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5th Web Intelligence 2006: Hong Kong, China
- 2006 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006), 18-22 December 2006, Hong Kong, China. IEEE Computer Society 2006, ISBN 0-7695-2747-7
ICDM/WI/IAT Joint Keynote Paper
- Tomaso A. Poggio:
Neuroscience: New Insights for AI? 3-8
Invited Papers
- Ian T. Foster
Service-Oriented Science: Scaling eScience Impact. 9-10 - Frank van Harmelen
Two Obvious Intuitions: Ontology-Mapping Needs Background Knowledge and Approximation. 11 - Andrzej Skowron
Approximate Reasoning in MAS: Rough Set Approach. 12-18 - Elisabeth André
Engaging in a Conversation with Synthetic Agents along the Virtuality Continuum. 19-20
World Wide Wisdom Web (W4)
Regular Papers
- Lipika Dey, Ashish Chandra Rastogi, Sachin Kumar:
Generating Concept Ontologies through Text Mining. 23-32
Short Papers
- Pornpit Wongthongtham, Elizabeth Chang
, Tharam S. Dillon:
Enhancing Software Engineering Project Information through Software Engineering Ontology Instantiations. 33-37 - Jianzhong Zhang:
Origin-Destination Network Tomography with Bayesian Inversion Approach. 38-44
New Social Interaction Paradigms
Regular Papers
- Luciana S. Buriol, Carlos Castillo
, Debora Donato, Stefano Leonardi, Stefano Millozzi:
Temporal Analysis of the Wikigraph. 45-51 - Tanja Falkowski, Jörg Bartelheimer, Myra Spiliopoulou:
Mining and Visualizing the Evolution of Subgroups in Social Networks. 52-58 - Graciela Garcia, Ruth Cobos
ESMAP: A Multi-agent Platform for Extending a Knowledge Management System. 59-65 - Mohsen Jamali, Hassan Abolhassani:
Different Aspects of Social Network Analysis. 66-72 - Yuumi Kawachi, Shinichiro Yoshii, Masashi Furukawa:
Labeled Link Analysis for Extracting User Characteristics in E-commerce Activity Network. 73-80 - Ee-Peng Lim
, Ba-Quy Vuong, Hady Wirawan Lauw
, Aixin Sun
Measuring Qualities of Articles Contributed by Online Communities. 81-87 - Masoud Makrehchi, Mohamed S. Kamel
Learning Social Networks from Web Documents Using Support Vector Classifiers. 88-94 - Naohiro Matsumura, Yoshihiro Sasaki:
Understanding Leadership Behavior in Human Influence Network. 95-102 - Keitaro Naruse, Masao Kubo:
Lognormal Distribution of BBS Articles and its Social and Generative Mechanism. 103-112
Short Papers
- Javed I. Khan, Sajid S. Shaikh:
Relationship Algebra for Computing in Social Networks and Social Network Based Applications. 113-116 - Wenbin Li, Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, Yiyu Yao, Chunnian Liu:
Perspective of Applying the Global E-mail Network. 117-120 - Shuchuan Lo, Chingching Lin:
WMR--A Graph-Based Algorithm for Friend Recommendation. 121-128 - Haifeng Shen, Chengzheng Sun, Suiping Zhou, Zaw Wai Phyo:
A Generic WebDAV-Based Document Repository Manager for Collaborative Systems. 129-136
Knowledge Community Formation and Support
Short Papers
- Jukka Perkiö, Ville H. Tuulos, Marion Hermersdorf, Heli Nyholm, Jukka Salminen, Henry Tirri:
Utilizing Rich Bluetooth Environments for Identity Prediction and Exploring Social Networks as Techniques for Ubiquitous Computing. 137-144
Knowledge Grids and Grid Intelligence
Short Papers
- Gayathri Nadarajan, Chuanjiang Yi, Yun-Heh Chen-Burger, Hai Jin, James Malone, Chengwei Wang:
Dynamic Access Control Prediction for Ordered Service Sequence in Grid Environment. 145-151 - May Phyo Oo, Nilar Thein, Thinn Thu Naing:
Grid Security Framework for Managing the Certificate. 166-169 - S. Thamarai Selvi, R. A. Balachandar, K. Vijayakumar, N. Mohanram, M. Vandana, Rajagopalan Raman:
Semantic Discovery of Grid Services Using Functionality Based Matchmaking Algorithm. 170-173 - Wei Shi, Jian Wu, Ying Li, Li Kuang:
Intelligent Transportation Information Sharing and Service Integration in Semantic Grid Environment. 174-180
Web Mining and Farming
Regular Papers
- Korinna Bade
, Andreas Nürnberger
Personalized Hierarchical Clustering. 181-187 - Jinlin Chen, Ping Zhong, Terry Cook:
Improving Index Compression Using Cluster Information. 188-194 - Victor Cheng, Chun Hung Li:
Personalized Spam Filtering with Semi-supervised Classifier Ensemble. 195-201 - Daniel Crabtree, Peter Andreae, Xiaoying Gao:
Query Directed Web Page Clustering. 202-210 - Gaurav Harit, Santanu Chaudhury, Hiranmay Ghosh:
Using Multimedia Ontology for Generating Conceptual Annotations and Hyperlinks in Video Collections. 211-217 - Peter Hofgesang:
Methodology for Preprocessing and Evaluating the Time Spent on Web Pages. 218-225 - Yuefeng Li, Ning Zhong:
Rough Association Rule Mining in Text Documents for Acquiring Web User Information Needs. 226-232 - Feng Luo, James Zijun Wang, Eric Promislow:
Exploring Local Community Structures in Large Networks. 233-239 - Shaikh Mostafa Al Masum, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
Making Topic-Specific Report and Multimodal Presentation Automatically by Mining the Web Resources. 240-246 - Xiaochuan Ni, Xiaoyuan Wu, Yong Yu:
Automatic Identification of Chinese Weblogger's Interests Based on Text Classification. 247-253 - Jong-Hoon Oh, Hitoshi Isahara:
Mining the Web for Transliteration Lexicons: Joint-Validation Approach. 254-261 - Maximilian Viermetz, Carsten Stolz, Vassil Gedov, Michal Skubacz:
Relevance and Impact of Tabbed Browsing Behavior on Web Usage Mining. 262-269 - Cheng G. Weng, Josiah Poon:
A Data Complexity Analysis on Imbalanced Datasets and an Alternative Imbalance Recovering Strategy. 270-276 - Jianping Zhang, Jason Qin, Qiuming Yan:
The Role of URLs in Objectionable Web Content Categorization. 277-283 - Baoyao Zhou, Siu Cheung Hui, Alvis Cheuk M. Fong:
An Effective Approach for Periodic Web Personalization. 284-292
Short Papers
- Jiyuan An, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen
Finding Short Patterns to Classify Text Documents. 293-296 - Helmut Berger, Michael Dittenbach, Dieter Merkl:
Analyzing the Effect of Document Representation on Machine Learning Approaches in Multi-Class e-Mail Filtering. 297-300 - Ricardo Campos
, Gaël Dias, Celia Nunes
WISE: Hierarchical Soft Clustering of Web Page Search Results Based on Web Content Mining Techniques. 301-304 - Yao-Tsung Chen
, Meng Chang Chen:
A Study of chi^2-test for Text Categorization. 305-308 - Michael Dittenbach, Helmut Berger, Dieter Merkl:
Automated Concept Discovery from Web Resources. 309-312 - Lei Dong, Carolyn R. Watters, Jack Duffy, Michael A. Shepherd:
Binary Cybergenre Classification Using Theoretic Feature Measures. 313-316 - Natascha Hoebel, Sascha Kaufmann, Karsten Tolle
, Roberto V. Zicari:
The Design of Gugubarra 2.0: A Tool for Building and Managing Profiles of Web Users. 317-320 - Jon Espen Ingvaldsen, Jon Atle Gulla, Tarjei Laegreid, Paul Christian Sandal:
Financial News Mining: Monitoring Continuous Streams of Text. 321-324 - Natheer Khasawneh, Chien-Chung Chan:
Active User-Based and Ontology-Based Web Log Data Preprocessing for Web Usage Mining. 325-328 - Milos Kudelka
, Václav Snásel, Ondrej Lehecka, Eyas El-Qawasmeh:
Semantic Analysis of Web Pages Using Web Patterns. 329-333 - Xu-Dong Lin, Hong Peng, Bo Liu:
Support Vector Machines for Text Categorization in Chinese Question Classification. 334-337 - Masaki Mori, Takao Miura, Isamu Shioya:
Topic Detection and Tracking for News Web Pages. 338-342 - Tsuyoshi Murata, Kota Saito:
Extracting Users' Interests from Web Log Data. 343-346 - Yoshiaki Okubo, Makoto Haraguchi:
Finding Conceptual Document Clusters with Improved Top-N Formal Concept Search. 347-351 - Sheung-On Choy
, Andrew K. Lui
Web Information Retrieval in Collaborative Tagging Systems. 352-355 - Jiadong Ren, Xiaojian Zhang, Huili Peng:
IMFTS: High-Speed Mining Frequent Traversal Sequences with Bidirectional Constraints. 356-360 - Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Eduardo S. Vera, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki:
Improving Web Site Content Using a Concept-Based Knowledge Discovery Process. 361-365 - Chun-Yuan Teng, Hsin-Hsi Chen
Detection of Bloggers' Interests: Using Textual, Temporal, and Interactive Features. 366-369 - Yi-Feng Tseng, Hung-Yu Kao:
The Mining and Extraction of Primary Informative Blocks and Data Objects from Systematic Web Pages. 370-373 - Le Phong Bao Vuong, Xiaoying Gao, Mengjie Zhang:
Data Extraction from Semi-structured Web Pages by Clustering. 374-377 - Yu-Chuan Wei, Ming-Shun Lin, Hsin-Hsi Chen
Name Disambiguation in Person Information Mining. 378-381 - Takayuki Yamada, Daisaku Sakano, Yoshiaki Yasumura, Kuniaki Uehara:
Extraction of Reliable Reputation Information Using Contributor's Stance. 382-385 - Kai-Hsiang Yang, Kun-Yan Chiou, Hahn-Ming Lee, Jan-Ming Ho:
Web Appearance Disambiguation of Personal Names Based on Network Motif. 386-389 - Jing Zhao, Jing He:
Learning to Generate Labels for Organizing Search Results from a Domain-Specified Corpus. 390-396
Semantics and Ontology Engineering
Regular Papers
- Muhammad Abulaish
, Lipika Dey:
Interoperability among Distributed Overlapping Ontologies - A Fuzzy Ontology Framework. 397-403 - Jie Bao, Doina Caragea
, Vasant G. Honavar
A Tableau-Based Federated Reasoning Algorithm for Modular Ontologies. 404-410 - Thomas Eiter, Giovambattista Ianni, Roman Schindlauer, Hans Tompits, Kewen Wang
Forgetting in Managing Rules and Ontologies. 411-419 - Lobna Karoui, Marie-Aude Aufaure, Nacéra Bennacer:
Context-based Hierarchical Clustering for the Ontology Learning. 420-427 - Sik Chun Lam, Jeff Z. Pan, Derek H. Sleeman, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos
A Fine-Grained Approach to Resolving Unsatisfiable Ontologies. 428-434 - Yingjie Li, Xueli Yu, Lili Geng, Li Wang:
Research on Reasoning of the Dynamic Semantic Web Services Composition. 435-441 - David N. Milne
, Olena Medelyan, Ian H. Witten
Mining Domain-Specific Thesauri from Wikipedia: A Case Study. 442-448 - Maxime Morneau, Guy W. Mineau, Dan Corbett:
SeseiOnto: Interfacing NLP and Ontology Extraction. 449-455 - Péter Schönhofen:
Identifying Document Topics Using the Wikipedia Category Network. 456-462 - Sylvain Tenier, Yannick Toussaint, Amedeo Napoli, Xavier Polanco:
Instantiation of Relations for Semantic Annotation. 463-472
Short Papers
- Shuang Deng, Hong Peng:
Document Classification Based on Support Vector Machine Using a Concept Vector Model. 473-476 - Lisa Fan, Botang Li:
A Hybrid Model of Image Retrieval Based on Ontology Technology and Probabilistic Ranking. 477-480 - Jun Fang, Lei Guo, Xiaodong Wang, Liang Chen, Ning Yang, Weili Yang:
Importance of Entities in Knowledge. 481-484 - Hanh Huu Hoang, Amin Andjomshoaa
, A Min Tjoa
Towards a New Approach for Information Retrieval in the SemanticLIFE Digital Memory Framework. 485-488 - A. Reza Haydarlou, Michel A. Oey, Benno J. Overeinder, Frances M. T. Brazier:
Using Semantic Web Technology for Self-Management of Distributed Object-Oriented Systems. 489-493 - Gan Keng Hoon
, Keat Keong Phang
, Tang Enya Kong:
A Semantic Learning Approach for Mapping Unstructured Query to Web Resources. 494-497 - Aye Aye Khaing, Ni Lar Thein:
A Persistent Labeling Scheme for Dynamic Ordered XML Trees. 498-501 - Javed I. Khan, Yongbin Ma, Manas Hardas:
Course Composition Based on Semantic Topical Dependency. 502-505 - Toby H. W. Lam:
Fuzzy Ontology Map--A Fuzzy Extension of the Hard-Constraint Ontology. 506-509 - Sheng Liu, Jian Zhang:
Retrieving and Matching RDF Graphs by Solving the Satisfiability Problem. 510-513 - Alexander Mikroyannidis
, Babis Theodoulidis
Heraclitus II: A Framework for Ontology Management and Evolution. 514-521 - Yefei Peng, Daqing He
, Ming Mao:
Geographic Named Entity Disambiguation with Automatic Profile Generation. 522-525 - Shun-hong Sie
, Jian-Hua Yeh:
Automatic Ontology Generation Using Schema Information. 526-531 - Xiaohui Tao
, Yuefeng Li, Ning Zhong, Richi Nayak
Automatically Acquiring Training Sets for Web Information Gathering. 532-535 - Chao Wang, Jie Lu
, Guangquan Zhang
Integration of Ontology Data through Learning Instance Matching. 536-539 - Chia-Wei Wu, Wen-Lian Hsu:
Web Directory Integration Using Conditional Random Fields. 540-543 - Youwei Xu, Shengqun Tang, Yan Yang, Yang Xu:
Towards a Selective Inference Platform Based on OWL. 544-547 - Zhuoming Xu
, Shichao Zhang, Yisheng Dong:
Mapping between Relational Database Schema and OWL Ontology for Deep Annotation. 548-552 - Jiehan Zhou
, Eila Niemelä
Toward Semantic QoS Aware Web Services: Issues, Related Studies and Experience. 553-557 - Xujuan Zhou
, Sheng-Tang Wu, Yuefeng Li, Yue Xu
, Raymond Y. K. Lau
, Peter D. Bruza
Utilizing Search Intent in Topic Ontology-Based User Profile for Web Mining. 558-564
Web Agents
Regular Papers
- T. H. Fung:
Specifications and Rapid Prototyping of Multi-agent Systems through Coloured Petri Net Represented in Abductive Logic Programming (CPN-LP). 565-571 - Shiwu Zhang, Jiming Liu:
From Local Behaviors to the Dynamics in an Agent Network. 572-580
Short Papers
- David Picard
, Matthieu Cord:
Performances of Mobile-Agents for Interactive Image Retrieval. 581-586
Web Services
Regular Papers
- Walter Binder
, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings:
Efficient Service Composition Using Zero-Suppressed Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams. 587-593 - Liming Chen
, Xueqiang Yang, Feng Tao:
A Semantic Web Service Based Approach for Augmented Provenance. 594-600 - Pilar Herrero
, José Luis Bosque
, Manuel Salvadores, María S. Pérez:
On Board: Sharing Resources in a Collaborative Grid-TV Environment. 601-607 - Natenapa Sriharee:
Semantic Web Services Discovery Using Ontology-Based Rating Model. 608-616
Short Papers
- Ing-Yi Chen, Chao-Chi Huang:
An SOA-Based Software Development Management System. 617-620 - Yasser Ganjisaffar, Hassan Abolhassani, Mahmood Neshati, Mohsen Jamali:
A Similarity Measure for OWL-S Annotated Web Services. 621-624 - Jinlei Jiang, Guangwen Yang, Meilin Shi:
Towards a Transaction Model for Services in Grid Environment. 625-628 - Li Kuang, Ying Li, ShuiGuang Deng
, Jian Wu, Wei Shi, Zhaohui Wu:
Expressing Service and Query Behavior Using pi-Calculus for Matchmaking. 629-632 - Chuanchang Liu, Yong Peng, Junliang Chen:
Web Services Description Ontology-Based Service Discovery Model. 633-636 - Zheng Lu, Shiyan Li, Aditya Ghose, Peter Hyland:
Extending Semantic Web Service Description by Service Assumption. 637-643 - S. M. F. D. Syed Mustapha
Relation-Based Case Retrieval Approach for Web Services Selection. 644-648 - Aabhas V. Paliwal, Nabil R. Adam, Hui Xiong, Christof Bornhövd:
Web Service Discovery via Semantic Association Ranking and Hyperclique Pattern Discovery. 649-652 - William Song, Mingquan Zhou:
A Contextual Based Semantic Modeling Approach to Task-Service Formation in Virtual Organization. 653-656 - Quoc Bao Vo, Lin Padgham
A Component-Based Approach to Automated Web Service Composition. 657-661 - Hai Wang, Zeng-zhi Li, Lin Fan:
An Unabridged Method Concerning Capability Matchmaking of Web Services. 662-665 - Meng Xu, Junliang Chen, Yong Peng, Xiang Mei, Chuanchang Liu:
A Dynamic Semantic Association-Based Web Service Composition Method. 666-672
Web Information Filtering and Retrieval
Regular Papers
- Byron L. D. Bezerra
, Francisco de A. T. de Carvalho
, Valmir Macário Filho:
C^2: : A Collaborative Recommendation System Based on Modal Symbolic User Profile. 673-679 - Carlos Castillo
, Alberto Nelli, Alessandro Panconesi:
A Memory-Efficient Strategy for Exploring the Web. 680-686 - Zhenjiang Lin, Irwin King
, Michael R. Lyu:
PageSim: A Novel Link-Based Similarity Measure for the World Wide Web. 687-693 - Kai-Hsiang Yang, Jan-Ming Ho:
Proof: A DHT-Based Peer-to-Peer Search Engine. 702-708