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33rd IPDPS 2019: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Workshops
- IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 20-24, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-3510-6
HCW: Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop
- Sudeep Pasricha:
Introduction to HCW 2019. 1 - Behrooz A. Shirazi:
Message from the HCW Steering Committee Chair. 2 - Sudeep Pasricha:
Message from the HCW General Chair. 3 - John K. Antonio:
Message from the HCW Program Committee Chair. 4 - Viktor K. Prasanna:
HCW 2019 Keynote Address. 5
Session 1: Task Scheduling
- Chavit Denninnart
, James Gentry, Mohsen Amini Salehi:
Improving Robustness of Heterogeneous Serverless Computing Systems via Probabilistic Task Pruning. 6-15 - Olivier Beaumont
, Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, Yihong Gao:
Influence of Tasks Duration Variability on Task-Based Runtime Schedulers. 16-25
Session 2: Programming Models for Accelerator-Based Systems
- Matthias Noack, Erich Focht, Thomas Steinke:
Heterogeneous Active Messages for Offloading on the NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA. 26-35 - Joel Fuentes
, Wei-Yu Chen, Guei-Yuan Lueh, Isaac D. Scherson:
A Lock-Free Skiplist for Integrated Graphics Processing Units. 36-46
Session 3: Matrix Computations
- Arjun Rawal, Yuanwei Fang, Andrew A. Chien:
Programmable Acceleration for Sparse Matrices in a Data-Movement Limited World. 47-56 - Stephen Patton, Hamidreza Khaleghzadeh
, Ravi Reddy Manumachu
, Alexey L. Lastovetsky:
SummaGen: Parallel Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Based on Non-rectangular Partitions for Heterogeneous HPC Platforms. 57-68
RAW: Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop
- Fernanda Lima, Oliver Diessel
Introduction to RAW 2019. 69 - Luigi Carro:
RAW 2019 Keynote Speaker. 70
Short paper Introductions
- Yosi Ben-Asher, Esti Stein:
Evaluation of Circuits on the Reconfigurable Mesh. 71-74 - Mateus Saquetti, Guilherme Bueno, Weverton Cordeiro, José Rodrigo Azambuja:
VirtP4: An Architecture for P4 Virtualization. 75-78 - Marzhan Bekbolat, Sabina Kairatova, Ayan Shymyrbay, Kizheppatt Vipin:
HBLast: An Open-Source FPGA Library for DNA Sequencing Acceleration. 79-82 - Jens Rettkowski, Safdar Mahmood, Arij Shallufa, Michael Hübner, Diana Göhringer
Inspection of Partial Bitstreams for FPGAs Using Artificial Neural Networks. 83-86 - Syed Waqar Nabi, Wim Vanderbauwhede:
Smart-Cache: Optimising Memory Accesses for Arbitrary Boundaries and Stencils on FPGAs. 87-90 - Anna Maria Nestorov, Alberto Scolari, Enrico Reggiani, Luca Stornaiuolo, Marco D. Santambrogio:
A Case Study for an Accelerated DCNN on FPGA-Based Embedded Distributed System. 91-94 - Maurício Acconcia Dias
, Daniel Augusto Pagi Ferreira:
Deep Learning in Reconfigurable Hardware: A Survey. 95-98
Oral Session I - Design Methods and Tools
- Zakarya Guettatfi, Marco Platzner
, Omar Kermia, Abdelhakim Khouas:
An Approach for Mapping Periodic Real-Time Tasks to Reconfigurable Hardware. 99-106 - Enrico Reggiani, Marco Rabozzi, Anna Maria Nestorov, Alberto Scolari, Luca Stornaiuolo, Marco D. Santambrogio:
Pareto Optimal Design Space Exploration for Accelerated CNN on FPGA. 107-114 - Markus Weinhardt:
High-Level Synthesis Oriented Restructuring of Functions with While Loops. 115-122
Oral Session II - Applications
- Theodore Winograd, Rabia Shahid, Kris Gaj:
An Automated Scheduler-Based Approach for the Development of Cryptoprocessors for Pairing-Based Cryptosystems. 123-131 - Luca Stornaiuolo, Massimo Perini
, Marco D. Santambrogio, Donatella Sciuto:
FPGA-Based Embedded System Implementation of Audio Signal Alignment. 132-139 - Fabio Benevenuti, Eduardo Chielle
, Jorge L. Tonfat, Lucas A. Tambara, Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt, Carlos Alberto Zaffari, João Baptista dos Santos Martins, Otávio Santos Cupertino Durão:
Experimental Applications on SRAM-Based FPGA for the NanosatC-BR2 Scientific Mission. 140-146
Oral Session III - CAD
- Florian Fricke
, André Werner, Keyvan Shahin
, Florian Werner, Michael Hübner:
Automatic Tool-Flow for Mapping Applications to an Application-Specific CGRA Architecture. 147-154 - Dario Korolija, Mirjana Stojilovic
FPGA-Assisted Deterministic Routing for FPGAs. 155-162
HiCOMB: High Performance Computational Biology
- Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo, Ananth Kalyanaraman:
Introduction to HiCOMB 2019. 163-164 - Ajay K. Royyuru:
HiCOMB 2019 Keynote Speaker. 165
Session I
- Dhananjai Madhava Rao, Sutharzan Sreeskandarajan, Chun Liang:
Accelerating Clustering using Approximate Spanning Tree and Prime Number Based Filter. 166-174 - Ivo Baar, Lukas Hübner
, Peter Oettig, Adrian Zapletal, Sebastian Schlag
, Alexandros Stamatakis
, Benoit Morel:
Data Distribution for Phylogenetic Inference with Site Repeats via Judicious Hypergraph Partitioning. 175-184
Session II
- Kary A. C. S. Ocaña
, Thaylon Guedes, Daniel de Oliveira:
ArrOW: Experiencing a Parallel Cloud-Based De Novo Assembler Workflow. 185-190
Session III
- Muhammad Haseeb
, Fatima Afzali, Fahad Saeed:
LBE: A Computational Load Balancing Algorithm for Speeding up Parallel Peptide Search in Mass-Spectrometry Based Proteomics. 191-198 - Elliott Binder, Tze Meng Low, Doru-Thom Popovici:
A Portable GPU Framework for SNP Comparisons. 199-208 - Maël Kerbiriou, Rayan Chikhi:
Parallel Decompression of Gzip-Compressed Files and Random Access to DNA Sequences. 209-217
GrAPL: Graph, Architectures, Programming and Learning
- Tim Mattson, Antonino Tumeo:
Introduction to GrAPL 2019. 218-219 - Keshav Pingali:
GrAPL Keynote 1. 220
Session: Graph Analytics - Infrastructure
- Benjamin Priest, Trevor Steil, Geoffrey Sanders, Roger Pearce:
You've Got Mail (YGM): Building Missing Asynchronous Communication Primitives. 221-230
Session: Graph Analytics - Algorithms
- Muhammad Osama, Minh Truong, Carl Yang, Aydin Buluç
, John D. Owens:
Graph Coloring on the GPU. 231-240 - Upasana Sridhar, Mark P. Blanco, Rahul Mayuranath, Daniele G. Spampinato
, Tze Meng Low, Scott McMillan:
Delta-Stepping SSSP: From Vertices and Edges to GraphBLAS Implementations. 241-250 - Trevor Steil, Benjamin W. Priest, Geoffrey Sanders, Roger Pearce, Timothy La Fond, Keita Iwabuchi:
Distributed Kronecker Graph Generation with Ground Truth of Many Graph Properties. 251-260 - Bruno Ribeiro:
GrAPL Keynote 2. 261
Session: Graphs and Machine Learning
- Ronald D. Hagan, Brett D. Hagan
, Charles A. Phillips, Bradley J. Rhodes, Michael A. Langston:
Compound Analytics using Combinatorics for Feature Selection: A Case Study in Biomarker Detection. 262-267 - Jeremy Kepner, Ryan A. Robinett:
RadiX-Net: Structured Sparse Matrices for Deep Neural Networks. 268-274 - Ana Paula Appel:
GrAPL Keynote 3. 275
Session: Graph Analytics Frameworks
- Tim Mattson, Timothy A. Davis, Manoj Kumar, Aydin Buluç
, Scott McMillan, José E. Moreira, Carl Yang:
LAGraph: A Community Effort to Collect Graph Algorithms Built on Top of the GraphBLAS. 276-284 - Pieter Cailliau, Tim Davis, Vijay Gadepally, Jeremy Kepner, Roi Lipman, Jeffrey Lovitz, Keren Ouaknine:
RedisGraph GraphBLAS Enabled Graph Database. 285-286
EduPar: NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education
- Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez:
Introduction to EduPar 2019. 287-288 - Dilma Da Silva:
EduPar 2019 Keynote. 289 - P. Chitra
, Sheikh K. Ghafoor:
Activity Based Approach for Teaching Parallel Computing: An Indian Experience. 290-295 - Leandro A. J. Marzulo, Calebe P. Bianchini
, Leandro Santiago
, Victor da Cruz Ferreira, Brunno F. Goldstein
, Felipe M. G. França
Teaching High Performance Computing through Parallel Programming Marathons. 296-303 - Awad A. Younis, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, Mike Metzler, Anu G. Bourgeois:
Case Study: Using Project Based Learning to Develop Parallel Programing and Soft Skills. 304-311 - Alec Goncharow, Anna Boekelheide, Matthew Mcquaigue, David Burlinson, Erik Saule, Kalpathi R. Subramanian, Jamie Payton:
Classifying Pedagogical Material to Improve Adoption of Parallel and Distributed Computing Topics. 312-319 - Neftali Watkinson
, Aniket Shivam, Alexandru Nicolau, Alexander V. Veidenbaum:
Teaching Parallel Computing and Dependence Analysis with Python. 320-325 - Andrew Danner
, Tia Newhall, Kevin C. Webb:
ParaVis: A Library for Visualizing and Debugging Parallel Applications. 326-333 - Benjamin Levandowski, Debbie Perouli, Dennis Brylow:
Using Embedded Xinu and the Raspberry Pi 3 to Teach Parallel Computing in Assembly Programming. 334-341 - Ozcan Ozturk, Ben Glick, Jens Mache, David P. Bunde:
Peachy Parallel Assignments (EduPar 2019). 342-346 - Deepak Aggarwal, Fei Cao, Harish Charan, Debzani Deb, Dabin Ding, Toby Dragon, Muztaba Fuad
, Prashant Kumar, Hemant Joshi, Anthony Moore, Justin Shi, Michelle M. Zhu, Martina Barnas, Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez:
EduPar Posters. 347-349
HIPS: High Level Programming Models and Supportive Environments
- Neha Gholkar, Changhee Jung:
Introduction to HIPS 2019. 350-351 - Jaejin Lee:
HIPS 2019 Keynote. 352
Session 1: Full Papers
- Artem Chikin, José Nelson Amaral, Karim Ali, Ettore Tiotto:
Toward an Analytical Performance Model to Select between GPU and CPU Execution. 353-362 - Anthony Danalis, Heike Jagode
, Thomas Hérault
, Piotr Luszczek, Jack J. Dongarra:
Software-Defined Events through PAPI. 363-372 - William S. Sanders, Srishti Srivastava, Ioana Banicescu:
A Container-Based Framework to Facilitate Reproducibility in Employing Stochastic Process Algebra for Modeling Parallel Computing Systems. 373-381
Session 2: Short Papers
- Jie Ren
, Chunhua Liao, Dong Li:
Opera: Similarity Analysis on Data Access Patterns of OpenMP Tasks to Optimize Task Affinity. 382-386 - Marius Knaust, Florian Mayer, Thomas Steinke:
OpenMP to FPGA Offloading Prototype Using OpenCL SDK. 387-390
Session 3: Invited Talks
- Jee W. Choi:
Invited Talk 1. 391 - Torsten Hoefler:
Invited Talk 2. 392 - Pedeo Fonseca:
Invited Talk 3. 393
HPBDC: High-Performance Big Data and Cloud Computing
- Xiaoyi Lu, Jianfeng Zhan, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Introduction to HPBDC 2019. 394 - Pete Beckman:
HPBDC 2019 Keynote Speaker. 395
Regular Paper Session I: High-Performance Data Analytics and Management
- Benoît Gallet, Michael Gowanlock:
Load Imbalance Mitigation Optimizations for GPU-Accelerated Similarity Joins. 396-405 - Liqiang Cao, Xu Liu, Xiaowen Xu, Zhanjun Liu:
A Performance Analysis of Large Scale Scientific Computing Applications from Log Archives. 406-411 - Thaleia Dimitra Doudali
, Ada Gavrilovska:
Mnemo: Boosting Memory Cost Efficiency in Hybrid Memory Systems. 412-421
Regular Paper Session II: High-Performance Machine Learning
- Geoffrey C. Fox, James A. Glazier, J. C. S. Kadupitiya, Vikram Jadhao, Minje Kim, Judy Qiu, James P. Sluka
, Endre T. Somogyi, Madhav V. Marathe, Abhijin Adiga, Jiangzhuo Chen, Oliver Beckstein, Shantenu Jha
Learning Everywhere: Pervasive Machine Learning for Effective High-Performance Computation. 422-429 - Xin Sunny Huang, Ang Chen, T. S. Eugene Ng:
Green, Yellow, Yield: End-Host Traffic Scheduling for Distributed Deep Learning with TensorLights. 430-437 - Qin Zhang, Li Zha, Xiaohua Wan, Boqun Cheng:
A GPU Inference System Scheduling Algorithm with Asynchronous Data Transfer. 438-445
Short Paper Session: High-Performance Data Processing Algorithms
- Aidi Pi
, Wei Chen, Will Zeller, Xiaobo Zhou:
It Can Understand the Logs, Literally. 446-451 - Siddharth D. Jaiswal
, Yogesh Simmhan:
A Partition-Centric Distributed Algorithm for Identifying Euler Circuits in Large Graphs. 452-459
AsHES: Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems
- Antonio J. Peña:
Introduction to AsHES 2019. 460
Session 1: GPU Algorithms
- Joshua Dennis Booth, Gregory Bolet:
Javelin: A Scalable Implementation for Sparse Incomplete LU Factorization. 461-470 - Tobias Ribizel
, Hartwig Anzt
Approximate and Exact Selection on GPUs. 471-478
Session 2: Communication and Memory
- Norihisa Fujita, Ryohei Kobayashi
, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Taisuke Boku:
Parallel Processing on FPGA Combining Computation and Communication in OpenCL Programming. 479-488 - Ryohei Kobayashi
, Norihisa Fujita, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Ayumi Nakamichi, Taisuke Boku:
GPU-FPGA Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL-Enabled Direct Memory Access. 489-498
Session 3: Performance and Energy Analysis
- Xiongwei Fei, Kenli Li, Wangdong Yang, Keqin Li:
Analysis of Energy Efficiency of a Parallel AES Algorithm for CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Platforms. 499-508 - Steven Wei Der Chien
, Stefano Markidis, Vyacheslav Olshevsky, Yaroslav Bulatov, Erwin Laure, Jeffrey S. Vetter:
TensorFlow Doing HPC. 509-518
PDCO: Parallel and Distributed Combinatorics and Optimization
- Grégoire Danoy, Didier El Baz:
Introduction to PDCO 2019. 519-520
Session I: Parallel Methods and Metaheuristics
- Gabriel Duflo, Emmanuel Kieffer
, Matthias R. Brust
, Grégoire Danoy
, Pascal Bouvry
A GP Hyper-Heuristic Approach for Generating TSP Heuristics. 521-529 - Yuji Shinano, Daniel Rehfeldt, Tristan Gally:
An Easy Way to Build Parallel State-of-the-art Combinatorial Optimization Problem Solvers: A Computational Study on Solving Steiner Tree Problems and Mixed Integer Semidefinite Programs by using ug[SCIP-*, *]-Libraries. 530-541
Session II: Parallel Methods and Applications
- Davi Melo Morales, Antônio Augusto Chaves, Alvaro Luiz Fazenda:
Parallel Clustering Search Applied to Capacitated Centered Clustering Problem. 542-548 - Andrey Borisenko
, Sergei Gorlatch:
Optimal Batch Plants Design on Parallel Systems: A Comparative Study. 549-558
Session III: Distributed Computing and Optimization
- Hiram Ponce, Paulo Vitor de Campos Souza
Intelligent Control Navigation Emerging on Multiple Mobile Robots Applying Social Wound Treatment. 559-564 - Andrei Tchernykh
, Mikhail G. Babenko
, Viktor Andreevich Kuchukov, Vanessa Miranda-López, Arutyun Avetisyan, Raúl Rivera-Rodríguez, Gleb I. Radchenko
Data Reliability and Redundancy Optimization of a Secure Multi-cloud Storage Under Uncertainty of Errors and Falsifications. 565-572 - Roger L. Goodwin:
Efficiently Computing the Power Set in a Parallel Environment. 573-579
APDCM: Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models
- Jacir Luiz Bordim, Koji Nakano:
Introduction to APDCM 2019. 580-581 - Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo:
APDCM 2019 Keynote Talk. 582
Session 1: Practical Computer Systems
- Hazem A. Abdelhafez, Christopher Zimmer, Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai, Matei Ripeanu:
AHEAD: A Tool for Projecting Next-Generation Hardware Enhancements on GPU-Accelerated Systems. 583-592 - Seung-Ho Lim, Ki-Woong Park, Kwangho Cha
Developing an OpenSHMEM Model Over a Switchless PCIe Non-Transparent Bridge Interface. 593-602 - Hiroya Ikeda, Hiroki Yamane, Mutsumi Kimura, Yuki Shibayama, Yasuhiko Nakashima:
Evaluation of Neuromorphic Hardware using Cellular Neural Networks and Oxide Semiconductors. 603-608
Session 2: Concurrency Models
- Sayaka Kamei
, Hirotsugu Kakugawa:
A Self-Stabilizing Algorithm for the Local (1, |Ni|)-Critical Section Problem with Safe Convergence. 609-618 - Gabriel Paillard, Felipe M. G. França
, Christian Lavault:
A Distributed Wheel Sieve Algorithm. 619-626
Session 3: Parallel Computing Models
- Ranyelson Neres Carvalho
, Jacir Luiz Bordim, Eduardo Adílio Pelinson Alchieri:
Entropy-Based DoS Attack Identification in SDN. 627-634 - Tomás Vyskocil, Hristo N. Djidjev
Constraint Embedding for Solving Optimization Problems on Quantum Annealers. 635-644 - Sai Charan Regunta, Sai Harsh Tondomker, Kishore Kothapalli:
BRICS - Efficient Techniques for Estimating the Farness-Centrality in Parallel. 645-654 - Yosi Ben-Asher, Vladislav Tartakovsky:
Efficient Conversion of Boolean Circuits to Nondeterministic Branching Programs. 655-662 - Koji Nakano
, Yasuaki Ito, Jacir Luiz Bordim:
FIFO-Based Hardware Sorters for High Bandwidth Memory. 663-672
PDSEC: Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing
- Ioana Banicescu, Peter Strazdins, Eric Aubanel, Raphaël Couturier
, Suzanne Michelle Shontz, Thomas Rauber, Gudula Rünger, Laurence T. Yang:
Introduction to PDSEC-19. 673-674 - Cynthia A. Phillips:
PDSEC-19 Keynote. 675
Session 1: Best Paper
- Amin Totounferoush, Neda Ebrahimi Pour, Juri Schröder, Sabine Roller, Miriam Mehl:
A New Load Balancing Approach for Coupled Multi-Physics Simulations. 676-682
Session 2: Algorithms and Simulation
- Anshu Dubey, Saurabh Chawdhary, James Austin Harris
, Bronson Messer
Simulation Planning Using Component Based Cost Model. 683-688 - Ahmed Eleliemy
, Florina M. Ciorba
Hierarchical Dynamic Loop Self-Scheduling on Distributed-Memory Systems Using an MPI+MPI Approach. 689-697 - Daniel Hugo Cámpora Pérez
, Niko Neufeld, Agustin Riscos-Núñez
A Fast Local Algorithm for Track Reconstruction on Parallel Architectures. 698-707
Session 3: Applications
- Leonardo Gasparini, José Roberto Pereira Rodrigues, Cesar Conopoima, Douglas Adriano Augusto, Michael de Souza, Luiz Mariano Carvalho
, Paulo Goldfeld, João Paulo Ramirez, Jairo Panetta:
A Linear Solver Framework for Flow and Geomechanics Reservoir Simulation. 708-717 - Paul Godard, Vincent Loechner, Cédric Bastoul, Frédéric Soulier, Guillaume Muller:
A Flexible and Distributed Runtime System for High-Throughput Constrained Data Streams Generation. 718-728 - Fan Yu, Peter Strazdins, Jörg Henrichs, Tim Pugh:
Shared Memory and GPU Parallelization of an Operational Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Application. 729-738
Session 4: The Future of HPC
- Hartwig Anzt
, Goran Flegar:
Are we Doing the Right Thing? - A Critical Analysis of the Academic HPC Community. 739-745
iWAPT: International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tunings
- Akihiro Fujii:
Introduction to IWAPT 2019. 746 - Silvio Stanzani:
IWAPT 2019 Keynote Talk. 747
AT Techniques
- Fabio Alexander Gratl, Steffen Seckler, Nikola Tchipev, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Philipp Neumann
AutoPas: Auto-Tuning for Particle Simulations. 748-757 - Florian Wende:
C++ Data Layout Abstractions through Proxy Types. 758-767