Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 161

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Volume 161, Number 1, January 2010

Special section: New Trends on Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Models Regular section: Image processing

Volume 161, Number 2, January 2010

Special section: Selected papers from the FSTA 2008 Conference Regular Sections: Aggregation operations Fuzzy relational equations

Volume 161, Number 3, February 2010

Special Issue: Fuzzy Logics and Related Structures

Volume 161, Number 4, February 2010

Fuzzy inference systems Clustering Learning Neural networks

Volume 161, Number 5, March 2010

Non-additive measures Set-Multifunctions Sugeno Integrals Formal Languages Algebra Correspondence

Volume 161, Number 6, March 2010

Adaptive Control Robust control Controller design

Volume 161, Number 7, April 2010

Book Review Erratum

Volume 161, Number 8, April 2010

Correspondence Erratum

Volume 161, Number 9, May 2010

Editorial Categorical and Logical Foundations Foundations of Topology Applications of Lattice-Valued Mathematics

Volume 161, Number 10, May 2010

Implications Aggregation functions Triangular norms Non-additive set-functions

Volume 161, Number 11, June 2010

Industrial Engineering Scheduling Fuzzy intervals Game Theory

Volume 161, Number 12, June 2010

Automata Theory Formal Concept Analysis Algebra Fuzzy sets on algebraic structures Book review

Volume 161, Number 13, July 2010

Clustering Neural networks Fuzzy rule-based Systems Forecasting Decision tables

Volume 161, Number 14, July 2010

Inconsistency Management Expert Systems Fuzzy Rules

Volume 161, Number 15, August 2010

Robust Control Stability Observer-based Control Applications

Volume 161, Number 16, August 2010

Obituary Topology Metric Spaces Matrix Algebra

Volume 161, Number 17, September 2010

Aggregation Implication and Negation Non-additive Measures

Volume 161, Number 18, September 2010

Volume 161, Number 19, October 2010

Cognitive Maps Neural Networks Application Erratum

Volume 161, Number 20, October 2010

Dynamic programming Games Industrial Engineering Valued Relations Matroids

Volume 161, Number 21, November 2010

Fuzzy Control Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling Fuzzy Systems Book Review

Volume 161, Number 22, November 2010

Non-additive measures Topology

Volume 161, Number 23, December 2010

Obituary Clustering Recurrent fuzzy systems Preference and information processing

Volume 161, Number 24, December 2010

Fuzzy relation equations Cuts of fuzzy sets Implication connectives Matroids Hypergroups