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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 1, September 2016
- Mohamed Bahaj:
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 1. 3-4 - Ghizlane Khaissidi
, Youssef Elfakir, Mostafa Mrabti, Mounîm A. El-Yacoubi, Driss Chenouni, Zakia Lakhliai:
Segmentation-free Word Spotting for Handwritten Arabic Documents. 6-10 - Zineb Elgarrai, Othmane El Meslouhi, Mustapha Kardouchi, Hakim Allali, Sid-Ahmed Selouani:
Offline Face Recognition System Based on Gabor- Fisher Descriptors and Hidden Markov Models. 11-14 - Fatima Sayoti
, Mohammed Essaid Riffi:
Golden Ball Algorithm for solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem. 15-18 - Ismail El Batteoui, Abderrahim Saaidi, Khalid Satori:
A Self-Calibration Method of Zooming Camera. 19-25 - Hassan Ramchoun, Mohammed Amine Janati Idrissi
, Youssef Ghanou, Mohamed Ettaouil:
Multilayer Perceptron: Architecture Optimization and Training. 26-30 - Youssef Boulid, Abdelghani Souhar, Mohamed El Youssfi El Kettani:
Detection of Text Lines of Handwritten Arabic Manuscripts using Markov Decision Processes. 31-36 - Youssef Harrati
, Abdelmounaïm Abdali:
MaxHopCount: A New Drop Policy to Optimize Messages Delivery Rate in Delay Tolerant Networks. 37-41 - Mohammed Benalla, Boujemâa Achchab, Hamid Hrimech:
A Distributed Intelligent System for Emergency Convoy. 42-45 - Nesma Settouti, Mohammed El Amine Bechar, Mohammed Amine Chikh:
Statistical Comparisons of the Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining for Classi cation Task. 46-51 - Samira Chebli
, Ahmed El Akkary:
PI Stabilization for Congestion Control of AQM Routers with Tuning Parameter Optimization. 52-55 - Khalid Haddouch, Karim Elmoutaoukil, Mohamed Ettaouil:
Solving the Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems Via the Neural Network Approach. 56-60
Volume 4, Number 2, December 2016
- Elena Verdú:
Editor's Note. 4-5 - José Raúl Machado Fernández, Jesús de la Concepción Bacallao Vidal:
Improved Shape Parameter Estimation in Pareto Distributed Clutter with Neural Networks. 7-11 - Mansour Esmaeilpour, Ali Reis Ali Mohammadi:
Analyzing the EEG Signals in Order to Estimate the Depth of Anesthesia using Wavelet and Fuzzy Neural Networks. 12-15 - Preeti Kushwaha, Rashmi R. Welekar:
Feature Selection for Image Retrieval based on Genetic Algorithm. 16-21 - Youssef Hbali, Lahoucine Ballihi, Mohammed Sadgal, Abdelaziz El Fazziki
Face Detection for Augmented Reality Application Using Boosting-based Techniques. 22-28 - Anubha Parashar, Apoorva Parashar, Somya Goyal:
Push Recovery for Humanoid Robot in Dynamic Environment and Classifying the Data Using K-Mean. 29-34 - Salam Shuleenda Devi
, Shah Alam Sheikh, Rabul Hussain Laskar:
Erythrocyte Features for Malaria Parasite Detection in Microscopic Images of Thin Blood Smear: A Review. 34-39 - Saket Kumar Choudhary, Karan Singh:
Temporal Information Processing and Stability Analysis of the MHSN Neuron Model in DDF. 40-45 - Yesmine Ben Amar, Imen Trabelsi
, Nilanjan Dey, Med Salim Bouhlel:
Euclidean Distance Distortion Based Robust and Blind Mesh Watermarking. 46-51 - Mohd Shareduwan Bin Mohd Kasihmuddin, Mohd. Asyraf Bin Mansor, Saratha Sathasivam
Genetic Algorithm for Restricted Maximum k-Satisfiability in the Hopfield Network. 52-60 - Sad-Houari Nawal, Noria Taghezout:
Integrating Agents into a Collaborative Knowledge-based System for Business Rules Consistency Management. 61-72 - Fatima Zohra Benkaddour
, Noria Taghezout, Bouabdellah Ascar:
Novel Agent Based-approach for Industrial Diagnosis: A Combined use Between Case-based Reasoning and Similarity Measure. 73-82 - Suman Bhattacharya, Sayan Nath:
Intelligent e-Learning Systems: An Educational Paradigm Shift. 83-88 - Eneko Osaba
, Fernando Díaz:
Design and Implementation of a Combinatorial Optimization Multi-population Meta-heuristic for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems. 89-90 - Shailesh D. Kamble, Nileshsingh V. Thakur
, Preeti R. Bajaj:
A Review on Block Matching Motion Estimation and Automata Theory based Approaches for Fractal Coding. 91-104
Volume 4, Number 3, March 2017
- Vicente García-Díaz:
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 3. 4-5 - Cristian González García
, Daniel Meana-Llorián
, B. Cristina Pelayo García-Bustelo, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle:
A review about Smart Objects, Sensors, and Actuators. 7-10 - Yogita Bahuguna, Deepak Punetha
, Pooja Verma:
An analytic Study of the Key Factors In uencing the Design and Routing Techniques of a Wireless Sensor Network. 11-15 - Rohit Dhall, Vijender Kumar Solanki
An IoT Based Predictive Connected Car Maintenance Approach. 16-22 - Divya Rathi, Rashmi R. Welekar:
Performance Evaluation of AODV Routing Protocol in VANET with NS2. 23-27 - Vijender Kumar Solanki
, M. Venkatesan, Somesh Katiyar:
Conceptual Model for Smart Cities: Irrigation and Highway Lamps using IoT. 28-33 - Liliana Martinez, Claudia Pereira, Liliana Favre:
Migrating C/C++ Software to Mobile Platforms in the ADM Context. 34-44 - Yao Pan, Jules White, Douglas C. Schmidt, Ahmad Elhabashy
, Logan Sturm, Jaime A. Camelio, Christopher Williams:
Taxonomies for Reasoning About Cyber-physical Attacks in IoT-based Manufacturing Systems. 45-54 - Paulo Alonso Gaona-García
, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marín, Juan David Prieto, Yuri Vanessa Nieto:
Analysis of Security Mechanisms Based on Clusters IoT Environments. 55-60 - Omar Achbarou
, My Ahmed El Kiram, Salim El Bouanani:
Securing Cloud Computing from Different Attacks Using Intrusion Detection Systems. 61-64 - Jamal Talbi, Abdelkrim Haqiq:
A MAS-Based Cloud Service Brokering System to Respond Security Needs of Cloud Customers. 65-69 - Hicham Toumi, Bouchra Marzak, Amal Talea, Ahmed Eddaoui, Mohamed Talea:
Use Trust Management Framework to Achieve Effective Security Mechanisms in Cloud Environment. 70-74 - Abdelali Saidi
, Elmehdi Bendriss, Ali Kartit, Mohamed El Marraki:
Techniques to Detect DoS and DDoS Attacks and an Introduction of a Mobile Agent System to Enhance it in Cloud Computing. 75-78
Volume 4, Number 4, June 2017
- Rubén González Crespo:
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 4. 4-5 - José Raúl Machado Fernández, Shirley Torres Martinez, Jesús de la Concepción Bacallao Vidal:
CA-CFAR Adjustment Factor Correction with a priori Knowledge of the Clutter Distribution Shape Parameter. 7-13 - Sankalap Arora, Satvir Singh:
An Effective Hybrid Butterfly Optimization Algorithm with Artificial Bee Colony for Numerical Optimization. 14-21 - Ali Habiboghli, Tayebeh Jalali:
A Solution to the N-Queens Problem Using Biogeography-Based Optimization. 20-26 - Shailesh D. Kamble, Nileshsingh V. Thakur
, Preeti R. Bajaj:
Modified Three-Step Search Block Matching Motion Estimation and Weighted Finite Automata based Fractal Video Compression. 27-39 - Martin Schrepp, Andreas Hinderks
, Jörg Thomaschewski
Construction of a Benchmark for the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). 40-44 - Youssef Boulid, Abdelghani Souhar, Mohamed Youss Elkettani:
Handwritten Character Recognition Based on the Specificity and the Singularity of the Arabic Language. 45-53 - Ahmad Jalal, Shaharyar Kamal, Daijin Kim:
A Depth Video-based Human Detection and Activity Recognition using Multi-features and Embedded Hidden Markov Models for Health Care Monitoring Systems. 54-62 - Mohd. Asyraf Bin Mansor, Mohd Shareduwan Bin Mohd Kasihmuddin, Saratha Sathasivam:
Robust Artificial Immune System in the Hopfield network for Maximum k-Satisfiability. 63-71 - Ricardo Beltrán-Alfonso, Andres Torres-Tautiva, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García
, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marín:
Exploring the Relevance of Search Engines: An Overview of Google as a Case Study. 72-79 - Martin Magdin
Simple MoCap System for Home Usage. 80-87
Volume 4, Number 5, September 2017
- José Luis Cebrián Carretero:
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 5. 4 - Cristina Utrilla Contreras
, Marin Aguilera Begoña, Nelson Mauricio Buitrago Sánchez
, Joachim Graessner
, Pilar García Raya:
Difusion-Weighted MRI: from Brownian Motion to Head&Neck Tumor Characterization. 6-14 - Afsaneh Abdollahzadeh Rezaie, Ali Habiboghli:
Detection of Lung Nodules on Medical Images by the Use of Fractal Segmentation. 15-19 - Elham Gohariyan, Mansour Esmaeilpour, Mohammad Mehdi Shirmohammadi:
The Combination of Mammography and MRI for Diagnosing Breast Cancer Using Fuzzy NN and SVM. 20-24 - Youssef Ben Youssef, El Hassane Abdelmounim, Abdellah Lamnii
Contour Detection of Mammogram Masses Using ChanVese Model and B-Spline Approximation. 25-27 - José Luis Cebrián Carretero, María Teresa Carrascal Morillo, Germán Vincent Fraile:
Masticatory System Biomechanical Photoelastic Simulation fot the Comparision of the Conventional and Uni-Lock Systems in Mandibular Osteosynthesis. 28-32 - Rezvan Abbasi, Mansour Esmaeilpour:
Selecting Statistical Characteristics of Brain Signals to Detect Epileptic Seizures using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Perceptron Neural Network. 33-38 - Parth Gargava, Krishna Asawa:
Brain Computer Interface for Micro-controller Driven Robot Based on Emotiv Sensors. 39-43 - Abbas H. Hassin Alasadi, Baidaa M. Alsafy:
Diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma of Skin Cancer Types. 44-49 - Teresa Sánchez-Gutiérrez
, Sara Barbeito, Ana Calvo:
A Revision of Preventive Web-based Psychotherapies in Subjects at Risk of Mental Disorders. 50-54 - Pragya Bagwari, Bhavya Saxena, Meenu Balodhi, Vishwanath Bijalwan
Comparison of Feedforward Network and Radial Basis Function to Detect Leukemia. 55-57 - Enrique Vázquez-Justo
, Amalia García-Torres, Esperanza Vergara-Moragues:
Influence of Lymphocyte T CD4 Levels on the Neuropsychological Performance of Population A ected by HIV and with a Previous History of Substance Use. 58-64 - Jorge Guiñales, José Luis Cebrián Carretero, Miguel Burgueño García:
Virtual Planning and Intraoperative Navigation in Craniomaxillofacial Surgery. 65-67
Volume 4, Number 6, December 2017
- Elena Verdú:
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 6. 4-5 - Ranjit Kaur, Sankalap Arora:
Nature Inspired Range Based Wireless Sensor Node Localization Algorithms. 7-17 - Arazi Idrus, Moamin A. Mahmoud, Mohd Sharifuddin Ahmad, Azani Yahya, Hapsa Husen:
A Solution Generator Algorithm for Decision Making based Automated Negotiation in the Construction Domain. 18-23 - Shaifali Madan Arora, Kavita Khanna, Navin Rajpal:
A Novel Hybrid Approach for Fast Block Based Motion Estimation. 24-30 - Youssef Boulid, Abdelghani Souhar, Mohamed Youss Elkettani:
Multi-agent Systems for Arabic Handwriting Recognition. 31-32 - Pallavi Bagga, Rahul Hans, Vipul Sharma:
N-grams Based Supervised Machine Learning Model for Mobile Agent Platform Protection against Unknown Malicious Mobile Agents. 33-39 - Anoop V. S., Asharaf S.:
A Topic Modeling Guided Approach for Semantic Knowledge Discovery in e-Commerce. 40-47 - Frederik Bader, Eva-Maria Schön, Jörg Thomaschewski:
Heuristics Considering UX and Quality Criteria for Heuristics. 48-53 - B. S. Harish, S. V. Aruna Kumar:
Anomaly based Intrusion Detection using Modified Fuzzy Clustering. 54-59 - Aissa Taibi, Baghdad Atmani:
Combining Fuzzy AHP with GIS and Decision Rules for Industrial Site Selection. 60-69 - Seddik Reguieg
, Noria Taghezout:
Supporting Multi-agent Coordination and Computational Collective Intelligence in Enterprise 2.0 Platform. 70-80 - Sefik Ilkin Serengil
, Alper Özpinar
Workforce Optimization for Bank Operation Centers: A Machine Learning Approach. 81-87 - Nabil Farhane, Ismail Boumhidi, Jaouad Boumhidi:
Smart Algorithms to Control a Variable Speed Wind Turbine. 88-95 - Abdelghani Souhar, Youssef Boulid, El Bachir Ameur, Mly. M. Ouagague:
Segmentation of Arabic Handwritten Documents into Text Lines using Watershed Transform. 96-102 - Martin Schrepp, Andreas Hinderks, Jörg Thomaschewski
Design and Evaluation of a Short Version of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ-S). 103-108 - Elena Verdú
, B. Cristina Pelayo García-Bustelo, M. Ángeles Martínez Sánchez, Rubén González Crespo:
A System to Generate SignWriting for Video Tracks Enhancing Accessibility of Deaf People. 109-115
Volume 4, Number 7, March 2018
- Francisco Mochón, Carlos Elvira:
Editor's Note. 4-6 - Ignacio Hernández Medrano
, Jorge Tello Guijarro, Cristóbal Belda, Alberto Ureña, Ignacio Salcedo, Luis Espinosa Anke, Horacio Saggion:
Savana: Re-using Electronic Health Records with Artificial Intelligence. 8-12 - Alejandro Baldominos Gómez, Fernando de Rada, Yago Sáez
DataCare: Big Data Analytics Solution for Intelligent Healthcare Management. 13-20 - Cristina Pruenza, María Teurón, Luis Lechuga-Suárez, Julia Díaz García, Ana M. González:
Development of a Predictive Model for Induction Success of Labour. 21-28 - Carlos Elvira, Alberto Ochoa, Juan Carlos Gonzalvez, Francisco Mochón:
Machine-Learning-Based No Show Prediction in Outpatient Visits. 29-34 - Rosa María Cantón Croda, Damián Emilio Gibaja Romero
Development of Injuries Prevention Policies in Mexico: A Big Data Approach. 35-41 - Arturo González-Ferrer, Germán Seara
, Joan Cháfer, Julio Mayol
Generating Big Data Sets from Knowledge-based Decision Support Systems to Pursue Value-based Healthcare. 42-46 - Diego J. Bodas-Sagi, José M. Labeaga:
Big Data and Health Economics: Opportunities, Challenges and Risks. 47-52 - David Rojas
, Javier Carnicero:
Big Data and Public Health Systems: Issues and Opportunities. 53-59

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