Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 163

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Volume 163, May 2022

Regular Articles Special issue on Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing Regular Articles Special issue on Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing Regular Articles Special issue on Connected Vehicles meet Big Data technologies: Recent Advances and Future Trends Regular Articles Special issue on Selected papers from IEEE International Confe-rence on High Performance Computing, Data, & Analytics (HiPC2020) Special issue on Distributed Intelligence at the Edge for the Future Internet of Things Regular Articles Special issue on Selected papers from IEEE International Confe-rence on High Performance Computing, Data, & Analytics (HiPC2020) Regular Articles Special issue on Distributed Intelligence at the Edge for the Future Internet of Things Special issue on Selected papers from IEEE International Confe-rence on High Performance Computing, Data, & Analytics (HiPC2020) Regular Articles Special issue on Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing