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Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Volume 69
Volume 69, Number 1, January 2018
- Javed Mostafa:
Documents and (as) machines. 3-5
- Gianmaria Silvello
Theory and practice of data citation. 6-20
- Agostino La Bella, Andrea Fronzetti Colladon
, Elisa Battistoni, Silvia Castellan, Matteo Francucci:
Assessing perceived organizational leadership styles through twitter text mining. 21-31 - Mengnan Zhao, Erjia Yan
, Kai Li
Data set mentions and citations: A content analysis of full-text publications. 32-46 - Brenda Reyes Ayala, Ryan Knudson, Jiangping Chen
, Gaohui Cao, Xinyue Wang:
Metadata records machine translation combining multi-engine outputs with limited parallel data. 47-59 - Sesil Lim
, JongRoul Woo
, Jongsu Lee, Sung-Yoon Huh:
Consumer valuation of personal information in the age of big data. 60-71 - Chenwei Zhang
, Yi Bu
, Ying Ding, Jian Xu:
Understanding scientific collaboration: Homophily, transitivity, and preferential attachment. 72-86 - Yi Bu
, Ying Ding, Jian Xu
, Xingkun Liang, Gege Gao
, Yiming Zhao:
Understanding success through the diversity of collaborators and the milestone of career. 87-97 - Peng Luo, Kun Chen
, Chong Wu
, Yongli Li
Exploring the social influence of multichannel access in an online health community. 98-109 - Tian Lu
, Yunjie (Calvin) Xu, Scott Wallace:
Internet usage and patient's trust in physician during diagnoses: A knowledge power perspective. 110-120 - Kun Lu
, Jin Mao
, Gang Li:
Toward effective automated weighted subject indexing: A comparison of different approaches in different environments. 121-133 - Olle Sköld
Understanding the "expanded notion" of videogames as archival objects: A review of priorities, methods, and conceptions. 134-145 - Alesia A. Zuccala
, Mads Breum
, Kasper Bruun
, Bernd T. Wunsch
Metric assessments of books as families of works. 146-157 - Nabeil Maflahi
, Mike Thelwall
How quickly do publications get read? The evolution of mendeley reader counts for new articles. 158-167
- Lenette M. Jones, Kathy D. Wright
, McKenzie K. Wallace
, Tiffany C. Veinot
"Take an opportunity whenever you get it": Information sharing among African-American women with hypertension. 168-171 - M. Ryan Haley
, M. Kevin McGee:
A parametric "parent metric" approach for comparing maximum-normalized journal ranking metrics. 172-176
- Matthew S. Mayernik
, Amelia Acker
Tracing the traces: The critical role of metadata within networked communications. 177-180
- Jacques Savoy
Working with Text. Tools, Techniques and Approaches for Text Mining. Emme L. Tonkin & Gregory J.L. Tourte. Chandos Publisher, Cambridge (MA). 2016. 330pp. (ISBN 978-1-84334-749-1). 181-184
Volume 69, Number 2, February 2018
- Nicola Ferro
, Gianmaria Silvello
Toward an anatomy of IR system component performances. 187-200 - Khaled Aldebei
, Xiangjian He
, Wenjing Jia
, Wei-Chang Yeh
SUDMAD: Sequential and unsupervised decomposition of a multi-author document based on a hidden markov model. 201-214 - Yunzhong Liu, Jinhe Shi, Yi Chen:
Patient-centered and experience-aware mining for effective adverse drug reaction discovery in online health forums. 215-228 - Sen Su, Xiao Li, Xiang Cheng, Chenna Sun:
Location-aware targeted influence maximization in social networks. 229-241 - Xiaoying Xu, Kaushik Dutta, Anindya Datta, Chunmian Ge:
Identifying functional aspects from user reviews for functionality-based mobile app recommendation. 242-255 - Erdem Sarigil, Ismail Sengor Altingovde
, Roi Blanco, Berkant Barla Cambazoglu, Rifat Ozcan, Özgür Ulusoy
Characterizing, predicting, and handling web search queries that match very few or no results. 256-270 - Shuyuan Mary Ho
, Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown, Izak Benbasat:
Trustworthiness attribution: Inquiry into insider threat detection. 271-280 - Lorraine L. Richards:
Records management in the cloud: From system design to resource ownership. 281-289 - Qi Wang:
A bibliometric model for identifying emerging research topics. 290-304 - Zheng Xie
, Zhenzheng Ouyang, Jianping Li, Enming Dong, Dongyun Yi:
Modelling transition phenomena of scientific coauthorship networks. 305-317 - Marion Schmidt
An analysis of the validity of retraction annotation in pubmed and the web of science. 318-328 - Munui Kim, Injun Baek, Min Song
Topic diffusion analysis of a weighted citation network in biomedical literature. 329-342
- Dagobert Soergel:
The Selected Works of Marcia J. Bates. Volume I Information and the Information Professions. Bates, Marcia J. Berkeley, CA: Ketchikan Press, 2016. 343-344
Volume 69, Number 3, March 2018
- Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Javed Mostafa:
A note of concern and context: On careful use of terminologies. 347-348
- Tariq Ahmad Mir, Marcel Ausloos:
Benford's law: A "sleeping beauty" sleeping in the dirty pages of logarithmic tables. 349-358 - Fred Y. Ye, Lutz Bornmann:
"Smart girls" versus "sleeping beauties" in the sciences: The identification of instant and delayed recognition by using the citation angle. 359-367 - Yujia Zhai, Ying Ding, Fang Wang:
Measuring the diffusion of an innovation: A citation analysis. 368-379 - Raoni Simões Ferreira
, Maria da Graça Campos Pimentel
, Marco Cristo:
A wikification prediction model based on the combination of latent, dyadic, and monadic features. 380-394 - Paul M. Herceg, Timothy B. Allison, Robert S. Belvin, Evelyne Tzoukermann:
Collaborative exploratory search for information filtering and large-scale information triage. 395-409 - Jae Ha Gwak, So Young Sohn:
A novel approach to explore patent development paths for subfield technologies. 410-419 - Dirk Lewandowski
, Friederike Kerkmann, Sandra Ruemmele
, Sebastian Sünkler
An empirical investigation on search engine ad disclosure. 420-437 - Yi Bu
, Ying Ding, Xingkun Liang, Dakota S. Murray
Understanding persistent scientific collaboration. 438-448 - Jie Ren, William Yeoh
, Mong-Shan Ee, Ales Popovic
Online consumer reviews and sales: Examining the chicken-egg relationships. 449-460 - Efstathios Stamatatos
Masking topic-related information to enhance authorship attribution. 461-473 - Michael H. MacRoberts, Barbara R. MacRoberts:
The mismeasure of science: Citation analysis. 474-482 - Daniel N. Rockmore, Chen Fang, Nicholas J. Foti, Tom Ginsburg, David C. Krakauer
The cultural evolution of national constitutions. 483-494
- Kristene Unsworth:
Information Cultures in the Digital Age: A Festschrift in Honor of Rafael Capurro. Matthew Kelly and Jared Bielby. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS, 2016. 479 pp. $129.00 (Paperback). (ISBN 978-3-658-14679-5). 495-497 - Isidro F. Aguillo
Web Indicators for Research Evaluation: A Practical Guide. Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services. Michael Thelwall. San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2016. 170 pp. $60.00 (Paperback). (ISBN-13: 978-1627059176). 498-499
Volume 69, Number 4, April 2018
- Lionel P. Robert Jr.
, Sangseok You:
Are you satisfied yet? Shared leadership, individual trust, autonomy, and satisfaction in virtual teams. 503-513 - Iris Xie, Rakesh Babu, Melissa Davey Castillo, Hye Jung Han:
Identification of factors associated with blind users' help-seeking situations in interacting with digital libraries. 514-527 - Sarah A. Alkhodair
, Benjamin C. M. Fung
, Osmud Rahman, Patrick C. K. Hung:
Improving interpretations of topic modeling in microblogs. 528-540 - Maria Soledad Pera
, Yiu-Kai Ng:
Recommending books to be exchanged online in the absence of wish lists. 541-552 - Yuxiang (Chris) Zhao, Xiaojuan Xu, Xixian Peng, Shijie Song
Understanding the determinants and dynamic process of user exodus in social networking sites: Evidence from Kaixin001. 553-565 - Hao Zhou
, Lu Xiao
, Yongmei Liu, Xiaohong Chen:
The effect of prediscussion note-taking in hidden profile tasks. 566-577 - Qingni Yuan, Songhua Xu, Lv Jian:
A new method for retrieving batik shape patterns. 578-599 - Giovanni Colavizza
, Kevin W. Boyack
, Nees Jan van Eck
, Ludo Waltman
The Closer the Better: Similarity of Publication Pairs at Different Cocitation Levels. 600-609 - Eduardo Perez Molina:
The role of patent citations as a footprint of technology. 610-618
- María-Francisca Abad-García
, Aurora González-Teruel
, Javier González-Llinares:
Effectiveness of OpenAIRE, BASE, Recolecta, and Google Scholar at finding spanish articles in repositories. 619-622
- Michèle Valerie Cloonan:
Research in the Archival Multiverse. Anne J Gilliland, Sue McKemmish, and Andrew J. Lau, (Eds.). Clayton, VIC., Australia: Monash University Publishing, 2017. 1072 pp. $99.95 (paperback). (ISBN: 9781876924676). 623-624 - Caroline Haythornthwaite:
The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods. Luke Sloan and Anabel Quan-Haase (Eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing, 2017. 728 pp. $175.00 (Hardcover). (ISBN 9781473916326). 625-630
Volume 69, Number 5, May 2018
- Hyerim Cho
, Andy Donovan, Jin Ha Lee
Art in an algorithm: A taxonomy for describing video game visual styles. 633-646 - Tao Lian
, Zhumin Chen, Yujie Lin, Jun Ma:
Temporal patterns of the online video viewing behavior of smart TV viewers. 647-659 - Yotam Shmargad:
Structural diversity and tie strength in the purchase of a social networking app. 660-674 - Arda Çelebi, Arzucan Özgür:
Segmenting hashtags and analyzing their grammatical structure. 675-686 - Francesca Giannetti
A twitter case study for assessing digital sound. 687-699 - Arun Vishwanath, Weiai Wayne Xu
, Zed Ngoh:
How people protect their privacy on facebook: A cost-benefit view. 700-709 - Lynnsey Weissenberger
, John M. Budd, Ken Herold
Epistemology beyond the brain. 710-719 - Mike Thelwall
, Jonathan M. Levitt:
National scientific performance evolution patterns: Retrenchment, successful expansion, or overextension. 720-727 - Per Ahlgren, Cristian Colliander
, Peter Sjögårde
Exploring the relation between referencing practices and citation impact: A large-scale study based on Web of Science data. 728-743
- Jonathan Foster
, Paul D. Clough:
Embedded, added, cocreated: Revisiting the value of information in an age of data. 744-748
- Alexander Serenko
, Nick Bontis
A critical evaluation of expert survey-based journal rankings: The role of personal research interests. 749-752
- Sanda Erdelez:
Accidental Information Discovery: Cultivating Serendipity in the Digital Age. Tammera M. Race & Stephann Makri. Cambridge, MA: Chandos Publishing. 2016. 136 pp. $80.00 (paperback). (ISBN 9781843347507). 753-756 - Anabel Quan-Haase
Facets of Facebook: Use and Users. Knautz Kathrin and Baran Katsiaryna S. (eds). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016. 328 pp. $126 (Hardcover). Open access (Ebook). (ISBN 978-3-11-041816-3). 757-759
- Javed Mostafa, Deanna Morrow Hall:
A Proposed Quantitative Methodology to Characterize the Corporate Library Universe. 760
Volume 69, Number 6, June 2018
- Cover Image. C1
- Daniel Z. Korman, Eric Mack, Jacob Jett, Allen H. Renear
Defining textual entailment. 763-772 - David Graus
, Daan Odijk, Maarten de Rijke
The birth of collective memories: Analyzing emerging entities in text streams. 773-786 - Reijo Savolainen:
Information-Seeking Processes as Temporal Developments: Comparison of Stage-based and Cyclic Approaches. 787-797 - Lynette Kvasny
, Fay Cobb Payton:
Managing Hypervisibility in the HIV Prevention Information-Seeking Practices of Black Female College Students. 798-806 - Lisa M. Given
, Rebekah Willson
Information technology and the humanities scholar: Documenting digital research practices. 807-819 - Liwen Vaughan
, Anton Ninkov
A new approach to web co-link analysis. 820-831 - Fereshteh Didegah
, Timothy D. Bowman
, Kim Holmberg
On the differences between citations and altmetrics: An investigation of factors driving altmetrics versus citations for finnish articles. 832-843 - Erjia Yan
, Kai Li:
Which domains do open-access journals do best in? A 5-year longitudinal study. 844-856
- Peng Zhang, Peiling Wang
, Qiang Wu
How are the best JASIST papers cited? 857-860
- Robert J. Brunner:
The Data Science Handbook. Field Cady. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2017. 416 >pp. $59.95 (Hardcover). (ISBN 9781119092940). 861-863 - Luanne Freund:
Social Information Seeking: Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd. Chirag Shah. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2017. 177 pp. $99.00 (Hardcover). (ISBN 9783319567556). 864-865
Volume 69, Number 7, July 2018
- Cover Image. C1
- Devon L. Greyson
Information triangulation: A complex and agentic everyday information practice. 869-878 - Mohammad Ebrahimi, Elaheh ShafieiBavani, Raymond K. Wong, Fang Chen
Twitter user geolocation by filtering of highly mentioned users. 879-889 - Xiongfei Cao, Dan Wang
The role of online communities in reducing urban-rural health disparities in China. 890-899 - Seyedezahra Shadi Erfani, Babak Abedin
Impacts of the use of social network sites on users' psychological well-being: A systematic review. 900-912 - Nitesh Goyal, Marc Bron, Mounia Lalmas, Andrew Haines, Henriette Cramer:
Designing for mobile experience beyond the native ad click: Exploring landing page presentation style and media usage. 913-923 - Björn Hammarfelt
, Gaby Haddow
Conflicting measures and values: How humanities scholars in Australia and Sweden use and react to bibliometric indicators. 924-935 - Juan A. Aledo
, José A. Gámez, David Molina, Alejandro Rosete
Consensus-based journal rankings: A complementary tool for bibliometric evaluation. 936-948
- Dangzhi Zhao, Andreas Strotmann
, Alicia Cappello
In-text function of author self-citations: Implications for research evaluation practice. 949-952
- Shane O'Hanlon
Disability, Human Rights, and Information Technology. Edited by Jonathan Lazar and Michael Ashley Stein. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. 360 pp. $69.95 (hardcover). (ISBN 9780812249231). 953-955
- Toward effective automated weighted subject indexing: A comparison of different approaches in different environments. 956
Volume 69, Number 8, August 2018
- Fereshteh Didegah
, Mike Thelwall
Co-saved, co-tweeted, and co-cited networks. 959-973 - Arkaitz Zubiaga
A longitudinal assessment of the persistence of twitter datasets. 974-984 - Ian Ruthven
, Steven Buchanan
, Cara Jardine
Relationships, environment, health and development: The information needs expressed online by young first-time mothers. 985-995 - Nordin Hani Syazillah, K. Kiran, G. Chowdhury:
Adaptation, translation, and validation of information literacy assessment instrument. 996-1006 - Chong Wang, Shuai Zhao, Achir Kalra, Cristian Borcea, Yi Chen:
Predictive models and analysis for webpage depth-level dwell time. 1007-1022 - Abhijit Adhikari, Biswanath Dutta
, Animesh Dutta
, Deepjyoti Mondal, Shivang Singh:
An intrinsic information content-based semantic similarity measure considering the disjoint common subsumers of concepts of an ontology. 1023-1034 - Besiki Stvilia
, Shuheng Wu
, Dong Joon Lee
Researchers' uses of and disincentives for sharing their research identity information in research information management systems. 1035-1045 - Antonio Perianes-Rodríguez
, Javier Ruiz-Castillo:
The impact of classification systems in the evaluation of the research performance of the Leiden Ranking universities. 1046-1053 - Ernesto R. Gantman, Marcelo P. Dabós:
Research output and impact of the fields of management, economics, and sociology in spain and france: An analysis using google scholar and scopus. 1054-1066
- Jennifer Golbeck
, Brooke Auxier, Abigail Bickford, Lautaro Cabrera, Meaghan Conte McHugh, Stephani Moore, Jacquelyn Hart
, Justin Resti, Anthony Rogers, Jenna Zimmerman:
Congressional twitter use revisited on the platform's 10-year anniversary. 1067-1070
Volume 69, Number 9, September 2018
- Cover Image. C1
- Ian Ruthven
, Steven Buchanan
, Cara Jardine
Isolated, overwhelmed, and worried: Young first-time mothers asking for information and support online. 1073-1083 - Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Judit Bar-Ilan, Mark Levene:
Categorical relevance judgment. 1084-1094 - Hajer Ayadi, Mouna Torjmen Khemakhem, Mariam Daoud, Jimmy Xiangji Huang
, Maher Ben Jemaa:
MF-Re-Rank: A modality feature-based Re-Ranking model for medical image retrieval. 1095-1108 - Jun Zhu, Lixin Han, Zhinan Gou, Xiaofeng Yuan:
A fuzzy clustering-based denoising model for evaluating uncertainty in collaborative filtering recommender systems. 1109-1121 - Bo Yang, Ronald Rousseau, Xue Wang, Shuiqing Huang:
How important is scientific software in bioinformatics research? A comparative study between international and Chinese research communities. 1122-1133 - Jin Mao
, Hong Cui
Identifying bacterial biotope entities using sequence labeling: Performance and feature analysis. 1134-1147 - Zhongyang He
, Zhen Lei, Dashun Wang
Modeling citation dynamics of "atypical" articles. 1148-1160 - Thed N. van Leeuwen
, Clifford Tatum
, Paul F. Wouters
Exploring possibilities to use bibliometric data to monitor gold open access publishing at the national level. 1161-1173 - Tanya E. Clement:
Coding Literacy: How Computer Programming Is Changing Writing. Annette Vee. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2017. $34.00 (hardcover). (ISBN 9780262036245). 1174-1176 - Erratum. 1177
Volume 69, Number 10, October 2018
- Cover Image. C1
- Loet Leydesdorff
, Mark William Johnson, Inga A. Ivanova
Toward a calculus of redundancy: Signification, codification, and anticipation in cultural evolution. 1181-1192