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JURSE 2019: Vannes, France
- Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, JURSE 2019, Vannes, France, May 22-24, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-0009-8
- Filip Sabo
, Christina Corbane
, Panagiotis Politis, Martino Pesaresi, Thomas Kemper:
Update and improvement of the European Settlement map. 1-4 - Taïs Grippa, Stefanos Georganos
, Sabine Vanhuysse
, Moritz Lennert, Nicholus Mboga, Eléonore Wolff
Mapping slums and model population density using earth observation data and open source solutions. 1-4 - Ahmed Samy Nassar, Nico Lang, Sébastien Lefèvre
, Jan D. Wegner:
Learning geometric soft constraints for multi-view instance matching across street-level panoramas. 1-4 - Anna-Maria Bolte
, Theo Kötter, Sophie Schuppe:
Can you see green or blue? On the necessity of visibility analysis of urban open spaces using Remote Sensing techniques and Geographic Information Systems. 1-4 - Elías Méndez Domínguez, David Small, Daniel Henke:
Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography for Change Detection Applications. 1-4 - Yuansheng Hua, Lichao Mou, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Multi-label Aerial Image Classification using A Bidirectional Class-wise Attention Network. 1-4 - Michael Wurm, Matthias Weigand, Thomas Stark, Jan Goebel
, Gert G. Wagner, Hannes Taubenböck:
Modelling the impact of the urban spatial structure on the choice of residential location using 'big earth data' and machine learning. 1-4 - Benjamin Beaumont, Nathalie Stephenne, Laura Van de Vyvere, Coraline Wyard
, Eric Hallot:
Users' consultation process in building a land cover and land use database for the official Walloon Georeferential. 1-4 - John Friesen
, Christoph Knoche, Jakob Hartig, Peter F. Pelz
, Hannes Taubenböck, Michael Wurm:
Sensitivity of slum size distributions as a function of spatial parameters for slum classification. 1-4 - Florent Guiotte, Sébastien Lefèvre
, Thomas Corpetti
Rasterization strategies for airborne LiDAR classification using attribute profiles. 1-4 - Matthew J. Gibson, Dhruv Kaushik, Arcot Sowmya:
Robust CNNs for detecting collapsed buildings with crowd-sourced data. 1-4 - Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Klea Katsouyanni, Panagiotis Sismanidis
, Anastasia Tsontzou, Eleni Myrivili, Nikos Bogonikolos, Chris T. Kiranoudis:
Satellite-based Emergency Notification System to Support Cities During Extreme Temperature Events. 1-4 - Zina Mitraka, Stavros Stagakis
, Giannis Lantzanakis, Nektarios Chrysoulakis, Christian Feigenwinter, Sue Grimmond:
High spatial and temporal resolution Land Surface Temperature for surface energy fluxes estimation. 1-4 - Enk Annemarie, de Wasseige Carlos:
Identification of appropriate data sources and analysis software to monitor the growth of informal settlements in Namibia. 1-4 - Qunshan Zhao
, Ryan Reynolds, Chuyuan Wang
, Elizabeth A. Wentz:
A multidimensional urban land cover change analysis in Tempe, AZ. 1-4 - Stavros Stagakis
, Ingunn Burud, Thomas Thiis, Niki Gaitani, Emmanouil Panagiotakis, Giannis Lantzanakis, Nektarios Spyridakis, Nektarios Chrysoulakis:
Spatiotemporal monitoring of surface temperature in an urban area using UAV imaging and tower-mounted radiometer measurements. 1-4 - Ahmed Samy Nassar, Sébastien Lefèvre
Automated Mapping Of Accessibility Signs With Deep Learning From Ground-level Imagery and Open Data. 1-4 - Lijun Zhao, Ping Tang:
Improved Visual Vocabularies for Scene Classification of High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery in Urban Areas. 1-4 - Ronny Hänsch, Olaf Hellwich:
Online Random Forests for Urban Area Classification from Polarimetric SAR Images. 1-4 - Thomas Stark, Michael Wurm, Hannes Taubenböck, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Slum Mapping in Imbalanced Remote Sensing Datasets Using Transfer Learned Deep Features. 1-4 - Dino Ienco, Kenji Ose, Christiane Weber:
Towards combining Satellite Imagery and VGI for Urban LULC classification. 1-4 - Mohamed Chelali
, Camille Kurtz
, Anne Puissant
, Nicole Vincent
Urban land cover analysis from satellite image time series based on temporal stability. 1-4 - Xiangtian Yuan
, Jiaojiao Tian
, Peter Reinartz:
Building Change Detection Based on Deep Learning and Belief Function. 1-4 - Çaglayan Tuna, François Merciol, Sébastien Lefèvre
Monitoring Urban Growth with Spatial Filtering of Satellite Image Time Series. 1-4 - Jiameng Lai
, Wenfeng Zhan
, Sida Jiang:
Forecasting of the Nighttime Surface Urban Heat Islands under Clear-sky. 1-4 - Thomas Tiessen, John Friesen
, Lea Rausch, Peter F. Pelz
Using remote sensing data and cluster algorithms to structure cities. 1-4 - Cyril Wendl, Diego Marcos
, Devis Tuia:
Novelty detection in very high resolution urban scenes with Density Forests. 1-4 - Marie-Leen Verdonck, Matthias Demuzere, Hans Hooyberghs
, Frederik Priem, Frieke Van Coillie
Spatial characterisation of heat risk in the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium. 1-4 - Dorothee Stiller, Thomas Stark, Michael Wurm, Stefan W. Dech, Hannes Taubenböck:
Large-scale building extraction in very high-resolution aerial imagery using Mask R-CNN. 1-4 - Nicolas Johannes Kraff
, Hannes Taubenböck, Michael Wurm:
How dynamic are slums? EO-based assessment of Kibera's morphologic transformation. 1-4 - Aurélie Michel, Laure Roupioz, Carlos Granero-Belinchón
, Xavier Briottet:
Land Surface Temperature Retrieval over Urban areas from simulated TRISHNA data. 1-4 - Yao Shen, Huanfeng Shen
, Qing Cheng, Liwen Huang, Liangpei Zhang:
Urban Expansion Trajectories in China's 36 Major Cities. 1-4 - Benjamin Bechtel
, Panagiotis Sismanidis
, James A. Voogt, Wenfeng Zhan:
Seasonal Surface Urban Heat Island Analysis. 1-4 - Henri Debray, Monika Kuffer
, Claudio Persello
, Christien Klaufus, Karin Pfeffer:
Detection of Informal Graveyards in Lima using Fully Convolutional Network with VHR Images. 1-4 - Hossein Bagheri
, Michael Schmitt, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Towards the Reconstruction of Prismatic Building Models by SAR-Optical Stereogrammetry. 1-4 - Yilei Shi, Yuanyuan Wang
, Xiao Xiang Zhu, Richard Bamler:
Large-Scale Urban Mapping using Small Stack Multi-baseline TanDEM-X Interferograms. 1-4 - Arnaud Le Bris, Nesrine Chehata
Urban morpho-types classification from SPOT-6/7 imagery and Sentinel-2 time series. 1-4 - Mengbin Rao, Liang Tang, Ping Tang, Zheng Zhang:
ES-CNN: An End-to-End Siamese Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 1-4 - Panagiotis Sismanidis
, Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Anastasia Tsontzou, Benjamin Bechtel
, Stefano Barberis
, Chris T. Kiranoudis:
A Satellite-derived Heating- and Cooling-Degrees Geospatial Dataset: Results for Antwerp. 1-4 - Anne Puissant
, Arnaud Sellé, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Vincent Thierion, Arnaud Le Bris, Jean-Louis Roujean
The 'urban' component of the French Land Data and Services Centre (THEIA). 1-4 - Nicholus Mboga, Stefanos Georganos
, Taïs Grippa, Moritz Lennert, Sabine Vanhuysse
, Eléonore Wolff
Weakly supervised fully convolutional networks using OBIA classification output. 1-4 - Clément Rambour, Loïc Denis
, Florence Tupin, Hélène Oriot:
Urban surface recovery through graph-cuts over SAR tomographic reconstruction. 1-4 - Oussama Ennafii, Clément Mallet, Arnaud Le Bris, Florent Lafarge:
The necessary yet complex evaluation of 3D city models: a semantic approach. 1-4 - Caroline M. Gevaert
, Divyani Kohli
, Monika Kuffer
Challenges of mapping the missing spaces. 1-4 - Yue Huang, Laurent Ferro-Famil:
High-Resolution Adaptive 3-D Urban Reconstruction Using Frugal Polarimetric Tomographic SAR Focusing Techniques. 1-4 - Dong Peng, Wen Yang, Heng-Chao Li, Xiangli Yang:
Superpixel-Based Urban Change Detection in SAR Images Using Optimal Transport Distance. 1-4 - Chunping Qiu, Michael Schmitt, Hannes Taubenböck, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Mapping Human Settlements with Multi-seasonal Sentinel-2 Imagery and Attention-based ResNeXt. 1-4 - Wieke Heldens, Björn Maronga, Julian Zeidler, Farah Kanani-Sühring, Wiebke Hanke, Thomas Esch:
Remote sensing-supported generation of surface descriptors for a highly detailed urban climate model. 1-4 - Stenka Vulova, Birgit Kleinschmit
Thermal behavior and its seasonal and diurnal variability of urban green infrastructure in a mid-latitude city - Berlin. 1-4 - Matthew J. Gibson, Astrid Dahl:
Scalable Gaussian Process models for dense temperature prediction. 1-4 - Chanvoleak Ourng, Yvette Vaguet, Anna Derkacheva
Spatio-Temporal Urban Growth Pattern in the Arctic: A Case Study in Surgut, Russia. 1-4 - Felix Bachofer, Thomas Esch, Jakub Balhar, Martin Böttcher, Enguerran Boissier, Fabrice Brito, Mattia Marconcini, Annekatrin Metz-Marconcini
, Marc Paganini, Tomás Soukup, Vaclav Svaton
, Julian Zeidler:
The Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform - Processing, Analysing and Visualization of Heterogeneous Data for Urban Applications. 1-3 - John Friesen
, Michaela Lestakova, Jens Kaltenmorgen, Suwaythan Nahaganeshan, Peter F. Pelz
, Hannes Taubenböck, Michael Wurm:
Size Distributions for Morphological Slums in Asia and South America. 1-4 - Josselin Aval, Jean Demuynck, Emmanuel Zenou, Sophie Fabre, David Sheeren, Mathieu Fauvel, Xavier Briottet:
Identification of the London plane in urban alignment based on hyperspectral data and contextual information. 1-4 - Oladimeji Mudele
, Paolo Gamba:
Mapping vegetation in urban areas using Sentinel-2. 1-4 - Xiangli Yang, Loïc Denis, Florence Tupin, Wen Yang:
SAR Image Despeckling Using Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network Models. 1-4 - Xiangyu Zhuo, Milena Mönks, Thomas Esch, Peter Reinartz:
Facade Segmentation from Oblique UAV Imagery. 1-4 - Sarochinee Kaewthani, Chaiyapon Keeratikasikorn:
Improving the SLEUTH urban growth model via temporal consistency in urban input data. 1-4 - Andreas Braun
, Gebhard Warth, Felix Bachofer, Volker Hochschild:
Identification of roof materials in high-resolution multispectral images for urban planning and monitoring. 1-4 - Arnaud Le Bris, Nesrine Chehata
Sensitivity of urban material classification to spatial and spectral configurations from visible to short-wave infrared. 1-4 - Charlotte Brabant
, Emilien Alvarez-Vanhard, Thomas Houet:
Improving the classification of urban tree diversity from Very High Spatial Resolution hyperspectral images: comparison of multiples techniques. 1-4 - Hunsoo Song, Yongil Kim:
Improving land-cover classification accuracy with a patch-based convolutional neural network: data augmentation and purposive sampling. 1-4 - Sara Top
, Steven Caluwaerts
, Bert Van Schaeybroeck
, Rafiq Hamdi, François Duchêne, Piet Termonia
Modelling the urban heat island: sensitivity to land cover data. 1-4 - Hannes Taubenböck, Felix Dahle
, Christian Geiß, Michael Wurm:
Europe's socio-economic disparities reflected in settlement patterns derived from satellite data. 1-4 - Divyani Kohli
, Monika Kuffer
, Caroline M. Gevaert
The Generic Slum Ontology: Can a Global Slum Repository be created? 1-4 - Martin Weinmann, Michael Weinmann
Urban Scene Labeling Based on Multi-Modal Data Acquired from Aerial Sensor Platforms. 1-4 - Yao Sun
, Yuansheng Hua, Lichao Mou, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Large-scale Building Height Estimation from Single VHR SAR image Using Fully Convolutional Network and GIS building footprints. 1-4 - H. Aghababee, G. Feraioli, Gilda Schirinzi, Alessandra Budillon:
Toward 3D Classification of Urban Area With Polarimetric SAR Tomography. 1-4 - Marie Jagaille, Nicolas Bellec, René Garello:
Regional Copernicus: foster end users uptake by co-designing regional EO-based products and services. An example with local and regional authorities (LRAs) in Brittany. 1-4 - Ryan N. Engstrom
, Robert Harrison, Michael L. Mann
, Amanda Fletcher:
Evaluating the Relationship Between Contextual Features Derived from Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery and Urban Attributes: A Case Study in Sri Lanka. 1-4 - Giampaolo Ferraioli, Vito Pascazio, Sergio Vitale:
A Novel Cost Function for Despeckling using Convolutional Neural Networks. 1-4 - Younes Zegaoui, Marc Chaumont, Gérard Subsol, Philippe Borianne, Mustapha Derras:
Urban object classification with 3D Deep-Learning. 1-4 - Qinghui Liu, Michael Kampffmeyer, Robert Jenssen, Arnt-Børre Salberg:
Dense Dilated Convolutions Merging Network for Semantic Mapping of Remote Sensing Images. 1-4 - Yilei Shi, Qingyu Li, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
BFGAN - building footprint extraction from satellite images. 1-4 - Stefanos Georganos
, Taïs Grippa, Assane Gadiaga, Sabine Vanhuysse
, Stamatis Kalogirou
, Moritz Lennert, Catherine Linard
An Application of Geographical Random Forests for Population Estimation in Dakar, Senegal using Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery. 1-4 - Jakob Hartig, John Friesen
, Peter F. Pelz
Spatial relations of slums: size of slum clusters. 1-4 - Ryan N. Engstrom
, Dan Pavelesku, Tomomi Tanaka, Ayago Wambile:
Mapping Poverty and Slums Using Multiple Methodologies in Accra, Ghana. 1-4 - Wei Zhang, Ping Tang, Lijun Zhao, Qingqing Huang:
A Comparative Study of U-Nets with Various Convolution Components for Building Extraction. 1-4 - Eike Jens Hoffmann, Martin Werner, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Building Instance Classification using Social Media Images. 1-4 - Sylvain Lobry, Devis Tuia:
Deep Learning Models to Count Buildings in High-Resolution Overhead Images. 1-4 - Adrien Nivaggioli, Hicham Randrianarivo:
Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images. 1-4 - Wen Liu, Fumio Yamazaki
, Yoshihisa Maruyama
Mapping the inundated area caused by the July 2018 Western Japan torrential rain using multi-temporal ALOS-2 data. 1-4 - Andrea Marinoni, Uta Heiden
, Paolo Gamba:
Human settlement and infrastructure monitoring with hyperspectral imaging. 1-4 - Sergiy Kostrikov
, Rostyslav Pudlo, Anna Kostrikova, Dmitry Bubnov:
Studying of urban features by the multifunctional approach to LiDAR data processing. 1-4 - Monika Kuffer
, Claudio Persello
, Karin Pfeffer, Richard Sliuzas
, Vinodkumar Rao
Do we underestimate the global slum population? 1-4 - Eleanor C. Stokes
, Miguel O. Roman, Zhuosen Wang, Ranjay M. Shrethsa, Tian Yao, Ginny Kalb:
Urban Applications of Nasa's Black Marble Product Suite. 1-4 - Alessandra Budillon, Angel Caroline Johnsy, Gilda Schirinzi:
Contextual Information Based SAR Tomography of Urban Areas. 1-4

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