23rd MODELS 2020: Virtual Event, Canada - Companion Proceedings

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Tools and demos


Educators symposium

Doctoral symposium

3rd workshop on modeling in automotive system and software engineering: MASE 2020

1st international workshop on open model based engineering environment: OpenMBEE 2020

2nd modelling language engineering and execution workshop: MLE 2020

2nd workshop on artificial intelligence and model-driven engineering: MDE intelligence 2020

2nd international workshop on analytics and mining of model repositories: AMMoRe 2020

14th workshop on models and evolution: ME 2020

2nd international workshop on security for and by model-driven engineering: SecureMDE 2020

1st LowCode workshop: LowCode 2020

17th workshop on model driven engineering, verification and validation: MoDeVVa 2020

7th international workshop on multi-level modelling: MULTI 2020

2nd international workshop on multi-paradigm modelling for cyber-physical systems: MPM4CPS 2020