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Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2017: Los Angeles, CA, USA
- IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA, June 11-14, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5090-4804-5
- Jiri Cermak, Anelia Angelova:
Learning with proxy supervision for end-to-end visual learning. 1-6 - Florian Teich, Shishan Yang, Marcus Baum
GM-PHD filter for multiple extended object tracking based on the multiplicative error shape model and network flow labeling. 7-12 - Mohsen Sefati, M. Daum, Bjoern Sondermann, Kai D. Kreisköther, Achim Kampker:
Improving vehicle localization using semantic and pole-like landmarks. 13-19 - Shuangshuang Han, Fei-Yue Wang, Yingchun Wang, Dongpu Cao
, Li Li:
Parallel vehicles based on the ACP theory: Safe trips via self-driving. 20-25 - Renjie Li, Yanan Li, Shengbo Eben Li
, Etienne Burdet
, Bo Cheng:
Driver-automation indirect shared control of highly automated vehicles with intention-aware authority transition. 26-32 - Yeqiang Qian, Ming Yang
, Chunxiang Wang, Bing Wang:
Self-adapting part-based pedestrian detection using a fish-eye camera. 33-38 - Karl Granström, Stephan Renter, Maryam Fatemi, Lennart Svensson:
Pedestrian tracking using Velodyne data - Stochastic optimization for extended object tracking. 39-46 - Tim Allan Wheeler, Martin Holder, Hermann Winner, Mykel J. Kochenderfer
Deep stochastic radar models. 47-53 - Xiao Zhang, Wenda Xu, Chiyu Dong, John M. Dolan:
Efficient L-shape fitting for vehicle detection using laser scanners. 54-59 - Mohammad Hossein Daraei, Anh Vu, Roberto Manduchi:
Velocity and shape from tightly-coupled LiDAR and camera. 60-67 - Jiali Bao, Yanlei Gu, Shunsuke Kamijo:
Vehicle positioning with the integration of scene understanding and 3D map in urban environment. 68-73 - Arthur Daniel Costea, Sergiu Nedevschi
Traffic scene segmentation based on boosting over multimodal low, intermediate and high order multi-range channel features. 74-81 - Koba Natroshvili, Kay-Ulrich Scholl:
Automatic extrinsic calibration methods for Surround View Systems. 82-88 - Mohammed Al-Qizwini, Iman Barjasteh, Hothaifa Al-Qassab, Hayder Radha:
Deep learning algorithm for autonomous driving using GoogLeNet. 89-96 - Adrian Sonka, Florian Krauns, Roman Henze, Ferit Küçükay, Roman Katz, Ulrich Lages:
Dual approach for maneuver classification in vehicle environment data. 97-102 - Hui Eun Kim, Youngwan Lee
, Hakil Kim, Xuenan Cui:
Domain-specific data augmentation for on-road object detection based on a deep neural network. 103-108 - Mahdi Morsali
, Erik Frisk, Jan Åslund:
Real-time velocity planning for heavy duty truck with obstacle avoidance. 109-114 - Rafael de Angelis Cordeiro
, Alexandre M. Ribeiro, José R. Azinheira
, Alessandro Corrêa Victorino, Paulo A. V. Ferreira, Ely Carneiro de Paiva, Samuel Siqueira Bueno:
Road grades and tire forces estimation using two-stage extended Kalman filter in a delayed interconnected cascade structure. 115-120 - Jyun-Min Dai, Tse-An Liu, Huei-Yung Lin:
Road surface detection and recognition for route recommendation. 121-126 - Vijay John
, Seiichi Mita, Hossein Tehrani Niknejad, Kazuhisa Ishimaru:
Automated driving by monocular camera using deep mixture of experts. 127-134 - Simon Hanisch, Rubén Heras Evangelio, Hadj Hamma Tadjine
, Michael Pätzold:
Free-space detection with fish-eye cameras. 135-140 - Florent Altché, Philip Polack, Arnaud de La Fortelle:
A simple dynamic model for aggressive, near-limits trajectory planning. 141-147 - Marcello Cirillo:
From videogames to autonomous trucks: A new algorithm for lattice-based motion planning. 148-153 - Changliu Liu, Wei Zhan, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Speed profile planning in dynamic environments via temporal optimization. 154-159 - Sebastian Sontges, Matthias Althoff:
Computing possible driving corridors for automated vehicles. 160-166 - Yi Yang, Lu Zhang, Xin Qu, Jinzhou Lei, Yijin Li, Jianhang Wang:
Smooth path planning for autonomous parking system. 167-173 - Chang Liu, Seungho Lee, Scott Varnhagen, H. Eric Tseng:
Path planning for autonomous vehicles using model predictive control. 174-179 - Farid Bounini, Denis Gingras, Herve Pollart, Dominique Gruyer:
Modified artificial potential field method for online path planning applications. 180-185 - Fritz Ulbrich
, Daniel Goehring, Tobias Langner, Zahra Boroujeni, Raúl Rojas:
Stable timed elastic bands with loose ends. 186-192 - Jaeyoung Moon, Il Bae, Shiho Kim:
Real-time near-optimal path and maneuver planning in automatic parking using a simultaneous dynamic optimization approach. 193-196 - Chunzhao Guo, Kiyosumi Kidono, Takashi Machida, Ryuta Terashima, Yoshiko Kojima:
Human-like behavior generation for intelligent vehicles in urban environment based on a hybrid potential map. 197-203 - Alex Kuefler, Jeremy Morton, Tim Allan Wheeler, Mykel J. Kochenderfer
Imitating driver behavior with generative adversarial networks. 204-211 - Pierre de Beaucorps, Thomas Streubel, Anne Verroust-Blondet
, Fawzi Nashashibi, Benazouz Bradai, Paulo Resende:
Decision-making for automated vehicles at intersections adapting human-like behavior. 212-217 - Xinpeng Wang, Ding Zhao
, Huei Peng, David J. LeBlanc
Analysis of unprotected intersection left-turn conflicts based on naturalistic driving data. 218-223 - Mathieu Barbier, Christian Laugier, Olivier Simonin, Javier Ibañez-Guzmán:
Classification of drivers manoeuvre for road intersection crossing with synthethic and real data. 224-230 - Liuyuan Deng
, Ming Yang
, Yeqiang Qian, Chunxiang Wang, Bing Wang:
CNN based semantic segmentation for urban traffic scenes using fisheye camera. 231-236 - Stefan Hoermann, Daniel Stumper, Klaus Dietmayer:
Probabilistic long-term prediction for autonomous vehicles. 237-243 - Peter Wolf, Christian Hubschneider, Michael Weber, André Bauer, Jonathan Härtl, Fabian Duerr
, Johann Marius Zöllner:
Learning how to drive in a real world simulation with deep Q-Networks. 244-250 - Kyohei Otsuka, Kosuke Hara, Teppei Suzuki, Yoshimitsu Aoki:
Danger level modeling and analysis of vehicle-pedestrian encounter using situation dependent topic model. 251-256 - Luc Mioulet, Dzmitry Tsishkou, Rémy Bendahan, Frédéric Abad:
Efficient combination of Lidar intensity and 3D information by DNN for pedestrian recognition with high and low density 3D sensor. 257-263 - Amir Rasouli
, Iuliia Kotseruba, John K. Tsotsos
Agreeing to cross: How drivers and pedestrians communicate. 264-269 - Sukru Yaren Gelbal, Sibel Arslan, Haoan Wang, Bilin Aksun Güvenç, Levent Guvenç:
Elastic band based pedestrian collision avoidance using V2X communication. 270-276 - Michael Motro, Joydeep Ghosh, Chandra R. Bhat
Optimal alarms for vehicular collision detection. 277-282 - Zihao Wang, Saina Ramyar, Syed Moshfeq Salaken
, Abdollah Homaifar, Saeid Nahavandi, Ali Karimoddini
A collision avoidance system with fuzzy danger level detection. 283-288 - Ewoud A. I. Pool, Julian F. P. Kooij
, Dariu M. Gavrila:
Using road topology to improve cyclist path prediction. 289-296 - Amit Chaulwar, Michael Botsch, Wolfgang Utschick
A machine learning based biased-sampling approach for planning safe trajectories in complex, dynamic traffic-scenarios. 297-303 - Qiang Yi, Stanley Y. P. Chien, Li Fu, Lingxi Li
, Yaobin Chen
, Rini Sherony, Hiroyuki Takahashi:
Clothing color of surrogate Bicyclist for Pre-Collision System evaluation. 304-309 - Goncalo Collares Pereira, Lars J. Svensson, Pedro F. Lima, Jonas Mårtensson
Lateral Model Predictive Control for Over-Actuated Autonomous Vehicle. 310-316 - Huadong Meng
, Wei-Bin Zhang:
Sensing architecture for automated/autonomous vehicles towards all-condition safety. 317-321 - Boulaid Boulkroune, Sebastiaan van Aalst, Kris Lehaen, Jasper De Smet:
Observer-based controller with integral action for longitudinal vehicle speed control. 322-327 - Jing Xun, Jiateng Yin, Yang Zhou, Fan Liu:
Train cooperative control for headway adjustment in high-speed railways. 328-333 - Serdar Coskun
, Reza Langari:
Enhanced vehicle handling performance for an emergency lane changing controller in highway driving. 334-340 - Hao Yu, Shu Yang, Weihao Gu, Shaoyu Zhang:
Baidu driving dataset and end-to-end reactive control model. 341-346 - Yong Woo Jeong
, Chang Mook Kang
, Won Hee Kim
, Seung-Hi Lee, Chung Choo Chung:
Flatness based angle control with augmented observer for electric power steering in autonomous vehicles. 347-352 - Tobias Kessler, Pascal Minnerup, David Lenz, Alois C. Knoll
Systematically comparing control approaches in the presence of actuator errors. 353-358 - Kai Liu
, Jianwei Gong, Arda Kurt, Huiyan Chen, Ümit Özgüner:
A model predictive-based approach for longitudinal control in autonomous driving with lateral interruptions. 359-364 - Yannick Forster, Frederik Naujoks
, Alexandra Neukum:
Increasing anthropomorphism and trust in automated driving functions by adding speech output. 365-372 - Koyel Banerjee, Tuan Van Dinh, Ludmila Levkova:
Velocity estimation from monocular video for automotive applications using convolutional neural networks. 373-378 - Xin Chen, Yong Zhai, Chao Lu, Jianwei Gong, Gang Wang:
A learning model for personalized adaptive cruise control. 379-384 - Philipp Wintersberger
, Anna-Katharina Frison, Andreas Riener
, Sinan Hasirlioglu:
The experience of ethics: Evaluation of self harm risks in automated vehicles. 385-391 - Florian Piewak
, Timo Rehfeld, Michael Weber, Johann Marius Zöllner:
Fully convolutional neural networks for dynamic object detection in grid maps. 392-398 - Myung-Ok Shin, Seung-Woo Seo:
Vehicle recognition using common appearance captured by 3D LIDAR and monocular camera. 399-404 - Alexander Schaermann, Andreas Rauch, Nils Hirsenkorn, Timo Hanke, Ralph H. Rasshofer, Erwin M. Biebl:
Validation of vehicle environment sensor models. 405-411 - Seth Hollar, Marshal Brain, Amit A. Nayak, Adam Stevens, Nikhil Patil, Harsh Mittal, W. Joel Smith:
A new low cost, efficient, self-driving personal rapid transit system. 412-417 - Jaemyung Lee
, Sihaeng Lee, Youngdong Kim, Janghyeon Lee, Junmo Kim:
Refine pedestrian detections by referring to features in different ways. 418-423 - Zhipeng Xiao, Hongdong Li
, Dingfu Zhou, Yuchao Dai, Bin Dai
Accurate extrinsic calibration between monocular camera and sparse 3D Lidar points without markers. 424-429 - Andreas Fregin, Julian Müller, Klaus Dietmayer:
Three ways of using stereo vision for traffic light recognition. 430-436 - Ehsan Javanmardi, Mahdi Javanmardi, Yanlei Gu, Shunsuke Mahdimijo:
Autonomous vehicle self-localization based on multilayer 2D vector map and multi-channel LiDAR. 437-442 - Michelle Valente, Bogdan Stanciulescu:
Real-time method for general road segmentation. 443-447 - Andra Petrovai, Arthur Daniel Costea, Sergiu Nedevschi
Semi-automatic image annotation of street scenes. 448-455 - Alexander Brunker, Thomas Wohlgemuth, Michael Frey
, Frank Gauterin:
GNSS-shortages-resistant and self-adaptive rear axle kinematic parameter estimator (SA-RAKPE). 456-461 - Markus Auer, Hubert Rehborn, Sven-Eric Molzahn, Klaus Bogenberger
Boosting Performance of Map Matching Algorithms by Parallelization on Graphics Processors. 462-467 - Yan Lu, Jiawei Huang, Yi-Ting Chen, Bernd Heisele:
Monocular localization in urban environments using road markings. 468-474 - Mohammad Billah, Arash Maskooki, Farzana Rahman, Jay A. Farrell
Roadway feature mapping from point cloud data: A graph-based clustering approach. 475-480 - Kai Stiens, Johannes Keilhacker, Georg Tanzmeister, Dirk Wollherr:
Local elevation mapping for automated vehicles using lidar ray geometry and particle filters. 481-486 - Yuquan Xu, Vijay John
, Seiichi Mita, Hossein Tehrani Niknejad, Kazuhisa Ishimaru, Sakiko Nishino:
3D point cloud map based vehicle localization using stereo camera. 487-492 - Wenjie Song, Mengyin Fu, Yi Yang, Meiling Wang, Xinyu Wang, Alain L. Kornhauser:
Real-time lane detection and forward collision warning system based on stereo vision. 493-498 - David Wong, Yasutomo Kawanishi
, Daisuke Deguchi
, Ichiro Ide
, Hiroshi Murase:
Monocular localization within sparse voxel maps. 499-504 - Romuald Aufrère, Laurent Delobel, Serge Alizon, Gerald Lelong, Roland Chapuis:
Multi-vehicles localization by using a georeferenced map and a top-down approach for automatic guidance. 505-510 - Elwan Héry, Philippe Xu, Philippe Bonnifait:
Along-track localization for cooperative autonomous vehicles. 511-516 - Johannes Ziegmann, Jieqing Shi, Tobias Schnorer, Christian Endisch
Analysis of individual driver velocity prediction using data-driven driver models with environmental features. 517-522 - Danut Ovidiu Pop, Alexandrina Rogozan, Fawzi Nashashibi, Abdelaziz Bensrhair:
Incremental Cross-Modality deep learning for pedestrian recognition. 523-528 - Fei Yan, Mark Eilers, Andreas Lüdtke
, Martin Baumann
Building driver's trust in lane change assistance systems by adapting to driver's uncertainty states. 529-534 - Chen Su, Weiwen Deng, Hao Sun, Jian Wu, Bohua Sun, Shun Yang:
Forward collision avoidance systems considering driver's driving behavior recognized by Gaussian Mixture Model. 535-540 - Johanna Josten, Teresa Schmidt
, Ralf Philipsen, Lutz Eckstein, Martina Ziefle:
Privacy and initial information in automated driving - Evaluation of information demands and data sharing concerns. 541-546 - Shuo Liu, Jingqiu Guo, Hendrik J. van Rensburg, Yibing Wang, Yan Liu:
Supporting vulnerable drivers with rheumatism. 547-552 - Dennis Orth
, Dorothea Kolossa
, Milton Sarria Paja, Kersten Schaller, Andreas Pech, Martin Heckmann
A maximum likelihood method for driver-specific critical-gap estimation. 553-558 - Yang Zheng, Yongkang Liu, John H. L. Hansen:
Navigation-orientated natural spoken language understanding for intelligent vehicle dialogue. 559-564 - Yuan Liao
, Lian Duan, Min Juan Wang, Fang Chen:
Cross-regional study on driver response behavior patterns and system acceptance with triggered forward collision warning. 565-570 - Evangelia Portouli
, Giannis Karaseitanidis, Panagiotis Lytrivis, Angelos Amditis
, Odisseas Raptis, Christina Karaberi:
Public attitudes towards autonomous mini buses operating in real conditions in a Hellenic city. 571-576 - Christian Fuchs, Benjamin Knopp, Dieter Zöbel, Dietrich Paulus:
Model-based evaluation of practical sensor noise impacts in articulated vehicle driving scenarios. 577-582 - S. J. Zabihi, S. M. Zabihi, Steven S. Beauchemin, Michael A. Bauer:
Detection and recognition of traffic signs inside the attentional visual field of drivers. 583-588 - Erwin de Gelder, Jan-Pieter Paardekooper:
Assessment of Automated Driving Systems using real-life scenarios. 589-594 - Gultekin Gunduz, Cagdas Yaman, Ali Ufuk Peker
, Tankut Acarman:
Driving pattern fusion using dempster-shafer theory for fuzzy driving risk level assessment. 595-599 - Zheng Wang
, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano:
The effect of haptic guidance on driver steering performance during curve negotiation with limited visual feedback. 600-605 - Sanjay Saini
, S. Nikhil, Krishna Reddy Konda, Harish S. Bharadwaj, N. Ganeshan:
An efficient vision-based traffic light detection and state recognition for autonomous vehicles. 606-611 - Seunghyun Lee, TaeDong Kim, Kang Yi, Kyeong-Hoon Jung:
Energy constrained forward collision warning system with a single camera. 612-617 - Hayoung Kim
, Jeongmin Cho, Dongchan Kim
, Kunsoo Huh:
Intervention minimized semi-autonomous control using decoupled model predictive control. 618-623 - Jens Schulz
, Kira Hirsenkorn, Julian Löchner, Moritz Werling, Darius Burschka:
Estimation of collective maneuvers through cooperative multi-agent planning. 624-631 - Wei Zhan, Jianyu Chen, Ching-Yao Chan, Changliu Liu, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Spatially-partitioned environmental representation and planning architecture for on-road autonomous driving. 632-639 - Hiroyuki Okuda, Kota Harada, Tatsuya Suzuki, Shintaro Saigo, Satoshi Inoue:
Design of automated merging control by minimizing decision entropy of drivers on main lane. 640-646 - Stefanie Manzinger, Marion Leibold
, Matthias Althoff:
Driving strategy selection for cooperative vehicles using maneuver templates. 647-654 - Huile Xu, Jishiyu Ding, Yi Zhang, Jianming Hu:
Queue length estimation at isolated intersections based on intelligent vehicle infrastructure cooperation systems. 655-660 - Tobias Kessler, Alois C. Knoll
Multi vehicle trajectory coordination for automated parking. 661-666 - Masoud Bashiri
, Cody H. Fleming:
A platoon-based intersection management system for autonomous vehicles. 667-672 - Jan Eilbrecht, Olaf Stursberg
Cooperative driving using a hierarchy of mixed-integer programming and tracking control. 673-678 - Sebastian Kuhlmorgen, Arturo González, Andreas Festag
, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Improving communication-based intersection safety by cooperative relaying with joint decoding. 679-684 - David Lenz, Frederik Diehl
, Michael Truong-Le
, Alois C. Knoll
Deep neural networks for Markovian interactive scene prediction in highway scenarios. 685-692 - Ehsan Hashemi, Mohammad Pirani, Baris Fidan, Amir Khajepour, Shih-Ken Chen, Bakhtiar Litkouhi:
Distributed robust vehicle state estimation. 693-698 - Seongjin Choi
, Hwasoo Yeo
Framework for simulation-based lane change control for autonomous vehicles. 699-704 - Yunhan Jack Jia, Ding Zhao
, Qi Alfred Chen, Zhuoqing Morley Mao:
Towards secure and safe appified automated vehicles. 705-711 - Chao Chen, Markus Rickert
, Alois C. Knoll
Motion planning under perception and control uncertainties with Space Exploration Guided Heuristic Search. 712-718 - Matthias Althoff, Markus Koschi
, Stefanie Manzinger:
CommonRoad: Composable benchmarks for motion planning on roads. 719-726 - Stefan Hoermann, Felix Kunz, Dominik Nuss, Stephan Reuter, Klaus Dietmayer:
Entering crossroads with blind corners. A safe strategy for autonomous vehicles. 727-732 - Florian Chabot, Mohamed Chaouch, Jaonary Rabarisoa, Céline Teulière, Thierry Chateau:
Deep edge-color invariant features for 2D/3D car fine-grained classification. 733-738 - Martin Buczko, Volker Willert:
Monocular Outlier Detection for Visual Odometry. 739-745