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IGARSS 2008: Boston, Massachusetts, USA - Volume 2
- IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2008, July 8-11, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Proceedings. IEEE 2008, ISBN 978-1-4244-2808-3
Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), Radiance Data Assimilation and Ocean Synoptics
- Ross N. Hoffman
, Jean-Luc Moncet:
All Data are Useful, but not All Data are Used! What'S Going on Here? 1-4 - Peter C. Cornillon, Andrew Eichmann:
Using Satellite-Derived SST Fronts to Evaluate an Eddy Resolving Numerical Circulation Model. 5-8
Subsurface Sensing I
- Massimiliano Pieraccini, Filippo Parrini, Gaetano de Pasquale, Howard Scott:
The Orfeus Project (Optimised Radar for Finding Every Utility in the Street). 9-12 - Ali Cafer Gürbüz
, James H. McClellan, Waymond R. Scott:
GPR Imaging Using Compressed Measurements. 13-16 - Fridon Shubitidze, Juan Pablo Fernández, Benjamin E. Barrowes, Irma Shamatava, Kevin O'Neill:
Combining NSMS and High-Quality MPV-TD Data for UXO Discrimination. 17-20 - Jeremiah Remus, Leslie M. Collins:
Matching Pursuits Decomposition for Discrimination of Unexploded Ordnance: Isolated and Overlapping Signatures. 21-24
Joint Time-Frequency Analysis of SAR
- Stefan Valentin Baumgartner, Gerhard Krieger
SAR Traffic Monitoring Using Time-Frequency Analysis for Detection and Parameter Estimation. 25-28 - Thayananthan Thayaparan, Ljubisa Stankovic
, Milos Dakovic
S-Method-Based Approach for Image Formation, Motion Compensation, and Image Enhancement of Moving Targerts in ISAR and SAR. 29-32 - Yimin Zhang, Moeness G. Amin
, Fauzia Ahmad:
Localization of Inanimate Moving Targets Using Dual-Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar and Time-Frequency Analysis. 33-36 - Paul R. Kersten, Robert W. Jansen, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Jakov V. Toporkov, Mark A. Sletten:
Estimating Surface Water Speeds using Time-Frequency Analysis. 37-40
Student Paper Prize Competition I
- Weimin Liu
, Chein-I Chang:
Multiple-Window Anomaly Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery. 41-44 - Saurabh Prasad, Lori M. Bruce:
Multiple Kernel Discriminant Analysis and Decision Fusion for Robust Sub-Pixel Hyperspectral Target Recognition. 45-48 - Sharmila Padmanabhan, Steven C. Reising, Jothiram Vivekanandan:
Retrieval of 3-D Water Vapor Field Using a Network of Scanning Compact Microwave Radiometers. 49-52 - Noppasin Niamsuwan, Joel T. Johnson:
Low Frequency Sea and Ice Sheet Impulse Responses Acquired by the Global Ice Sheet Mapping Orbiter (GISMO) Demonstrator. 53-56 - Nicolas Longépé, Sophie Allain, Eric Pottier:
Toward an Operational Method for Refined Snow Characterization Using Dual-Polarization C-Band SAR Data. 57-60
Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Algorithms
- Emanuele Angiuli, Fabio Del Frate, Alessandra Monerris
Application of Neural Networks to Soil Moisture Retrievals from L-Band Radiometric Data. 61-64 - Hui Lu
, Toshio Koike, Tetsu Ohta, Hydeyuki Fujii, Hiroyuki Tsutsui:
Improving the AMSR-E Soil Moisture Algorithm of the University of Tokyo through Field Experiments and Parameters Optimization. 65-68 - Thomas J. Jackson, Michael H. Cosh
, Rajat Bindlish
A Five-Year Validation of AMSR-E Soil Moisture Products. 69-72 - Jiancheng Shi, Eni G. Njoku, Thomas J. Jackson, Peggy O'Neill, Kun-Shan Chen:
Estimation of Soil Moisture with Dual-Frequency - PALS. 73-76
Advanced Lidar Technologies and Applications to 3D Landcover Structure I
- Chris Macon, Jennifer M. Wozencraft, Joong Yong Park, Grady Tuell:
Seafloor and Land Cover Classification Through Airborne Lidar and Hyperspectral Data Fusion. 77-80 - Tristan Cossio, K. Clint Slatton, Kris Shrestha, William E. Carter:
Performance Prediction for Low-SNR Lidar Sensors. 81-84 - Stephen R. Lach, John P. Kerekes
Robust Extraction of Exterior Building Boundaries from Topographic Lidar Data. 85-88 - Peter L. Cho:
3D Organization of 2D Urban Imagery. 89-92
Data Fusion I
- Vijay P. Shah
, Nicolas H. Younan, Roger L. King:
An Adaptive Spectral Transformation Approach to Pan-Sharpening. 93-96 - Loïc Denis, Florence Tupin, Jérôme Darbon, Marc Sigelle:
A Regularization Approach for InSAR and Optical Data Fusion. 97-100 - Sanghoon Lee:
High-Resolution Reconstruction of Multispectral Imagery Based on Panchromatic Imagery. 101-104 - Björn Waske, Jón Atli Benediktsson
Semi-Supervised Classifier Ensembles for Classifying Remote Sensing Data. 105-108 - Yonghong Li, Curt H. Davis:
Unsupervised Change Detection in High Resolution Satellite Imagery from Fusion of Spectral and Spatial Information. 109-112
New Challenges and Perspectives with High Resolution Spaceborne SAR Systems
- Michael Eineder, Nico Adam
, Ramon Brcic, Nestor Yague-Martinez, Thomas Fritz:
High Bandwidth Spotlight SAR Interferometry with TerraSAR-X. 113-116 - Nico Adam
, Michael Eineder, Nestor Yague-Martinez, Richard Bamler:
High Resolution Interferometric Stacking with TerraSAR-X. 117-120 - Yongjin Moon, Rolf König, Grzegorz Michalak, Markus Rothacher:
Precise Orbit and Baseline Determination for TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X. 121-124
Advances in Hyperspectral Applications: Application Developments for Hyperspectral Imaging Systems
- Charles M. Bachmann, Marcos J. Montes
, Robert A. Fusina, Chris Parrish, Jon Sellars, Alan Weidemann, Wesley Goode, C. Reid Nichols, Patrick Woodward, Kevin L. McIlhany, Victoria Hill, Richard Zimmerman, Daniel Korwan, Barry Truitt, Arthur Schwarzschild:
Very Shallow Water Bathymetry Retrieval from Hyperspectral Imagery at the Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR'07) Multi-Sensor Campaign. 125-128 - David G. Goodenough, K. Olaf Niemann, Andrew Dyk, Geordie Hobart, Piper Gordon, Matthew Loisel, Hao Chen:
Comparison of Aviris and AISA Airborne Hyperspectral Sensing for Above-Ground Forest Carbon Mapping. 129-132 - Andrew Dyk, David G. Goodenough, Geordie Hobart, K. Olaf Niemann, Anita Simic, Jing Chen, Hao Chen:
Multi-Angle Measurements with Chris for Forest Parameters. 133-136
Vegetation Biophysical Parameter Estimation I
- Andrew V. Bradley
, France Gerard, Graham Weedon, Christopher Huntingford, Nicolas Barbier, Przemyslaw Zelazowski, Liana O. Anderson
, Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de Aragão:
Exploring the Biophysical Drivers of Amazon Phenology: Preparing Data Sets to Improve Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. 137-140 - Rasmus Houborg
, Martha C. Anderson
Utility of an Image-Based Canopy Reflectance Modeling Tool for Remote Estimation of LAI and Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Crop Systems. 141-144 - Terhikki Manninen
, Aku Riihelä
Subarctic Boreal Forest Albedo Estimation Using Envisat ASAR for BRDF Determination. 145-148
Frequency Allocation for Remote Sensing and Radio Frequency Interference Effects in Microwave Radiometry I
- John E. Zuzek:
Results from the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07) for Remote Sensing and a Preview of Issues for the 2011 WRC. 149-152 - Sidharth Misra, Christopher Ruf:
Comparison of Pulsed Sinusoid Radio Frequency Interference Detection Algorithms Using Time and Frequency Sub-Sampling. 153-156 - Baris Guner, Mark Frankford, Joel T. Johnson:
On the Shapiro-Wilk Test for the Detection of Pulsed Sinusoidal Radio Frequency Interference. 157-160 - Joel T. Johnson, Lee C. Potter:
A Study of Algorithms for Detecting Pulsed Sinusoidal Interference in Microwave Radiometry. 161-164
Synergism of Active and Passive Microwave Sensors I
- David E. Weissman, Mark A. Bourassa:
The Effect of Rain on Satellite Sensor Estimates of Surface Roughness Conditions and on the Air-Sea Momentum Flux. 165-168 - Mark Frankford, Joel T. Johnson:
Compensation of Faraday Rotation in Multi-Polarization Scatterometry. 169-172 - Zoltan Bartalis, Wolfgang Wagner
, Craig Anderson, Hans Bonekamp, Vahid Naeimi, Stefan Hasenauer:
Validation of Coarse Resolution Microwave Soil Moisture Products. 173-176
Subsurface Sensing II
- Seniha Esen Yüksel, Ganesh Ramachandran, Paul D. Gader, Joseph N. Wilson, Dominic K. C. Ho, Gyeongyong Heo:
Hierarchical Methods for Landmine Detection with Wideband Electro-Magnetic Induction and Ground Penetrating Radar Multi-Sensor Systems. 177-180 - Motoyuki Sato:
Dual Sensor ALIS for Humanitarian Demining and its Evaluation Test in Mine Fields in Croatia. 181-184 - Kangwook Kim, Chang Won Jung
Thermal Noise Analysis on the Resistive Vee Dipole Antenna for Ground-Penetrating Radar Applications. 185-188 - Suman K. Gunnala, Mingyu Lu, Jonathan W. Bredow, Saibun Tjuatja:
Subsurface Sensing of Near Surface Object Using Cavity Backed Slot (CBS) Antenna. 189-192 - Marina Meila, Caren Marzban, Ulvi Yurtsever:
Gravimetric Detection by Compressed Sensing. 193-196
TerraSAR-X Commissioning Phase Results
- Josef Mittermayer, Birgit Schättler, Marwan Younis:
TerraSAR-X Commissioning Phase Execution and Results. 197-200 - Josef Mittermayer, Robert Metzig, Ulrich Steinbrecher, Carolina González, Donata Polimeni, Johannes Böer, Marwan Younis, José Márquez Martínez, Steffen Wollstadt, Daniel Schulze, Adriano Meta, Nuria Tous-Ramon, Carlos Ortega-Miguez:
TerraSAR-X Instrument, SAR System Performance & Command Generation. 201-204 - Marco Schwerdt, Benjamin Bräutigam, Markus Bachmann, Björn Döring, Dirk Schrank, Jaime Hueso Gonzalez:
TerraSAR-X Calibration Results. 205-208 - Helko Breit, Birgit Schättler, Thomas Fritz, Ulrich Balss, Heiko Damerow, Egbert Schwarz:
TerraSAR-X Payload Data Processing: Results from Commissioning and Early Operational Phase. 209-212
Student Paper Prize Competition II
- Marivi Tello, Paco López-Dekker
, Jordi J. Mallorquí
A Novel Strategy for Radar Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing. 213-216 - Tao Xiong, Guangyi Zhou, Jian Yang
, Weijie Zhang:
Volume Coherence Estimation for Random Forest Height Retrieval Based on Polinsar Data. 217-220 - Junghyo Kim, Werner Wiesbeck:
Investigation of a New Multifunctional High Performance SAR System Concept Exploiting MIMO Technology. 221-224 - Ferdinando Nunziata
, Attilio Gambardella, Maurizio Migliaccio
On the Use of Dual-Polarized SAR Data for Oil Spill Observation. 225-228 - Robert Kohlleppel, Christoph H. Gierull:
Enhancement of Along-Track Interferometry for Ground Moving Target Indication. 229-232
Tower and Aircraft Soil Moisture Remote Sensing
- Dongryeol Ryu
, Thomas J. Jackson, Rajat Bindlish
, David M. Le Vine, Michael Haken:
Soil Moisture Retrieval Using an L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radiometer During the Soil Moisture Experiments 2003 (SMEX03) and 2004 (SMEX04). 233-236 - Rajat Bindlish
, Thomas J. Jackson, Michael H. Cosh
, Ruijing Sun, Simon Yueh, Steve J. Dinardo:
Combined Passive and Active Soil Moisture Observations During Clasic. 237-240 - Simon Yueh, Steve J. Dinardo, Steven Tsz K. Chan, Eni G. Njoku, Thomas J. Jackson, Rajat Bindlish
Passive and Active L-Band System and Observations during the 2007 CLASIC Campaign. 241-244 - Nereida Rodriguez-Alvarez
, Juan Fernando Marchan-Hernandez, Adriano Camps
, Enric Valencia, Xavier Bosch-Lluis
, Isaac Ramos-Pérez, Juan Manuel Nieto:
Soil Moisture Retrieval Using GNSS-R Techniques: Measurement Campaign in a Wheat Field. 245-248
Lidar Sensors and Applications I
- Mathias Disney
, Philip Lewis
, Marc Bouvet:
Quantifying Surface Reflectivity for Spaceborne Lidar Missions. 249-252 - Yassine Belkhouche, Bill P. Buckles, Xiaohui Yuan
, Laura Steinberg:
A Preprocessing Method for Automatic Break Lines Detection. 253-256 - Brandon J. Baker:
Fourier Error Analysis of Ray Tracing on a Geospatial Polygonal Model. 257-260
Data Fusion II
- Carolyn Krekeler, Karthik Nagarajan, K. Clint Slatton:
A Method for Measuring the Incremental Information Contributed from Non-Stationary Spatio-Temporal Data to be Fused. 261-264 - Lorenzo Bruzzone
, Claudio Persello
A Novel Protocol for Accuracy Assessment in Classification of Very High Resolution Multispectral and SAR Images. 265-268 - Manjunath V. Joshi, André Jalobeanu:
Multiresolution Fusion in Remotely Sensed Images Using an IGMRF Prior and MAP Estimation. 269-272 - Saurabh Prasad, Lori M. Bruce, Hemanth Kalluri:
A Robust Multi-Classifier Decision Fusion Framework for Hyperspectral, Multi-Temporal Classification. 273-276 - Gabriele Moser
, Sebastiano B. Serpico:
Classification of High-Resolution Images Based on MRF Fusion and Multiscale Segmentation. 277-280
Spatial Data Fusion in PolSAR and Pol-InSAR Imaging
- David G. Goodenough, Hao Chen, Andrew Dyk, Geordie Hobart, Ashlin Richardson:
Data Fusion Study Between Polarimetric SAR, Hyperspectral and Lidar Data for Forest Information. 281-284 - Ridha Touzi, Alice Deschamps, Gershon Rother:
Scattering type phase for wetland classification using C-band polarimetric SAR. 285-288 - Ryoichi Sato, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Hiroyoshi Yamada, Wolfgang-Martin Boerner:
Seasonal Change Monitoring of Wetlands by Using Airborne and Satellite Polsar Sensing. 289-292 - Wolfgang-Martin Boerner, Yoshio Yamaguchi:
Recent Advances in POL-SAR & POL-IN-SAR Imaging of Natural Habitats and Wetland Remote Sensing. 293-294
Advances in Hyperspectral Applications: Hyperspectral Sensing of Forests
- Kuniaki Uto
, Yuji Takabayashi, Yukio Kosugi, Toshinari Ogata:
Hyperspectral Analysis of Japanese Oak Wilt to Determine Normalized Wilt Index. 295-298 - Baoxin Hu, Josée Lévesque, Jean-Pierre Ardouin:
Vegetation Species Identification Using Hyperspectral Imagery. 299-302 - James Monty, Craig S. T. Daughtry, Melba M. Crawford:
Assessing Crop Residue Cover Using Hyperion Data. 303-306
Vegetation Biophysical Parameter Estimation II
- Elizabeth M. Middleton, Yen-Ben Cheng, Thomas Hilker, Nicholas C. Coops
, Karl Fred Huemmrich, Thomas Andrew Black, Praveena Krishnan
Relating a Spectral Index from MODIS and Tower-Based Measurements to Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency for a Fluxnet-Canada Coniferous Forest. 307-310 - Kaicun Wang
, Shunlin Liang, Dongdong Wang, Tao Zheng:
Simultaneous estimation of surface photosynthetically active radiation and albedo from GOES. 311-314 - Achilleas Psomas, Niklaus E. Zimmermann
, Mathias Kneubühler
, Silvia Huber, Klaus I. Itten:
Coupling Imaging Spectroscopy and Ecosystem Process Modelling - The Importance of Spatially Distributed Foliar Biochemical Concentration Estimates for Modelling NPP of Grassland Habitats. 315-318
Frequency Allocation for Remote Sensing and Radio Frequency Interference Effects in Microwave Radiometry II
- Adam P. Freedman, Jeffrey Piepmeier, Mark A. Fischman, Dalia A. McWatters, Michael W. Spencer:
The Detection and Mitigation of RFI with the Aquarius L-Band Scatterometer. 319-322 - Michael R. Inggs
, Sydney B. Dunn, Justin Jonas:
RFI Measurement Database Assembled During the Square Kilometre Array Site Qualification Campaigns. 323-326 - Roger D. De Roo
A Simplified Calculation of the Kurtosis for RFI Detection. 327-330 - Roger D. De Roo
, Sidharth Misra:
Effectiveness of the Sixth Moment to Eliminate a Kurtosis Blind Spot in the Detection of Interference in a Radiometer. 331-334 - Sidharth Misra, Christopher Ruf, Rachael Kroodsma:
Detectability of Radio Frequency Interference due to Spread Spectrum Communication Signals using the Kurtosis Algorithm. 335-338
Synergism of Active and Passive Microwave Sensors II
- Naoto Ebuchi:
Cross-Validation of Wind Products from Seawinds and AMSR on ADEOS-II. 339-342 - Mark A. Bourassa
, David E. Weissman:
The Influence of Air Density on Scatterometer Retrievals of Surface Turbulent Stress. 343-346 - Marina I. Mityagina
, Olga Lavrova:
Dynamic Phenomena in the Coastal Waters of the North-Eastern Black Sea Retrieved from Satellite Data. 347-350 - Leonid M. Mitnik:
Advanced Land Observing Satellite PALSAR Observations of the Oceanic Dynamic Phenomena in the Coastal Zone. 351-354
Assimilation of Satellite Radiances
- Quanhua (Mark) Liu, Fuzhong Weng, Yong Han, Yong Chen:
Microwave and Infrared Radiances Assimilation for Weather Forecasting. 355-358 - Joel Susskind, Oreste Reale:
Data Assimilation Experiments Using Quality Controlled AIRS Version 5 Temperature Soundings. 359-362 - Jeremy Bolton, Paul D. Gader:
The Benefits of Context Estimation for Target Spectra Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery. 363-366 - Peter Torrione, Leslie M. Collins:
Statistical Models for Landmine Detection in Ground Penetrating Radar: Applications to Synthetic Data Generation and Pre-Screening. 367-370 - Hichem Frigui, Lijun Zhang, Paul D. Gader:
Context-Dependent Multi-Sensor Fusion for Landmine Detection. 371-374 - Waymond R. Scott Jr.:
Broadband Array of Electromagnetic Induction Sensors for Detecting Buried Landmines. 375-378
TerraSAR-X Satellite: Status and First Application Results I
- Stefan Buckreuss, Achim Roth:
Status Report on the TerraSAR-X Mission. 379-382 - Gianni Lisini, Fabio Dell'Acqua, Paolo Gamba
Rapid Land Mapping by TerraSAR-X VHR Data. 383-386
Ionospheric Effects in Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Imagery I
- Masanobu Shimada, Yasushi Muraki, Yuichi Otsuka
Discovery of Anoumoulous Stripes Over the Amazon by the PALSAR onboard ALOS satellite. 387-390 - Franz Meyer, Jeremy Nicoll:
The Impact of the Ionosphere on Interferometric SAR Processing. 391-394 - Paul A. Bernhardt, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Keith M. Groves
, Ted Beach, Ronald G. Caton, Charles S. Carrano
, Christian M. Alcala, Dale D. Sponseller:
Detection of Ionospheric Structures with L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radars. 395-397
Radar Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture
- Alicia T. Joseph, Peggy O'Neill, Rogier van der Velde, Roger H. Lang, Timothy Gish:
A Vegetation Correction Methodology Applied for Soil Moisture Retrieval from C-Band Radar Observations. 398-401 - Yisok Oh, Seung-Gun Jung:
Inversion Algorithm for Soil Moisture Retrieval from Polarimetric Backscattering Coefficients of Vegetation Canopies. 402-405 - Sandrine Daniel, Sophie Allain, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Eric Pottier:
Surface Parameter Estimation Over Periodic Surfaces Using a Time-Frequency Approach. 406-409
Earlinet -- The European Aerosol Research Lidar Network I
- Francesc Rocadenbosch
, Ina Mattis, Albert Ansmann, Ulla Wandinger, Christine Böckmann, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Aldo Amodeo, Jens Bosenberg, Lucas Alados-Arboledas
, Arnoud Apituley, Dimitris Balis
, Anatoly Chaikovsky, Adolfo Comerón
, Constantino Muñoz
, Michaël Sicard, Volker Freudenthaler, Matthias Wiegner, Ove Gustafsson, Georg Hansen, Rodanthi-Elisabeth Mamouri, Alexandros Papayannis, Valentin Mitev, Doina Nicolae, Carlos Pérez
, Maria Rita Perrone
, Aleksander Pietruczuk
, Manuel Pujadas
, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Francois Ravetta, Vincenzo Rizi, Valentin Simeonov, Nicola Spinelli, Dimitar Stoyanov, Thomas Trickl:
The European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET): An Overview. 410-413 - Arnoud Apituley
, Volker Freudenthaler, Adolfo Comerón, Francesc Rocadenbosch
Earlinet Approach to Optimisation of Individual Network Instruments with the Aim of Homogenisation of Aerosol Data Products and Increased Data Coverage. 414-417 - Valentin Mitev, Renaud Matthey
, Giovanni Martucci, Max Frioud:
Backscatter Lidar Measurement in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Data Analysis and Interpretation Capabilities. 418-421 - Christine Böckmann
, Detlef Müller
, Lukas Osterloh, Pornsarp Pornsawad
, Alexandros Papayannis:
From EARLINET-ASOS Raman-Lidar Signals to Microphysical Aerosol Properties Via Advanced Regularizing Software. 422-425
Urban Areas and Buildings
- Gintautas Palubinskas, Franz Kurz, Peter Reinartz:
Detection of Traffic Congestion in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery. 426-429 - Érick Lopez-Ornelas, Florence Sèdes
Cartographic Elements Extraction using High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery and XML Modeling. 430-432 - Guo Dong, Chye Hwang Yan, Soo Chin Liew
, Leong Keong Kwoh:
Sequential Correspondence of Multiple Visual Cues for 3-D Building Reconstruction. 433-436 - Xian Sun, Kun Fu, Hui Long, Yanfeng Hu, Lun Cai, Hongqi Wang:
Contextual Models for Automatic Building Extraction in High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Using Object-Based Boosting Method. 437-440
Multichannel - Multidimensional Coherent SAR Data Combination Techniques I
- Matteo Nannini, Rolf Scheiber
, Alberto Moreira
On the Minimum Number of Tracks for SAR Tomography. 441-444 - Othmar Frey
, Erich Meier:
Combining Time-Domain Back-Projection and Capon Beamforming for Tomographic SAR Processing. 445-448 - Mario Costantini, Salvatore Falco, Fabio Malvarosa, Federico Minati:
A New Method for Identification and Analysis of Persistent Scatterers in Series of SAR Images. 449-452