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17. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022: Nuremberg, Germany
- WI for Grand Challenges - Grand Challenges for WI, 17. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2022), February 21-23, 2022, Nuremberg, Germany. AISeL 2022
Track 1: IT for Development: Digitalization & Society
- Ali Sercan Basyurt, Jennifer Fromm, Philipp Kuehn, Marc-André Kaufhold, Milad Mirbabaie:
Help Wanted - Challenges in Data Collection, Analysis and Communication of Cyber Threats in Security Operation Centers. - Florian Lauf, Simon Scheider, Jan Bartsch, Philipp Herrmann, Marija Radic, Marcel Rebbert, André T. Nemat, Christoph Schlueter Langdon, Ralf Konrad, Ali Sunyaev, Sven Meister:
Linking Data Sovereignty and Data Economy: Arising Areas of Tension. - Tobias Kölbel, Tobias Gawlitza, Christof Weinhardt:
Shaping Governance in Self-Sovereign Identity Ecosystems: Towards a Cooperative Business Model. - Bahaa Eltahawy, Duong Dang:
Understanding Cyberprivacy: Context, Concept, and Issues.
Track 2: Digital Health & Wellbeing
- Kristina Hall, Severin Oesterle, Laura Watkowski, Sabrina Liebel:
A Literature Review on the Risks and Potentials of Tracking and Monitoring eHealth Technologies in the Context of Occupational Health Management. - Patricia Kajüter, Tim Arlinghaus, Kevin Kus, Frank Teuteberg:
Analysis of Barriers to Digital Linking among Healthcare Stakeholders. - Aycan Aslan, Maike Greve, Till Ole Diesterhöft, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Can Our Health Data Stay Private? A Review and Future Directions for IS Research on Privacy-Preserving AI in Healthcare. - Thure Weimann, Jeannette Stark:
Supporting habit formation for long-term weight loss maintenance with a Virtual Coach - A Research Model. - Kevin Kus, Ludger Pöhler, Patricia Kajüter, Tim Arlinghaus, Frank Teuteberg:
Vaccination Dashboard Development during COVID-19: A Design Science Research Approach.
Track 3: Digital Education & Capabilities
- Nikolaj Bewer, Margarita Gladkaya:
Game Development Based Approach for Learning to Program: A Systematic Literature Review. - Thomas Fischer, Stefan Oppl, Martin Stabauer:
Micro-Credential Development: Tools, Methods and Concepts Supporting the European Approach. - Vanessa Maria Steinherr, Christian Vay:
Personal Skills in the BISE Curriculum: An Integrative Approach. - Nicole Draxler-Weber, Christin Voigt, Linda Blömer:
Teachers' Barriers to digital Higher Education Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic. - Julian Schuir, Eduard Anton, Marian Eleks, Frank Teuteberg:
Tell Me and I Forget, Involve Me and I Learn: Design and Evaluation of a Multimodal Conversational Agent for Supporting Distance Learning. - Eva Ritz, Thiemo Wambsganss, Roman Rietsche, Anuschka Schmitt, Sarah Oeste-Reiss, Jan Marco Leimeister:
Unleashing Process Mining for Education: Designing an IT-Tool for Students to Self-Monitor their Personal Learning Paths.
Track 4: Digitalization & Human Rights
- Verena Kessler Verzar, Adeline Frenzel-Piasentin, Daniel Veit:
A Discrepancy between Objective and Perceived Privacy Risks? Understanding Messaging Service's Discontinuance Usage. - Ali Sercan Basyurt, Jennifer Fromm, Stefan Stieglitz, Milad Mirbabaie:
Credibility of Cyber Threat Communication on Twitter - Expert Evaluation of Indicators for Automated Credibility Assessment. - Kilian Müller, Holger Koelmann, Marco Niemann, Ralf Plattfaut, Jörg Becker:
Exploring Audience's Attitudes Towards Machine Learning-based Automation in Comment Moderation. - Henrik Kortum, Philipp Fukas, Jonas Rebstadt, Marian Eleks, Marjan Nobakht Galehpardsari, Oliver Thomas:
Proposing a Roadmap for Designing Non-Discriminatory ML Services: Preliminary Results from a Design Science Research Project.
Track 5: Sustainable Information Systems, Energy Informatics & Climate Protection
- Gilbert Fridgen, Stephanie Halbrügge, Marc-Fabian Körner, Anne Michaelis, Martin Weibelzahl:
Artificial Intelligence in Energy Demand Response: A Taxonomy of Input Data Requirements. - Simon Wenninger, Can Kaymakci, Christian Wiethe, Jörg Römmelt, Lukas Baur
, Björn Häckel, Alexander Sauer:
How Sustainable is Machine Learning in Energy Applications? - The Sustainable Machine Learning Balance Sheet. - Yuchen Zhou, Sarah Henni, Philipp Staudt:
Managing Intermittent Renewable Generation with Battery Storage using a Deep Reinforcement Learning Strategy. - Oliver Werth, Stephan Ferenz, Astrid Nieße:
Requirements for an Open Digital Platform for Interdisciplinary Energy Research and Practice.
Track 6: Digitalization and Implications for Labor Markets
- Tina Ilek, Christian Maier, Christoph Weinert:
Electronic Human Resource Management: A Literature Analysis of Drivers, Challenges, and Consequences. - Veronika Huck-Fries, Oleksandra Talalaieva, Helmut Krcmar:
Highly engaged, less likely to quit? - A theoretical perspective on work engagement and turnover in agile information systems development projects. - Miriam Klöpper, Sonja Köhne:
People Analytics and the Promise of the Good Life - A Critical Transformative Perspective. - Barbara Prommegger, Selin Arpaci, Helmut Krcmar:
The Things That Drive Us - How the Next Generation of IT Professionals Defines Contemporary Career Success.
Track 7: Digital Business Models & Entrepreneurship
- Yannick Hildebrandt, Daniel Beimborn:
A Cognitive Conveyor for Digital Innovation - Definition and Conceptualization of the Digital Mindset. - Ricarda Schlimbach, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
Adapt or Die! - A Board Game to Support Dynamic Business Model Creation in Digital Darwinism. - Claudius M. Jonas, Anna Maria Oberländer, Kevin Schmitt, Simon Wethmar:
Demystifying Industrial Internet of Things start-ups - A multi-layer taxonomy. - Robert Woroch, Gero Strobel:
Show me the Money: How to monetize data in data-driven business models? - Sünje Clausen, Felix Brünker, Anna-Katharina Jung, Stefan Stieglitz:
The Impact of Signaling Commitment to Ethical AI on Organizational Attractiveness. - Torsten Gollhardt:
Towards Business Model Tools for SMEs - Knowledge Boundaries in Business Model Innovation Projects. - Felix Sterk, Christian Peukert, Fabian Hunke, Christof Weinhardt:
Understanding Car Data Monetization: A Taxonomy of Data-Driven Business Models in the Connected Car Domain.
Track 8: Sustainable Cities & Communities
- Gregor Schwarz, Martin Bichler:
Designing a Large-Scale Wholesale Market for Urban Congestion Pricing. - Anne-Sophie Christmann, Valerie Graf-Drasch, Ricarda Schäfer:
Farm Life in the City - A Taxonomy for Smart Urban Agriculture. - Valerie Graf-Drasch, Oliver Meindl, Hannes Voucko-Glockner:
Life is a Journey in Smart and Sustainable Districts. - Michel Muschkiet, Babett Kühne, Marvin Jagals, Peder Bergan, Kevin Rehring, Frederik Ahlemann:
Making Data Valuable for Smart City Service Systems - A Citizen Journey Map for Data-driven Service Design.
Track 9: ICT and Responsible Consumption as well as Production
- Julian Frey, Axel Hund, Daniel Beimborn:
Designing Scaled-agile Organizations: A Taxonomy of Design Criteria. - Mario Schaarschmidt, Matthias Bertram, Harald VonKorflesch:
Digitally co-created corporate social responsibility: Testing the effectiveness of "You decide, we donate" approaches.
Track 10: Business Analytics, Data Science & Decision Support
- Marcel Altendeitering, Martin Tomczyk:
A Functional Taxonomy of Data Quality Tools: Insights from Science and Practice. - Johannes Jakubik, Benedikt Blumenstiel, Michael Vössing, Patrick Hemmer:
Instance Selection Mechanisms for Human-in-the-Loop Systems in Few-Shot Learning. - Felix Schulz:
Non-Linear Hybrid Shrinkage of Weights for Forecast Selection and Combination. - Philipp Gabriel Mazur, No-San Lee, Janik Euskirchen, Detlef Schoder:
Predicting Static Stability with Data-Driven Physics in Air Cargo Palletizing. - Julian Sengewald, Richard Lackes:
Prescriptive Analytics in Procurement: Reducing Process Costs. - Jan-Peter Kucklick:
Towards a model- and data-focused taxonomy of XAI systems. - Nico Gnoss, Martin Schultz
, Marina Tropmann-Frick:
XAI in the Audit Domain - Explaining an Autoencoder Model for Anomaly Detection.
Track 11: Design Science Research: Development & Modeling of IS
- Carl Corea, Rana Mansour, Patrick Delfmann:
Advanced Auditing of Run-Time Conflicts in Declarative Process Models using Time Series Clustering. - Hendrik Wache, Frederik Möller, Thorsten Schoormann, Gero Strobel, Dimitri Petrik:
Exploring the Abstraction Levels of Design Principles: The Case of Chatbots. - Maximilian Werling, Jens F. Lachenmaier, Sebastian Renken, Heiner Lasi:
Vertrauenswürdiger Datenaustausch in Ökosystemen - Entwicklung eines Metamodells zur Trennung von Daten und Kontext.
Track 12: Digital Markets & Platforms
- Tobias Kölbel, David Dann, Christof Weinhardt:
Giant or Dwarf? A Literature Review on Blockchain-enabled Marketplaces in Business Ecosystems. - Florian Popp, Bernhard Lutz, Dirk Neumann:
Information Overload in Processing Consumer Reviews: The Role of Argumentation Changes. - Vincent Heimburg, Nils van der Wal, Manuel Wiesche:
Professionalizing Small Complementors in a Heterogeneous Platform Ecosystem. A Logistics Case. - Nicholas Valentin Lingnau:
Support Me Once or Every Month - A Taxonomy of Traditional and Subscription-Based Crowdfunding. - Lisa Gussek, Manuel Wiesche:
The Gig Economy: Workers, Work and Platform Perspective. - Carolin Stein, Philipp Staudt, Anke Greif-Winzrieth:
The Success of Others: Copy Trading and Risk. - Elnaz Meydani, Christoph Düsing, Annamaria Fedrau, Matthias Trier:
The "Black Box" of Social Commerce Platforms - A Closer Look at Users' Activities.
Track 13: Digital Retail
- Christoph Heinbach, Friedemann Kammler, Oliver Thomas:
Exploring Design Requirements of Fleet Telematics Systems Supporting Road Freight Transportation: A Digital Service Side Perspective. - Sören Bärsch, Richard Lackes, Markus Siepermann:
Live-Stream Shopping is Landing in Germany: An Analysis of the Stickiness Intention of German Customers.
Track 14: E-Government
- Erick Behar-Villegas, Hasan Koç:
Altering Credibility Through Short-term Government Branding: A Digital Framing Experiment. - Lennart Hofeditz, Milad Mirbabaie, Lukas Erle, Eileen Knoßalla, Lara Timm:
Automating Crisis Communication in Public Institutions - Towards Ethical Conversational Agents That Support Trust Management. - Aida Stelter, Cindy Schaefer, Kristina Lemmer, Björn Niehaves:
Municipal Digital Transformation in the Fast Lane? Changes in German Municipalities due to Covid-19. - Peter Kuhn, Simon Dallner, Matthias Buchinger, Dian Balta:
Towards "Government as a Platform": An analysis framework for public sector infrastructure.
Track 15: Finance Technologies & Blockchain
- Lukas Florian Bossler, Julia Kroenung:
Exploring the Current State of Research on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency - Analyzing Enablers, Inhibitors, and Indeterminate Factors. - Dennis Renee Metzler, Nicole Neuss, Albert Torno:
The Digitization of Investment Management - An Analysis of Robo-Advisor Business Models. - Moritz Tobias Bruckner, Ian C. Gillies, Daniel J. Veit:
The Effect of Smart Contracts on Online Investment Decisions: An Experimental Study in ICOs. - Martin Brennecke, Tobias Guggenberger, Alexander Sachs, Benjamin Schellinger:
The Human Factor in Blockchain Ecosystems: A Sociotechnical Framework.
Track 16: Human Computer Interaction & Digital Assistance Systems
- Olivia Hornung, Katharina Ebner, Karolin Kappler, Stefan Smolnik:
Ambidexterity Through the Lens of Conventions? A Qualitative Study on Personal Virtual Assistants. - Phillip Oliver Gottschewski, Marvin Auf der Landwehr, Christoph von Viebahn
, Johannes Staritz:
Decreasing Shopping Duration by Altering Choice Environments? An Empirical Investigation of Individual and Hybrid Nudges in the Context of e-Grocery. - Enes Yigitbas, Sebastian Gottschalk, Alexander Nowosad, Gregor Engels:
Development and Evaluation of a Collaborative Stock Trading Environment in Virtual Reality. - Tim Driesen-Micklitz, Michael Fellmann, Carsten Röcker:
Human-centered User Interfaces for Automated Driving - (Un-)exploited Potentials. - Dennis Benner, Sofia Schöbel, Christoph Süess, Vera Baechle, Andreas Janson:
Level-Up your Learning - Introducing a Framework for Gamified Educational Conversational Agents. - Fabian Josef Stangl, René Riedl:
Measurement of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability with Wearable Devices: A Systematic Review. - Nicole Debowski, Navid Tavanapour, Eva A. C. Bittner:
Towards a Virtual Collaborator in Online Collaboration from an Organizations' Perspective. - Marius Schenkluhn, Christian Peukert, Christof Weinhardt:
Typing the Future: Designing Multimodal AR Keyboards. - Lara Riefle, Alexa Brand, Johannes Mietz, Laurin Rombach, Christian Szekat, Carina Benz:
What Fits Tim Might Not Fit Tom: Exploring the Impact of User Characteristics on Users' Experience with Conversational Interaction Modalities.
Track 17: IT Strategy, Management & Governance
- Marvin Rosian, Marcel Altendeitering, Boris Otto:
A Socio-Technical Analysis of Challenges in Managing Multi-Clouds. - Max Uhlig, Gerrit Remané:
A Systematic Literature Review on Digital Business Strategy. - Barbara Steffen, Frederik Möller:
Analyzing and Evaluating today's Power of Open Source: The Open Source Value Canvas. - Jan-Niklas Meckenstock, Sebastian Schlauderer, Sven Overhage:
How Do Individual Social Agile Practices Influence the Development Success? An Exploratory Study. - Bennet Simon von Skarczinski, Arne Dreißigacker, Frank Teuteberg:
More Security, less Harm? Exploring the Link between Security Measures and Direct Costs of Cyber Incidents within Firms using PLS-PM. - Kristina Kusanke, Till J. Winkler:
Structural Ambidexterity through Bimodal IT - A Literature Review and Research Agenda.
Track 18: Design, Management & Impact of AI-based Systems
- Marek Hütsch:
A Machine Learning Model Marketplace to Overcome Low Price Elasticity of Sales Forecasting. - Thorsten Krause, Daniel Stattkus, Alina Deriyeva, Jan Heinrich Beinke, Oliver Thomas:
Beyond the Rating Matrix: Debiasing Implicit Feedback Loops in Collaborative Filtering. - Valerianne Walter, Andreas Györy, Christine Legner:
Deploying machine learning based data quality controls - Design principles and insights from the field. - Tom Lewandowski, Marvin Heuer, Pascal Vogel, Tilo Böhmann:
Design Knowledge for the Lifecycle Management of Conversational Agents. - Lukas Walter Thiée:
Developing an ontology for data science projects to facilitate the design process of a canvas. - Leonard Michels, Jessica Ochmann, Verena Tiefenbeck, Sven Laumer:
The Acceptance of AI-based Recommendations: An Elaboration Likelihood Perspective. - Jonas Rebstadt, Florian Remark, Philipp Fukas, Pascal Meier, Oliver Thomas:
Towards Personalized Explanations for AI Systems: Designing a Role Model for Explainable AI in Auditing.
Track 19: Business Process Management
- Anja Meironke, Stephan Kuehnel:
How to Measure RPA's Benefits? A Review on Metrics, Indicators, and Evaluation Methods of RPA Benefit Assessment. - Angela Promitzer, Sassan Torabi-Goudarzi, Dirk Werth:
Objectively Assessing the Suitability of Digital Processes for Robotic Process Automation. - Florian Johannsen:
Quality 4.0 - An Analysis from the Perspective of Method Engineers in Quality Management. - Jonas Cremerius, Mathias Weske:
Supporting Domain Data Selection in Data-Enhanced Process Models. - Aleksandra Revina, Ünal Aksu:
Towards a Business Process Complexity Analysis Framework Based on Textual Data and Event Logs.
Track 20: Services & Service Systems Engineering
- Ricardo Jesus Guerrero Barboza, Christoph Lattemann, Simon Michalke, Dominik Siemon:
A Human-Centeredness Maturity Model for the Design of Services in the Digital Age. - Daniel Heinz, Carina Benz, Fabian Hunke, Gerhard Satzger:
An Affordance-Actualization Perspective on Smart Service Systems. - Dennis Benner, Sofia Schöbel, Andreas Janson, Jan Marco Leimeister:
Can you help me scale? A Systematic Analysis of Scaling Capabilities of Conversational Agents for Digital Services. - Finn Reiche, Markus Schmidtner, Emanuel Marx, Martin Matzner, Holger Timinger:
Project Management as a B2B Service in the automotive development process. - Till Ole Diesterhöft, Maike Greve, Aycan Aslan, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Together We Are Stronger - Paving the Way for Value Co-Creation in Data Breach Responses.
Track 21: Social Media & Digital Work
- Milad Mirbabaie, Lea-Marie Braun, Julian Marx:
Knowledge Work 'Unplugged' - Digital Detox Effects on ICT Demands, Job Performance and Satisfaction. - Nathalie Scharf, Florian Schwade, Amina Courbier:
Using Social Documents as Boundary Objects to Analyse Cross-hierarchy Collaboration in Enterprise Collaboration Systems. - Antonia Köster, Hanna Krasnova, Monideepa Tarafdar:
Visual Normalization of the Thin Ideal: Instagram Use and Biased Perception of Average Body Weight.
Track 22: IS Adoption, Diffusion & Use
- Martin Sonntag, Jens Mehmann, Frank Teuteberg:
AI-based Conversational Agents for Customer Service - A Study of Customer Service Representative' Perceptions Using TAM 2. - Sebastian Weber, Michael Knop, Björn Niehaves:
How Do Medical Professionals Perceive Artificial Intelligence: An Analysis of Reddit Data. - Martin Kauschinger, Albert Letner, Maximilian Schreieck, Nils Urbach, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar:
Individual Enterprise Social Network Adoption: The Influence of Perceived Network Externalities and Perceived Social Capital Advantage. - Michaela Karin Trierweiler:
IT-based Fraud Management Approaches in Small and Medium Enterprises - A Multivocal Literature Review. - Jessica Ochmann:
Just like you like it - The effects of transparency and decision outcome on the evaluation of human and algorithmic decision-making. - Katharina Pflügner:
Technostress Management at the Workplace: A Systematic Literature Review.
Track 23: Wirtschaftsinformatik as an Interdisciplinary Science
- Thorsten Schoormann, Frederik Möller, Daniel Szopinski:
Exploring Purposes of Using Taxonomies. - Marlene Blaß, Valerie Graf-Drasch, Doreen Schick:
Grief in the Digital Age - Review, Synthesis, and Directions for Future Research. - Yannick Hildebrandt:
Hunting Darwins Counterpart: Tracing the Exaptation Phenomenon in IS Research. - Peter Mertens:
Zufriedenheit ist die Feindin des Fortschritts - Zu Ursprung und Weiterentwicklung der Wirtschaftsinformatik.
Special Track: Business Analytics Talks
- Philipp Fukas, Lukas Menzel, Oliver Thomas:
Augmenting Data with Generative Adversarial Networks to Improve Machine Learning-Based Fraud Detection. - Dilara Yesilbas, Stefan Arnold, Alex Felker:
Rethinking Pre-Training in Industrial Quality Control. - Daniel Kiefer, Clemens van Dinther, Tim Straub:
The Time has Come - Application of Artificial Intelligence in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises. - Svenja Bergmann, Arne Seeliger, Alberto Cenedese:
Visualizing Time Series Data for Early Stage Business Analytics - The Case of Vehicle Telematics Data.
Special Track: Prototype Track
- Marieluise Merz:
Bewusstseinsbildung und Verhaltensänderung für Wissensdokumentation. - Jennifer Priefer, Lennart Steiger:
Designing a GIS-AHP-Based Spatial Decision Support System for Discovering and Visualizing Suitable Locations for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. - Michael Gau, Alexander Maedche, Jan vom Brocke:
DSR Buddy: A Conversational Agent Supporting Design Science Research Activities. - Sebastian Gottschalk, Enes Yigitbas, Alexander Nowosad, Gregor Engels:
Situational Business Model Developer: A Tool-support for Situation-specific Business Model Development. - Dimitri Petrik:
Software Supported Quality Management of Boundary Resources and Complementor Satisfaction. - Sergey Krutikov, Enrico Kochon, Tobias Dreesbach, Anne Jungfleisch, Julia Knopf, Oliver Thomas:
VR-Splines - Entwicklung eines Virtual Reality-Prototyps für den Mathematikunterricht.
Special Track: Student Track
- Max Ludzay, Stephan Leible:
A Bottom-up E-Participation Process: Empowering Citizens to Innovate the Public Administration and its Sphere of Influence. - Maximilian V. Harl, Marvin Herchenbach, Sven Kruschel, Nico Hambauer, Patrick Zschech, Mathias Kraus:
A Light in the Dark: Deep Learning Practices for Industrial Computer Vision. - Timon Sengewald, Tim Posselt:
A Taxonomy of Engagement Barriers for Municipal Climate Action Planning: Work in Progress. - Nourhan Shafik Salah Elsayed, Gamal Kassem:
Assessing Process Suitability for Robotic Process Automation: A Process Mining Approach. - Karolina Schabert, Laura Raschle, Anna Fredholm, Lorenzo Pedrazzoli, Georgine Settelen, Annamina Rieder, Reinhard Jung:
Backfiring von Digital Nudges: Experimentelle Studie zur Reaktanz bei Scarcity-Nudges. - Sebastian Straßburg, Helmut Beckmann:
Datenwirtschaft und Datenwertschöpfungsketten - Eine systematische Übersicht.