IGARSS 2009: Cape Town, South Africa - Volume 2

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Alos and other ESA Third Party Missions - Applications for Africa I

Terrasar-X: Scientific Results I

Bistatic SAR

Student Paper Contest I

Hyperspectral Imagers: Calibration, Modeling & Compensation I

Rough Surface Scattering Techniques

Sensors and Algorithms for Landmine Detection

Target and Object Detection

Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Snow I

Frequency Allocation for Remote Sensing and RFI Mitigation for Microwave Radiometry

GNSS Remote Sensing of Atmosphere, Ocean and Land I

Remote Sensing for a Better Understanding of Savanna Processes and Dynamics I

ALOS and other ESA Third Party Missions - Applications for Africa II

TERRASAR-X: Scientific Results II

Bistatic SAR: Instruments, Experiments and Applications

Student Paper Contest II

Hyperspectral Imagers: Calibration, Modeling & Compensation II

Volume Scattering

The Use of Ocean Colour Data at Regional Scales: Methodological Considerations and Applications

Hyperspectral Image Classification and Feature Extraction

Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Snow II

GNSS Remote Sensing of Atmosphere, Ocean and Land II

Remote Sensing for a Better Understanding of Savanna Processes and Dynamics II

Geological Applications I

Geological Applications II

Geological Applications III

Lidar Sensing

Hyperspectral and Optical Sensing