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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 1, January 2012
- Alexander Kranjec, Eileen R. Cardillo, Gwenda L. Schmidt, Matthew Lehet, Anjan Chatterjee:
Deconstructing Events: The Neural Bases for Space, Time, and Causality. 1-16 - Christian Steinberg, Christian Dobel, Harald T. Schupp, Johanna Kissler, Ludger Elling, Christo Pantev, Markus Junghöfer:
Rapid and Highly Resolving: Affective Evaluation of Olfactorily Conditioned Faces. 17-27 - Stephen J. Johnston, David E. J. Linden, Kimron L. Shapiro:
Functional Imaging Reveals Working Memory and Attention Interact to Produce the Attentional Blink. 28-38 - Joonkoo Park, Andrew Hebrank, Thad A. Polk, Denise C. Park:
Neural Dissociation of Number from Letter Recognition and Its Relationship to Parietal Numerical Processing. 39-50 - Bo-Cheng Kuo, Mark G. Stokes, Anna Christina Nobre:
Attention Modulates Maintenance of Representations in Visual Short-term Memory. 51-60 - Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock, Andrew T. Drysdale, Klaus Oberauer, Bradley R. Postle:
Neural Evidence for a Distinction between Short-term Memory and the Focus of Attention. 61-79 - Emeline Clerget, William Poncin, Luciano Fadiga, Etienne Olivier:
Role of Broca's Area in Implicit Motor Skill Learning: Evidence from Continuous Theta-burst Magnetic Stimulation. 80-92 - Sam J. Gilbert, Diana J. N. Armbruster, Maria Panagiotidi:
Similarity between Brain Activity at Encoding and Retrieval Predicts Successful Realization of Delayed Intentions. 93-105 - Jeffrey C. Cooper, Simon Dunne, Teresa Furey, John P. O'Doherty:
Human Dorsal Striatum Encodes Prediction Errors during Observational Learning of Instrumental Actions. 106-118 - Juliana Yordanova, Vasil Kolev, Ullrich Wagner, Jan Born, Rolf Verleger:
Increased Alpha (8-12 Hz) Activity during Slow Wave Sleep as a Marker for the Transition from Implicit Knowledge to Explicit Insight. 119-132 - Carin Whitney, Marie Kirk, Jamie O'Sullivan, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph, Elizabeth Jefferies:
Executive Semantic Processing Is Underpinned by a Large-scale Neural Network: Revealing the Contribution of Left Prefrontal, Posterior Temporal, and Parietal Cortex to Controlled Retrieval and Selection Using TMS. 133-147 - Regina C. Lapate, Hyejeen Lee, Tim V. Salomons, Carien M. van Reekum, Lawrence L. Greischar, Richard J. Davidson:
Amygdalar Function Reflects Common Individual Differences in Emotion and Pain Regulation Success. 148-158 - Kelly S. Giovanello, Daniel L. Schacter:
Reduced Specificity of Hippocampal and Posterior Ventrolateral Prefrontal Activity during Relational Retrieval in Normal Aging. 159-170 - Kenji Ogawa, Toshio Inui:
Reference Frame of Human Medial Intraparietal Cortex in Visually Guided Movements. 171-182 - Eva M. Bauch, Leun J. Otten:
Study-Test Congruency Affects Encoding-related Brain Activity for Some but Not All Stimulus Materials. 183-195 - Yanfang Zuo, Xinsheng Wang, Cailian Cui, Fei Luo, Peng Yu, XueWei Wang:
Cocaine-induced Impulsive Choices Are Accompanied by Impaired Delay-dependent Anticipatory Activity in Basolateral Amygdala. 196-211 - Malathi Thothathiri, Daniel Y. Kimberg, Myrna F. Schwartz:
The Neural Basis of Reversible Sentence Comprehension: Evidence from Voxel-based Lesion Symptom Mapping in Aphasia. 212-222 - Sanghoon Han, Akira R. O'Connor, Andrea N. Eslick, Ian G. Dobbins:
The Role of Left Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex during Episodic Decisions: Semantic Elaboration or Resolution of Episodic Interference? 223-234 - Lian T. Rameson, Sylvia A. Morelli, Matthew D. Lieberman:
The Neural Correlates of Empathy: Experience, Automaticity, and Prosocial Behavior. 235-245
Volume 24, Number 2, February 2012
- Maya L. Henry, Pélagie M. Beeson, Gene E. Alexander, Steven Z. Rapcsak:
Written Language Impairments in Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Reflection of Damage to Central Semantic and Phonological Processes. 261-275 - Nadia Bolognini, Carlo Cecchetto, Carlo Geraci, Angelo Maravita, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Costanza Papagno:
Hearing Shapes Our Perception of Time: Temporal Discrimination of Tactile Stimuli in Deaf People. 276-286 - Michael A. Pitts, Antígona Martínez, Steven A. Hillyard:
Visual Processing of Contour Patterns under Conditions of Inattentional Blindness. 287-303 - Rafael Polanía, Walter Paulus, Michael A. Nitsche:
Noninvasively Decoding the Contents of Visual Working Memory in the Human Prefrontal Cortex within High-gamma Oscillatory Patterns. 304-314 - Robert A. Marino, Thomas Trappenberg, Michael Dorris, Douglas P. Munoz:
Spatial Interactions in the Superior Colliculus Predict Saccade Behavior in a Neural Field Model. 315-336 - Álvaro Darriba, Paula Pazo-Álvarez, Almudena Capilla, Elena Amenedo:
Oscillatory Brain Activity in the Time Frequency Domain Associated to Change Blindness and Change Detection Awareness. 337-350 - Wolfgang M. Pauli, Thomas E. Hazy, Randall C. O'Reilly:
Expectancy, Ambiguity, and Behavioral Flexibility: Separable and Complementary Roles of the Orbital Frontal Cortex and Amygdala in Processing Reward Expectancies. 351-366 - Vincent van de Ven, Bert Jans, Rainer Goebel, Peter De Weerd:
Early Human Visual Cortex Encodes Surface Brightness Induced by Dynamic Context. 367-377 - Marianne Løvstad, Ingrid Funderud, Magnus Lindgren, Tor Endestad, Paulina Due-Tønnessen, Torstein Meling, Bradley Voytek, Robert T. Knight, Anne-Kristin Solbakk:
Contribution of Subregions of Human Frontal Cortex to Novelty Processing. 378-395 - Valia Rodríguez, Russell Thompson, Mark Stokes, Matthew Brett, Indira Alvarez, Mitchell Valdés-Sosa, John Duncan:
Absence of Face-specific Cortical Activity in the Complete Absence of Awareness: Converging Evidence from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Event-related Potentials. 396-415 - Erika Nyhus, Tim Curran:
Midazolam-induced Amnesia Reduces Memory for Details and Affects the ERP Correlates of Recollection and Familiarity. 416-427 - Hackjin Kim, Min-Jo Choi, In-Ji Jang:
Lateral OFC Activity Predicts Decision Bias due to First Impressions during Ultimatum Games. 428-439 - Trafton Drew, Todd Horowitz, Jeremy M. Wolfe, Edward K. Vogel:
Neural Measures of Dynamic Changes in Attentive Tracking Load. 440-450 - Jessica R. Simon, Chandan J. Vaidya, James H. Howard Jr., Darlene V. Howard:
The Effects of Aging on the Neural Basis of Implicit Associative Learning in a Probabilistic Triplets Learning Task. 451-463 - Luca F. Ticini, Simone Schütz-Bosbach, Carmen Weiss, Antonino Casile, Florian Waszak:
When Sounds Become Actions: Higher-order Representation of Newly Learned Action Sounds in the Human Motor System. 464-474 - Carissa L. Philippi, Melissa C. Duff, Natalie L. Denburg, Daniel Tranel, David Rudrauf:
Medial PFC Damage Abolishes the Self-reference Effect. 475-481 - Greig I. de Zubicaray, Michele Miozzo, Kori Johnson, Niels O. Schiller, Katie McMahon:
Independent Distractor Frequency and Age-of-Acquisition Effects in Picture-Word Interference: fMRI Evidence for Post-lexical and Lexical Accounts according to Distractor Type. 482-495 - Hiroyuki Tsubomi, Takashi Ikeda, Takashi Hanakawa, Nobuyuki Hirose, Hidenao Fukuyama, Naoyuki Osaka:
Dissociable Neural Activations of Conscious Visibility and Attention. 496-506 - Elaine Foley, Gina Rippon, Ngoc Jade Thai, Olivia Longe, Carl Senior:
Dynamic Facial Expressions Evoke Distinct Activation in the Face Perception Network: A Connectivity Analysis Study. 507-520 - Frank Oppermann, Uwe Hassler, Jörg D. Jescheniak, Thomas Gruber:
The Rapid Extraction of Gist - Early Neural Correlates of High-level Visual Processing. 521-529
Volume 24, Number 3, March 2012
- Yulia Lerner, Neomi Singer, Tal Gonen, Yonatan Weintraub, Oded Cohen, Nava Rubin, Leslie Ungerleider, Talma Hendler:
Feeling without Seeing? Engagement of Ventral, but Not Dorsal, Amygdala during Unaware Exposure to Emotional Faces. 531-542 - Matthew R. Longo, Jason Jiri Musil, Patrick Haggard:
Visuo-tactile Integration in Personal Space. 543-552 - Joshua Jacobs, Bradley Lega, Christopher Anderson:
Explaining How Brain Stimulation Can Evoke Memories. 553-563 - Judit Gervain, Iris Berent, Janet F. Werker:
Binding at Birth: The Newborn Brain Detects Identity Relations and Sequential Position in Speech. 564-574 - Sophie M. Wuerger, Laura M. Parkes, Penelope A. Lewis, Alex Crocker-Buque, Roland Marcus Rutschmann, Georg F. Meyer:
Premotor Cortex Is Sensitive to Auditory-Visual Congruence for Biological Motion. 575-587 - Matthijs G. Bossong, Gerry Jager, Hendrika H. van Hell, Lineke Zuurman, J. Martijn Jansma, Mitul A. Mehta, Joop M. A. van Gerven, René S. Kahn, Nick F. Ramsey:
Effects of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Administration on Human Encoding and Recall Memory Function: A Pharmacological fMRI Study. 588-599 - Ariel Tankus, Itzhak Fried:
Visuomotor Coordination and Motor Representation by Human Temporal Lobe Neurons. 600-610 - François Vachon, Pierre Jolicoeur:
On the Automaticity of Semantic Processing during Task Switching. 611-626 - Satoshi Tsujimoto, Bradley R. Postle:
The Prefrontal Cortex and Oculomotor Delayed Response: A Reconsideration of the "Mnemonic Scotoma". 627-635 - Carolyn McGettigan, Samuel Evans, Stuart Rosen, Zarinah K. Agnew, Poonam Shah, Sophie K. Scott:
An Application of Univariate and Multivariate Approaches in fMRI to Quantifying the Hemispheric Lateralization of Acoustic and Linguistic Processes. 636-652 - Marcin Leszczynski, Nicholas E. Myers, Elkan G. Akyürek, Anna Schubö:
Recoding between Two Types of STM Representation Revealed by the Dynamics of Memory Search. 653-663 - Liping Wang, Xianchun Li, Steven S. Hsiao, Mark Bodner, Fred Lenz, Yong-Di Zhou:
Persistent Neuronal Firing in Primary Somatosensory Cortex in the Absence of Working Memory of Trial-specific Features of the Sample Stimuli in a Haptic Working Memory Task. 664-676 - Saskia Haegens, Lisa Luther, Ole Jensen:
Somatosensory Anticipatory Alpha Activity Increases to Suppress Distracting Input. 677-685 - David J. White, Marco Congedo, Joseph Ciorciari, Richard B. Silberstein:
Brain Oscillatory Activity during Spatial Navigation: Theta and Gamma Activity Link Medial Temporal and Parietal Regions. 686-697 - Franziska Knolle, Erich Schröger, Pamela Baess, Sonja A. Kotz:
The Cerebellum Generates Motor-to-Auditory Predictions: ERP Lesion Evidence. 698-706 - Brian J. White, Jan Theeuwes, Douglas P. Munoz:
Interaction between Visual- and Goal-related Neuronal Signals on the Trajectories of Saccadic Eye Movements. 707-717 - Magdalena Chechlacz, Pia Rotshtein, Peter C. Hansen, Jane M. Riddoch, Shoumitro Deb, Glyn W. Humphreys:
The Neural Underpinings of Simultanagnosia: Disconnecting the Visuospatial Attention Network. 718-735 - Barbara Tomasino, Martina Ceschia, Franco Fabbro, Miran Skrap:
Motor Simulation during Action Word Processing in Neurosurgical Patients. 736-748 - Monika Kiss, Anna Grubert, Anders Petersen, Martin Eimer:
Attentional Capture by Salient Distractors during Visual Search Is Determined by Temporal Task Demands. 749-759 - Aidan J. Horner, Richard N. Henson:
Incongruent Abstract Stimulus-Response Bindings Result in Response Interference: fMRI and EEG Evidence from Visual Object Classification Priming. 760-773
Volume 24, Number 4, April 2012
- Juha Silvanto, Alvaro Pascual-Leone:
Why the Assessment of Causality in Brain-Behavior Relations Requires Brain Stimulation. 775-777
- Hannah E. Gardner, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph, Naomi Dodds, Theresa Jones, Sheeba Ehsan, Elizabeth Jefferies:
The Differential Contributions of pFC and Temporo-parietal Cortex to Multimodal Semantic Control: Exploring Refractory Effects in Semantic Aphasia. 778-793 - David Luque, Francisco J. López, Josep Marco-Pallarés, Estela Camara, Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells:
Feedback-related Brain Potential Activity Complies with Basic Assumptions of Associative Learning Theory. 794-808 - Nina Bien, Rainer Goebel, Alexander Thomas Sack:
Extinguishing Extinction: Hemispheric Differences in the Modulation of TMS-induced Visual Extinction by Directing Covert Spatial Attention. 809-818 - Henry Railo, Niina Salminen-Vaparanta, Linda Henriksson, Antti Revonsuo, Mika Koivisto:
Unconscious and Conscious Processing of Color Rely on Activity in Early Visual Cortex: A TMS Study. 819-829 - Sunah Kim, Ryan A. Stevenson, Thomas W. James:
Visuo-haptic Neuronal Convergence Demonstrated with an Inversely Effective Pattern of BOLD Activation. 830-842 - Joan Borràs-Comes, Jordi Costa-Faidella, Pilar Prieto, Carles Escera:
Specific Neural Traces for Intonational Discourse Categories as Revealed by Human-evoked Potentials. 843-853 - Barbara Treccani, Roberto Cubelli, Roberta Sellaro, Carlo Umilta, Sergio Della Sala:
Dissociation between Awareness and Spatial Coding: Evidence from Unilateral Neglect. 854-867 - Rajeev D. S. Raizada, Andrew C. Connolly:
What Makes Different People's Representations Alike: Neural Similarity Space Solves the Problem of Across-subject fMRI Decoding. 868-877 - Adriana Hanulíková, Petra M. van Alphen, Merel M. van Goch, Andrea Weber:
When One Person's Mistake Is Another's Standard Usage: The Effect of Foreign Accent on Syntactic Processing. 878-887 - Andreas Konrad, Goran Vucurevic, Francesco Musso, Georg Winterer:
VBM-DTI Correlates of Verbal Intelligence: A Potential Link to Broca's Area. 888-895 - Bianca Michelle van Kemenade, Neil G. Muggleton, Vincent Walsh, Ayse Pinar Saygin:
Effects of TMS over Premotor and Superior Temporal Cortices on Biological Motion Perception. 896-904 - Lars Strother, Cheryl Lavell, Tutis Vilis:
Figure-Ground Representation and Its Decay in Primary Visual Cortex. 905-914 - Frank Domahs, Arne Nagels, Ulrike Domahs, Carin Whitney, Richard Wiese, Tilo Kircher:
Where the Mass Counts: Common Cortical Activation for Different Kinds of Nonsingularity. 915-932 - Kara Morgan-Short, Karsten Steinhauer, Cristina Sanz, Michael T. Ullman:
Explicit and Implicit Second Language Training Differentially Affect the Achievement of Native-like Brain Activation Patterns. 933-947 - Nele Demeyere, Pia Rotshtein, Glyn W. Humphreys:
The Neuroanatomy of Visual Enumeration: Differentiating Necessary Neural Correlates for Subitizing versus Counting in a Neuropsychological Voxel-based Morphometry Study. 948-964 - Anouk M. van Loon, H. Steven Scholte, Simon van Gaal, Björn J. J. van der Hoort, Victor A. F. Lamme:
GABAA Agonist Reduces Visual Awareness: A Masking-EEG Experiment. 965-974 - Nikolaas N. Oosterhof, Steven P. Tipper, Paul E. Downing:
Viewpoint (In)dependence of Action Representations: An MVPA Study. 975-989 - Milena Rabovsky, Werner Sommer, Rasha Abdel Rahman:
Depth of Conceptual Knowledge Modulates Visual Processes during Word Reading. 990-1005 - Sara C. Verosky, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne:
Representations of Facial Identity in the Left Hemisphere Require Right Hemisphere Processing. 1006-1017 - Michela Sarlo, Lorella Lotto, Andrea Manfrinati, Rino Rumiati, Germano Gallicchio, Daniela Palomba:
Temporal Dynamics of Cognitive-Emotional Interplay in Moral Decision-making. 1018-1029
Volume 24, Number 5, May 2012
- Praveen K. Pilly, Stephen Grossberg:
How Do Spatial Learning and Memory Occur in the Brain? Coordinated Learning of Entorhinal Grid Cells and Hippocampal Place Cells. 1031-1054 - Tracy H. Wang, Marianne de Chastelaine, Brian Minton, Michael D. Rugg:
Effects of Age on the Neural Correlates of Familiarity as Indexed by ERPs. 1055-1068 - (Withdrawn) Polymorphisms in the 5-HTTLPR Gene Mediate Storage Capacity of Visual Working Memory. 1069-1076
- Sebo Uithol, Iris van Rooij, Harold Bekkering, Pim Haselager:
Hierarchies in Action and Motor Control. 1077-1086 - John Patrick Sheppard, Ji-Ping Wang, Patrick C. M. Wong:
Large-scale Cortical Network Properties Predict Future Sound-to-Word Learning Success. 1087-1103 - Albert Kim, Vicky Tzuyin Lai:
Rapid Interactions between Lexical Semantic and Word Form Analysis during Word Recognition in Context: Evidence from ERPs. 1104-1112 - Crystal Reeck, Kevin S. LaBar, Tobias Egner:
Neural Mechanisms Mediating Contingent Capture of Attention by Affective Stimuli. 1113-1126 - Hiroki R. Hayama, Kaia L. Vilberg, Michael D. Rugg:
Overlap between the Neural Correlates of Cued Recall and Source Memory: Evidence for a Generic Recollection Network? 1127-1137 - Masahiro Nakatsuka, Mohamed Nasreldin Thabit, Satoko Koganemaru, Ippei Nojima, Hidenao Fukuyama, Tatsuya Mima:
Writing's Shadow: Corticospinal Activation during Letter Observation. 1138-1148 - Marcela Peña, Lucia Melloni:
Brain Oscillations during Spoken Sentence Processing. 1149-1164 - Pier Francesco Ferrari, Ross E. Vanderwert, Annika Paukner, Seth Bower, Stephen J. Suomi, Nathan A. Fox:
Distinct EEG Amplitude Suppression to Facial Gestures as Evidence for a Mirror Mechanism in Newborn Monkeys. 1165-1172 - Kerstin Jost, Patrick Khader, Peter Düsel, Franziska R. Richter, Kristina B. Rohde, Siegfried Bien, Frank Rösler:
Controlling Conflict from Interfering Long-term Memory Representations. 1173-1190 - Timothy R. Koscik, Daniel Tranel:
The Human Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Is Critical for Transitive Inference. 1191-1204 - Aaron J. Newman, Antoine Tremblay, Emily S. Nichols, Helen J. Neville, Michael T. Ullman:
The Influence of Language Proficiency on Lexical Semantic Processing in Native and Late Learners of English. 1205-1223 - Sarah Shultz, Athena Vouloumanos, Kevin A. Pelphrey:
The Superior Temporal Sulcus Differentiates Communicative and Noncommunicative Auditory Signals. 1224-1232 - Andrea T. Shafer, Dmitriy Matveychuk, Todd J. M. Penney, Aminda J. O'Hare, Jared Stokes, Florin Dolcos:
Processing of Emotional Distraction Is Both Automatic and Modulated by Attention: Evidence from an Event-related fMRI Investigation. 1233-1252 - Hakuei Fujiyama, Mark R. Hinder, Matthew W. Schmidt, Christophe Tandonnet, Michael I. Garry, Jeffery J. Summers:
Age-related Differences in Corticomotor Excitability and Inhibitory Processes during a Visuomotor RT Task. 1253-1263 - Roland Nigbur, Michael X. Cohen, K. Richard Ridderinkhof, Birgit Stürmer:
Theta Dynamics Reveal Domain-specific Control over Stimulus and Response Conflict. 1264-1274
Volume 24, Number 6, June 2012
- Caterina Gratton, Emi M. Nomura, Fernando Pérez, Mark D'Esposito:
Focal Brain Lesions to Critical Locations Cause Widespread Disruption of the Modular Organization of the Brain. 1275-1285 - Sijing Wu, Cho Kin Cheng, Jing Feng, Lisa D'Angelo, Claude Alain, Ian Spence:
Playing a First-person Shooter Video Game Induces Neuroplastic Change. 1286-1293 - Michael Niedeggen, Lars Michael, Guido Hesselmann:
Closing the Gates to Consciousness: Distractors Activate a Central Inhibition Process. 1294-1304 - Lara Bardi, Ryota Kanai, Daniela Mapelli, Vincent Walsh:
TMS of the FEF Interferes with Spatial Conflict. 1305-1313 - Elsie Premereur, Wim Vanduffel, Peter Janssen:
Local Field Potential Activity Associated with Temporal Expectations in the Macaque Lateral Intraparietal Area. 1314-1330 - Aurelie L. Manuel, Fosco Bernasconi, Micah M. Murray, Lucas Spierer:
Spatio-temporal Brain Dynamics Mediating Post-error Behavioral Adjustments. 1331-1343 - Eva M. Fraedrich, Virginia L. Flanagin, Jeng-Ren Duann, Thomas Brandt, Stefan Glasauer:
Hippocampal Involvement in Processing of Indistinct Visual Motion Stimuli. 1344-1357 - Hiroto Kawasaki, Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Christopher K. Kovach, Kirill V. Nourski, Hiroyuki Oya, Matthew A. Howard III, Ralph Adolphs:
Processing of Facial Emotion in the Human Fusiform Gyrus. 1358-1370 - Abigail Z. Rajala, Jeffrey B. Henriques, Luis C. Populin:
Dissociative Effects of Methylphenidate in Nonhuman Primates: Trade-offs between Cognitive and Behavioral Performance. 1371-1381 - Sibylle C. Herholz, Andrea R. Halpern, Robert J. Zatorre:
Neuronal Correlates of Perception, Imagery, and Memory for Familiar Tunes. 1382-1397 - Jena B. Hales, James B. Brewer:
The Path to Memory Is Guided by Strategy: Distinct Networks Are Engaged in Associative Encoding under Visual and Verbal Strategy and Influence Memory Performance in Healthy and Impaired Individuals. 1398-1410 - Yawei Cheng, Shin-Yi Lee, Hsin-Yu Chen, Ping-Yao Wang, Jean Decety:
Voice and Emotion Processing in the Human Neonatal Brain. 1411-1419