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42nd SIGGRAPH 2015: Los Angeles, CA, USA - Computer Animation Festival
- Mikki Rose, Joe Takai:
Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, SIGGRAPH '15, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 9-13, 2015, Computer Animation Festival. ACM 2015, ISBN 978-1-4503-3326-9
Computer Animation Festival
- Luce Grosjean:
8.9. 8 - Carlos Andre Stevens:
The alchemist's letter. 9-10 - Georgios Cherouvim:
Alosis. 11 - Coralie Garandeau:
Alpine vision gran turismo. 12 - Olga Cyganiak:
Ambition. 13-15 - Coline Moire:
Amir & Amira. 16 - John Szot:
Architecture and the unspeakable 3: detroit. 17 - Alex Sándor Rabb:
Assassin's creed unity E3 cinematic trailer. 18-20 - Aleksander Sakowski:
Atheum's way. 21 - Greg Grusby:
Avengers: age of ultron. 22 - Alexis Lafaille:
Batz. 23 - Antonia Herrera:
Bear story. 24 - Maiko Wakui:
Best of the 18th Japan media arts festival. 25 - Ru Kuwahata:
Between times. 26 - Adam Osgood:
Big black delta - "huggin & kissin" official video. 27 - Mark Shapiro:
The Boxtrolls: time lapse. 28 - Karen Sullivan:
Broken: rock, paper, scissors. 29 - Edward Ilsley:
Call of duty: advanced warfare, discover your power. 30-31 - Gilles-Alexandre Deschaud:
Chase me. 32 - Annabel Sebag:
Chaud Lapin. 33 - Felix Deimann:
Citius, altius, fortius. 34 - Celia Le Roux:
The crew launch trailer. 35 - Ricardo Thiele:
Dark noir. 36-37 - Anke Kletsch:
Deep dance. 38 - Tiffany Tetrault:
Digital domain gaming and advertisement reel. 39 - Anke Kletsch:
Dino kid. 40 - Melissa Knight:
Divergent. 41 - Ecaterina Saraeva:
Dji. death sails. 42-43 - Gemma Samuell:
Dracula untold. 44 - Gemma Samuell:
Edge of tomorrow. 45 - Anke Kletsch:
Elevator. 46 - Annabel Sebag:
Exode. 47 - William Fullagar:
Fibers. 48 - Alice Arbuthnot:
First direct, "little frill". 49 - Wang WeiXiu:
First launch. 50 - Calla Donofrio:
Fluid dynamics simulations reel. 51 - Dayna Meltzer:
Frozen fever. 52 - Melissa Knight:
Game of war "decisions". 53 - Joe Ksander:
Gear. 54 - Annabel Sebag:
Giant robots from outer space. 55 - Gary Giambalvo:
Give Luci. 56 - Hae Jung Suk:
Green light-abandoned city. 57 - Ilija Brunck:
Greenpeace NewBees. 58 - Dana Dorian:
Grey goo cutscene mission 05 outro. 59 - Dana Dorian:
Grey goo launch trailer. 60 - Gemma Samuell:
Guardians of the galaxy. 61 - Melissa Knight:
Guardians of the galaxy. 62 - Amy Minty:
The hobbit: the battle of the five armies. 63 - Amaury Aubel:
"HOME" VFX breakdown. 64 - Munkhtsetseg Nandigjav:
I m possible. 65 - Alice Arbuthnot:
Ikea, "beds". 66 - Alice Arbuthnot:
Ikea, "t-shirts". 67-68 - Rick Bauer:
inFAMOUS: first light. 69-70 - Rick Bauer:
inFAMOUS: second son. 71-72 - Anke Kletsch:
Insomnia. 73 - Sarah Harries:
Interstellar. 74 - Hsiao Sheng Wen:
J'ai vu, une fois, une magnifique image. 75 - Karen Sullivan:
Jinxy Jenkins and lucky Lou. 76 - Alice Arbuthnot:
John Lewis, "Monty's christmas". 77-78 - Melissa Knight:
Jupiter ascending. 79 - Gemma Samuell:
Jupiter ascending. 80 - Greg Grusby:
Jurassic world. 81 - Demorrius Sims:
The kiss. 82 - Chuck Chae:
The Kung Fu robot. 83-84 - Luce Grosjean:
L3.0. 85 - Chris Wiggum:
Lava. 86 - Justin Kranzl:
League of legends music: curse of the sad mummy. 87 - Karen Sullivan:
The legend of the flying tomato. 88 - Celia Le Roux:
The legend returns - peugeot 208 GTI. 89 - Le son des flammes. 90
- Angela Blake:
Lords of war part three - Durotan. 91 - Helen Moody:
Maggie. 92-93 - Melissa Knight:
The maze runner. 94 - Julien Dykmans:
The mechanical waltz. 95 - Dy Carrig:
Mercedes-Benz, "fable". 96-97 - Dy Carrig:
Monster. 98 - Ernie Wright:
Moon phase and libration from the other side. 99 - Luce Grosjean:
Mortal breakup inferno. 100 - Jonny Vale:
MPC "Godzilla" VFX breakdown. 101 - Jonny Vale:
MPC "Maleficent" VFX breakdown. 102 - Jonny Vale:
MPC "X-Men: days of future past" VFX breakdown. 103 - Hirofumi Seo:
Multi-scale, multi-physics heart simulator, UT-heart VFX breakdown. 104 - Luce Grosjean:
Murphy. 105 - Luce Grosjean:
Nebula. 106 - Roxanne Cobb:
A new hue. 107 - Laura Nitz:
Nexus. 108 - Melissa Knight:
Night at the museum: secret of the tomb. 109 - Dy Carrig:
Nissan, "winter allies". 110-111 - Olga Cyganiak:
Nitro nation. 112-113 - Lucas Martell:
The OceanMaker. 114 - Angela Blake:
Overwatch cinematic trailer. 115 - Gemma Samuell:
Paddington. 116 - William Fullagar:
Parrot away. 117 - Alex Beaty:
Peanut butter jelly. 118-119 - Anke Kletsch:
Phosphoros. 120 - Dy Carrig:
Playstation 4, InFAMOUS: second son. 121-122 - Anna Matacz:
The present. 123 - Mary Alexander Pipes:
Qualcomm snapdragon "bullet train". 124-125 - Koichi Noguchi:
Rakuen Tsuiho - expelled from paradise. 126 - Seth Holladay:
Ram's horn. 127 - William Fullagar:
Roommate wanted - dead or alive. 128 - Alexis Lafaille:
Roots. 129 - Annabel Sebag:
Sahara. 130 - Yosuke Asama:
Saint Seiya legend of sanctuary. 131 - Ashkan Rahgozar:
Shirley Bassey "if you go away" rebeat remix. 132 - Koki Nagano:
Skin stretch: simulating dynamic skin microgeometry. 133 - Dave Cullinane:
SMITE: battleground of the gods. 134 - Chuck Chae:
Someone. 135-136 - Dave Jesteadt:
Song of the sea. 137-138 - Jan Goldfuss:
Space-fluids. 139 - Caroline Dubois:
Sparked: a live interaction between humans and quadcopters. 140 - Coline Moire:
Splash. 141 - Eric Farrar:
Sticky. 142 - Martin Rahmlow:
Sumsing. 143 - Coline Moire:
Sweet cocoon. 144 - Anke Kletsch:
Synthie forest. 145 - Bohong Deng:
T4-logo. 146 - Alise Munson:
A tale of momentum & inertia. 147 - Marcella Moser:
Tide: the paradox effect. 149 - Amanda Powell:
Tom Clancy's the division: take back New York. 150-151 - Greg Grusby:
Tomorrowland. 152 - Satoshi Kubo:
Tsum Tsum "Frozen". 153 - William Fullagar:
Tsunami. 154 - Refik Anadol:
Visions of America: Amériques. 155 - Annabel Sebag:
VRP. 156 - Olga Cyganiak:
War thunder: battle is on. 157-158 - Angela Blake:
Warlords of draenor - talador finale. 159 - Olga Cyganiak:
The witcher 3: the trail. 160 - Angela Blake:
World of WarCraft: warlords of draenor cinematic. 162 - Edward Ilsley:
Xbox, Forza: leave your limits. 163-164 - Ashley Rodholm:
YouTube music awards 2015. 165-166
Production Sessions
- SIGGRAPH special event: ILM 40th anniversary presentation. 168
- Building San Fransokyo: creating the world of Disney's "big hero 6". 169
- Disney•Pixar's "LAVA": moving mountains. 170
- Double negative presents: the visual effects of "interstellar". 171
- DreamWorks animation presents "HOME": just another post-apocalyptic-alien-invasion-buddy-road movie? 172
- Fix the future: industrial light & magic and visual effects for "Tomorrowland". 173
- From post-it to post production, the uncompromising journey of "the book of life". 174