Medical Informatics Europe (MIE)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      33rd MIE 2023: Gothenburg, Sweden

      32nd MIE 2022: Nice, France

      31st MIE 2021: Virtual Event

      30th MIE 2020: Geneva, Switzerland

      29th MIE 2018: Gothenburg, Sweden

      28. MIE 2017: Manchester, UK

      27. MIE 2016: Munich, Germany

      26. MIE 2015: Madrid, Spain

      25. MIE 2014: Istanbul, Turkey

      24. MIE 2012: Pisa, Italy

      23. MIE 2011: Oslo, Norway

      22. MIE 2009: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

      21. MIE 2008: Gothenburg, Sweden

      20. MIE 2006: Maastricht, The Netherlands

      19. MIE 2005: Geneva, Switzerland

      18. MIE 2003: Saint Malo, France

      17. MIE 2002: Budapest, Hungary

      16. MIE 2000: Hannover, Germany

      15. MIE 1999: Ljubljana, Slovenia

      14. MIE 1997: Thessalonica, Greece

      13. MIE 1996: Copenhagen, Denmark

      12. MIE 1994: Lisbon, Portugal

      11. MIE 1993: Jerusalem, Israel

      10. MIE 1991: Vienna, Austria

      9. MIE 1990: Glasgow, Scotland, UK

      8. MIE 1988: Oslo, Norway

      7. MIE 1987: Rom, Italy

      6. MIE 1985: Helsinki, Finland

      5. MIE 1984: Brussels, Belgium

      4. MIE 1982: Dublin, Ireland

      3. MIE 1981: Toulouse, France

      2. MIE 1979: Berlin, Germany

      1. MIE 1978: Cambridge, UK