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39th ICIS 2018: San Francisco, CA, USA
- Jan Pries-Heje, Sudha Ram, Michael Rosemann:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems - Bridging the Internet of People, Data, and Things, ICIS 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 13-16, 2018. Association for Information Systems 2018
Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and new business models
- Jong-Won Park, Sung-Byung Yang:
An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting Blockchain Start-ups' Fundraising via Initial Coin Offerings. - Andreas Auinger, René Riedl:
Blockchain and Trust: Refuting Some Widely-held Misconceptions. - Niklas Guske, David Bendig:
Cutting Out the Noise"Costly vs. Costless Signals in Initial Coin Offerings. - Nadine Ostern:
Do You Trust a Trust-Free Transaction? Toward a Trust Framework Model for Blockchain Technology. - Mengke Qiao, Kewei Huang:
Hierarchical Accounting Variables Forecasting by Deep Learning Methods. - Xiaoqing Zhang:
How Will Blockchain Change the Market Structure? - Mathieu Chanson, Jonas Gjoen, Marten Risius, Felix Wortmann:
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): The role of Social Media for Organizational Legitimacy and Underpricing. - Alvaro Gonzalez Rivas, Mariya Tsyganova, Eliza Mik:
Smart Contracts and their Identity Crisis. - Eduardo Henrique Diniz, Adrian Kemmer Cernev, Fabio Daneluzzi, Dénis Rodrigues:
Social Cryptocurrencies: blockchain adoption by social finance organizations. - Tobias M. Scholz, Volker Stein:
The Architecture of Blockchain Organization. - Raffaele Fabio Ciriello, Roman Beck, Jason Thatcher:
The Paradoxical Effects of Blockchain Technology on Social Networking Practices. - Luis Oliveira, Liudmila Zavolokina, Ingrid Bauer, Gerhard Schwabe:
To Token or not to Token: Tools for Understanding Blockchain Tokens. - Jan Heinrich Beinke, Duc Nguyen, Frank Teuteberg:
Towards a Business Model Taxonomy of Startups in the Finance Sector using Blockchain. - Jens Mattke, Christian Maier, Lea Katharina Müller, Tim Weitzel:
Typology of User Resistance Behavior: A Study Explaining Why Individuals Resist Using Bitcoin. - Zhao Cai, Fei Liu, Eric T. K. Lim, Chee-Wee Tan, Zhiqiang Zheng:
Unraveling the Effects of Google Search on Volatility of Cryptocurrencies.
Business, data, and process modeling
- Arne Bergmann, Stefan Strecker:
A Modeling Method in Support of Strategic Planning: Language Design and Application. - Felix Timm, Kurt Sandkuhl:
A Reference Enterprise Architecture for Holistic Compliance Management in the Financial Sector. - C. Ingo Berendes, Christian Bartelheimer, Jan Hendrik Betzing, Daniel Beverungen:
Data-driven Customer Journey Mapping in Local High Streets: A Domain-specific Modeling Language. - Ida Asadi Someh, Mohsen Jafari Songhori, Barbara H. Wixom, Graeme G. Shanks:
Emergence of Data and Non-Data Team Networks: An Agent-Based Model. - Mohammad Jabbari, Jan Recker, Peter F. Green:
Prior domain knowledge and ontological overlap in combinations of conceptual models. - Roman Lukyanenko:
Rethinking the role of conceptual modeling in the introductory IS curriculum. - Jörg Leukel, Marvin Hubl:
The Role of Application Domain Knowledge in Understanding Supply Chain Process Models. - Dominik Augenstein, Dominik Dellermann, Christian Fleig:
Towards Value Proposition Mining "Exploration of Design Principles.
Conference Track: Bridging the Internet of People, Data, and Things
- Nadee Goonawardene, Carmen Leong, Hwee-Pink Tan:
An Action Design Research of a Sensor-Based Elderly Monitoring System for Aging-in-Place. - Katja Tiefenbacher, Sebastian Olbrich:
Capabilities and Impediments to Leverage Customer Value from Data " A Case Study from the Automotive Industry. - Martin Mikusz:
Channel Multiplicity in Digitized, Connected Products. - Panagiotis Adamopoulos
, Anindya Ghose, Vilma Todri:
Demand Effects of the Internet-of-Things Sales Channel. - Xavier Rousset, Corina Paraschiv, Nawel Ayadi:
Designing Algorithmic Dynamic Pricing from an Ethical Perspective. - Anna-Katharina Jung, Milad Mirbabaie, Björn Ross, Stefan Stieglitz, Christoph Neuberger, Sanja Kapidzic:
Information Diffusion between Twitter and Online Media. - Maha Shaikh, Emmanuelle Vaast:
The Algorithmic Interaction Order in Open Source. - Christian Kurtz, Martin Semmann, Wolfgang Schulz:
Towards a Framework for Information Privacy in Complex Service Ecosystems. - Maria Fay, Nikolai Kazantsev:
When Smart Gets Smarter: How Big Data Analytics Creates Business Value in Smart Manufacturing.
Cyber-security, privacy, and ethics of IS
- Jongtae Yu, Paul Jen-Hwa Hu:
An Attitudinal Ambivalence Approach to Examine Inconsistent Effects of Privacy Concerns. - Maximilian Haug, Heiko Gewald:
Are you the Reason Fake News exists? Investigating News Sharing Attitude on Twitter. - Henner Mohr, Zhiping Walter:
Consumer Perception of Data Security: A Trust Transfer Perspective. - Gianfranco Walsh, Patrick Hille, Edward Shiu, Louise Hassan, Ikuo Takahashi:
Cross-Cultural Fear of Online Identity Theft: A Comparison Study and Scale Refinement. - Michael Hartmann, Lennart Jaeger, Andreas Eckhardt:
Do Me a Favor " The Role of Social Relations for Information Security In- and Extra-Role Behavior. - James Wairimu, Emmanuel Ayaburi, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo:
Individual's Security and Privacy Behavior on the Use of Unfamiliar Wireless Networks: Habituation Theory Perspective. - Sarbottam Bhagat, Dan J. Kim:
Self-Esteem, Need for Online Affiliation, Privacy Calculus and Geo-Tagging Behavior. - Ali Vedadi, Merrill Warkentin:
Sustained Secure Behavior and the Role of Self-Efficacy. - Zahra Aivazpour, Rohit Valecha, Rajarshi Chakraborty:
The Impact of Data Breach Severity on Post-Breach Online Shopping Intention. - Sun-Kyung Yang, Young-Jin Kwon, Sang-Yong Tom Lee:
The Impact of Information Sharing Legislation on Cybersecurity Industry. - Margareta Heidt, Jin P. Gerlach:
The Influence of SME Constraints on Organizational IT Security. - Tawfiq Alashoor, Nader Al-Maidani, Ibrahim M. Al-Jabri:
The Privacy Calculus under Positive and Negative Mood States. - Behrooz Davazdahemami, Bryan I. Hammer, Andy Luse, Pankush Kalgotra:
The Role of Parallelism in Resolving the Privacy Paradox of Information Disclosure in Social Networks. - Nicholas Martin, Christian Matt:
Unblackboxing the Effects of Privacy Regulation on Startup Innovation. - Simon Trang:
When Does Deterrence Work? A Moderation Meta-analysis of Employees' Information Security Policy Behavior.
Data Science and predictive analytics
- Mark Bremhorst:
A New Look at an Old Problem: How Digital Representations Can Support Data-Driven Decision-Making in Organizations. - Sapumal Ahangama, Danny Chiang Choon Poo:
Cross Domain Approximate Matching of User Shared Content for User Entity Resolution. - Xiaoping Liu, Xiaobai Li:
Customer Data Acquisition with Predictive Analytics. - Amrita George, Christine Abdalla Mikhaeil, Maheshwar Boodraj:
Does the Internet Create Healthier Societies? A Spatial Analysis of Health Outcomes and Internet Access. - Jiyong Park, Jongho Kim:
Fixing Racial Discrimination through Analytics on Online Platforms: A Neural Machine Translation Approach. - Mohammed Bahja:
Identifying Patient Experience from Online Resources via Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modelling Approaches. - Sakshi Srivastava, Gaurav Dixit:
Impact of Business Analytics on Organizational Outcomes: Role of Analytical Insights and Usage. - Felix Krieger, Paul Drews:
Leveraging Big Data and Analytics for Auditing: Towards a Taxonomy. - Yuheng Hu, David Gal, Yili Hong:
Modeling Brand Personality with Business Value of Social Media Analytics: Predicting Brand Personality with User-generated Content and Firm-generated Content. - Manas Tripathi, Inderjeet Kaur:
Oil Prices Forecasting: A Comparative Analysis. - Yuheng Hu, Ali Tafti, David Gal:
Predicting Complainers on Social Media: A Machine Learning Approach. - Xinxue (Shawn) Qu, Aslan Lotfi, Zhengrui Jiang:
Predicting Time to Upgrade under Successive Product Generations: A Survival Model with Exponential-Decay Baseline Function. - Hasan B. Kartal, Xiao-Bai Li:
Protecting Privacy When Releasing Query Results with Multiple Records Per Person. - Jiaheng Xie, Bin Zhang:
Readmission Risk Prediction for Patients with Heterogeneous Hazard: A Trajectory-Aware Deep Learning Approach. - Jiawei Chen, Hongyan Liu, Jun He, Shiqiang Zheng:
Session-Based Learning for Anchor Ranking on Live Streaming Platforms. - Benjamin Buchwitz, Ulrich Küsters:
Should I buy my new iPhone now? Predictive Event Forecasting for Zero-Inflated Consumer Goods Prices. - Ruiyun Xu, Hailiang Chen, J. Leon Zhao:
smartCVC: A Novel Startup Selection Method for Corporate Venture Capital. - Zvi Ben-Ami, Tomer Geva, Inbal Yahav:
The Information Content of Multiword #Hashtags. - Haris Krijestorac, Rajiv Garg, Maytal Saar-Tsechansky:
The Role of Personality in the Diffusion of Digital Media. - Bernhard Lutz, Nicolas Pröllochs, Dirk Neumann
Understanding the Role of Two-Sided Argumentation in Online Consumer Reviews: A Language-Based Perspective. - Matthias Sebastian Rüdiger, David Antons, Oliver Salge:
Unpacking Impact in Science: The Explanatory Power of Citations. - Wael Jabr, Yichen Cheng, Kai Zhao, Sanjay Srivastava:
What Are They Saying? A Methodology for Extracting Information from Online Reviews.
Design Science
- Svenja Laing, Niklas Kühl:
Comfort-as-a-Service: Designing a User-Oriented Thermal Comfort Artifact for Office Buildings. - Ruonan Sun, Meng Zhang:
Demystifying the Paradox of Stability and Flexibility in Information Systems Design: An Affordance Perspective. - Hoang D. Nguyen, Øystein Eiring, Danny C. C. Poo:
In-Situ Simulation in Design Science Research: Evaluation of Complex Design Artifacts. - Richard Schuster, Gerit Wagner, Guido Schryen:
Information Systems Design Science Research and Cumulative Knowledge Development: An Exploratory Study. - Tao Li, De Liu, Yufang Wang, Sean Xin Xu:
Interleaved Learning: A Design Science Approach and Field Experiment. - Tobias Mirsch, Christiane Lehrer, Reinhard Jung:
Making Digital Nudging Applicable: The Digital Nudge Design Method. - Yunhong Xu, Duanning Zhou, Jian Ma:
Scholar-Friend Recommendation in Online Academic Communities: Approach based on Heterogeneous Network. - Thorsten Schoormann, Dennis Behrens, Ralf Knackstedt:
The Noblest Way to Learn Wisdom is by Reflection: Designing Software Tools for Reflecting Sustainability in Business Models. - Xuanhui Liu, Karl Werder, Qian Zhao:
The Role of Cultural Differences when Using Different Classifications: An Experiment Design for Design Technique Selection.
E-Business and E-Government
- Jinpyo Hong, Il Im:
Captive Targeting: A Field Study on Mobile Transit Advertising. - Thomas Friedrich, Kathrin Figl:
Consumers' Perceptions of Different Scarcity Cues on E-commerce Websites. - Atta Addo:
Controlling Government Corruption through IT : An Opportunity Theory Perspective. - Raquel Benbunan-Fich, Arturo Castellanos:
Digitization of Land Records: From Paper to Blockchain. - Rehan Syed, Wasana Bandara, Erica French:
Effective leadership in Public Sector BPM: A case study of an e-Government initiative in a developing country. - Carla Bonina, Ben Eaton, Stefan Henningsson:
Governing Open Data Platforms to Cultivate Innovation Ecosystems: The Case of the Government of Buenos Aires. - Michelle Andrews, Ting Li, Francesco Balocco:
Increasing Mobile Search Ad Spend: Cross-device Effects. - Xiaoyu Li, Xia Zhao, Lakshmi S. Iyer:
Investigating of In-app Advertising Features' Impact on Effective Clicks for Different Advertising Formats. - Dominik Molitor, Martin Spann, Anindya Ghose, Philipp Reichhart:
Measuring The Effectiveness of Location-Based Mobile Push vs. Pull Targeting. - Geng Sun, Huseyin Cavusoglu, Srinivasan Raghunathan:
Membership-Based Free Shipping Programs: A New Vehicle to Gain Competitive Advantage for Online Retailers? - Hyunji So, Wonseok Oh:
Picture Perfect: An Image Mining of Advertising Content and Its Effects on Social Targeting. - Taiane Ritta Coelho, Maria Alexandra Cunha, Marlei Pozzebon:
Practices on Digital eParticipation Platforms to Influence Public Policy: Cases from Brazil. - Angela Choi, Tianshu Sun, Heeseung Lee:
Reading Marathon: Understanding the Effect of Binge Reading on User-Generated Content. - Florian Dost, Ulrike Phieler:
Supporting the Adoption Funnel with Differential Effects from Traditional Advertising, Online Displays, and a Micro-Influencer Campaign. - Quan Wang, Beibei Li:
To Disguise or To Disclose? Effect of Mimicking News Articles on Sponsored Content Engagement. - Jing Li, Xin Xu, Qiang Li:
Walking Customers from Business to Friend Relationships: A Dynamic Process Approach in a Live Chat Context.
Economics and IS
- Yoonseock Son, Wonseok Oh:
Alexa, Buy Me a Movie!: How AI Speakers Reshape Digital Content Consumption and Preference. - Bastian Haberer, Daniel Schnurr:
An Economic Analysis of Data Portability and Personal Data Markets. - Le Wang, Jiahui Mo, Beibei Li:
An Empirical Investigation of Sales Cheating Effect in E-commerce. - Lanfei Shi, Siva Viswanathan:
Beauty and Counter-signaling in Online Matching Markets: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment. - Hongchang Wang, Eric Overby:
Do Political Differences Decrease Market Efficiency? An Investigation in the Context of Online Lending. - Yinan Yu, Jui Ramaprasad, Animesh Animesh, Alain Pinsonneault:
Does Premium Subscription Pay Off? Evidence from Online Dating Platform. - Qi Wang, Kewei Huang:
Exploring the FinTech Jobs-Skills Fit of Financial and Information Technology Professionals: Evidence from LinkedIn. - Ting Li, Dimitrios Tsekouras, Zhi (Aaron) Cheng:
Free Shipping 3.0: Leveraging Scarcity and Popularity Information. - Liudmila Zavolokina, Florian Spychiger
, Claudio J. Tessone, Gerhard Schwabe:
Incentivizing Data Quality in Blockchains for Inter-Organizational Networks " Learning from the Digital Car Dossier. - Yang Pan, Liangfei Qiu:
Is Uber Helping or Hurting Mass Transit? An Empirical Investigation. - Inmyung Choi, Sunghun Chung, Kunsoo Han, Alain Pinsonneault:
Managerial Incentives and IT Innovation: The Moderating Role of CEO's IT-Education and Career Experience. - Jens Förderer, Maximilian Bender, Armin Heinzl:
Regulation of Digital Platform Ecosystems: Evidence from Russia's Google vs Yandex Ruling. - Yingda Zhai, Maxwell B. Stinchcombe, Andrew B. Whinston:
Service Throttling in Cloud Computing. - Inmyung Choi, Alain Pinsonneault, Kunsoo Han, Animesh Animesh:
The Effect of IT Resource Diversity on Firm Performance. - Tianshu Sun, JaeHwuen Jung, Ravi Bapna, Joseph M. Golden:
The Impact of Social Learning in Prosumption. - Yang Jiang, Jinyang Zheng, Xiangbin Yan, Yong Tan:
What Goes Around Comes Around: A Structural Matching Model of Online Lending.
General IS Topics
- Till J. Winkler, Michael Wessel:
A Primer on Decision Rights in Information Systems: Review and Recommendations. - Boyka Simeonova, Josh Morton, Alex Wilson, Marco Marabelli, Robert D. Galliers:
Aligning Practices in a Pluralistic Healthcare Context using a Performance Improvement System. - Navid Tavanapour, Eva A. C. Bittner:
Automated Facilitation for Idea Platforms: Design and Evaluation of a Chatbot Prototype. - Hanuv Jit Singh Mann, Nehul Gullaiya, Inder Jit Singh Mann:
Consumer-driven Demand Estimation: Smart Storage IoT in SSCM of Perishables. - Niamh O. Riordan, Christopher Conway:
Life on the edge: balancing exploration and exploitation in a digital era. - Elina H. Hwang, Xitong Guo, Yong Tan, Yuanyuan Dang:
Mobilizing Healthcare across Geography through Telemedicine Consultations. - Daniel Leonhardt, Andre Hanelt:
Outsiders No More? An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Digital Institutional Pressure on Corporate IT. - Andreas Reitz, Daniel Beimborn:
Pursuing weak paths: A Proposal for performance evaluation of imputation in PLS. - Mostafa Mesgari:
The Information Systems Discipline's Identity Under Construction: Mining AISWorld. - Jennifer L. Claggett, Elena Karahanna:
Understanding the Role of Technology in Coordination: An Affordance Perspective. - Reeva Lederman, Paul Beynon-Davies:
Understanding the Tangible within Information Systems. - Christine Rzepka, Benedikt Berger:
User Interaction with AI-enabled Systems: A Systematic Review of IS Research. - Juuli Lintula, Tuure Tuunanen, Markus Salo, Michael D. Myers:
When Value Co-Creation Turns to Co-Destruction: Users' Experiences of Augmented Reality Mobile Games.
Governance, Strategy, and Value of IS
- Rafael Ziolkowski, Gianluca Miscione, Gerhard Schwabe:
Consensus through Blockchains: Exploring Governance across inter-organizational Settings. - Humza Naseer, Atif Ahmad, Sean B. Maynard, Graeme G. Shanks:
Cybersecurity Risk Management Using Analytics: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach. - Alexander Rossmann:
Digital Maturity: Conceptualization and Measurement Model. - Daniel Leonhardt, Andre Hanelt, Peng Huang, Sunil Mithas:
Does One Size Fit All? Theorizing Governance Configurations for Digital Innovation. - Raphael David Schilling, Kazem Haki, Stephan Aier:
Dynamics of Control Mechanisms in Enterprise Architecture Management: A Sensemaking Perspective.