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11th ACM Multimedia 2003: Berkeley, CA, USA
- Lawrence A. Rowe, Harrick M. Vin, Thomas Plagemann, Prashant J. Shenoy, John R. Smith:
Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Berkeley, CA, USA, November 2-8, 2003. ACM 2003, ISBN 1-58113-722-2 - Michael B. Johnson:
Building "bows for violinists": designing real digital tools for working artists. 1
Content analysis
- Liyuan Li, Weimin Huang, Irene Y. H. Gu, Qi Tian:
Foreground object detection from videos containing complex background. 2-10 - Xinguo Yu, Changsheng Xu, Hon Wai Leong, Qi Tian, Qing Tang, Kongwah Wan:
Trajectory-based ball detection and tracking with applications to semantic analysis of broadcast soccer video. 11-20 - Viktor S. Wold Eide, Frank Eliassen, Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Olav Lysne:
Supporting timeliness and accuracy in distributed real-time content-based video analysis. 21-32 - Ling-Yu Duan, Min Xu, Tat-Seng Chua, Qi Tian, Changsheng Xu:
A mid-level representation framework for semantic sports video analysis. 33-44
Multimedia streaming and services
- Mohamed Hefeeda, Ahsan Habib, Boyan Botev, Dongyan Xu, Bharat K. Bhargava:
PROMISE: peer-to-peer media streaming using CollectCast. 45-54 - Philippe de Cuetos, Keith W. Ross:
Optimal streaming of layered video: joint scheduling and error concealment. 55-64 - Ketil Lund, Vera Goebel:
Adaptive disk scheduling in a multimedia DBMS. 65-74 - Roger Zimmermann
, Kun Fu:
Comprehensive statistical admission control for streaming media servers. 75-85
Demonstration session 1
- Lisa Amini, Raymond Rose, Chitra Venkatramani, Olivier Verscheure, Peter H. Westerink, Pascal Frossard:
ARMS: adaptive rich media secure streaming. 86-87 - Marc Davis, Jeffrey Heer, Ana Ramirez:
Active capture: automatic direction for automatic movies. 88-89 - Wu-chi Feng, Brian Code, Edward C. Kaiser, Mike Shea, Wu-chang Feng:
Panoptes: scalable low-power video sensor networking technologies. 90-91 - Andreas Girgensohn, Frank M. Shipman III, Lynn Wilcox:
Hyper-hitchcock: authoring interactive videos and generating interactive summaries. 92-93 - Jamey Graham, Berna Erol, Jonathan J. Hull, Dar-Shyang Lee:
The video paper multimedia playback system. 94-95 - Kam-yiu Lam, Calvin K. H. Chiu:
Mobile video stream monitoring system. 96-97 - Ching-Yung Lin, Belle L. Tseng, Milind R. Naphade, Apostol Natsev, John R. Smith:
MPEG-7 video automatic labeling system. 98-99 - Jiazhi Ou, Xilin Chen, Susan R. Fussell
, Jie Yang:
DOVE: drawing over video environment. 100-101 - Timothy K. Shih, Liang-Chen Lu, Rong-Chi Chang:
An automatic image inpaint tool. 102-103 - Dezhen Song, Kenneth Y. Goldberg:
The co-opticon: shared access to a robotic streaming video camera. 104-105 - Ming-Yu Wang, Xing Xie, Wei-Ying Ma, HongJiang Zhang:
MobiPicture: browsing pictures on mobile devices. 106-107 - Jiang Yu Zheng, Min Shi, Makoto Kato:
Route panoramas for city navigation. 108-109
- Keiichiro Hoashi, Kazunori Matsumoto, Naomi Inoue:
Personalization of user profiles for content-based music retrieval based on relevance feedback. 110-119 - Victor Lavrenko, Jeremy Pickens:
Polyphonic music modeling with random fields. 120-129 - Richard L. Kline, Ephraim P. Glinert:
Approximate matching algorithms for music information retrieval using vocal input. 130-139 - Lie Lu, HongJiang Zhang:
Automated extraction of music snippets. 140-147
Managing images
- Hao Liu, Xing Xie, Wei-Ying Ma, HongJiang Zhang:
Automatic browsing of large pictures on mobile devices. 148-155 - Kentaro Toyama, Ron Logan, Asta Roseway:
Geographic location tags on digital images. 156-166 - Keiji Yanai:
Generic image classification using visual knowledge on the web. 167-176
Student best paper contest
- Eric P. Bennett, Leonard McMillan:
Proscenium: a framework for spatio-temporal video editing. 177-184 - Sang-Uok Kum, Ketan Mayer-Patel, Henry Fuchs:
Real-time compression for dynamic 3D environments. 185-194 - Beitao Li, Kingshy Goh, Edward Y. Chang:
Confidence-based dynamic ensemble for image annotation and semantics discovery. 195-206
Reception and posters
- Brett Adams, Svetha Venkatesh:
Weaving stories in digital media: when Spielberg makes home movies. 207-210 - Konstantin Biatov, Joachim Köhler:
An audio stream classification and optimal segmentation for multimedia applications. 211-214 - Jeff Boston, Michelle Y. Kim, William L. Luken, Edward So, Steve Wood:
Interleaving media data for MPEG-4 presentations. 215-218 - Rui Cai, Lie Lu, HongJiang Zhang:
Using structure patterns of temporal and spectral feature in audio similarity measure. 219-222 - Wei Chai, Barry Vercoe:
Music thumbnailing via structural analysis. 223-226 - Chris Chambers, Wu-chi Feng, Wu-chang Feng, Debanjan Saha:
A geographic redirection service for on-line games. 227-230 - Won-Sik Cheong, Kyuheon Kim, Gwang Hoon Park:
A new scanning method for H.264 based fine granular scalable video coding. 231-234 - Ludmila Cherkasova, Wenting Tang:
Capacity planning tool for streaming media services. 235-238 - Dawei Ding, Qing Li, Bo Feng, Liu Wenyin:
A semantic model for flash retrieval using co-occurrence analysis. 239-242 - Ling-Yu Duan, Min Xu
, Qi Tian, Changsheng Xu:
Nonparametric color characterization using mean shift. 243-246 - Xin Fan, Xing Xie, He-Qin Zhou, Wei-Ying Ma:
Looking into video frames on small displays. 247-250 - Silvia Hollfelder, Peter Fankhauser, Erich J. Neuhold:
Observation based vs. model based admission control for interactive multimedia sessions. 251-254 - Giridharan Iyengar, Harriet J. Nock:
Discriminative model fusion for semantic concept detection and annotation in video. 255-258 - Hang-Bong Kang:
Affective content detection using HMMs. 259-262 - Rainer Lienhart, Igor Kozintsev, Stefan Wehr:
Universal synchronization scheme for distributed audio-video capture on heterogeneous computing platforms. 263-266 - Cheng-Yuan Lin, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, Mao-Yuan Hsu:
An automatic singing voice rectifier design. 267-270 - Kinji Matsumura, Kazuya Usui, Kenjiro Kai, Koichi Ishikawa:
Location-aware data broadcasting: an application for digital mobile broadcasting in Japan. 271-274 - Florent Monay, Daniel Gatica-Perez:
On image auto-annotation with latent space models. 275-278 - Frank Nack, Amit Manniesing, Lynda Hardman:
Colour picking: the pecking prder of form and function. 279-282 - Chong-Wah Ngo:
A robust dissolve detector by support vector machine. 283-286 - Dinh Q. Phung, Svetha Venkatesh, Chitra Dorai:
Hierarchical topical segmentation in instructional films based on cinematic expressive functions. 287-290 - Juan Carlos Rojas, Miriam Leeser:
Programming portable optimized multimedia applications. 291-294 - Yong Rui, Zicheng Liu:
ARTiFACIAL: automated reverse turing test using FACIAL features. 295-298 - Andrew Salway, Mike Graham:
Extracting information about emotions in films. 299-302 - Yoshinao Takemae, Kazuhiro Otsuka, Naoki Mukawa:
Video cut editing rule based on participants' gaze in multiparty conversation. 303-306 - Chitra Venkatramani, Peter H. Westerink, Olivier Verscheure, Pascal Frossard:
Securing media for adaptive streaming. 307-310 - Kongwah Wan, Xin Yan, Xinguo Yu, Changsheng Xu:
Real-time goal-mouth detection in MPEG soccer video. 311-314 - Feng Wang, Chong-Wah Ngo, Ting-Chuen Pong:
Synchronization of lecture videos and electronic slides by video text analysis. 315-318 - Jun Wang, Mohan S. Kankanhalli:
Experience based sampling technique for multimedia analysis. 319-322 - Yuhang Wang, Fillia Makedon:
R-Histogram: quantitative representation of spatial relations for similarity-based image retrieval. 323-326 - Zhiheng Wang, Sujata Banerjee, Sugih Jamin:
Studying streaming video quality: from an application point of view. 327-330 - Xiaomeng Wu, Wenli Zhang, Shunsuke Kamijo, Masao Sakauchi:
Construction of interactive video information system by applying results of object recognition. 331-334 - Lonce Wyse, Ye Wang, Xinglei Zhu:
Application of a content-based percussive sound synthesizer to packet loss recovery in music streaming. 335-338 - Rong Yan, Alexander G. Hauptmann:
The combination limit in multimedia retrieval. 339-342 - Rong Yan, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Rong Jin:
Negative pseudo-relevance feedback in content-based video retrieval. 343-346 - Satoshi Yonemoto, Hiroshi Nakano, Rin-Ichiro Taniguchi:
Avatar motion control by user body postures. 347-350 - Tatsuo Yotsukura, Shigeo Morishima
, Satoshi Nakamura:
Model-based talking face synthesis for anthropomorphic spoken dialog agent system. 351-354 - Lei Zhang, Longbin Chen, Mingjing Li, HongJiang Zhang:
Automated annotation of human faces in family albums. 355-358 - Yongwei Zhu, Mohan S. Kankanhalli:
Music scale modeling for melody matching. 359-362 - Lev Manovich:
Inventing new media: what we can learn from new media art and media history. 363
Image annotation and video summarization
- Matthew Cooper, Jonathan Foote, Andreas Girgensohn, Lynn Wilcox:
Temporal event clustering for digital photo collections. 364-373 - Yufei Ma, HongJiang Zhang:
Contrast-based image attention analysis by using fuzzy growing. 374-381 - Bin Yu, Wei-Ying Ma, Klara Nahrstedt, HongJiang Zhang:
Video summarization based on user log enhanced link analysis. 382-391 - Frank M. Shipman III, Andreas Girgensohn, Lynn Wilcox:
Generation of interactive multi-level video summaries. 392-401
Multimedia coding and security
- Michael Militzer, Maciej Suchomski, Klaus Meyer-Wegener:
Improved p-domain rate control and perceived quality optimizations for MPEG-4 real-time video applications. 402-411 - Ye Wang, Ali Ahmaniemi, David Isherwood, Wendong Huang:
Content-based UEP: a new scheme for packet loss recovery in music streaming. 412-421 - Jacob Chakareski, Sangeun Han, Bernd Girod:
Layered coding vs. multiple descriptions for video streaming over multiple paths. 422-431 - Cheng Peng, Robert H. Deng
, Yongdong Wu, Weizhong Shao:
A flexible and scalable authentication scheme for JPEG2000 image codestreams. 433-441
Demonstration session 2
- Lalitha Agnihotri, Nevenka Dimitrova, John R. Kender, John Zimmerman:
Music videos miner. 442-443 - Christopher J. C. Burges, John C. Platt, Jonathan Goldstein:
Identifying audio clips with RARE. 444-445 - Shu-Ching Chen, Mei-Ling Shyu, Na Zhao, Chengcui Zhang:
An affinity-based image retrieval system for multimedia authoring and presentation. 446-447 - Elaine Chew
, Alexandre R. J. François:
MuSA.RT: music on the spiral array. real-time. 448-449 - Wolfgang Hürst:
Indexing, searching, and skimming of multimedia documents containing recorded lectures and live presentations. 450-451 - Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, Yung-Sen Jang:
Microcontroller implementation of melody recognition: a prototype. 452-453 - Andruid Kerne, Vikram Sundaram, Jin Wang, Madhur Khandelwal, J. Michael Mistrot:
Human + agent: creating recombinant information. 454-455 - Alison Lee, Vicki L. Hanson:
Enhancing web accessibility. 456-457 - Florian Pestoni, Clemens Drews:
eXtensible content protection. 458-459 - Claudio S. Pinhanez, Rick Kjeldsen, Lijun Tang, Anthony Levas, Mark Podlaseck, Noi Sukaviriya, Gopal Pingali:
Creating touch-screens anywhere with interactive projected displays. 460-461 - Yong Rui, Zicheng Liu:
Excuse me, but are you human? 462-463 - Jun Shen, Rong Yan, Pei Sun, Song Song:
Interactive multimedia messaging service platform. 464-465 - Naoko Tosa, Seigo Matsuoka, Koji Miyazaki:
Interactive storytelling system using behavior-based non-verbal information: ZENetic computer. 466-467 - Kongwah Wan, Xin Yan, Xinguo Yu, Changsheng Xu:
Robust goal-mouth detection for virtual content insertion. 468-469
3D multimedia environments
- H. Harlyn Baker, Nina T. Bhatti, Donald Tanguay, Irwin Sobel, Dan Gelb, Michael E. Goss, John MacCormick, Kei Yuasa, W. Bruce Culbertson, Thomas Malzbender:
Computation and performance issues In coliseum: an immersive videoconferencing system. 470-479 - Mojtaba Hosseini, Nicolas D. Georganas:
Design of a multi-sender 3D videoconferencing application over an end system multicast protocol. 480-489
Multimedia authoring
- Xian-Sheng Hua, Lie Lu, HongJiang Zhang:
AVE: automated home video editing. 490-497 - Berna Erol, Jonathan J. Hull, Dar-Shyang Lee:
Linking multimedia presentations with their symbolic source documents: algorithm and applications. 498-507
- Daniel DeMenthon, David S. Doermann:
Video retrieval using spatio-temporal descriptors. 508-517 - Cen Rao, Mubarak Shah, Tanveer Fathima Syeda-Mahmood:
Invariance in motion analysis of videos. 518-527 - Gang Wu, Yi-Leh Wu, Long Jiao, Yuan-Fang Wang, Edward Y. Chang:
Multi-camera spatio-temporal fusion and biased sequence-data learning for security surveillance. 528-538
Interacting with media
- Mat C. Hans, Mark T. Smith:
Interacting with audio streams for entertainment and communication. 539-545 - Chunyuan Liao, Qiong Liu, Don Kimber, Patrick Chiu, Jonathan Foote, Lynn Wilcox:
Shared interactive video for teleconferencing. 546-554 - Milton Chen:
Visualizing the pulse of a classroom. 555-561
Multimedia for tiny devices
- Wu-chi Feng, Brian Code, Edward C. Kaiser, Mike Shea, Wu-chang Feng, Louis Bavoil:
Panoptes: scalable low-power video sensor networking technologies. 562-571 - Vikas C. Raykar, Igor Kozintsev, Rainer Lienhart:
Position calibration of audio sensors and actuators in a distributed computing platform. 572-581 - Shivajit Mohapatra, Radu Cornea, Nikil D. Dutt
, Alexandru Nicolau, Nalini Venkatasubramanian:
Integrated power management for video streaming to mobile handheld devices. 582-591
Video demonstration session
- Xian-Sheng Hua, Lie Lu, HongJiang Zhang:
Photo2Video. 592-593 - Christos Tryfonas, James Schumacher:
Essistants. 594-595 - Sam Yip, Eugenia Leu, Hunter Howe:
The automatic video editor. 596-597 - John Adcock, Matthew Cooper, John Doherty, Jonathan Foote, Andreas Girgensohn, Lynn Wilcox:
Managing digital memories with the FXPAL photo application. 598-599 - John Doherty, Andreas Girgensohn, Jonathan Helfman, Frank M. Shipman III, Lynn Wilcox:
Detail-on-demand hypervideo. 600-601 - Marc Davis:
Active capture: automatic direction for automatic movies. 602-603
Content-based retrieval
- Dongge Li, Nevenka Dimitrova, Mingkun Li, Ishwar K. Sethi
Multimedia content processing through cross-modal association. 604-611 - Hong Wu, Hanqing Lu, Songde Ma:
A practical SVM-based algorithm for ordinal regression in image retrieval. 612-621 - Kai Yu, Wei-Ying Ma, Volker Tresp, Zhao Xu, Xiaofei He, HongJiang Zhang, Hans-Peter Kriegel:
Knowing a tree from the forest: art image retrieval using a society of profiles. 622-631 - Hui Yang, Lekha Chaisorn, Yunlong Zhao, Shi-Yong Neo, Tat-Seng Chua:
VideoQA: question answering on news video. 632-641
Doctoral symposium - session I
- Mohamed Hefeeda:
A framework for cost-effective peer-to-peer content distribution. 642-643 - David E. Ott, Ketan Mayer-Patel:
Transport-level protocol coordination in distributed multimedia applications. 644-645 - Bin Yu, Klara Nahrstedt:
A scalable overlay video mixing service model. 646-647
Doctoral symposium - session II
- Barbara Barry:
The mindful camera: common sense for documentary videography. 648-649 - A. Viranga Ratnaike, Bala Srinivasan, Surya Nepal:
Making sense of video content. 650-651 - Dezhen Song:
Algorithms and systems for shared access to a robotic streaming video camera. 652-653

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