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35th SAC 2020: Online event, [Brno, Czech Republic]
- Chih-Cheng Hung, Tomás Cerný, Dongwan Shin, Alessio Bechini:
SAC '20: The 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, online event, [Brno, Czech Republic], March 30 - April 3, 2020. ACM 2020, ISBN 978-1-4503-6866-7
Theme: AI and agents: BIO - Bioinformatics track
- Sa'ed Abed, Adnan Rashid, Osman Hasan:
Formal analysis of the biological circuits using higher-order-logic theorem proving. 3-7 - Vedang Mandhana, Rutuja Taware:
De novo drug design using self attention mechanism. 8-12
Theme: AI and agents: BIO - Bioinformatics track: Poster papers
- Akshay Agarwal, Gowri Nayar, James H. Kaufman:
Survey of public assay data: opportunities and challenges to understanding antimicrobial resistance. 13-16 - Vedang Mandhana, Rutuja Taware:
Classification of 3D interpolated EEG signals using hybrid R-3DCNN. 17-19
Theme: AI and agents: BIO - Bioinformatics track: Student research abstract
- Paula Raissa Silva:
Multimodal deep learning based approach for cells state classification: student research abstract. 20-23
Theme: Software design and development: BPMM - Business process management & modeling track
- Alifah Syamsiyah, Sander J. J. Leemans:
Process discovery using in-database minimum self distance abstractions. 26-35 - Massimiliano de Leoni, Safa Dündar:
Event-log abstraction using batch session identification and clustering. 36-44 - Landelin Delcoucq, Fabian Lecron, Philippe Fortemps, Wil M. P. van der Aalst:
Resource-centric process mining: clustering using local process models. 45-52 - Faruk Hasic, Estefanía Serral, Monique Snoeck:
Comparing BPMN to BPMN + DMN for IoT process modelling: a case-based inquiry. 53-60 - Haan Johng, Doohwan Kim, Grace Park, Jang-Eui Hong, Tom Hill, Lawrence Chung:
Enhancing business processes with trustworthiness using blockchain: a goal-oriented approach. 61-68 - Giovanni Meroni, Marouan Mizmizi, Pierluigi Plebani, Luca Reggiani:
Improving mobile business process monitoring with enhanced NFV MANO: a method to elicit connectivity requirements from process models. 69-76
Theme: Software design and development: CASoM - Code analysis and software mining track
- Sina Gholamian, Paul A. S. Ward:
Logging statements' prediction based on source code clones. 82-91 - Sanoop Mallissery, Yu-Sung Wu, Chih-Hao Hsieh, Chun-An Bau:
Identification of data propagation paths for efficient dynamic information flow tracking. 92-99 - Otávio Augusto Lazzarini Lemos, Marcelo Suzuki, Adriano Carvalho de Paula, Claire Le Goes:
Comparing identifiers and comments in engineered and non-engineered code: a large-scale empirical study. 100-109 - Vishal Misra, Jakku Sai Krupa Reddy, Sridhar Chimalakonda:
Is there a correlation between code comments and issues?: an exploratory study. 110-117
Theme: Software design and development: CASoM - Code analysis and software mining track: Poster papers
- Victor J. Marin, Iti Bansal, Carlos R. Rivero:
Towards summarizing program statements in source code search. 118-120 - Peter Strecanský, Stanislav Chren, Bruno Rossi:
Comparing maintainability index, SIG Method, and SQALE for technical debt identification. 121-124 - Felix Rieger, Christoph Bockisch:
Evaluating techniques for method-exact energy measurements: towards a framework for platform-independent code-level energy measurements. 125-128 - Jan Svacina, Jonathan Simmons, Tomás Cerný:
Semantic code clone detection for enterprise applications. 129-131
Theme: Distributed systems: CC - Cloud computing track
- David Bermbach, Ahmet-Serdar Karakaya, Simon Buchholz:
Using application knowledge to reduce cold starts in FaaS services. 134-143 - Daniel Seybold, Stefan Wesner, Jörg Domaschka:
King louie: reproducible availability benchmarking of cloud-hosted DBMS. 144-153 - Swapneel C. Mhatre, Priya Chandran:
On making xen detect hypercalls and memory accesses for simulating virtualization-enabled processors. 154-161 - Eddy Truyen, André Jacobs, Stef Verreydt, Emad Heydari Beni, Bert Lagaisse, Wouter Joosen:
Feasibility of container orchestration for adaptive performance isolation in multi-tenant SaaS applications. 162-169
Theme: Distributed systems: CC - Cloud computing track: Poster papers
- Avadh Kishor, Rajdeep Niyogi:
Multi-objective load balancing in distributed computing environment: an evolutionary computing approach. 170-175 - Fabio Burco, Marino Miculan, Marco Peressotti:
Towards a formal model for composable container systems. 173-175
Theme: Distributed systems: CC - Cloud computing track: Student research abstract
- Rasha Makhlouf:
Cloud computing is a cost saver only if...: towards a model for cloud cost estimation: student research abstract. 176-179
Theme: AI and agents: CIVIA - Computational intelligence and video & image analysis track
- Tahereh Hassanzadeh, Daryl Essam, Ruhul A. Sarker:
EvoU-Net: an evolutionary deep fully convolutional neural network for medical image segmentation. 181-189 - Atanas Poibrenski, Matthias Klusch, Igor Vozniak, Christian Müller:
M2P3: multimodal multi-pedestrian path prediction by self-driving cars with egocentric vision. 190-197
Theme: AI and agents: CIVIA - Computational intelligence and video & image analysis track: Poster papers
- Jonathan S. Ramos, Mirela T. Cazzolato, Marcello H. Nogueira-Barbosa, Agma J. M. Traina:
FINE: improving time and precision of segmentation techniques for vertebral compression fractures in MRI. 198-201
Theme: System software and security: CPS - Cyber-physical systems track
- Shuo-Han Chen, Yu-Pei Liang, Yuan-Hao Chang, Yun-Fei Liu, Chun-Feng Wu, Hsin-Wen Wei, Wei-Kuan Shih:
Reinforcing the energy efficiency of cyber-physical systems via direct and split cache consolidation on MLC STT-RAM. 202-209 - Hugo Meyer, Uraz Odyurt, Andy D. Pimentel, Evangelos Paradas, Ignacio Gonzalez Alonso:
An analytics-based method for performance anomaly classification in cyber-physical systems. 210-217 - Zhishan Guo, Kecheng Yang, Fan Yao, Amro Awad:
Inter-task cache interference aware partitioned real-time scheduling. 218-226
Theme: System software and security: CPS - Cyber-physical systems track: Student research abstract
- Aarti Kashyap:
ReLUSyn: Synthesizing stealthy attacks for deep neural network-based safety-critical cyber-physical systems: student research abstract. 227-229
Theme: Distributed systems: DADS - Dependable, adaptive, and secure distributed systems track
- Martin Grambow, Lukas Meusel, Erik Wittern, David Bermbach:
Benchmarking microservice performance: a pattern-based approach. 232-241 - Guilherme Santos, Hervé Paulino, Tomé R. Vardasca:
QoE-aware auto-scaling of heterogeneous containerized services (and its application to health services). 242-249 - Nesrine Kaaniche, Souha Masmoudi, Souha Znina, Maryline Laurent, Levent Demir:
Privacy preserving cooperative computation for personalized web search applications. 250-258 - Francisco Neves, Ricardo Vilaça, José Pereira:
Black-box inter-application traffic monitoring for adaptive container placement. 259-266
Theme: Distributed systems: DADS - Dependable, adaptive, and secure distributed systems track: Poster papers
- Jonathan Hasenburg, Martin Grambow, David Bermbach:
Towards a replication service for data-intensive fog applications. 267-270 - Giuseppe Bernieri, Mauro Conti, Matteo Sovilla, Federico Turrin:
ALISI: a lightweight identification system based on Iroha. 271-273 - Filippo Berto, Luca Calderoni, Mauro Conti, Eleonora Losiouk:
Spatial bloom filter in named data networking: a memory efficient solution. 274-277
Theme: Distributed systems: DAPP - Decentralized applications with blockchain, DLT and crypto-currencies track
- Jean-Marc Seigneur, Sophie Pusterla, Xavier Socquet-Clerc:
Blockchain real estate relational value survey. 279-285 - Christian Killer, Bruno Rodrigues, Raphael Matile, Eder J. Scheid, Burkhard Stiller:
Design and implementation of cast-as-intended verifiability for a blockchain-based voting system. 286-293 - Jollen Chen, Dung-Cheng Lin, Chuan-Hsiang Han:
Volatility effect on the adoption and valuation of tokenomics. 294-300 - Constantin Catalin Dragan, Mark Manulis:
KYChain: user-controlled KYC data sharing and certification. 301-307 - Sina Rafati Niya, Fabio Maddaloni, Thomas Bocek, Burkhard Stiller:
Toward scalable blockchains with transaction aggregation. 308-315 - Lei Xu, Lin Chen, Zhimin Gao, Keshav Kasichainula, Miguel Fernandez, Bogdan Carbunar, Weidong Shi:
PrivateEx: privacy preserving exchange of crypto-assets on blockchain. 316-323 - Vincent Reniers, Yuan Gao, Ren Zhang, Paolo Viviani, Akash Madhusudan, Bert Lagaisse, Svetla Nikova, Dimitri Van Landuyt, Riccardo Lombardi, Bart Preneel, Wouter Joosen:
Authenticated and auditable data sharing via smart contract. 324-331 - Nikolaos Alexopoulos, Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis, Stéphane Le Roux, Steven Rowe, Max Mühlhäuser:
TRIDEnT: towards a decentralized threat indicator marketplace. 332-341
Theme: Distributed systems: DAPP - Decentralized applications with blockchain, DLT and crypto-currencies track: Poster papers
- Galia Kondova, Jörn Erbguth:
Self-sovereign identity on public blockchains and the GDPR. 342-345 - Ahmed Taha, Ahmed Zakaria:
Truver: a blockchain for verifying credentials: poster. 346-348 - Yibin Xu, Yangyu Huang:
An n/2 byzantine node tolerate blockchain sharding approach. 349-352
Theme: Distributed systems: DAPP - Decentralized applications with blockchain, DLT and crypto-currencies track: Student research abstract
- Mohammadreza Ashouri:
Etherolic: a practical security analyzer for smart contracts. 353-356 - Ricardo Brandão:
A blockchain-based protocol for message exchange in a ICS network: student research abstract. 357-360
Theme: Information systems: DASH - Data-driven analysis for software and hardware co-dependability track
- Seungsoo Park, Manhee Lee:
ARTAS: automatic research trend analysis system for information security. 361-368 - Wonyoung Jang, Sun-Young Lee:
A format-preserving encryption FF1, FF3-1 using lightweight block ciphers LEA and, SPECK. 369-375 - Jusop Choi, Soolin Kim, Junsung Cho, Kuyju Kim, Seok Hong, Hyoungshick Kim:
ACIDroid: a practical app cache integrity protection system on Android Runtime. 376-383
Theme: Information systems: DBDM - Databases and big data management track
- Luiz Henrique Zambom Santana, Ronaldo dos Santos Mello:
An analysis of mapping strategies for storing RDF data into NoSQL databases. 386-392 - Hyeonseok Oh, Hyeongwon Jang, Jae Eun Kim, Jong-Bin Kim, Hyuck Han, Sooyong Kang, Hyungsoo Jung:
DEMETER: hardware-assisted database checkpointing. 394-403 - Lucas C. Scabora, Gabriel Spadon, Paulo H. Oliveira, José F. Rodrigues Jr., Caetano Traina Jr.:
Enhancing recursive graph querying on RDBMS with data clustering approaches. 404-411 - Tiago Brasileiro Araújo, Kostas Stefanidis, Carlos Eduardo Santos Pires, Jyrki Nummenmaa, Thiago Pereira da Nóbrega:
Schema-agnostic blocking for streaming data. 412-419 - Jiwoong Park, Yunjae Lee, Heon Young Yeom, Yongseok Son:
Memory efficient fork-based checkpointing mechanism for in-memory database systems. 420-427
Theme: Information systems: DM - Data mining track
- Maksim Koptelov, Albrecht Zimmermann, Bruno Crémilleux, Lina Soualmia:
Link prediction via community detection in bipartite multi-layer graphs. 430-439 - Michael Mathioudakis, Carlos Castillo, Giorgio Barnabò, Sergio Celis:
Affirmative action policies for top-k candidates selection: with an application to the design of policies for university admissions. 440-449 - Junho Song, Kyungsik Han, Dongwon Lee, Sang-Wook Kim:
Understanding emotions in SNS images from posters' perspectives. 450-457 - Lorenzo Madeddu, Giovanni Stilo, Paola Velardi:
Predicting disease genes for complex diseases using random watcher-walker. 458-465
Theme: Information systems: DM - Data mining track: Poster papers
- Julio C. V. Neves, Kaio H. A. Ananias, Cristiane Nobre, Luis E. Zárate, Mark A. J. Song:
Applying binary decision diagram to extract concepts from triadic formal context. 466-469 - Mattia Cerrato, Roberto Esposito, Laura Li Puma:
Constraining deep representations with a noise module for fair classification. 470-472 - Marta D. M. Noronha, Marcos W. Rodrigues, Caio Eduardo Ribeiro, Cristiane Neri Nobre, Mark A. J. Song, Luis E. Zárate:
Characterization of long-lived and non-long lived profiles through biclustering. 473-476
Theme: Information systems: DM - Data mining track: Student research abstract
- Jean Dupuy:
Coping for missing content and missing links in document network embedding: student research abstract. 477-480
Theme: Information systems: DS - Data streams track
- Bruno Veloso, Carlos Martins, Raphael Espanha, Raul Azevedo, João Gama:
Fraud detection using heavy hitters: a case study. 482-489 - Bijay Prasad Jaysawal, Jen-Wei Huang:
SOHUPDS: a single-pass one-phase algorithm for mining high utility patterns over a data stream. 490-497 - Lucas Loezer, Fabrício Enembreck, Jean Paul Barddal, Alceu de Souza Britto Jr.:
Cost-sensitive learning for imbalanced data streams. 498-504 - Jeevithan Alagurajah, Xu Yuan, Xindong Wu:
Scale invariant learning from trapezoidal data streams. 505-508 - Wafaa Mebrek, Amel Bouzeghoub:
A stream reasoning framework based on a multi-agents model. 509-512
Theme: AI and agents: EC - Applications of evolutionary computing track
- Muhammad Zohaib Nawaz, Osman Hasan, M. Saqib Nawaz, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Meng Sun:
Proof searching in HOL4 with genetic algorithm. 513-520 - Aliyu Sani Sambo, R. Muhammad Atif Azad, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Vivek Padmanaabhan Indramohan, Hanifa Shah:
Leveraging asynchronous parallel computing to produce simple genetic programming computational models. 521-528 - Sergio Contador, J. Manuel Velasco, Oscar Garnica, José Ignacio Hidalgo:
Profiled glucose forecasting using genetic programming and clustering. 529-536
Theme: AI and agents: EC - Applications of evolutionary computing track: Poster papers
- Laura Melgar-García, David Gutiérrez-Avilés, Cristina Rubio-Escudero, Alicia Troncoso:
High-content screening images streaming analysis using the STriGen methodology. 537-539 - Shuvalaxmi Dass, Akbar Siami Namin:
Vulnerability coverage for adequacy security testing. 540-543
Theme: System software and security: EMBS - Embedded systems track
- Chia-Yin Liu, Yi-Jung Chen, Masanori Hariyama:
Thermal-aware memory system synthesis for MPSoCs with 3D-stacked hybrid memories. 546-553 - Sergi Vilardell, Isabel Serra, Hamid Tabani, Jaume Abella, Joan del Castillo, Francisco J. Cazorla:
CleanET: enabling timing validation for complex automotive systems. 554-563 - Hamid Tabani, Matteo Fusi, Leonidas Kosmidis, Jaume Abella, Francisco J. Cazorla:
IntPred: flexible, fast, and accurate object detection for autonomous driving systems. 564-571 - Luca Abeni, Tommaso Cucinotta:
Adaptive partitioning of real-time tasks on multiple processors. 572-579 - Javier Barrera, Leonidas Kosmidis, Hamid Tabani, Enrico Mezzetti, Jaume Abella, Mikel Fernández, Guillem Bernat, Francisco J. Cazorla:
On the reliability of hardware event monitors in MPSoCs for critical domains. 580-589
Theme: System software and security: EMBS - Embedded systems track: Poster papers
- Ping Cheng, Jen-Wei Hsieh:
Early eviction and swapping for MLC STT-RAM-based LLC. 590-592 - Lukas Gressl, Alexander Rech, Christian Steger, Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Ralph Weissnegger:
Security based design space exploration for CPS. 593-595 - Hsin-I Wu, Ren-Song Tsay, Hsu-Hsun Chin:
VIRA: a virtualization assisted deterministic system-level simulations. 596-598
Theme: Information systems: GIA - GeoInformation analytics track
- Manjeet Dahiya, Devendra Samatia, Kabir Rustogi:
Learning locality maps from noisy geospatial labels. 601-608 - Rogério Luís de Carvalho Costa, Enrico S. Miranda, Paulo Dias, José Manuel Moreira:
Sampling strategies to create moving regions from real world observations. 609-616 - Pallavi Jain, Bianca Schoen-Phelan, Robert Ross:
Automatic flood detection in SentineI-2 images using deep convolutional neural networks. 617-623 - Francisco Vicenzi, Lucas May Petry, Camila Leite da Silva, Luis Otávio Alvares, Vania Bogorny:
Exploring frequency-based approaches for efficient trajectory classification. 624-631
Theme: Information systems: GIA - GeoInformation analytics track: Poster papers
- Asma Gharbi, Cyril de Runz, Herman Akdag, Sami Faïz:
Mining association rules in asymmetric data for territorial evolution modeling. 632-634 - Clement Moreau, Thomas Devogele, Verónika Peralta, Laurent Étienne:
A contextual edit distance for semantic trajectories. 635-637
Theme: Information systems: HI - Health informatics track
- Munhee Lee, Junhyung Moon, Dongmi Cheon, Juneil Lee, Kyoungwoo Lee:
Respiration signal based two layer stress recognition across non-verbal and verbal situations. 638-645 - Ivan Donadello, Mauro Dragoni, Claudio Eccher:
Explaining reasoning algorithms with persuasiveness: a case study for a behavioural change system. 646-653 - Jerffeson Teixeira de Souza, Gustavo Augusto Lima de Campos, Cleilton Lima Rocha, Eriko Werbet, Leonardo Ferreira da Costa, Rodrigo Teixeira de Melo, Lucas Vieira Alves:
An agent program in an IoT system to recommend activities to minimize childhood obesity problems. 654-661 - Rui Antunes, João Figueira Silva, Sérgio Matos:
Evaluating semantic textual similarity in clinical sentences using deep learning and sentence embeddings. 662-669 - João Rafael Almeida, Sérgio Matos:
Rule-based extraction of family history information from clinical notes. 670-675
Theme: Information systems: HI - Health informatics track: Poster papers
- Cheng-Hao Wang, Wen-Yang Lin:
Deep learning from spontaneous reporting systems data to detect ADR signals. 676-678
Theme: Information systems: IAR - Information access and retrieval track
- Bissan Audeh, Michel Beigbeder, Christine Largeron, Diana Ramírez-Cifuentes:
Evaluating the usefulness of citation graph and document metadata in scientific document recommendation for neophytes. 681-689 - Sébastien Déjean, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Josiane Mothe, Md. Zia Ullah:
Forward and backward feature selection for query performance prediction. 690-697 - Mateus Pereira, Elham Etemad, Fernando V. Paulovich:
Iterative learning to rank from explicit relevance feedback. 698-705
Theme: Information systems: IAR - Information access and retrieval track: Poster papers
- Alexander Schindler, Sergiu Gordea, Peter Knees:
Unsupervised cross-modal audio representation learning from unstructured multilingual text. 706-713 - Gloria Bordogna, Luca Frigerio, Anna Rampini:
Retrieval of visiting paths through relevant resources and services for enabling smart communities. 714-716
Theme: System software and security: IoT - Internet of things track
- Thiago Nepomuceno, Tiago Carneiro, Paulo Henrique M. Maia, Muhammad Adnan, Thalyson Nepomuceno, Alexander Martin:
AutoIoT: a framework based on user-driven MDE for generating IoT applications. 719-728 - Vinay Sachidananda, Suhas Bhairav, Yuval Elovici:
OVER: overhauling vulnerability detection for iot through an adaptable and automated static analysis framework. 729-738 - Ricardo Miranda, Miguel L. Pardal, António Grilo:
Sensmart: sensor data market for the internet of things. 739-746 - Adarsh Pal Singh, Sachin Chaudhari:
Embedded machine learning-based data reduction in application-specific constrained IoT networks. 747-753 - Hyunsu Mun, Hyungjin Lee, Soohyun Kim, Youngseok Lee:
A smart speaker performance measurement tool. 755-762
Theme: System software and security: IoT - Internet of things track: Poster papers
- Sebastian A. Günther, Carlo Stingl, Vlad C. Coroama, Samuel Schöb, Thorsten Staake:
Empowering personalized feedback on hot water usage: a field study with shower meters. 763-766 - Eugene Frimpong, Antonis Michalas:
SeCon-NG: implementing a lightweight cryptographic library based on ECDH and ECDSA for the development of secure and privacy-preserving protocols in contiki-NG. 767-769 - Sanonda Datta Gupta, Sepideh Ghanavati:
Towards a heterogeneous IoT privacy architecture. 770-772
Theme: AI and agents: IRMAS - Intelligent robotics and multi-agent systems track
- Christian Henkel, Marc Toussaint:
Optimized directed roadmap graph for multi-agent path finding using stochastic gradient descent. 776-783 - Jory Denny, Benjamin T. Fine:
Topology-based group routing in partially known environments. 784-791 - Amar Nath, A. R. Arun, Rajdeep Niyogi:
A distributed approach for autonomous cooperative transportation in a dynamic multi-robot environment. 792-799