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Communications of the ACM, Volume 65
Volume 65, Number 1, January 2022
- Andrew A. Chien:
Is the global computing community irrevocably divided? 5
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
Will AI destroy education? 7
- Peter M. Small:
How computing empowered me to tackle big problems in medicine. 9
- Mark Guzdial:
Is higher education an engine of opportunity, or a perpetuator of privilege? 10-11
- Chris Edwards:
Shrinking artificial intelligence. 12-14 - Esther Shein:
Converting laws to programs. 15-16 - Keith Kirkpatrick:
Monetizing your personal data. 17-19
- Michael A. Cusumano:
Epic versus Apple and the future of app stores. 22-24
- Pauline T. Kim:
Addressing algorithmic discrimination. 25-27
- Brian A. LaMacchia:
The long road ahead to transition to post-quantum cryptography. 28-30
- Vincent J. Hellendoorn, Anand Ashok Sawant:
The growing cost of deep learning for source code. 31-33 - Olga Fink
, Torbjørn H. Netland
, Stefan Feuerriegel:
Artificial intelligence across company borders. 34-36 - Vashek Matyas, Kamil Malinka
, Lydia Kraus, Lenka Knapova, Agata Kruzikova:
Even if users do not read security directives, their behavior is not so catastrophic. 37-40
- Piero Molino, Christopher Ré:
Declarative machine learning systems. 42-49 - Patrick Thomson:
Static analysis. 50-54
- Philipp H. Kindt
, Trinad Chakraborty, Samarjit Chakraborty
How reliable is smartphone-based electronic contact tracing for COVID-19? 56-67 - Gwanhoo Lee, Jaeho Kim:
Delivering a rapid digital response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 68-75 - Lance Fortnow:
Fifty years of P vs. NP and the possibility of the impossible. 76-85
- Michael Pradel, Satish Chandra:
Neural software analysis. 86-96
- Frank Dellaert:
Neural radiance fields explode on the scene: technical perspective. 98 - Ben Mildenhall, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Matthew Tancik, Jonathan T. Barron, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Ren Ng:
NeRF: representing scenes as neural radiance fields for view synthesis. 99-106 - Tiago João Guerreiro
Eyelid gestures enhance mobile interaction: technical perspective. 107 - Mingming Fan
, Zhen Li, Franklin Mingzhe Li:
Eyelid gestures for people with motor impairments. 108-115
- Dennis E. Shasha:
Orbit design.
Volume 65, Number 2, February 2022
- Vicki L. Hanson:
Ethics and values in the ACM awards program. 5
- Vinton G. Cerf:
How do I rely on thee, smartphone? 7
- Jason Hong:
The trouble with Facebook. 8-9
- Marina Krakovsky:
Solving for why. 11-13 - Neil Savage:
Virtual duplicates. 14-16 - Logan Kugler:
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the fight against world hunger. 17-19
- Tiffani L. Williams:
The lives of hidden figures matter in computer science education. 20-22
- George V. Neville-Neil
I unplugged what? 23-24
- Thomas Haigh:
Becoming universal. 25-30
- Tony Yu-Ju Tu
, Shari S. C. Shang, Junyi Wu:
Is your autonomous vehicle as smart as you expected? 31-34 - Shlomi Hod, Karni Chagal-Feferkorn, Niva Elkin-Koren, Avigdor Gal:
Data science meets law. 35-39 - Erich Prem
A brave new world of mediated online discourse. 40-42
- Timothy Clem, Patrick Thomson:
Static analysis at GitHub. 44-51 - Daniil Tiganov, Lisa Nguyen Quang Do, Karim Ali:
Designing UIs for static-analysis tools. 52-58
- Nenad Tomasev, Ulrich Paquet, Demis Hassabis, Vladimir Kramnik:
Reimagining chess with AlphaZero. 60-66 - Dorit Nevo, Benjamin D. Horne:
How topic novelty impacts the effectiveness of news veracity interventions. 68-75
- Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Abstractions, their algorithms, and their compilers. 76-91
- Alon Y. Halevy, Cristian Canton-Ferrer, Hao Ma, Umut Ozertem, Patrick Pantel, Marzieh Saeidi, Fabrizio Silvestri, Ves Stoyanov:
Preserving integrity in online social networks. 92-98
- Robin Burke:
Personalized recommendation of PoIs to people with autism: technical perspective. 100 - Noemi Mauro, Liliana Ardissono, Federica Cena:
Supporting people with autism spectrum disorders in the exploration of PoIs: an inclusive recommender system. 101-109 - Sayan Mitra
Model structure takes guesswork out of state estimation: technical perspective. 110 - Guillaume O. Berger, Raphaël M. Jungers:
Worst-case topological entropy and minimal data rate for state estimation of switched linear systems. 111-118
- Brian Clegg:
Agent invisible.
Volume 65, Number 3, March 2022
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
ACM, ethics, and corporate behavior. 5
- Eunice Ratna Sari:
Changing the world through HCI and UX. 7
- CACM Staff:
A division in computer science. 8-9
- Carlos Baquero
Picking publication targets. 10-11
- Chris Edwards:
A group effort. 12-14 - Don Monroe:
Accelerating AI. 15-16 - Paul Marks:
Algorithmic hiring needs a human face. 17-19
- Pamela Samuelson:
Copyright implications of emulation programs. 20-22
- Ronald M. Baecker:
A call to action. 23-25
- Michael Skirpan, Maggie Oates, Daragh Byrne, Robert K. Cunningham, Lorrie Faith Cranor:
Is a privacy crisis experienced, a privacy crisis avoided? 26-29
- Urs Gasser
, Virgilio de Almeida:
Futures of digital governance. 30-32 - Stuart E. Madnick:
Bursting a few balloons regarding the famous DARPA red balloon challenge. 33-34 - Toby Walsh:
The troubling future for facial recognition software. 35-36
- Ayman Nadeem:
Human-centered approach to static-analysis-driven developer tools. 38-45 - Kirk McKusick:
A conversation with: Margo Seltzer and Mike Olson. 46-51
- Emerson R. Murphy-Hill, Ciera Jaspan, Carolyn D. Egelman
, Lan Cheng:
The pushback effects of race, ethnicity, gender, and age in code review. 52-57 - Orli Weiser, Yoram M. Kalman, Carmel Kent, Gilad Ravid:
65 competencies: which ones should your data analytics experts have? 58-66 - Tarun Mangla, Esther H. Showalter, Vivek Adarsh, Kipp Jones, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Elizabeth M. Belding, Ellen Zegura:
A tale of three datasets: characterizing mobile broadband access in the U.S. 67-74
- Tijl De Bie, Luc De Raedt
, José Hernández-Orallo, Holger H. Hoos, Padhraic Smyth, Christopher K. I. Williams:
Automating data science. 76-87
- Jonathan Aldrich
Technical perspective: How do experts learn new programming languages? 90 - Nischal Shrestha, Colton Botta, Titus Barik, Chris Parnin:
Here we go again: why is it difficult for developers to learn another programming language? 91-99 - Frederic T. Chong:
Technical perspective: Applying design-space exploration to quantum architectures. 100 - Prakash Murali, Dripto M. Debroy, Kenneth R. Brown, Margaret Martonosi:
Toward systematic architectural design of near-term trapped ion quantum computers. 101-109
- Leah Hoffmann:
Mining energy from 'empty' air.
Volume 65, Number 4, April 2022
- Vinton G. Cerf:
Preserving the internet. 5
- Mark Guzdial:
Achieving CS for all could take decades. 6-7
- Samuel Greengard:
Can AI learn to forget? 9-11 - Keith Kirkpatrick:
Still waiting for self-driving cars. 12-14 - Logan Kugler:
Technology's impact on morality. 15-16
- Mari Sako:
Global supply chain disruption and resilience. 18-21
- Peter J. Denning:
Systems abstractions. 22-24
- George V. Neville-Neil
Getting off the mad path. 25-26
- Veda C. Storey, Roman Lukyanenko, Wolfgang Maass, Jeffrey Parsons
Explainable AI. 27-29 - Andrew A. Chien:
Communications' digital initiative and its first digital event. 30
- Jessica R. Cauchard
, Matthias Jarke, Nuria Oliver
Welcome. 32-34
- Dima Kagan
, Michael Fire, Galit Fuhrmann Alpert:
Trends in computer science research within European countries. 36-37 - Jürgen Steimle
On-skin computing. 38-39 - Thomas R. C. Smallwood, Véronique Lefebvre, Linus Bengtsson:
Mobile phone usage data for disaster response. 40-41 - Liliana Dobrica
Robotic process automation platform UiPath. 42-43 - Boris Otto
A federated infrastructure for European data spaces. 44-45 - Sadaf R. Alam, Javier Bartolome, Michele Carpenè, Kalle Happonen, Jacques-Charles Lafoucriere, Dirk Pleiter:
Fenix: a Pan-European federation of supercomputing and cloud e-infrastructure services. 46-47 - Gerhard P. Fettweis, Holger Boche:
On 6G and trustworthiness. 48-49 - Gertrude Kappel, Christian Brecher, Matthias Brockmann, István Koren:
Internet of production: entering phase two of industry 4.0. 50-51 - Diego Perino, Kleomenis Katevas, Andra Lutu, Eduard Marin, Nicolas Kourtellis:
Privacy-preserving AI for future networks. 52-53 - Edward Curry, Fredrik Heintz, Morten Irgens, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Stefano Stramigioli:
Partnership on AI, data, and robotics. 54-55 - Sepp Hochreiter:
Toward a broad AI. 56-57
- Hartmut Schmeck, Antonello Monti
, Veit Hagenmeyer:
Energy informatics: key elements for tomorrow's energy system. 58-63 - Stuart E. Middleton
, Emmanuel Letouzé, Ali Hossaini, Adriane Chapman
Trust, regulation, and human-in-the-loop AI: within the European region. 64-68 - Tommaso Di Noia, Nava Tintarev, Panagiota Fatourou, Markus Schedl:
Recommender systems under European AI regulations. 69-73 - Mor Peleg, Yuval Shahar, Silvana Quaglini:
MobiGuide: guiding clinicians and chronic patients anytime, anywhere. 74-79 - Wil M. P. van der Aalst
European leadership in process management. 80-83 - Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue, Rui Abreu:
When software engineering meets quantum computing. 84-88
- Kallista A. Bonawitz, Peter Kairouz, Brendan McMahan, Daniel Ramage:
Federated learning and privacy. 90-97
- Marco Furini
, Ombretta Gaggi, Silvia Mirri
, Manuela Montangero, Elvira Pelle
, Francesco Poggi
, Catia Prandi:
Digital twins and artificial intelligence: as pillars of personalized learning models. 98-104 - Jorge E. Fresneda
, Jeremy Hui, Chelsey Hill
Market segmentation in the emoji era. 105-112
- Marian Petre:
Exploring cognitive bias 'in the wild': technical perspective. 114 - Souti Chattopadhyay, Nicholas Nelson, Audrey Au, Natalia Morales, Christopher A. Sanchez, Rahul Pandita, Anita Sarma:
Cognitive biases in software development. 115-122 - Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
Leveraging social context for fake news detection: technical perspective. 123 - Van-Hoang Nguyen, Kazunari Sugiyama
, Preslav Nakov, Min-Yen Kan:
FANG: leveraging social context for fake news detection using graph representation. 124-132
- Dennis E. Shasha:
Beating the house.
Volume 65, Number 5, May 2022
- Andrew A. Chien:
Four aspirations for ACM 2032. 5
- Vicki L. Hanson, Jennifer T. Chayes
ACM at 75. 6-7
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
War and tech (and ACM). 9
- Asim Munawar
How a shopping mall trip inspired me to work in neuro-symbolic AI. 11
- Scott E. Delman:
Thanks for the progress to date! 12-13
- CACM Staff:
ACM's 2022 general election: please take this opportunity to vote. 15-23
- Jason Hong:
Modern tech can't shield your secret identity. 24-25
- Chris Edwards:
Neural networks learn to speed up simulations. 27-29 - Gregory Mone:
Raising robovoices. 30-31 - Keith Kirkpatrick:
Artificial intelligence and mental health. 32-34
- Blake Reid:
Two paths for digital disability law. 36-38
- John Wroclawski, Terry Benzel:
Cybersecurity as illuminator for the future of computing research. 39-41
- Aman Yadav, Marie K. Heath, Anne Drew Hu:
Toward justice in computer science through community, criticality, and citizenship. 42-44
- Reinhard von Hanxleden:
Information: 'I' vs. 'we' vs. 'they'. 45-47
- Reynold Xin, Wes McKinney, Alan Gates, Chris McCubbin:
It takes a community - : the open source challenge. 48-55 - Alvaro Videla:
Meaning and context in computer programs. 56-58
- Sanjit A. Seshia:
Explorations in cyber-physical systems education. 60-69 - Russ Cox, Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ian Lance Taylor, Ken Thompson:
The Go programming language and environment. 70-78 - Jiyong Park
, Jongho Kim:
A data-driven exploration of the race between human labor and machines in the 21st century. 79-87
- Mohammed Eslami, Aaron Adler, Rajmonda Sulo Caceres, Joshua G. Dunn, Nancy Kelley-Loughnane, Vanessa A. Varaljay, Héctor García Martín:
Artificial intelligence for synthetic biology. 88-97
- Daniel Lohmann:
Technical perspective: 'What is the ideal operating system?'. 100 - Hsuan-Chi Kuo, Jianyan Chen, Sibin Mohan
, Tianyin Xu:
Set the configuration for the heart of the OS: on the practicality of operating system kernel debloating. 101-109 - Emina Soljanin:
Technical perspective: Balancing at all loads. 110