16th ACM Multimedia 2008: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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Best paper session

Content track C1: duplicate detection

Content track C2: semantic video annotation

Content track C3: image annotation and tagging

Content track C4: video sp81-wei.pdfearch

Content track C5: multimedia content analysis and applications

Content track C6: image retrieval

Content track C7: video analysis

Systems track S1: video streaming

Systems track S2: beyond 2D

Applications track A1: tracing

Applications track A2: watch

Applications track A3: photo

Applications track A4: context

Applications track A5/H3: browsing

HCM track H1: application

HCM track H2: experience

Art track 1: adaptation

Art track 2: dancing with ...

Art track 3: a space ...

Content track short papers session 1: content analysis

Content track short papers session 2: content analysis and applications

Systems track short papers

Applications track short papers session 1