demand System. - Deepa Mani, Anandhi Bharadwaj, Anand Nandakumar:
Digital Centricity and Innovation Performance. - Yanzhen Chen, Huaxia Rui, Andrew B. Whinston:
Does Reputation Management on Social Media Boost Career? Evidence from the Market for Executives. - Daniel Provin, Peter Angerer, Steffen Zimmermann:
Economics of B2C Sharing Platforms. - Chen Liang, Kevin Hong, Bin Gu:
Effects of IT-enabled Monitoring Systems in Online Labor Markets. - Yunkun Zhao, Khim Yong Goh, Liwen Hou:
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Online Customer Touchpoints in Omni-channel Environments. - Shuo Yan, Chunmian Ge:
Gender Difference in Competition Preference and Work Duration in the IT Industry: LinkedIn Evidence. - Daniel Rock, Sinan Aral, Sean J. Taylor:
Identification of Peer Effects in Networked Panel Data. - Ji Wu, Kang Xie, JingHua Xiao, J. Leon Zhao:
Impact of Offline and Online Peer Influence on Customer Purchase Behavior: An Empirical Investigation. - Jiahui Mo, Sumit Sarkar, Syam Menon:
Investigating Effects of Competing Tasks on Crowdsourcing Contest Platforms. - Shuting Ada Wang, Paul A. Pavlou, Jing Gong:
Monetary Incentives, Online Reviews, and Product Sales: An Empirical Investigation. - Yang Wang, Vandana Ramachandran, Olivia Sheng:
The Causal Impact of Fit Valence and Fit Reference on Online Product Returns. - Probal Mojumder, Jason Chan, Anindya Ghose:
The Digital Sin City: An Empirical Study of Craigslist's Impact on Prostitution Trends. - Zhihong Ke, De Liu, Alok Gupta:
The Ebb and Flow of Online Word of Mouth. - Lusi Yang, Zhiyi Wang, Yi Ding, Jungpil Hahn:
The Role of Online Peer-to-Peer Lending in Crisis Response: Evidence from Kiva. - Hilah Geva, Gal Oestreicher-Singer, Maytal Saar-Tsechansky:
Using Retweets to Shape our Online Persona: a Topic Modeling Approach. - Neha Agarwal, Christina Soh, Adrian Yeow:
Value Co-creation in Service Ecosystems: A Member Perspective.
General IS Topics
- Brian T. Pentland, Jan Recker, George M. Wyner:
Conceptualizing and Measuring Interdependence between Organizational Routines. - Mohammad Ali Jabbari Sabegh, Jan Recker, Peter F. Green:
Designing Experiments to Test the Theory of Combined Ontological Coverage. - Michael Blaschke, Mohammad Kazem Haki, Uwe Volker Riss, Robert Winter, Stephan Aier:
Digital Infrastructure: A Service-dominant Logic Perspective. - Ming-Hui Huang, William Rand, Roland T. Rust:
Don't Do It Right, Do It Fast? Speed and Quality of Innovation as an Emergent Process. - Réka Pétercsák, Giovanni Maccani, Brian Donnellan, Markus Helfert, Niall Connolly:
Enabling Factors for Smart Cities: A Case Study. - Daniel A. Döppner, Robert Wayne Gregory, Detlef Schoder, Honorata Siejka:
Exploring Design Principles for Human-Machine Symbiosis: Insights from Constructing an Air Transportation Logistics Artifact. - Gerit Wagner, Julian Prester, Maria Patricia Roche, Alexander Benlian, Guido Schryen:
Factors Affecting the Scientific Impact of Literature Reviews: A Scientometric Study. - Dragos Vieru, Suzanne Rivard, Simon Bourdeau:
From Boundary Shaker to Boundary Consolidator by Ways of Symbolic Discourses in a Post-Merger Integration Context. - Mariana Giovanna Andrade Rojas, Jiban Khuntia, Terence Joseph Vinay Saldanha, Abhishek Kathuria, Mayuram S. Krishnan:
Growth Oriented Digital Strategy and Long-Term Compensation of Chief Executives. - Fei Liu, Chee-Wee Tan, Eric T. K. Lim:
Synthesizing Knowledge on Internet of Things (IoT): An Algorithmic Historiographical Approach. - Jörg Leukel, Vijayan Sugumaran, Marvin Hubl:
The Role of Application Domain Knowledge in Using OWL DL Diagrams: A Study of Inference and Problem-Solving Tasks. - Ping Wang, Myeong Lee, Xu Meng, Brian Butler:
Toward an Ecology Theory of Creativity in IT Products: A Study of Mobile Device Industry. - Wallace Chipidza:
Who is Our Paul Erdös? An Analysis of the Information Systems Collaboration Network.
Human-Computer Interaction
- Heli K. Väätäjä, Elina Hildén, Virpi Roto, Kero Uusitalo:
A Case Study on Participatory Approach to Support Shift to Experience Design of Work Tools in B2B Context. - Lior Shmueli, Izak Benbasat, Ronald T. Cenfetelli:
A Construal-Level Approach to Persuasion by Personalization. - Amy Wenxuan Ding:
A Signal Model to Understand Users' Engagement Behavior on Digital Literature Platforms. - Xuanhui Liu, Karl Werder, Alexander Mädche:
A Taxonomy of Digital Service Design Techniques. - Ozgur Turetken, Sameh Al-Natour:
Empirical Evaluation of Automated Sentiment Analysis as a Decision Aid. - Dennis D. Fehrenbacher, Lincoln Tracy:
Gaze Behaviour, Motivational Factors, and Knowledge Sharing. - Aaron Cheng, Ting Li, Paul A. Pavlou:
Information Transparency and Customer Churn: Evidence from the Insurance Industry. - Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan, Alan R. Dennis, Robert F. Potter:
Interacting Like Humans? Understanding the Neurophysiological Processes of Anthropomorphism and Consumer's Willingness to Pay in Online Auctions. - Fei Liu, Bo Sophia Xiao, Eric T. K. Lim, Chee-Wee Tan:
Learning by Doing: Understanding the Role of Affordance Informativity in Information Search Performance.