International Conference on Parallel Computing (PARCO)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      PARCO 2019: Prague, Czech Republic

      PARCO 2017: Bologna, Italy

      PARCO 2015: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

      PARCO 2013: Munich, Germany

      PARCO 2011: Ghent, Belgium

      PARCO 2009: Lyon, France

      PARCO 2007: Jülich / Aachen, Germany

      PARCO 2005: Malaga, Spain

      PARCO 2003: Dresden, Germany

      PARCO 2001: Naples, Italy

      PARCO 1999: Delft, The Netherlands

      PARCO 1997: Bonn, Germany

      PARCO 1995: Gent, Belgium

      PARCO 1993: Grenoble, France

      PARCO 1983: Berlin, Germany

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