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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, January 2019
- Moti Salti, Asaf Harel, Sébastien Marti:
Conscious Perception: Time for an Update? - José Ribas-Fernandes, Danesh Shahnazian, Clay B. Holroyd, Matthew M. Botvinick:
Subgoal- and Goal-related Reward Prediction Errors in Medial Prefrontal Cortex. - Laura A. Libby, Zachariah M. Reagh, Nichole R. Bouffard, John Daniel Ragland, Charan Ranganath:
The Hippocampus Generalizes across Memories that Share Item and Context Information. - Deborah Talmi, Martina Slapkova, Matthias J. Wieser:
Testing the Possibility of Model-based Pavlovian Control of Attention to Threat. - Maryam Vaziri-Pashkam, JohnMark Taylor, Yaoda Xu:
Spatial Frequency Tolerant Visual Object Representations in the Human Ventral and Dorsal Visual Processing Pathways. - Juliet Y. Davidow, Margaret A. Sheridan, Koene R. A. Van Dijk, Rosario M. Santillana, Jenna Snyder, Constanza M. Vidal Bustamante, Bruce R. Rosen, Leah H. Somerville:
Development of Prefrontal Cortical Connectivity and the Enduring Effect of Learned Value on Cognitive Control. - Chantel S. Prat, Brianna L. Yamasaki, Erica R. Peterson:
Individual Differences in Resting-state Brain Rhythms Uniquely Predict Second Language Learning Rate and Willingness to Communicate in Adults. - Valentina Borghesani, Marco Buiatti, Evelyn Eger, Manuela Piazza:
Conceptual and Perceptual Dimensions of Word Meaning Are Recovered Rapidly and in Parallel during Reading. - Andrea De Cesarei, Shari Cavicchi, Antonia Micucci, Maurizio Codispoti:
Categorization Goals Modulate the Use of Natural Scene Statistics. - Amy S. Finn, Maria Kharitonova, Natalie Holtby, Margaret A. Sheridan:
Prefrontal and Hippocampal Structure Predict Statistical Learning Ability in Early Childhood. - Sophia Vinci-Booher, Hu Cheng, Karin Harman James:
An Analysis of the Brain Systems Involved with Producing Letters by Hand. - J. Brendan Ritchie, Hans P. Op de Beeck:
A Varying Role for Abstraction in Models of Category Learning Constructed from Neural Representations in Early Visual Cortex.
Volume 31, Number 2, February 2019
- Tobias Katus, Martin Eimer:
The Sources of Dual-task Costs in Multisensory Working Memory Tasks. - Heather D. Lucas, Melissa C. Duff, Neal J. Cohen:
The Hippocampus Promotes Effective Saccadic Information Gathering in Humans. - M. Berk Mirza, Rick A. Adams, Thomas Parr, Karl J. Friston:
Impulsivity and Active Inference. - Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall, Alexa Henriques, Lawrence W. Barsalou, Lisa Feldman Barrett:
Primary Interoceptive Cortex Activity during Simulated Experiences of the Body. - Daniela J. Palombo, Joseph M. Di Lascio, Marc W. Howard, Mieke Verfaellie:
Medial Temporal Lobe Amnesia Is Associated with a Deficit in Recovering Temporal Context. - Adam Bryant Miller, Mitchell J. Prinstein, Emily Munier, Laura S. Machlin, Margaret A. Sheridan:
Emotion Reactivity and Regulation in Adolescent Girls Following an Interpersonal Rejection. - Carmen Kohl, Laure Spieser, Bettina Forster, Sven Bestmann, Kielan Yarrow:
The Neurodynamic Decision Variable in Human Multi-alternative Perceptual Choice. - Berit Brummerloh, Christopher Gundlach, Matthias M. Müller:
Attentional Facilitation of Constituent Features of an Object Does Not Spread Automatically along Object-defining Cortical Boundaries. - Gundula Zerbes, Franziska Magdalena Kausche, Jana Christina Müller, Klaus Wiedemann, Lars Schwabe:
Glucocorticoids, Noradrenergic Arousal, and the Control of Memory Retrieval. - Gino Coudé, Giulia Toschi, Fabrizia Festante, Marco Bimbi, James Bonaiuto, Pier Francesco Ferrari:
Grasping Neurons in the Ventral Premotor Cortex of Macaques Are Modulated by Social Goals. - Nina Karalija, Goran Papenberg, Anders Wåhlin, Jarkko Johansson, Micael Andersson, Jan Axelsson, Katrine Riklund, Martin Lövdén, Ulman Lindenberger, Lars Bäckman, Lars Nyberg:
C957T-mediated Variation in Ligand Affinity Affects the Association between 11C-raclopride Binding Potential and Cognition.
Volume 31, Number 3, March 2019
- Pawel J. Matusz, Suzanne Dikker, Alexander G. Huth, Catherine Perrodin:
Are We Ready for Real-world Neuroscience? - Sibel Altikulaç, Nikki C. Lee, Chiel van der Veen, Ilona Benneker, Lydia Krabbendam, Nienke van Atteveldt:
The Teenage Brain: Public Perceptions of Neurocognitive Development during Adolescence. - Micah M. Murray, Antonia Thelen, Silvio Ionta, Mark T. Wallace:
Contributions of Intraindividual and Interindividual Differences to Multisensory Processes. - Julia Föcker, Matin Mortazavi, Wayne Khoe, Steven A. Hillyard, Daphne Bavelier:
Neural Correlates of Enhanced Visual Attentional Control in Action Video Game Players: An Event-Related Potential Study. - Talia Brandman, Marius V. Peelen:
Signposts in the Fog: Objects Facilitate Scene Representations in Left Scene-selective Cortex. - Dana Bevilacqua, Ido Davidesco, Lu Wan, Kim Chaloner, Jess Rowland, Mingzhou Ding, David Poeppel, Suzanne Dikker:
Brain-to-Brain Synchrony and Learning Outcomes Vary by Student-Teacher Dynamics: Evidence from a Real-world Classroom Electroencephalography Study. - Pawel J. Matusz, Nora Turoman, Ruxandra I. Tivadar, Chrysa Retsa, Micah M. Murray:
Brain and Cognitive Mechanisms of Top-Down Attentional Control in a Multisensory World: Benefits of Electrical Neuroimaging. - Taylor Hanayik, Grigori Yourganov, Roger Newman-Norlund, Makayla Gibson, Chris Rorden:
Visual Simultaneity Judgments Activate a Bilateral Frontoparietal Timing System. - Artyom Zinchenko, Markus Conci, Paul C. J. Taylor, Hermann J. Müller, Thomas Geyer:
Taking Attention Out of Context: Frontopolar Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Abolishes the Formation of New Context Memories in Visual Search. - Kerensa Tiberghien, Muhammet Ikbal Sahan, Bert De Smedt, Wim Fias, Ian M. Lyons:
Disentangling Neural Sources of Problem Size and Interference Effects in Multiplication.
Volume 31, Number 4, April 2019
- Haydee G. Garcia-Lazaro, Mandy V. Bartsch, Carsten Nicolas Boehler, Ruth M. Krebs, Sarah E. Donohue, Joseph A. Harris, Mircea Ariel Schoenfeld, Jens-Max Hopf:
Dissociating Reward- and Attention-driven Biasing of Global Feature-based Selection in Human Visual Cortex. - Adam Waytz, John T. Cacioppo, René Hurlemann, Fulvia Castelli, Ralph Adolphs, Lynn K. Paul:
Anthropomorphizing without Social Cues Requires the Basolateral Amygdala. - Timothy L. Hodgson, Frouke Hermens, Kyla Pennington, Jade S. Pickering, Gemma Ezard, Richard Clarke, Jagdish Sharma, Adrian M. Owen:
Eye Movements in the "Morris Maze" Spatial Working Memory Task Reveal Deficits in Strategic Planning. - Jong H. Yoon, Edward Dong Bo Cui, Michael J. Minzenberg, Cameron S. Carter:
Subthalamic Nucleus Activation Occurs Early during Stopping and Is Associated with Trait Impulsivity. - Christian Meyer, Srikanth Padmala, Luiz Pessoa:
Dynamic Threat Processing. - Farah Naaz, Lindsay K. Knight, Brendan E. Depue:
Explicit and Ambiguous Threat Processing: Functionally Dissociable Roles of the Amygdala and Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis. - Kenny Skagerlund, Taylor Bolt, Jason S. Nomi, Mikael Skagenholt, Daniel Västfjäll, Ulf Träff, Lucina Q. Uddin:
Disentangling Mathematics from Executive Functions by Investigating Unique Functional Connectivity Patterns Predictive of Mathematics Ability. - Brandi Lee Drisdelle, Pierre Jolicoeur:
Stimulus- and Response-locked Posterior Contralateral Negativity Bisect Cognitive Operations in Visual Search. - Laura Crucianelli, Yannis Paloyelis, Lucia Ricciardi, Paul M. Jenkinson, Aikaterini Fotopoulou:
Embodied Precision: Intranasal Oxytocin Modulates Multisensory Integration. - Eleanna Varangis, Qolamreza R. Razlighi, Christian G. Habeck, Zachary Fisher, Yaakov Stern:
Between-network Functional Connectivity Is Modified by Age and Cognitive Task Domain.
Volume 31, Number 5, May 2019
- Helen C. Mayrhofer, Felix Duecker, Vincent van de Ven, Heidi I. L. Jacobs, Alexander Thomas Sack:
Hemifield-specific Correlations between Cue-related Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Activity in Bilateral Nodes of the Dorsal Attention Network and Attentional Benefits in a Spatial Orienting Paradigm. 625-638 - Nadège Bault, Giuseppe Di Pellegrino, Martina Puppi, Gaëlle Opolczynski, Alessia Monti, Davide Braghittoni, Florence Thibaut, Aldo Rustichini, Giorgio Coricelli:
Dissociation between Private and Social Counterfactual Value Signals Following Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Damage. 639-656 - Vignesh Muralidharan, Xinze Yu, Mike X. Cohen, Adam R. Aron:
Preparing to Stop Action Increases Beta Band Power in Contralateral Sensorimotor Cortex. 657-668 - Tamar I. Regev, Israel Nelken, Leon Y. Deouell:
Evidence for Linear but Not Helical Automatic Representation of Pitch in the Human Auditory System. 669-685 - Brianna Ruth Doherty, Freek van Ede, Alexander Fraser, Eva Zita Patai, Anna Christina Nobre, Gaia Scerif:
The Functional Consequences of Social Attention for Memory-guided Attention Orienting and Anticipatory Neural Dynamics. 686-698 - Adele Diederich, Hans Colonius:
Multisensory Integration and Exogenous Spatial Attention: A Time-window-of-integration Analysis. 699-710 - Lok-Kin Yeung, Rosanna K. Olsen, Bryan Hong, Valentina Mihajlovic, Maria C. D'Angelo, Arber Kacollja, Jennifer D. Ryan, Morgan D. Barense:
Object-in-place Memory Predicted by Anterolateral Entorhinal Cortex and Parahippocampal Cortex Volume in Older Adults. 711-729 - Lara M. Wierenga, Marieke G. N. Bos, Fabienne van Rossenberg, Eveline A. Crone:
Sex Effects on Development of Brain Structure and Executive Functions: Greater Variance than Mean Effects. 730-753 - Nima Khalighinejad, Elisa Brann, Alexander Dorgham, Patrick Haggard:
Dissociating Cognitive and Motoric Precursors of Human Self-Initiated Action. 754-767 - Justin Riddle, Kai Hwang, Dillan Cellier, Sofia Dhanani, Mark D'Esposito:
Causal Evidence for the Role of Neuronal Oscillations in Top-Down and Bottom-Up Attention. 768-779
Volume 31, Number 6, June 2019
- Michael Kennefick, Joel S. Burma, Paul van Donkelaar, Chris J. McNeil:
The Time Course of Motoneuronal Excitability during the Preparation of Complex Movements. 781-790 - Valentina Borghesani, Marianna Riello, Benno Gesierich, Valentina Brentari, Alessia Monti, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini:
The Neural Representations of Movement across Semantic Categories. 791-807 - Molly Simmonite, Thad A. Polk:
Independent Components of Neural Activation Associated with 100 Days of Cognitive Training. 808-820 - Elliot Collins, Erez Freud, Jana M. Kainerstorfer, Jiaming Cao, Marlene Behrmann:
Temporal Dynamics of Shape Processing Differentiate Contributions of Dorsal and Ventral Visual Pathways. 821-836 - Taylor James, M. Natasha Rajah, Audrey Duarte:
Multielement Episodic Encoding in Young and Older Adults. 837-854 - Diana Omigie, Marcus T. Pearce, Katia Lehongre, Dominique Hasboun, Vincent Navarro, Claude Adam, Séverine Samson:
Intracranial Recordings and Computational Modeling of Music Reveal the Time Course of Prediction Error Signaling in Frontal and Temporal Cortices. 855-873 - Anna Jafarpour, Sandon Griffin, Jack J. Lin, Robert T. Knight:
Medial Orbitofrontal Cortex, Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, and Hippocampus Differentially Represent the Event Saliency. 874-884 - Nathan Van der Stoep, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Renske C. Van Engelen, J. Matthijs Biesbroek, Tanja C. W. Nijboer:
Impairments in Multisensory Integration after Stroke. 885-899 - Lieke Heil, Olympia Colizoli, Egbert Hartstra, Johan Kwisthout, Stan van Pelt, Iris van Rooij, Harold Bekkering:
Processing of Prediction Errors in Mentalizing Areas. 900-912 - Hanna S. Gauvin, Katie L. McMahon, Marcus Meinzer, Greig I. de Zubicaray:
The Shape of Things to Come in Speech Production: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Visual Form Interference during Lexical Access. 913-921 - Christopher Fassnidge, Danny Ball, Zainab Kazaz, Synøve Knudsen, Andrew Spicer, Anthony Tipple, Elliot D. Freeman:
Hearing through Your Eyes: Neural Basis of Audiovisual Cross-activation, Revealed by Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation. 922-935
Volume 31, Number 7, July 2019
- Viola S. Störmer, Michael A. Cohen, George A. Alvarez:
Tuning Attention to Object Categories: Spatially Global Effects of Attention to Faces in Visual Processing. 937-947 - Tony Ro:
Alpha Oscillations and Feedback Processing in Visual Cortex for Conscious Perception. 948-960 - Gali Ellenblum, Jeremy J. Purcell, Xiaowei Song, Brenda Rapp:
High-level Integrative Networks: A Resting-state fMRI Investigation of Reading and Spelling. 961-977 - Royce Anders, Anaïs Llorens, Anne Sophie Dubarry, Agnès Trébuchon, Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel, Francois-Xavier Alario:
Cortical Dynamics of Semantic Priming and Interference during Word Production: An Intracerebral Study. 978-1001 - John Plass, EunSeon Ahn, Vernon L. Towle, William C. Stacey, Vibhangini S. Wasade, James Tao, Shasha Wu, Naoum P. Issa, David Brang:
Joint Encoding of Auditory Timing and Location in Visual Cortex. 1002-1017 - Zhiheng Zhou, Tutis Vilis, Lars Strother:
Functionally Separable Font-invariant and Font-sensitive Neural Populations in Occipitotemporal Cortex. 1018-1029 - Svetlana Pinet, Gary S. Dell, Francois-Xavier Alario:
Tracking Keystroke Sequences at the Cortical Level Reveals the Dynamics of Serial Order Production. 1030-1043 - Gerard M. Loughnane, Méadhbh B. Brosnan, Jessica J. M. Barnes, Angela J. Dean, L. Sanjay Nandam, Redmond G. O'Connell, Mark A. Bellgrove:
Catecholamine Modulation of Evidence Accumulation during Perceptual Decision Formation: A Randomized Trial. 1044-1053 - Corrie R. Camalier, Kaylee Scarim, Mortimer Mishkin, Bruno B. Averbeck:
A Comparison of Auditory Oddball Responses in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, Basolateral Amygdala, and Auditory Cortex of Macaque. 1054-1064 - Katarzyna Raczy, Aleksandra Urbanczyk, Maksymilian Korczyk, Jakub Michal Szewczyk, Ewa Sumera, Marcin Szwed:
Orthographic Priming in Braille Reading as Evidence for Task-specific Reorganization in the Ventral Visual Cortex of the Congenitally Blind. 1065-1078 - Peter S. Whitehead, Mathilde M. Ooi, Tobias Egner, Marty G. Woldorff:
Neural Dynamics of Cognitive Control over Working Memory Capture of Attention. 1079-1090
Volume 31, Number 8, August 2019
- Caroline D. C. Alencar, Blake E. Butler, Stephen G. Lomber:
What and How the Deaf Brain Sees. 1091-1109 - Maria V. Stuckenberg, Erich Schröger, Andreas Widmann:
Presentation Probability of Visual-Auditory Pairs Modulates Visually Induced Auditory Predictions. 1110-1125 - Talia L. Retter, Michael A. Webster, Fang Jiang:
Directional Visual Motion Is Represented in the Auditory and Association Cortices of Early Deaf Individuals. 1126-1140 - Ivan Patané, Lucilla Cardinali, Romeo Salemme, Francesco Pavani, Alessandro Farnè, Claudio Brozzoli:
Action Planning Modulates Peripersonal Space. 1141-1154 - Jean-Paul Noel, Andrea Serino, Mark T. Wallace:
Increased Neural Strength and Reliability to Audiovisual Stimuli at the Boundary of Peripersonal Space. 1155-1172 - Nika Adamian, Elena Slaustaite, Søren K. Andersen:
Top-Down Attention Is Limited Within but Not Between Feature Dimensions. 1173-1183 - Anthony P. Zanesco, Brandon G. King, Chivon Powers, Rosanna De Meo, Kezia Wineberg, Katherine A. MacLean, Clifford D. Saron:
Modulation of Event-related Potentials of Visual Discrimination by Meditation Training and Sustained Attention. 1184-1204 - Victor J. Boucher, Annie C. Gilbert, Boutheina Jemel:
The Role of Low-frequency Neural Oscillations in Speech Processing: Revisiting Delta Entrainment. 1205-1215 - Peter D. Weller, Milena Rabovsky, Rasha Abdel Rahman:
Semantic Knowledge Enhances Conscious Awareness of Visual Objects. 1216-1226 - Amir Homayoun Javadi, Eva Zita Patai, Eugenia Marin-Garcia, Aaron Margolis, Heng-Ru May Tan, Dharshan Kumaran, Marko Nardini, Will D. Penny, Emrah Düzel, Peter S. Dayan, Hugo J. Spiers:
Prefrontal Dynamics Associated with Efficient Detours and Shortcuts: A Combined Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetoencenphalography Study. 1227-1247 - Lu-Chun Yeh, Yei-Yu Yeh, Bo-Cheng Kuo:
Spatially Specific Attention Mechanisms Are Sensitive to Competition during Visual Search. 1248-1259 - Zhisen J. Urgolites, Ramona O. Hopkins, Larry R. Squire:
Spared Perception of the Structure of Scenes after Hippocampal Damage. 1260-1269
Volume 31, Number 9, September 2019
- Holger Dannenberg, Andrew S. Alexander, Jennifer C. Robinson, Michael E. Hasselmo:
The Role of Hierarchical Dynamical Functions in Coding for Episodic Memory and Cognition. 1271-1289 - Aneta Brzezicka, Jan K. Kaminski, Chrystal M. Reed, Jeffrey M. Chung, Adam N. Mamelak, Ueli Rutishauser:
Working Memory Load-related Theta Power Decreases in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Predict Individual Differences in Performance. 1290-1307 - Vishnu P. Murty, Sarah Dubrow, Lila Davachi:
Decision-making Increases Episodic Memory via Postencoding Consolidation. 1308-1317 - Samuel Nummela, Michael J. Jutras, John T. Wixted, Elizabeth A. Buffalo, Cory T. Miller:
Recognition Memory in Marmoset and Macaque Monkeys: A Comparison of Active Vision. 1318-1328 - Alessandro Grillini, Remco J. Renken, Frans W. Cornelissen:
Attentional Modulation of Visual Spatial Integration: Psychophysical Evidence Supported by Population Coding Modeling. 1329-1342 - Dominic Minh Duc Tran, Justin A. Harris, Irina M. Harris, Evan J. Livesey:
Motor Memory: Revealing Conditioned Action Tendencies Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. 1343-1353 - Yael Holzinger, Shimon Ullman, Daniel Harari, Marlene Behrmann, Galia Avidan:
Minimal Recognizable Configurations Elicit Category-selective Responses in Higher Order Visual Cortex. 1354-1367 - Tahnée Engelen, Rosanne L. Rademaker, Alexander Thomas Sack:
Reduced Fading of Visual Afterimages after Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation over Early Visual Cortex. 1368-1379 - Andrew J. Westphal, Tiffany E. Chow, Corey Ngoy, Xiaoye Zuo, Vivian Liao, Laryssa A. Storozuk, Megan A. K. Peters, Allan D. Wu, Jesse Rissman:
Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to the Left Rostrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Selectively Improves Source Memory Retrieval. 1380-1391 - Alex I. Wiesman, Tony W. Wilson:
Alpha Frequency Entrainment Reduces the Effect of Visual Distractors. 1392-1403 - Kelsey K. Sundby, Johanna Wagner, Adam R. Aron:
The Functional Role of Response Suppression during an Urge to Relieve Pain. 1404-1421 - Goran Papenberg, Nina Karalija, Alireza Salami, Micael Andersson, Jan Axelsson, Katrine Riklund, Ulman Lindenberger, Lars Nyberg, Lars Bäckman:
The Influence of Hippocampal Dopamine D2 Receptors on Episodic Memory Is Modulated by BDNF and KIBRA Polymorphisms. 1422-1429 - Witold X. Chmielewski, Christian Beste:
Stimulus Feature Conflicts Enhance Motor Inhibitory Control Processes in the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex. 1430-1442
Volume 31, Number 10, October 2019
- Jessica K. Stanek, Kathryn C. Dickerson, Kimberly Chiew, Nathaniel J. Clement, R. Alison Adcock:
Expected Reward Value and Reward Uncertainty Have Temporally Dissociable Effects on Memory Formation. 1443-1454 - Katherine Duncan, Annika Semmler, Daphna Shohamy:
Modulating the Use of Multiple Memory Systems in Value-based Decisions with Contextual Novelty. 1455-1467 - Marius Zimmermann, Veit Kubik, Jonas Persson, Timo Mäntylä:
Monitoring Multiple Deadlines Relies on Spatial Processing in Posterior Parietal Cortex. 1468-1483 - Mohsen Naji, Giri P. Krishnan, Elizabeth A. McDevitt, Maxim Bazhenov, Sara C. Mednick:
Timing between Cortical Slow Oscillations and Heart Rate Bursts during Sleep Predicts Temporal Processing Speed, but Not Offline Consolidation. 1484-1490 - George Samrani, Lars Bäckman, Jonas Persson:
Interference Control in Working Memory Is Associated with Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Volume. 1491-1505 - Rosa Li, Amanda V. Utevsky, Scott A. Huettel, Barbara R. Braams, Sabine Peters, Eveline A. Crone, Anna C. K. van Duijvenvoorde:
Developmental Maturation of the Precuneus as a Functional Core of the Default Mode Network. 1506-1519 - Phui Cheng Lim, Emily J. Ward, Timothy J. Vickery, Matthew R. Johnson:
Not-so-working Memory: Drift in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pattern Representations during Maintenance Predicts Errors in a Visual Working Memory Task. 1520-1534 - Benchi Wang, Joram van Driel, Eduard Ort, Jan Theeuwes:
Anticipatory Distractor Suppression Elicited by Statistical Regularities in Visual Search. 1535-1548 - Alexander Jones, Emma V. Ward:
Rhythmic Temporal Structure at Encoding Enhances Recognition Memory. 1549-1562