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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, January 2005
- Annett Schirmer, Siu-Lam Tang, Trevor B. Penney, Thomas C. Gunter, Hsuan-Chih Chen:
Brain Responses to Segmentally and Tonally Induced Semantic Violations in Cantonese. 1-12 - Michael F. Green, David C. Glahn, Stephen A. Engel, Keith H. Nuechterlein, Fred Sabb, Magda Strojwas, Mark S. Cohen:
Regional Brain Activity Associated with Visual Backward Masking. 13-23 - Katherine Podzebenko, Gary F. Egan, John D. G. Watson:
Real and Imaginary Rotary Motion Processing: Functional Parcellation of the Human Parietal Lobe Revealed by fMRI. 24-36 - Radouane El Yagoubi, Patrick Lemaire, Mireille Besson:
Effects of Aging on Arithmetic Problem-Solving: An Event-related Brain Potential Study. 37-50 - Michael Joshua Frank:
Dynamic Dopamine Modulation in the Basal Ganglia: A Neurocomputational Account of Cognitive Deficits in Medicated and Nonmedicated Parkinsonism. 51-72 - Russell A. Epstein, J. Stephen Higgins, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill:
Learning Places from Views: Variation in Scene Processing as a Function of Experience and Navigational Ability. 73-83 - Angela H. Gutchess, Robert C. Welsh, Trey Hedden, Ashley S. Bangert, Meredith Minear, Linda L. Liu, Denise C. Park:
Aging and the Neural Correlates of Successful Picture Encoding: Frontal Activations Compensate for Decreased Medial-Temporal Activity. 84-96 - Floris P. de Lange, Peter Hagoort, Ivan Toni:
Neural Topography and Content of Movement Representations. 97-112 - Bruno Weber, Valerie Treyer, N. Oberholzer, T. Jaermann, Peter Boesiger, P. Brugger, M. Regard, Alfred Buck, Silvia Savazzi, Carlo A. Marzi:
Attention and Interhemispheric Transfer: A Behavioral and fMRI Study. 113-123 - Scott Glover, R. Chris Miall, Matthew F. S. Rushworth:
Parietal rTMS Disrupts the Initiation but not the Execution of On-line Adjustments to a Perturbation of Object Size. 124-136 - Horacio A. Barber, Manuel Carreiras:
Grammatical Gender and Number Agreement in Spanish: An ERP Comparison. 137-153 - Frédéric Isel, Kai Alter, Angela D. Friederici:
Influence of Prosodic Information on the Processing of Split Particles: ERP Evidence from Spoken German. 154-167 - Donna Coch, Giordana Grossi, Wendy Skendzel, Helen J. Neville:
ERP Nonword Rhyming Effects in Children and Adults. 168-182
Volume 17, Number 2, February 2005
- Motoaki Sugiura, Nadim Joni Shah, Karl Zilles, Gereon R. Fink:
Cortical Representations of Personally Familiar Objects and Places: Functional Organization of the Human Posterior Cingulate Cortex. 183-198 - Markus Kiefer:
Repetition-priming Modulates Category-related Effects on Event-related Potentials: Further Evidence for Multiple Cortical Semantic Systems. 199-211 - Pier Francesco Ferrari, Stefano Rozzi, Leonardo Fogassi:
Mirror Neurons Responding to Observation of Actions Made with Tools in Monkey Ventral Premotor Cortex. 212-226 - Anke Hammer, Bernadette M. Jansma, Monique Lamers, Thomas F. Münte:
Pronominal Reference in Sentences about Persons or Things: An Electrophysiological Approach. 227-239 - Anna-Lynne R. Adlam, Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, Mortimer Mishkin, Michelle de Haan:
Deferred Imitation of Action Sequences in Developmental Amnesia. 240-248 - Brad Duchaine, Ken Nakayama:
Dissociations of Face and Object Recognition in Developmental Prosopagnosia. 249-261 - Scott H. Frey, Margaret G. Funnell, Valerie E. Gerry, Michael S. Gazzaniga:
A Dissociation between the Representation of Tool-use Skills and Hand Dominance: Insights from Left- and Right-handed Callosotomy Patients. 262-272 - Marco Tettamanti, Giovanni Buccino, Maria Cristina Saccuman, Vittorio Gallese, Massimo Danna, Paola Scifo, Ferruccio Fazio, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Stefano F. Cappa, Daniela Perani:
Listening to Action-related Sentences Activates Fronto-parietal Motor Circuits. 273-281 - Bernhard Haslinger, Peter Erhard, Eckart Altenmüller, Ulrike Schroeder, Henning Boecker, Andres O. Ceballos-Baumann:
Transmodal Sensorimotor Networks during Action Observation in Professional Pianists. 282-293 - Gustavo Deco, Edmund T. Rolls:
Sequential Memory: A Putative Neural and Synaptic Dynamical Mechanism. 294-307 - Elizabeth H. Aylward, J. E. Park, K. M. Field, A. C. Parsons, Todd L. Richards, Steven C. Cramer, Andrew N. Meltzoff:
Brain Activation during Face Perception: Evidence of a Developmental Change. 308-319 - István Winkler, István Czigler, Elyse Sussman, János Horváth, László Balázs:
Preattentive Binding of Auditory and Visual Stimulus Features. 320-339 - Sabira K. Mannan, Dominic J. Mort, Tim L. Hodgson, Jon Driver, Christopher Kennard, Masud Husain:
Revisiting Previously Searched Locations in Visual Neglect: Role of Right Parietal and Frontal Lesions in Misjudging Old Locations as New. 340-354 - Harald Matthias Mohr, David E. J. Linden:
Separation of the Systems for Color and Spatial Manipulation in Working Memory Revealed by a Dual-task Procedure. 355-366
Volume 17, Number 3, March 2005
- Katharina von Kriegstein, Andreas Kleinschmidt, Philipp Sterzer, Anne-Lise Giraud:
Interaction of Face and Voice Areas during Speaker Recognition. 367-376 - Nick E. Barraclough, Dengke Xiao, Chris I. Baker, Mike W. Oram, David I. Perrett:
Integration of Visual and Auditory Information by Superior Temporal Sulcus Neurons Responsive to the Sight of Actions. 377-391 - Bruce Crosson, Anna Bacon Moore, Kaundinya S. Gopinath, Keith D. White, Christina E. Wierenga, Megan E. Gaiefsky, Katherine S. Fabrizio, Kyung K. Peck, David A. Soltysik, Christina Milsted, Richard W. Briggs, Tim W. Conway, Leslie Gonzalez-Rothi:
Role of the Right and Left Hemispheres in Recovery of Function during Treatment of Intention in Aphasia. 392-406 - Ann Pannekamp, Ulrike Toepel, Kai Alter, Anja Hahne, Angela D. Friederici:
Prosody-driven Sentence Processing: An Event-related Brain Potential Study. 407-421 - Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells, Arie H. van der Lugt, Michael Rotte, Belinda Britti, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Thomas F. Münte:
Second Language Interferes with Word Production in Fluent Bilinguals: Brain Potential and Functional Imaging Evidence. 422-433 - Timothy T. Rogers, Julia Hocking, Andrea Mechelli, Karalyn Patterson, Cathy J. Price:
Fusiform Activation to Animals is Driven by the Process, Not the Stimulus. 434-445 - R. Shayna Rosenbaum, Fuqiang Gao, Brian Richards, Sandra E. Black, Morris Moscovitch:
"Where to?" Remote Memory for Spatial Relations and Landmark Identity in Former Taxi Drivers with Alzheimer's Disease and Encephalitis. 446-462 - Michel Guerraz, Brian L. Day:
Expectation and the Vestibular Control of Balance. 463-469 - M. N. Rajah, Anthony Randal McIntosh:
Overlap in the Functional Neural Systems Involved in Semantic and Episodic Memory Retrieval. 470-482 - Peter Praamstra, Ellen Seiss:
The Neurophysiology of Response Competition: Motor Cortex Activation and Inhibition following Subliminal Response Priming. 483-493 - Seana Coulson, Ying Choon Wu:
Right Hemisphere Activation of Joke-related Information: An Event-related Brain Potential Study. 494-506 - Adam Gazzaley, Jeffrey W. Cooney, Kevin McEvoy, Robert T. Knight, Mark D'Esposito:
Top-down Enhancement and Suppression of the Magnitude and Speed of Neural Activity. 507-517 - Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas, Kemi O. Role, Robert T. Knight:
Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence of a Right Hemisphere Bias for the Influence of Negative Emotion on Higher Cognition. 518-529 - Marcel C. M. Bastiaansen, Marieke van der Linden, Mariken ter Keurs, Ton Dijkstra, Peter Hagoort:
Theta Responses Are Involved in Lexical - Semantic Retrieval during Language Processing. 530-541
Volume 17, Number 4, April 2005
- John Schwoebel, H. Branch Coslett:
Evidence for Multiple, Distinct Representations of the Human Body. 543-553 - Marlene Behrmann, Jonathan J. Marotta, Isabel Gauthier, Michael J. Tarr, Thomas J. McKeeff:
Behavioral Change and Its Neural Correlates in Visual Agnosia After Expertise Training. 554-568 - Anthony M. Norcia, Francesca Pei, Yoram S. Bonneh, Chuan Hou, Vanitha Sampath, Mark W. Pettet:
Development of Sensitivity to Texture and Contour Information in the Human Infant. 569-579 - Alice J. O'Toole, Fang Jiang, Hervé Abdi, James V. Haxby:
Partially Distributed Representations of Objects and Faces in Ventral Temporal Cortex. 580-590 - Gaia Scerif, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Ruth Campos, Mayada Elsabbagh, Jon Driver, Kim Cornish:
To Look or Not to Look? Typical and Atypical Development of Oculomotor Control. 591-604 - Donna Coch, Lisa D. Sanders, Helen J. Neville:
An Event-related Potential Study of Selective Auditory Attention in Children and Adults. 605-622 - Jennifer Merva Stedron, Sarah Devi Sahni, Yuko Munakata:
Common Mechanisms for Working Memory and Attention: The Case of Perseveration with Visible Solutions. 623-631 - Marc Himmelbach, Hans-Otto Karnath:
Dorsal and Ventral Stream Interaction: Contributions from Optic Ataxia. 632-640 - Rhodri Cusack:
The Intraparietal Sulcus and Perceptual Organization. 641-651 - Amélie M. Achim, Martin D. Lepage:
Neural Correlates of Memory for Items and for Associations: An Event-related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. 652-667 - Joost C. Dessing, C. (Lieke) E. Peper, Daniel Bullock, Peter Jan Beek:
How Position, Velocity, and Temporal Information Combine in the Prospective Control of Catching: Data and Model. 668-686 - Abigail A. Baird, Mary K. Colvin, John Darrell Van Horn, Souheil J. Inati, Michael S. Gazzaniga:
Functional Connectivity: Integrating Behavioral, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Sets. 687-693 - Daniele Schön, Mireille Besson:
Visually Induced Auditory Expectancy in Music Reading: A Behavioral and Electrophysiological Study. 694-705
Volume 17, Number 5, May 2005
- W. Todd Maddox, Paul Aparicio, Natalie L. Marchant, Richard B. Ivry:
Rule-Based Category Learning is Impaired in Patients with Parkinson's Disease but not in Patients with Cerebellar Disorders. 707-723 - Evelyn C. Ferstl, Mike Rinck, D. Yves von Cramon:
Emotional and Temporal Aspects of Situation Model Processing during Text Comprehension: An Event-Related fMRI Study. 724-739 - Cyrille Magne, Corine Astésano, Anne Lacheret-Dujour, Michel Morel, Kai Alter, Mireille Besson:
On-line Processing of "Pop-Out" Words in Spoken French Dialogues. 740-756 - Carrie A. Joyce, Marta Kutas:
Event-Related Potential Correlates of Long-Term Memory for Briefly Presented Faces. 757-767 - María Ruz, Michael S. Worden, Pío Tudela, Bruce D. McCandliss:
Inattentional Amnesia to Words in a High Attentional Load Task. 768-776 - Jane E. Herron, Edward L. Wilding:
An Electrophysiological Investigation of Factors Facilitating Strategic Recollection. 777-787 - Radek Ptak, Nathalie Valenza:
The Inferior Temporal Lobe Mediates Distracter-Resistant Visual Search of Patients with Spatial Neglect. 788-799 - Jason P. Mitchell, Chad S. Dodson, Daniel L. Schacter:
fMRI Evidence for the Role of Recollection in Suppressing Misattribution Errors: The Illusory Truth Effect. 800-810 - Claude Alain, Karen Reinke, Yu He, Chenghua Wang, Nancy J. Lobaugh:
Hearing Two Things at Once: Neurophysiological Indices of Speech Segregation and Identification. 811-818 - Stephen R. Arnott, Cheryl L. Grady, Stephanie J. Hevenor, Simon J. Graham, Claude Alain:
The Functional Organization of Auditory Working Memory as Revealed by fMRI. 819-831 - David M. Schnyer, Lindsay Nicholls, Mieke Verfaellie:
The Role of VMPC in Metamemorial Judgments of Content Retrievability. 832-846
Volume 17, Number 6, June 2005
- Anjan Chatterjee:
A Madness to the Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience? 847-849 - Lesley K. Fellows, Andrea S. Heberlein, Dawn A. Morales, Geeta Shivde, Sara Waller, Denise H. Wu:
Method Matters: An Empirical Study of Impact in Cognitive Neuroscience. 850-858 - Árni Kristjánsson, Patrik Vuilleumier, Paresh Malhotra, Masud Husain, Jon Driver:
Priming of Color and Position during Visual Search in Unilateral Spatial Neglect. 859-873 - Raffael Kalisch, Katja Wiech, Hugo D. Critchley, Ben Seymour, John P. O'Doherty, David A. Oakley, Philip Allen, Raymond J. Dolan:
Anxiety Reduction through Detachment: Subjective, Physiological, and Neural Effects. 874-883 - Friedemann Pulvermüller, Yury Shtyrov, Risto J. Ilmoniemi:
Brain Signatures of Meaning Access in Action Word Recognition. 884-892 - Ioan Opris, Andrei Barborica, Vincent P. Ferrera:
Microstimulation of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Biases Saccade Target Selection. 893-904 - Jeffrey R. Binder, Chris F. Westbury, Kristen A. McKiernan, Edward T. Possing, David A. Medler:
Distinct Brain Systems for Processing Concrete and Abstract Concepts. 905-917 - Michael Rose, Hilde Haider, Christian Büchel:
Unconscious Detection of Implicit Expectancies. 918-927 - Lisa Aziz-Zadeh, Luigi Cattaneo, Magali Rochat, Giacomo Rizzolatti:
Covert Speech Arrest Induced by rTMS over Both Motor and Nonmotor Left Hemisphere Frontal Sites. 928-938 - Deborah Ann Hall, Clayton Fussell, Quentin Summerfield:
Reading Fluent Speech from Talking Faces: Typical Brain Networks and Individual Differences. 939-953 - Kimihiro Nakamura, Stanislas Dehaene, Antoinette Jobert, Denis Le Bihan, Sid Kouider:
Subliminal Convergence of Kanji and Kana Words: Further Evidence for Functional Parcellation of the Posterior Temporal Cortex in Visual Word Perception. 954-968 - Kim M. Dalton, Ned H. Kalin, Thomas M. Grist, Richard J. Davidson:
Neural-Cardiac Coupling in Threat-Evoked Anxiety. 969-980
Volume 17, Number 7, July 2005
- Ardesheer Talati, Joy Hirsch:
Functional Specialization within the Medial Frontal Gyrus for Perceptual Go/No-Go Decisions Based on "What, " "When, " and "Where" Related Information: An fMRI Study. 981-993 - Charan Ranganath, Michael X. Cohen, Craig J. Brozinsky:
Working Memory Maintenance Contributes to Long-term Memory Formation: Neural and Behavioral Evidence. 994-1010 - Ari Zvi Zivotofsky, Michael E. Goldberg, Keith D. Powell:
Rhesus Monkeys Behave As If They Perceive the Duncker Illusion. 1011-1017 - Cindy M. de Frias, Kristina Annerbrink, Lars Westberg, Elias Eriksson, Rolf Adolfsson, Lars-Göran Nilsson:
Catechol O-Methyltransferase Val158Met Polymorphism is Associated with Cognitive Performance in Nondemented Adults. 1018-1025 - Agatha Lenartowicz, Anthony Randal McIntosh:
The Role of Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Working Memory is Shaped by Functional Connectivity. 1026-1042 - Gilles Pourtois, Sophie Schwartz, Mohamed L. Seghier, François Lazeyras, Patrik Vuilleumier:
Portraits or People? Distinct Representations of Face Identity in the Human Visual Cortex. 1043-1057 - Richard N. A. Henson, Michael Hornberger, Michael D. Rugg:
Further Dissociating the Processes Involved in Recognition Memory: An fMRI Study. 1058-1073 - Michele Miozzo, Peter Gordon:
Facts, Events, and Inflection: When Language and Memory Dissociate. 1074-1086 - C. E. Longworth, William D. Marslen-Wilson, Billi Randall, Lorraine K. Tyler:
Getting to the Meaning of the Regular Past Tense: Evidence from Neuropsychology. 1087-1097 - Durk Talsma, Marty G. Woldorff:
Selective Attention and Multisensory Integration: MultiplePhases of Effects on the Evoked Brain Activity. 1098-1114 - Michael E. Hasselmo:
A Model of Prefrontal Cortical Mechanisms for Goal-directed Behavior. 1115-1129 - Marlene Behrmann, Galia Avidan, Jonathan J. Marotta, Rutie Kimchi:
Detailed Exploration of Face-related Processing in Congenital Prosopagnosia: 1. Behavioral Findings. 1130-1149 - Galia Avidan, Uri Hasson, Rafael Malach, Marlene Behrmann:
Detailed Exploration of Face-related Processing in Congenital Prosopagnosia: 2. Functional Neuroimaging Findings. 1150-1167 - Valerie L. Shafer, Mara L. Morr, Hia Datta, Diane Kurtzberg, Richard G. Schwartz:
Neurophysiological Indexes of Speech Processing Deficits in Children with Specific Language Impairment. 1168-1180
Volume 17, Number 8, August 2005
- Andrew E. Budson, Daniel B. J. Droller, Chad S. Dodson, Daniel L. Schacter, Michael D. Rugg, Phillip J. Holcomb, Kirk R. Daffner:
Electrophysiological Dissociation of Picture Versus Word Encoding: The Distinctiveness Heuristic as a Retrieval Orientation. 1181-1193 - Mark Mennemeier, Christopher A. Pierce, Anjan Chatterjee, Britt Anderson, George Jewell, Rachael Dowler, Adam J. Woods, Tannahill Glen, Victor W. Mark:
Biases in Attentional Orientation and Magnitude Estimation Explain Crossover: Neglect is a Disorder of Both. 1194-1211 - Shiro Ojima, Hiroki Nakata, Ryusuke Kakigi:
An ERP Study of Second Language Learning after Childhood: Effects of Proficiency. 1212-1228 - Jutta L. Mueller, Anja Hahne, Yugo Fujii, Angela D. Friederici:
Native and Nonnative Speakers' Processing of a Miniature Version of Japanese as Revealed by ERPs. 1229-1244 - Patrik Vuilleumier, Sophie Schwartz, Stéphanie Duhoux, Raymond J. Dolan, Jon Driver:
Selective Attention Modulates Neural Substrates of Repetition Priming and "Implicit" Visual Memory: Suppressions and Enhancements Revealed by fMRI. 1245-1260 - John R. Anderson, Mark V. Albert, Jon M. Fincham:
Tracing Problem Solving in Real Time: fMRI Analysis of the Subject-paced Tower of Hanoi. 1261-1274 - Fatima T. Husain, Thomas P. Lozito, Antonio Ulloa, Barry Horwitz:
Investigating the Neural Basis of the Auditory Continuity Illusion. 1275-1292 - Daniel Tranel, Thomas J. Grabowski, Jill Lyon, Hanna Damasio:
Naming the Same Entities from Visual or from Auditory Stimulation Engages Similar Regions of Left Inferotemporal Cortices. 1293-1305 - Jason P. Mitchell, Mahzarin R. Banaji, C. Neil Macrae:
The Link between Social Cognition and Self-referential Thought in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex. 1306-1315 - Marianne Latinus, Margot J. Taylor:
Holistic Processing of Faces: Learning Effects with Mooney Faces. 1316-1327 - Teodora Gliga, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz:
Structural Encoding of Body and Face in Human Infants and Adults. 1328-1340 - Joseph B. Hopfinger, Anthony J. Ries:
Automatic Versus Contingent Mechanisms of Sensory-Driven Neural Biasing and Reflexive Attention. 1341-1352
Volume 17, Number 9, September 2005
- Sheila E. Blumstein, Emily B. Myers, Jesse Rissman:
The Perception of Voice Onset Time: An fMRI Investigation of Phonetic Category Structure. 1353-1366 - Marcel Brass, Markus Ullsperger, Thomas R. Knösche, D. Yves von Cramon, Natalie A. Phillips:
Who Comes First? The Role of the Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex in Cognitive Control. 1367-1375 - Yasuyo Minagawa-Kawai, Koichi Mori, Yutaka Sato:
Different Brain Strategies Underlie the Categorical Perception of Foreign and Native Phonemes. 1376-1385 - Jeffrey S. Maxwell, Alexander J. Shackman, Richard J. Davidson:
Unattended Facial Expressions Asymmetrically Bias the Concurrent Processing of Nonemotional Information. 1386-1395 - Wolfgang A. Teder-Sälejärvi, Francesco Di Russo, John J. McDonald, Steven A. Hillyard:
Effects of Spatial Congruity on Audio-Visual Multimodal Integration. 1396-1409 - W. Philip Shaw, Jessica Bramham, Emma J. Lawrence, R. Morris, Simon Baron-Cohen, Anthony S. David:
Differential Effects of Lesions of the Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex on Recognizing Facial Expressions of Complex Emotions. 1410-1419 - Raffaella Ida Rumiati, Peter H. Weiss, Alessia Tessari, Ann Assmus, Karl Zilles, Hans Herzog, Gereon R. Fink:
Common and Differential Neural Mechanisms Supporting Imitation of Meaningful and Meaningless Actions. 1420-1431 - Michael E. Talkowski, Mark S. Redfern, J. Richard Jennings, Joseph M. Furman:
Cognitive Requirements for Vestibular and Ocular Motor Processing in Healthy Adults and Patients with Unilateral Vestibular Lesions.