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PACIS 2014: Chengdu, China
- Keng Siau, Qing Li, Xunhua Guo:
18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2014, Chengdu, China, June 24-28, 2014. 2014 - Daniel W. K. Tse, Dennis C. K. Lee, House H. Gong, Puttipong M. Sae, Jason W. Lam, David Z. Lu:
Strategies in Securing the Social Media. 2 - Meng Zhao, Jiayin Qi:
Friends, Crowds, and the Long tail: an Empirical Investigation on Online Music listening. 3 - Bo Hsiao, LihChyun Shu, Fang-Yu Chou:
Assessing the Efficiency of Accounting firms using Data envelopment Analysis with Multi-Activity Networks. 4 - Gaye Kiely, Patrick Finnegan, Tom Butler:
Managing Global Virtual Teams: an Exploration of Operation and Performance. 5 - Xianjun Geng, Lihui Lin, Gang Peng:
Social Preferences and Open Source Software Development. 6 - Arjan de Kok, Jonas Koops, Remko W. Helms:
Assessing the New Way of Working: Bricks, bytes and Behaviour. 7 - Ning Zhang, Lina Pan:
Measuring Public Satisfaction for Government Process Reengineering. 8 - Constanza Reyes Bastías, Yen Cheung, Vincent C. S. Lee:
Clusters and Innovation: a Case of the Colchagua Wine Cluster. 9 - Biao Liu, Shidong Luan, Dong Li:
It-Enabled Business Innovation: Does CIO Capability Matter? A Perspective from Institutional Entrepreneurship Theory. 10 - Mary Tate, Elfi Furtmueller, Hongzhi Gao, Guy Gable:
Reconceptualizing Digital Service Quality: a Call-to-Action and Research Approach. 11 - Nicky Opitz, Henning Krüp, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Environmentally Sustainable Business Process Management - Developing a Green BPM Readiness Model. 12 - D. Malshika P. Dias, Yamaya Ekanayaka, Nihal D. Kodikara:
Analysis of Factors contributing to Software Development in Sri Lankan Universities. 13 - Keng Siau, Yeli Zhao, Lishan Huang:
A Neuroscience Analysis of Information Modeling Constructs. 14 - Yuanyuan Li, Xusen Cheng, Guopeng Yin:
Collaboration Information System Adoption in Hospitality: a Case Study in China. 15 - Manning Li, Xuan Wang:
Towards the Design and Development of a 3D Virtual Psychological Self-Service Platform for Occupational stress (Research-in-Progress). 16 - Sheida Soltani, Naeimeh Elkhani, Hritik Gupta, Stephen C. Wingreen:
Does Organizational identification lead to User Involvement? 17 - Abdul Babar, Bernard Wong, Babak Abedin:
Investigating the Role of Business Analysts Competencies into Strategic Business Requirements Gathering. 18 - Shikui Wu, Gregory E. Kersten, Rustam M. Vahidov:
Auction and Negotiation Mechanisms for Multi-Attribute E-Procurement Transactions. 19 - Yehia Ibrahim Alzoubi, Asif Qumer Gill:
Agile Global Software Development Communication Challenges: a Systematic Review. 20 - Mohammed Bonais, Kinh Nguyen, Eric Pardede, J. Wenny Rahayu:
A Formalized Transformation Process for Generating Design Models from Business Rules. 21 - Wayne Hellmuth, Glenn Stewart:
Using Enterprise Information Architecture Methods to Model Wicked Problems in Information Systems Design Research. 22 - Nicolas Prat, Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, Jacky Akoka:
Artifact Evaluation in Information Systems Design-Science Research - a Holistic View. 23 - JingHua Xiao, Yao Wu, Kang Xie, Qing Hu:
Controlling the Abuse of Guanxi: a Multi-Case Study from the Perspective of Supply Chain Information Systems. 24 - Xiao-Meng Luo, Li-Wen Chen, Ling Ge:
Is Online Channel a counterstrategy to the Store Brand by the National Brand? 25 - M. D. Mahbubu Rahim, Sherah Kurnia, Singh Prakash, Daniel Samson:
Developing an IT Maturity Model for Sustainable Supply Chain Management Implementation. 26 - Wan-Chu Yen:
Converting IT-Enabled Customer Power into Relational Value of IT-Enabled Co-Creation. 27 - Jeffrey C. F. Tai, Kai Wang, Gloria H. W. Liu:
The Impact of Stakeholder identification and Salience on the supplier's IT Infrastructure Integration with Customers. 28 - Wen-Lung Shiau, Chia-Han Tsai:
The Intellectual Structure of Supply Chain Management. 29 - Yun Xu, Wai Fong Boh:
Industry Standards Use and Adaptive Knowledge Creation: a Study Based on Industry Consortium Perspective. 30 - Sherah Kurnia, Md. Mahbubur Rahim, Daniel Samson, Singh Prakash:
Exploring the Adoption of Sustainable Supply Chain Practices in Australia: Current Practices and Adoption Motivations. 31 - Hritik Gupta, Stephen C. Wingreen:
Understanding the Mediating Role of Social Media in Virtual Team Conflicts. 32 - Tommy K. H. Chan, Christy M. K. Cheung, Zach W. Y. Lee, Tillmann Neben:
The Urge to Check Social Networking sites: Antecedents and Consequences. 33 - Kay Noyen, Felix Wortmann:
User Contribution in Online Communities - the Influence of Advertising on the Effectiveness of Social Normative feedback. 34 - Xiaolin Lin, Dawei Zhang, Yibai Li:
The Dimensions of Online Social Support on Social Networking sites and their effects. 35 - Chuan Hu, Li Zhao, Jiao Huang:
Exploring Online Identity Re-Construction in Social Network Communities: a Qualitative Study. 36 - Xiongfei Cao, Zhao Cai, Zhongsheng Hua, Xi Zhang:
Understanding User's Sustained Participation in Social Research Network sites. 37 - Guannan Wei, Haizhong An, Tiancheng Dong, Huajiao Li:
A Novel micro-Blog Sentiment Analysis Approach by Longest Common sequence and k-Medoids. 38 - Harry Bouwman, Marikka Heikkilä, Lidwien van de Wijngaert:
Knowledge Sharing, Culture and Media Usage in an Academic Network: a Network analyses of the Eberea-Irses Case. 39 - Li Yu, Nan Wang:
Predicting viral Marketing Propagating Efficiency within given Deadline. 40 - Simon Trang, Sebastian Zander, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Dimensions of Trust in the Acceptance of Inter-Organizational Information Systems in Networks: towards a Socio-Technical Perspective. 41 - Daniel W. K. Tse, X. Xu, M. Bai, Z. Chen, X. Meng, Y. Wang:
Privacy Issues in Online Social Networks: User Behaviors and Third-Party Applications. 42 - Chee Wei Phang, Zhang Cheng, Xueming Luo, Jessica Keech, Michelle Andrews:
Friending and Goal Attainment: an Empirical Study in Virtual World. 43 - Yin Pan, Xi Chen, Shun Cai, Yi Dong:
Understanding Social Network sites continuance Intention from a Self-Disclosure and Social Capital Perspective. 44 - Lingfei Zou, Weiling Ke, Jinlong Zhang, Kwok Kee Wei:
User Creativity in Crowdsourcing Community: from extrinsic Motivation Perspective. 45 - Nan Wang, Li Yu, Ni Ding, Dong Yang:
Containment of Misinformation Propagation in Online Social Networks with given Deadline. 46 - Jun Wang, Jiaxu Peng, Ou Liu:
An Approach for hesitant Node Classification in Overlapping Community Detection. 47 - Haiyan Zhang, Li Yu, Xun Liang:
A Collaborative Method of Aggregating Group Opinion Based on Incomplete Preferences. 48 - Fang Liu, Andrew Burton-Jones, Dongming Xu:
Rumors on Social Media in disasters: Extending Transmission to Retransmission. 49 - Abdulsalam K. Alhazmi, Azizah Abdul Rahman:
A Framework for Student engagement in Social Networking sites. 50 - Honglei Li, Cemal Tevrizci, Nnanyelugo Aham-Anyanwu:
An Empirical Study of E-Loyalty Development Process from the E-Service Quality Experience: Testing the Etaliq Scale. 51 - Guopeng Yin, Li Wei, Wei Xu, Minder Chen:
Exploring Heuristic cues for Consumer Perceptions of Online Reviews Helpfulness: the Case of Yelp.Com. 52 - Pan Luan, Ning Zhang, Yanyan Han:
The Study on Influences of Online Review Helpfulness. 53 - Szu-Yuan Sun, Li-Shan Chen, Hsuan-Ching Huang:
Social Cognition and the effect of Product Quality on Online Repurchase Intention. 54 - Xue Yang, Guoxin Li:
Exploring Social Commerce Adoption in China: a Uses and gratifications Perspective. 55 - Chih-Chien Wang, Yolande Yun-Hsiou Yang, Peihua Wang:
Sharing Word-of-Mouths or not: the difference between Independent and Interdependent Self-Construal. 56 - Wan-Chu Yen, Timmy H. Tseng:
Building Buyers' Long-Term Relationships with the B2B E-Marketplace: the Perspective of Social Capital. 57 - Ting Shao, Ping Lu, Zhenyu Liu:
The Impact of Firm's Network on the growth of E-Commerce Platform. 58 - Fahame Emamjome, Guy G. Gable, Wasana Bandara, Ahmad A. Rabaa'i:
Understanding the Value of Social Media in Organisations: a Taxonomic Approach. 59 - Wenli Li, Lin Gao, Yulong Ke:
Social Commerce: the Critical Role of Argument strength and Source Dynamism of eWOM. 60 - Chih-Chien Wang, Yolande Yun-Hsiou Yang, I. Shen:
Self-Present by Avatars in Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games: the Influence of Self-Esteem, Online Disinhibition, and Self-Discrepancy. 61 - Yanbo Wang, Qingfei Min, Zhenhua Liu:
A Meta-analytic Review of Social Media studies. 62 - Yang Yang, Atreyi Kankanhalli:
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Online Small Business Performance. 63 - Avus C. Y. Hou, Rong-An Shang, Chin-Chun Huang, Kuo-Long Wu:
The effects of Push-pull-mooring on the Switching Model for Social Network sites Migration. 64 - Hyunmi Baek, Sehwan Oh, Hee-Dong Yang, JoongHo Ahn:
Chronological Analysis of the Electronic Word- of-Mouth effect of Four Social Media channels on Movie Sales: Comparing Twitter, Yahoo!Movies, YouTube, and Blogs. 65 - Yi Zou:
When do Online User-Generated Reviews Really Matter? A Self-Validation Analysis. 66 - Chanyoung Seo, Zixiu Guo:
Service Quality and Online Games: Moderating effect of Zone of Tolerance. 67 - Chin-Sheng Yang, Li-Chen Chen:
Personalized Recommendation in Social Media: a Profile Expansion Approach. 68 - Zhenhua Liu, Qingfei Min, Zilong Liu:
The Impact of Perceived Interactivity on Individual Participation in micro-Blogging. 69 - Hefu Liu, Zhiqiang Chen, Weiling Ke, Xiayu Chen:
The Impact of Enterprise Social Networking Use on Team Performance: transactive Memory System as an Explanation Mechanism. 70 - Sara H. Hsieh, Timmy H. Tseng, Crystal T. Lee:
The Self-Expressiveness of Footprints: Understanding the Drivers of Check-in. 71 - Kewen Wu, Julita Vassileva, Yuxiang Zhao, Qinghua Zhu, Jie Fang:
The Influence of Price dispersion on Purchase Intention in Chinese Online C2C Market: a Trust Perspective. 72 - Liqiang Huang, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Khim Yong Goh, Kwok Kee Wei:
The effects of Component Brands on Consumer Choice and Evaluation of Information Technology Products. 73 - Chia-Hui Yen, Ming-Chang Chiang, Chun-Ming Chang:
Understanding Collaborative Stickiness Intention in Social Network sites from the Perspective of Knowledge Sharing. 74 - Chia-Shiang Hsu, Shih-Wei Chou, Hui-Tzu Min:
Understanding Post-Adoption of Online Shopping continuance Usage through the Social Exchange Theory. 75 - Xueming Luo, Jie Zhang, Bin Gu, Chee Wei Phang:
Competitive and Asymmetric Nature of Relationships between Expert Blog Sentiment and General Consumer Brand perception. 76 - Yuhao Li, Kanliang Wang:
What Affects the Advertising Sharing Behavior among Mobile SNS Users? The Relationships between Social Capital, Outcome Expectations and Prevention Pride. 77 - Alireza Nili, Mary Tate, Guy G. Gable:
A Typology of Technological Enablers of Website Service Failure Prevention. 78 - Lin Huo, Wei Shang, Shanying Xu:
Mining Public Opinions on Real Estate Prosperity from Internet: a Beijing Study. 79 - Mahabubur Rahim, Sherah Kurnia:
Understanding E-Procurement System Benefits using organisational Adoption Motivation Lens: a Case Study. 80 - Kem Z. K. Zhang, Bing Hu, Sesia J. Zhao:
How Online Social Interactions Affect Consumers' impulse Purchase on Group Shopping Websites? 81 - Chuan Luo, Yangfan Wang, Nan Wu, Xin Liang, Yunyong Guo:
The Influence of eWOM and Editor Information on Information Usefulness in Virtual Community. 82 - Mirko Jan Zülch, Balaji Rajagopalan, Jan Muntermann:
Drivers of Information quantity: the Case of Merger-Acquisition Events. 83 - Li-Ting Huang, Fang-Jun Kuo:
A Study on Travel Information Adoption Intention in the Online Social Community: the Perspectives of Customer Experience and Information Adoption Model. 84 - Tong Sun, Tingting Song, Jinghua Huang:
Effects of Microblogging and Third-Party Word of Mouth on Product Sales: Empirical Study Based on Movie Box Office Revenue. 85 - Li Xiang, Xiabing Zheng, Xi Hu:
What Drives Social Commerce: the Role of parasocial Interaction. 86 - Ron Chuen Yeh, Yi-Cheng Chen, Li-Min Lin, Jen-Her Wu:
Factors Affecting Consumers' Value Creation in Online Group Buying. 87 - Qi-Xing Qu, Jiayin Qi, Yong Tan:
User-Generated Content (UGC) encountered Enterprise-Generated Content (EGC): Quantifying the Impact of EGC on the Propagation of Negative UGC. 88 - Lusi Yang, Mao Mao:
Antecendents of Online Group Buying Behavior: from Price Leverage and Crowd effect Perspectives. 89 - L. I. Zhen, Yumei He:
The Moderating Role of Consumer Heterogeneity on two Objectives for Online Purchase: Saving Money and Saving Time. 90 - Shelly P. J. Wu, Ting-Peng Liang, Chiao-Yi Tien:
We "Line" Because we're having fun. 91 - Karl Werder, Remko W. Helms, Slinger Jansen:
Social Media for Success: a Strategic Framework. 92 - Gongbing Bi, Bowen Zheng, Hefu Liu:
Secondary Crisis Communication on Social Media: the Role of Corporate response and Social Influence in Product-harm Crisis. 93 - Wing S. Chow, Si Shi:
Understanding Consumer Trust in Social Commerce Websites. 94 - Ling-Ling Wu, Yi-Ting Wang, Ai-Chen Hsu:
Ewom effects on Facebook. 95 - Wenjing Duan, Jie Zhang:
Customer journeys on Online Purchase: Search Engine, Social Media, and Third-Party Advertising. 96 - Xinlin Yao, Xianghua Lu, Chee Wei Phang, Lihua Huang, Sulin Ba:
Administering and Capitalizing on Product Sampling in an Online Context. 97 - Kathy Ning Shen, Mohamed Khalifa:
Identity-Based Determinants for Virtual Community Participation: Moderating Role of Gender Composition. 98 - Ji Wu, Shaokun Fan, Manli Wu, J. Leon Zhao:
Formation and effect of Social Interactions in Online Brand Community: an Empirical Investigation. 99 - Jian Mou, Jason F. Cohen:
Trust in Electronic-Service Providers: a Meta- Analysis of Antecedents. 100 - Hongwei Wang, Wei Wang, Pei Yin:
Prodweakfinder: an Information Extraction System for Detecting Product Weaknesses in Online Reviews Based on Sentiment Analysis. 101 - Jian-Liang Chen, Shu-Chun Ho, Yi-Yuan Wu:
The Impact of Social Psychological Factors on the Relationship Quality of Facebook Users. 102 - Kangning Wei, Yong Zha, Heshan Sun:
A Comparative Study of Buyers' and Sellers' Transaction Intentions in Consumer-to-Consumer E-Marketplaces. 103 - Kai Wang, Jeffrey C. F. Tai, Lun-Tung Liu, Yih-Ping Cheng:
Altruism or Benefit seeking? Examining the effects of Personal Characteristics and Behavioral Beliefs on Online Shopper's attitude and Intention to be an Online Group Buying initiator. 104 - Baozhou Lu, Weiguo Fan:
Social Presence, Trust, and Social Commerce Purchase Intention: an Empirical Research. 105 - Dongyu Chen, Xiaolin Li, Fujun Lai:
Gender Discrimination in Online Peer-to-Peer Credit Lending: Evidence from Lending Platform in China. 106 - Xiayu Chen, Qian Huang, Robert M. Davison, Zhongsheng Hua:
The Moderating effects of Contextual Factors on a Buyer's Trust in E-Commerce Platforms and Sellers. 107 - Yu-Chen Chen, Rong-An Shang, Shuan-Yeh Huang, Chung-Kuang Lin:
The effects of Characteristics of Corporate Blog on Tourists' lodging Intention: an Example of bed and Breakfast. 108 - Zezhong Zhang, Li Yu:
Academic Hot-Spot Analysis on Information System Based on the Co-Term Network. 109 - Pasi Karppinen, Tuomas Lehto, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Timo Pätiälä, Osmo Saarelma:
Using Hermeneutics to Uncover Anomalies for non-Adoption of Behavior Change Support Systems. 110 - André Coners, Benjamin Matthies:
A Content Analysis of Content analyses in is Research: Purposes, Data Sources, and Methodological Characteristics. 111 - Rokhsareh Mobarhan, Abdulsalam K. Alhazmi, Azizah Abdul Rahman, Mojib Majidi:
Why Students Use Electronic portfolio: from Uses and gratification Perspective. 112 - Gunjan Tomer, Sushanta Kumar Mishra:
Understanding Person Technology Fit and Analyzing its Influence on Work Related Outcomes among IT Professionals. 113 - Jaehyun Park, Hyun-A. Park:
Patterns of Designer-User Interactions in the Design Refinement Process. 114 - Hameed Chughtai, Michael David Myers:
Playing with IT: ethnographic Research on the Technological Practices of Young Professionals. 115 - Robab Saadatdoost, Alex Tze Hiang Sim, Nitish Mittal, Hosein Jafarkarimi, Jee Mei Hee:
A Netnography Study of MOOC Community. 116 - Md. Rakibul Hoque, Golam Sorwar:
E-Governance for Rural Development: a Case Study on Union Information and Service Centre (UISC) of Bangladesh. 117 - Indah Srie Lestari, Jae Yun Moon:
Understanding Citizen Participation in Governmental Social Media: a Case Study of the Indonesian Regional Police. 118 - Jasber Kaur, Aini Hilya Saipol Bahri:
Implementation of Information Technology Governance in the Malaysian Public Sector Practice. 119 - Aaron Gibby, Stephen Smith, Vincent Pang, Christine Van Toorn:
The Impact of Web 2.0 (Gov 2.0) and Social Media Technologies on engagement in Local Government. 120 - Asif Gill, Stephen Smith, Ghassan Beydoun, Vijayan Sugumaran:
Agile Enterprise Architecture: a Case of a Cloud Technology-Enabled Government Enterprise Transformation. 121 - Hun Myoung Park, Mohammad Tarikul Islam:
The potential and Limitations of a Public Mobile Payment Service: did Bangladesh Electronic Money Transfer System Make a difference in "Unbanked" Communities? 122 - Huaye Li, Yasuaki Sakamoto, Yuko Tanaka, Rongjuan Chen:
The Psychology behind People's Decision to Forward Disaster-Related Tweets. 123 - Sheng-Chi Chen, Scott Miau, Cheng-Chieh Wu:
Toward a Smart Government: an Experience of E-Invoice Development in Taiwan. 124 - Holger Schrödl, Paulina Simkin:
Rethinking growth in Information Systems Research: towards a Trans-disciplinary Reconceptualization. 125 - Ahmad Alturki, Guy G. Gable:
Theorizing in Design Science Research: an Abstraction Layers Framework. 126 - Maura Atapattu, Darshana Sedera:
Firm-Customer Mobile Digital Connectedness: Conceptualization, Measurement and Implications. 127 - Meihua Wei, Ling Ma, Wei Chang:
Personalized Recommendation of Mobile Tourism: a Multidimensional User Model. 128 - Chunxiao Yin, Lili Liu, Libo Liu:
Byod Implementation: Understanding Organizational Performance through a Gift Perspective. 129 - Mengmeng Ye, Ping Li, Qing Li:
An Intelligent Mobile News Reader for the Visually Impaired People. 130