7th PPAM 2007: Gdansk, Poland

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Parallel/Distributed Architectures and Mobile Computing

Numerical Algorithms and Parallel Numerics

Parallel and Distributed Non-numerical Algorithms

Environments and Tools for Parallel/Distributed/Grid Computing

Applications of Parallel/Distributed/Grid Computing

Evolutionary Computing, Meta-Heuristics and Neural Networks

The Second Minisymposium on Novel Data Formats and Algorithms for Dense Linear Algebra Computations

Combinatorial Tools for Parallel Sparse Matrix Computations Workshop

The Third Grid Applications and Middleware Workshop (GAMW'07)

The Third Workshop on Large Scale Computations on Grids (LaSCoG'07)

Workshop on Models, Algorithms and Methodologies for Grid-Enabled Computing Environments

Workshop on Scheduling for Parallel Computing (SPC'07)

The Second Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming Models (WLPP'07)