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Discrete Mathematics, Volume 309
Volume 309, Number 1, January 2009
- Jordan R. Bell, Brett Stevens:
A survey of known results and research areas for n-queens. 1-31 - Michael A. Henning:
A survey of selected recent results on total domination in graphs. 32-63 - Xuezheng Lv, Chengdong Yi:
Cycles through 4 vertices in 3-connected graphs. 64-76 - Jianfeng Hou, Guizhen Liu, Jiansheng Cai:
Edge-choosability of planar graphs without adjacent triangles or without 7-cycles. 77-84 - Francisco Larrión, Miguel A. Pizaña, R. Villarroel-Flores:
The clique operator on matching and chessboard graphs. 85-93 - Sr. Arworn:
An algorithm for the numbers of endomorphisms on paths (DM13208). 94-103 - Zdenek Dvorák:
Two-factors in orientated graphs with forbidden transitions. 104-112 - Jochen Harant, Dieter Rautenbach:
Domination in bipartite graphs. 113-122 - Fred M. Hoppe:
The effect of redundancy on probability bounds. 123-127 - Ernest J. Cockayne, Richard G. Gibson, Christina M. Mynhardt:
Claw-free graphs are not universal fixers. 128-133 - Gek Ling Chia, Chee-Kit Ho:
Chromatic equivalence classes of complete tripartite graphs. 134-143 - Evelyne Flandrin, Hao Li, Bing Wei:
A sufficient condition for pancyclability of graphs. 144-150 - Masao Ishikawa, Jiang Zeng:
The Andrews-Stanley partition function and Al-Salam-Chihara polynomials. 151-175 - Raffaele Mosca:
The stable set polytope for some extensions of P4-free graphs. 176-187 - David Craft, Zevi Miller, Dan Pritikin:
A solitaire game played on 2-colored graphs. 188-201 - Xiang-Yong Sun, Jianliang Wu, Yu-Wen Wu, Jianfeng Hou:
Total colorings of planar graphs without adjacent triangles. 202-206 - Christoph Richard:
On q-functional equations and excursion moments. 207-230 - Alice Steimle, William Staton:
The isomorphism classes of the generalized Petersen graphs. 231-237 - Alexandra Ovetsky Fradkin:
On the well-coveredness of Cartesian products of graphs. 238-246 - Michael I. Hartley, Dimitri Leemans:
On locally spherical polytopes of type {5, 3, 5}. 247-254 - Sheng Chen, Sheng Kui Ye:
Critical groups for homeomorphism classes of graphs. 255-258 - S. Aparna Lakshmanan, Ambat Vijayakumar:
The (t)-property of some classes of graphs. 259-263 - Jinyang Chen, Jixiang Meng, Lihong Huang:
Super edge-connectivity of mixed Cayley graph. 264-270 - Satyan L. Devadoss:
A realization of graph associahedra. 271-276 - Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Naeem N. Sheikh:
Planar graphs decomposable into a forest and a matching. 277-279 - Qiong Li, Yuehua Bu:
Equitable list coloring of planar graphs without 4- and 6-cycles. 280-287 - Yi Hong, Jian-Liang Lin, Zhi-Sui Tao, Zhi-Hong Chen:
The Hamiltonian index of graphs. 288-292
Volume 309, Number 2, January 2009
- Guglielmo Lunardon, Francesco Mazzocca, Nicola Melone, Domenico Olanda:
Preface. 293 - Ilaria Cardinali, Bart De Bruyn, Antonio Pasini:
On the simple connectedness of hyperplane complements in dual polar spaces. 294-303 - Bart De Bruyn:
The hyperplanes of DW(5, 2h) which arise from embedding. 304-321 - Dean Crnkovic:
A series of Siamese twin designs. 322-327 - Alberto Picone, Antonino Giorgio Spera:
Automorphisms of hyperelliptic GAG-codes. 328-340 - Hans Cuypers, A. De Wispelaere, Hendrik Van Maldeghem:
One-point extensions of generalized hexagons and octagons. 341-353 - Giovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi:
The spectrum of I and I with any lambda. 354-362 - Eva Ferrara Dentice, Corrado Zanella:
Bose-Burton type theorems for finite Grassmannians. 363-370 - Lilya Budaghyan, Alexander Pott:
On differential uniformity and nonlinearity of functions. 371-384 - Lourens M. Pretorius, Konrad J. Swanepoel:
The Sylvester-Gallai theorem, colourings and algebra. 385-399 - Alan C. H. Ling, Charles J. Colbourn, Gaetano Quattrocchi:
Minimum embedding of Steiner triple systems into (K4-e)-designs II. 400-411 - Axel Kohnert:
(l, s)-extension of linear codes. 412-417 - Hiroaki Taniguchi:
A new family of dual hyperovals in I with d>=3. 418-429 - Norman L. Johnson:
Planes and processes. 430-461 - Joseph A. Thas:
SPG-reguli, SPG-systems, BLT-sets and sets with the BLT-property. 462-474 - Donatella Merlini, Renzo Sprugnoli, M. Cecilia Verri:
Combinatorial sums and implicit Riordan arrays. 475-486 - Charles Curtis Lindner, Gaetano Quattrocchi, Christopher A. Rodger:
Embedding Steiner triple systems in hexagon triple systems. 487-490 - Beukje Temmermans, Hendrik Van Maldeghem:
Some characterizations of the exceptional planar embedding of I. 491-496 - Hans-Joachim Kroll, Rita Vincenti:
Construction of caps by means of caps in complementary subspaces. 497-500 - Dalibor Froncek:
Oberwolfach rectangular table negotiation problem. 501-504 - Lucia Gionfriddo:
Hexagon kite systems. 505-512
Volume 309, Number 3, February 2009
- Jeffrey H. Dinitz, Hadi Kharaghani, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Shahriar Shahriari:
Preface. 513-514 - Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie:
Classification of simple 2-(11, 3, 3) designs. 515-520 - Tim Hsu, Mark J. Logan, Shahriar Shahriari:
Methods for nesting rank 3 normalized matching rank-unimodal posets. 521-531 - Andries E. Brouwer, Patric R. J. Östergård:
Classification of the (0, 2)-graphs of valency 8. 532-547 - Elena V. Konstantinova:
Vertex reconstruction in Cayley graphs. 548-559 - Navid Imani, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Selim G. Akl:
Some topological properties of star graphs: The surface area and volume. 560-569 - Ka Hin Leung, Qing Xiang:
On the dimensions of the binary codes of a class of unitals. 570-575 - Edwin R. van Dam, Willem H. Haemers:
Developments on spectral characterizations of graphs. 576-586 - Saeed Akbari, Sadegh Bolouki, Pooya Hatami, Milad Siami:
On the signed edge domination number of graphs. 587-594 - Saieed Akbari, F. Moazami, A. Mohammadian:
Commutativity of the adjacency matrices of graphs. 595-600 - Saieed Akbari, Ebrahim Ghorbani, Sanaz Zare:
Some relations between rank, chromatic number and energy of graphs. 601-605 - Richard M. Wilson:
On set systems with restricted intersections modulo p and p-ary t-designs. 606-612 - Saieed Akbari, Maryam Ghanbari, Sogol Jahanbekam, M. Jamaali:
List coloring of graphs having cycles of length divisible by a given number. 613-614
Volume 309, Number 4, March 2009
- Alessandro Conflitti:
On Whitney numbers of the order ideals of generalized fences and crowns. 615-621 - Hamideh Aram, Seyed Mahmoud Sheikholeslami, Odile Favaron:
Domination subdivision numbers of trees. 622-628 - Jianping Ou, Xiaohong Cheng, Jichang Wu:
On 3-restricted edge connectivity of undirected binary Kautz graphs. 629-638 - Allan Frendrup, Michael A. Henning, Bert Randerath, Preben D. Vestergaard:
An upper bound on the domination number of a graph with minimum degree 2. 639-646 - Zhiquan Hu, Hao Li:
Weak cycle partition involving degree sum conditions. 647-654 - Raul Cordovil, Braulio Maia Jr., Manoel Lemos:
Removing circuits in 3-connected binary matroids. 655-665 - Atsuhiro Nakamoto, Yoshiaki Oda, Katsuhiro Ota:
3-trees with few vertices of degree 3 in circuit graphs. 666-672 - Erkko Lehtonen, Ágnes Szendrei:
Equivalence of operations with respect to discriminator clones. 673-685 - M. H. Armanious, M. A. Elbiomy:
On semi-planar Steiner quasigroups. 686-692 - Anush Tserunyan:
Characterization of a class of graphs related to pairs of disjoint matchings. 693-713 - Tom De Medts, Hendrik Van Maldeghem:
The uniqueness of a generalized hexagon of order 3 containing a subhexagon of order (1, 3). 714-720 - Naiomi T. Cameron, Kendra Killpatrick:
k-ribbon Fibonacci tableaux. 721-740 - Martin Funk, Domenico Labbate, Vito Napolitano:
Tactical (de-)compositions of symmetric configurations. 741-747 - Longqin Wang, Zhengke Miao, Chao Yan:
Local bases of primitive non-powerful signed digraphs. 748-754 - Dancheng Lu, Tongsuo Wu:
On bipartite zero-divisor graphs. 755-762 - Luciano Panek, Marcelo Firer, Marcelo Muniz Silva Alves:
Symmetry groups of Rosenbloom-Tsfasman spaces. 763-771 - Klaus Denecke, Kittisak Saengsura:
Separation of clones of cooperations by cohyperidentities. 772-783 - Heather Jordon, Joy Morris:
Directed cyclic Hamiltonian cycle systems of the complete symmetric digraph. 784-796 - Ami Litman, Shiri Moran-Schein:
On smooth sets of integers. 797-813 - Jean-Luc Marichal:
Weighted lattice polynomials. 814-820 - Darryn E. Bryant, Melinda Buchanan, Ian M. Wanless:
The spectrum for quasigroups with cyclic automorphisms and additional symmetries. 821-833 - B. V. Subramanya Bharadwaj, L. Sunil Chandran:
Bounds on isoperimetric values of trees. 834-842 - Klaus Meer, Dieter Rautenbach:
On the OBDD size for graphs of bounded tree- and clique-width. 843-851 - Vladimir P. Korzhik:
Exponentially many nonisomorphic orientable triangular embeddings of K12s+3. 852-866 - Daya Ram Gaur, Kazuhisa Makino:
On the fractional chromatic number of monotone self-dual Boolean functions. 867-877 - Patrick Jacob, P. Mathieu:
Multiple partitions, lattice paths and a Burge-Bressoud-type correspondence. 878-886 - Takashi Agoh, Karl Dilcher:
Shortened recurrence relations for Bernoulli numbers. 887-898 - Zhao Zhang:
Semi-hyper-connected vertex transitive graphs. 899-907 - Shiying Wang, Shangwei Lin, Chunfang Li:
Sufficient conditions for super k-restricted edge connectivity in graphs of diameter 2. 908-919 - Kevin K. H. Cheung:
Maximal planar graphs of inscribable type and diagonal flips. 920-925 - Yinghua Duan, Haidong Wu, Qinglin Yu:
On Tutte polynomial uniqueness of twisted wheels. 926-936 - Mridul Aanjaneya:
Tromino tilings of domino-deficient rectangles. 937-944 - Haitao Cao, L. Wang, Ruizhong Wei:
The existence of HGDDs with block size four and its application to double frames. 945-949 - Primoz Potocnik, Mateja Sajna:
The existence of regular self-complementary 3-uniform hypergraphs. 950-954 - Babak Behsaz, Pooya Hatami:
Measure preserving homomorphisms and independent sets in tensor graph powers. 955-958 - Helmut Prodinger:
A simple bijection between a subclass of 2-binary trees and ternary trees. 959-961 - Christoph Buchheim, Peter J. Cameron, Taoyang Wu:
On the subgroup distance problem. 962-968 - Zsuzsanna Szaniszló, Maggy Tomova, Cindy Wyels:
The N-queens Problem on a symmetric Toeplitz matrix. 969-974 - Landang Yuan, Qingde Kang:
A tripling construction for overlarge sets of KTS. 975-981 - Xianyong Meng, Jianhua Guo, Rensuo Li, Tao Chen, Bentang Su:
The total chromatic number of Pseudo-Halin graphs with lower degree. 982-986 - Jun Zhang, Jinghua Xiang:
A generalization of Fan's results: Distribution of cycle lengths in graphs. 987-990 - Chunxiang Wang, Zhiquan Hu, Xiangwen Li:
A constructive characterization of total domination vertex critical graphs. 991-996 - Thomas Böhme, Alexandr V. Kostochka:
Many disjoint dense subgraphs versus large k-connected subgraphs in large graphs with given edge density. 997-1000 - He-Xi Ye, Chao Yang, Jun-Ming Xu:
Diameter vulnerability of graphs by edge deletion. 1001-1006 - Baogen Xu:
On signed cycle domination in graphs. 1007-1012 - Lutz Volkmann, Stefan Winzen:
Every cycle-connected multipartite tournament has a universal arc. 1013-1017
Volume 309, Number 5, March 2009
- Guantao Chen, Xingxing Yu, Wenan Zang:
Preface. 1019 - Zhiquan Hu, Hao Li:
Removable matchings and hamiltonian cycles. 1020-1024 - Xiaofeng Wang, Cun-Quan Zhang, Taoye Zhang:
Nowhere-zero 4-flow in almost Petersen-minor free graphs. 1025-1032 - Paul A. Catlin, Hong-Jian Lai, Yehong Shao:
Edge-connectivity and edge-disjoint spanning trees. 1033-1040 - Rui Xu:
Note on cycle double covers of graphs. 1041-1042 - Daqing Yang:
Relaxed very asymmetric coloring games. 1043-1050 - Qing Cui, Yumei Hu, Jian Wang:
Long cycles in 4-connected planar graphs. 1051-1059 - Yuqin Sun, Yusheng Li:
Size bipartite Ramsey numbers. 1060-1066 - T. C. Edwin Cheng, Yaojun Chen, C. T. Ng:
Codiameters of 3-domination critical graphs with toughness more than one. 1067-1078 - Tao Wang, Qinglin Yu:
Factor-critical property in 3-dominating-critical graphs. 1079-1083 - Yunqing Zhang, Kemin Zhang:
The Ramsey number R(C8, K8). 1084-1090 - Qing Cui, Jian Wang:
Maximum bipartite subgraphs of cubic triangle-free planar graphs. 1091-1111 - Jin Yan, Guizhen Liu:
On 2-factors with cycles containing specified edges in a bipartite graph. 1112-1117 - Guoli Ding:
The edge version of Hadwiger's conjecture. 1118-1122 - Guoli Ding:
On canonical antichains. 1123-1134 - Ellen X. Y. Qu, Jianglu Wang:
Vertex pancyclicity in quasi-claw-free graphs. 1135-1141 - Alexandr V. Kostochka, B. Y. Stodolsky:
An upper bound on the domination number of n-vertex connected cubic graphs. 1142-1162 - Hao Li, Jianping Li:
(s, m)-radius of k-connected graphs. 1163-1177 - Ralph J. Faudree, Ronald J. Gould, Michael S. Jacobson:
Pancyclic graphs and linear forests. 1178-1189 - Mark N. Ellingham, D. Christopher Stephens:
The orientable genus of some joins of complete graphs with large edgeless graphs. 1190-1198
Volume 309, Number 6, April 2009
- Jocelyn Quaintance:
Word representations of m×n×p proper arrays. 1199-1212 - José Gómez:
On large vertex-symmetric digraphs. 1213-1221 - André Barbé, Fritz von Haeseler:
Frame cellular automata: Configurations, generating sets and related matroids. 1222-1254 - Tatsuya Maruta, Maori Shinohara, Ayako Kikui:
On optimal linear codes over F5. 1255-1272