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IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Volume 3
Volume 3, Number 1, January 2006
- Xiaojun Yang:
Estimating landscape imperviousness index from satellite imagery. 6-9 - Masaharu Fujita, Yayoi Miho:
Analysis of a microwave backscattering mechanism from a small urban area imaged with SIR-C. 10-14 - Tazio Strozzi, Urs Wegmüller, Hans Rudolf Keusen, Kaspar Graf, Andreas Wiesmann:
Analysis of the terrain displacement along a funicular by SAR interferometry. 15-18 - Swati Choudhury, Sushmita Mitra
Feature extraction and connectionist classification of SODAR echograms. 19-22 - Yves M. Govaerts, Bernard Pinty, Malcolm Taberner, Alessio Lattanzio:
Spectral conversion of surface albedo derived from meteosat first generation observations. 23-27 - Maria Belmonte Rivas, Manuel Martín-Neira:
Coherent GPS reflections from the sea surface. 28-31 - A. Senthil Kumar, A. S. Kiran Kumar, Ranganath R. Navalgund:
Selection of IRS-P6 LISS-4 MO mode band for producing band-sharpened multispectral imagery. 32-35 - Jamesina J. Simpson, Allen Taflove:
A novel ELF radar for major oil deposits. 36-39 - Jocelyn Chanussot, Jón Atli Benediktsson
, Mathieu Fauvel:
Classification of remote sensing images from urban areas using a fuzzy possibilistic model. 40-44 - Kenneth E. Laws, David R. Lyzenga, Donald M. Wiberg, John F. Vesecky:
Characterization of errors in vector wind retrievals from satellite-based polarimetric microwave radiometer measurements. 45-48 - Benjamin Koetz, Felix Morsdorf, Guoqing Sun, K. Jon Ranson, Klaus I. Itten, Britta Allgöwer:
Inversion of a lidar waveform model for forest biophysical parameter estimation. 49-53 - Jeffrey R. Allen, David G. Long
Microwave observations of daily Antarctic sea-ice edge expansion and contraction rates. 54-58 - Anish Mohan
, Alberto Bartesaghi, Guillermo Sapiro:
Constrained regularization of digital terrain elevation data. 59-62 - Chein-I Chang, Antonio Plaza
A fast iterative algorithm for implementation of pixel purity index. 63-67 - Jeffrey G. Masek, Eric F. Vermote, Nazmi El Saleous
, Robert E. Wolfe
, Forrest G. Hall, Karl Fred Huemmrich, Feng Gao
, Jonathan Kutler, Teng-Kui Lim:
A Landsat surface reflectance dataset for North America, 1990-2000. 68-72 - Nan Wu, Da-Zheng Feng, Junxia Li:
A locally adaptive filter of interferometric phase images. 73-77 - Huaizu You, James L. Garrison
, Gregory Heckler, Dino Smajlovic:
The autocorrelation of waveforms generated from ocean-scattered GPS signals. 78-82 - Jacco J. M. de Wit, Adriano Meta, Peter Hoogeboom:
Modified range-Doppler processing for FM-CW synthetic aperture radar. 83-87 - Yoshihisa Irimajiri, Takeshi Manabe, Satoshi Ochiai, Harunobu Masuko, Takamasa Yamagami, Yoshitaka Saito, Naoki Izutsu, Tomomi Kawasaki, Michiyoshi Namiki, Isao Murata:
BSMILES - a balloon-borne superconducting submillimeter-wave limb-emission sounder for stratospheric measurements. 88-92 - Gustavo Camps-Valls
, Luis Gómez-Chova
, Jordi Muñoz-Marí
, Joan Vila-Francés
, Javier Calpe-Maravilla:
Composite kernels for hyperspectral image classification. 93-97 - James Theiler, Bernard R. Foy
Effect of signal contamination in matched-filter detection of the signal on a cluttered background. 98-102 - Alexander A. Kokhanovsky
, Olivier Jourdan, John P. Burrows
The cloud phase discrimination from a satellite. 103-106 - Sergey V. Samsonov
, Kristy F. Tiampo
Analytical optimization of a DInSAR and GPS dataset for derivation of three-dimensional surface motion. 107-111 - David P. Roy, Luigi Boschetti
, S. N. Trigg:
Remote sensing of fire severity: assessing the performance of the normalized burn ratio. 112-116 - John A. Morgan
A Bayesian estimator for linear calibration error effects in thermal remote sensing. 117-119 - Giuseppe Zibordi
, Frédéric Mélin, Jean-François Berthon:
A time-series of above-water radiometric measurements for coastal water monitoring and remote sensing product validation. 120-124 - Barbara Penna, Tammam Tillo, Enrico Magli, Gabriella Olmo
Progressive 3-D coding of hyperspectral images based on JPEG 2000. 125-129 - Viju O. John, Stefan A. Buehler, N. Courcoux:
A cautionary note on the use of Gaussian statistics in Satellite-based UTH climatologies. 130-134 - Stéphane Guillaso
, Andreas Reigber, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Eric Pottier:
Range resolution improvement of airborne SAR images. 135-139 - Swarvanu Dasgupta, John J. Qu, Xianjun Hao
Design of a susceptibility index for fire risk monitoring. 140-144 - Andreas Reigber, Pau Prats
, Jordi J. Mallorquí
Refined estimation of time-varying baseline errors in airborne SAR interferometry. 145-149 - Yiding Wang:
The maximum phase error of a reflected signal in an active coded transponder. 150-153 - Sheng-Li Huang, Florian Siegert:
Backscatter change on fire scars in Siberian boreal forests in ENVISAT ASAR wide-swath images. 154-158 - Erik Mårten Blixt, Joshua Semeter, Nickolay Ivchenko
Optical flow analysis of the aurora borealis. 159-163 - Craig K. Smith
, Michael H. Bettenhausen, Peter W. Gaiser:
A statistical approach to WindSat ocean surface wind vector retrieval. 164-168 - Guoyong Wen, Alexander Marshak, Robert F. Cahalan
Impact of 3-D clouds on clear-sky reflectance and aerosol retrieval in a biomass burning region of Brazil. 169-172 - Teresa Barata
, Pedro Pina
A morphological approach for feature space partitioning. 173-177 - Brij L. Gambhir, Hector Erives:
Scene statistics based calibration of remote sensing instruments. 178-182
Volume 3, Number 2, April 2006
- Francesco Sarti, Pierre Briole
, Mauro Pirri:
Coseismic fault rupture detection and slip measurement by ASAR precise correlation using coherence maximization: application to a north-south blind fault in the vicinity of Bam (Iran). 187-191 - Brian S. Powell, Robert R. Leben
, Norman L. Guinasso Jr.:
Comparison of buoy and altimeter-derived shelf currents using an optimal operator. 192-196 - Nanda B. Adhikari, Toshio Iguchi:
Effect of raindrop size distribution variability in dual-frequency radar rain retrieval algorithms assessed from disdrometer measurements. 197-201 - Jacqueline Boutin
, Nicolas Martin:
ARGO upper salinity measurements: perspectives for L-band radiometers calibration and retrieved sea surface salinity validation. 202-206 - Qing Zhu, Bo Wu
, Zhi-Xiang Xu:
Seed point selection method for triangle constrained image matching propagation. 207-211 - Hidetada Kiyofuji, Tsukasa Hokimoto, Sei-Ichi Saitoh:
Predicting the spatiotemporal chlorophyll-a distribution in the Sea of Japan based on SeaWiFS ocean color satellite data. 212-216 - Gianni Lisini, Céline Tison, Florence Tupin, Paolo Gamba
Feature fusion to improve road network extraction in high-resolution SAR images. 217-221 - Robert A. McLaughlin
Extracting transmission lines from airborne LIDAR data. 222-226 - Audrey Minghelli-Roman, Laurent Polidori, Sandrine Mathieu-Blanc, Lionel Loubersac, François Cauneau:
Spatial resolution improvement by merging MERIS-ETM images for coastal water monitoring. 227-231 - Leonardo F. Peres
, Carlos C. DaCamara
Improving two-temperature method retrievals based on a nonlinear optimization approach. 232-236 - Rasmus Tage Tonboe
, Søren Andersen, Leif Toudal Pedersen
Simulation of the Ku-band Radar altimeter sea ice effective scattering surface. 237-240 - Cyril Dahon, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Cécile Titin-Schnaider, Eric Pottier:
Computing the double-bounce reflection coherent effect in an incoherent electromagnetic scattering model. 241-245 - Jordi Inglada
, Jean-Claude Souyris, Caroline Henry, Céline Tison:
Incoherent SAR polarimetric analysis over point targets. 246-249 - Vladimir V. Rozanov, Alexander A. Kokhanovsky
Determination of cloud geometrical thickness using backscattered solar light in a gaseous absorption band. 250-253 - Sheng Feng, Jie Chen:
Low-angle reflectivity modeling of land clutter. 254-258 - Adriano Camps
, Niels Skou, Francesc Torres
, Ignasi Corbella
, Nuria Duffo
, Mercè Vall-Llossera
Considerations about antenna pattern measurements of 2-D aperture synthesis radiometers. 259-261 - Chuanmin Hu, ZhongPing Lee, Frank E. Müller-Karger, Kendall L. Carder, John J. Walsh:
Ocean color reveals phase shift between marine plants and yellow substance. 262-266 - Lingli Wang, John J. Qu, Xiaoxiong Xiong, Xianjun Hao
, Yong Xie, Nianzeng Che:
A new method for retrieving band 6 of aqua MODIS. 267-270 - Heesung Kwon, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Kernel adaptive subspace detector for hyperspectral imagery. 271-275 - Gianfranco Fornaro
, Giorgio Franceschetti, Stefano Perna
On center-beam approximation in SAR motion compensation. 276-280 - Vladimir V. Tchernyi:
Corrections to "Movements of the Protoplanetary Superconducting Particles in the Magnetic Field of the Saturn Lead to the Origin of the Rings". 281
Volume 3, Number 3, July 2006
- Joonsuk Lee, Ping Yang
, Andrew E. Dessler
, Bryan A. Baum, Steven Platnick
The influence of thermodynamic phase on the retrieval of mixed-phase cloud microphysical and optical properties in the visible and near-infrared region. 287-291 - Yoshio Yamaguchi
, Yuki Yajima, Hiroyoshi Yamada:
A four-component decomposition of POLSAR images based on the coherency matrix. 292-296 - Tong Wang, Zheng Bao:
Improving the image quality of spaceborne multiple-aperture SAR under minimization of sidelobe clutter and noise. 297-301 - Ilaria Catapano, Lorenzo Crocco
, Michele D'Urso, Tommaso Isernia:
A novel effective model for solving 3-D nonlinear inverse scattering problems in lossy scenarios. 302-306 - S. K. Satheesh, S. Deepshikha, J. Srinivasan, Yoram J. Kaufman:
Large dust absorption of infrared radiation over Afro-Asian regions: evidence for anthropogenic impact. 307-311 - Kenneth I. Ranney, Mehrdad Soumekh:
Hyperspectral anomaly detection within the signal subspace. 312-316 - R. Keith Raney:
Dual-polarized SAR and Stokes parameters. 317-319 - Marco Tedesco, James R. Wang:
Atmospheric correction of AMSR-E brightness temperatures for dry snow cover mapping. 320-324 - Rosa Lasaponara
, Nicola Masini
Identification of archaeological buried remains based on the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from Quickbird satellite data. 325-328 - Naikoa Aguilar-Amuchastegui, Geoffrey M. Henebry
Monitoring sustainability in tropical forests: how changes in canopy spatial pattern can indicate forest stands for biodiversity surveys. 329-333 - Antonio Plaza
, David Valencia, Javier Plaza
, Chein-I Chang:
Parallel implementation of endmember extraction algorithms from hyperspectral data. 334-338 - Gustavo Camps-Valls
, Lorenzo Bruzzone
, José Luis Rojo-Álvarez
, Farid Melgani:
Robust support vector regression for biophysical variable estimation from remotely sensed images. 339-343 - Iain H. Woodhouse, Izzawati, Edward D. Wallington, Dean Turner:
Edge effects on tree height retrieval using X-band interferometry. 344-348 - Yakoub Bazi
, Lorenzo Bruzzone
, Farid Melgani:
Automatic identification of the number and values of decision thresholds in the log-ratio image for change detection in SAR images. 349-353 - Francesco Serafino
SAR image coregistration based on isolated point scatterers. 354-358 - Simone Tanelli, Stephen L. Durden, Eastwood Im:
Simultaneous measurements of ku- and ka-band sea surface cross sections by an airborne Radar. 359-363 - Andrea Della Vecchia, Kauzar Saleh, Paolo Ferrazzoli, Leila Guerriero, Jean-Pierre Wigneron
Simulating L-band emission of coniferous forests using a discrete model and a detailed geometrical representation. 364-368 - Jian Yang
, Yingning Peng, Yoshio Yamaguchi
, Hiroyoshi Yamada:
On Huynen's decomposition of a Kennaugh matrix. 369-372 - David Hounam:
A SAR conjugate mirror. 373-376 - Pietro Guccione:
Interferometry with ENVISAT wide swath ScanSAR data. 377-381 - Chee-Wee Thomas Yeu, Meng-Hiot Lim, Guang-Bin Huang
, Amit Agarwal, Yew-Soon Ong
A new machine learning paradigm for terrain reconstruction. 382-386 - Paolo Gamba
, Fabio Dell'Acqua, Gianni Lisini:
Improving urban road extraction in high-resolution images exploiting directional filtering, perceptual grouping, and simple topological concepts. 387-391 - Adrian N. Evans
Cloud motion analysis using multichannel correlation-relaxation labeling. 392-396 - Hector Erives, Glenn J. Fitzgerald:
Automatic subpixel registration for a tunable hyperspectral imaging system. 397-400 - Byung-Lae Cho, Young-Kyun Kong, Hyung-Geun Park, Young-Soo Kim:
Automobile-based SAR/InSAR system for ground experiments. 401-405 - Hang-yong Chen, Yongxiang Liu, Weidong Jiang, Gui-rong Guo:
A new approach for synthesizing the range profile of moving targets via stepped-frequency waveforms. 406-409 - Boyko A. Dodov, Efi Foufoula-Georgiou
Floodplain morphometry extraction from a high-resolution digital elevation model: a simple algorithm for regional analysis studies. 410-413 - Jason Brazile
, Robert A. Neville, Karl Staenz, Daniel Schläpfer
, Lixin Sun, Klaus I. Itten:
Scene-based spectral response function shape discernibility for the APEX imaging spectrometer. 414-418 - Faisal Hossain, Emmanouil N. Anagnostou:
Assessment of a multidimensional satellite rainfall error model for ensemble generation of satellite rainfall data. 419-423 - Gerhard Krieger
, Marwan Younis
Impact of oscillator noise in bistatic and multistatic SAR. 424-428 - Marwan Younis
, Robert Metzig, Gerhard Krieger
Performance prediction of a phase synchronization link for bistatic SAR. 429-433
Volume 3, Number 4, October 2006
- Antonios Konstantaras
, Martin R. Varley, Filippos Vallianatos, G. Collins, Phip Holifield:
Neuro-Fuzzy Prediction-Based Adaptive Filtering Applied to Severely Distorted Magnetic Field Recordings. 439-441 - Octavien Cmielewski, Marc Saillard, Kamal Belkebir, Hervé Tortel
On the Characterization of Buried Targets Under a Rough Surface Using the Wigner-Ville Transformation. 442-446 - Aria Abubakar, Tarek M. Habashy:
A Closed-Form Expression of the Electromagnetic Tensor Green's Functions for a Homogeneous TI-Anisotropic Medium. 447-451 - David P. Roy, Philip Lewis
, Crystal Schaaf
, Sadashiva Devadiga, Luigi Boschetti
The Global Impact of Clouds on the Production of MODIS Bidirectional Reflectance Model-Based Composites for Terrestrial Monitoring. 452-456 - Farid Melgani, Yakoub Bazi
Markovian Fusion Approach to Robust Unsupervised Change Detection in Remotely Sensed Imagery. 457-461 - Matthew Browne
, Darrell Strauss
, Bruno Castelle
, Michael Blumenstein, Rodger Tomlinson, Christopher Lane:
Empirical Estimation of Nearshore Waves From a Global Deep-Water Wave Model. 462-466 - Sarika Jain, M. M. Ali
Estimation of Sound Speed Profiles Using Artificial Neural Networks. 467-470 - Justin J. Legarsky, Xin Gao:
Internal Layer Tracing and Age-Depth Relationship From the Ice Divide Toward Jakobshavn, Greenland. 471-475 - Olivier D'Hondt, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Eric Pottier:
Nonstationary Spatial Texture Estimation Applied to Adaptive Speckle Reduction of SAR Data. 476-480 - Rosa Lasaponara
Estimating Interannual Variations in Vegetated Areas of Sardinia Island Using SPOT/VEGETATION NDVI Temporal Series. 481-483 - John J. Qu
, Xianjun Hao
, Menas Kafatos, Lingli Wang:
Asian Dust Storm Monitoring Combining Terra and Aqua MODIS SRB Measurements. 484-486 - Saralees Nadarajah, Samuel Kotz:
The Exact Distribution of the Multilook Magnitude. 487-490 - Qi Cheng, Pramod K. Varshney, Manoj K. Arora:
Logistic Regression for Feature Selection and Soft Classification of Remote Sensing Data. 491-494 - Haipeng Wang
, Kazuo Ouchi, Manabu Watanabe, Masanobu Shimada, Takeo Tadono, Ake Rosenqvist, Shakil Ahmad Romshoo
, Masayuki Matsuoka, Toshifumi Moriyama, Seiho Uratsuka:
In Search of the Statistical Properties of High-Resolution Polarimetric SAR Data for the Measurements of Forest Biomass Beyond the RCS Saturation Limits. 495-499 - Jamesina J. Simpson, Allen Taflove:
ELF Radar System Proposed for Localized D-Region Ionospheric Anomalies. 500-503 - Chu He, Gui-Song Xia
, Hong Sun:
An Adaptive and Iterative Method of Urban Area Extraction From SAR Images. 504-507 - Steffen Dransfeld, Gilles Larnicol, Pierre-Yves Le Traon
The Potential of the Maximum Cross-Correlation Technique to Estimate Surface Currents From Thermal AVHRR Global Area Coverage Data. 508-511 - Junfeng Wang, Xingzhao Liu:
SAR Minimum-Entropy Autofocus Using an Adaptive-Order Polynomial Model. 512-516 - Yong Yang, Hong Sun, Chu He:
Supervised SAR Image MPM Segmentation Based on Region-Based Hierarchical Model. 517-521 - Baofeng Guo, Steve R. Gunn, Robert I. Damper, James D. B. Nelson:
Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Mutual Information. 522-526 - Alp Ertürk, Sarp Ertürk:
Unsupervised Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images Using Modified Phase Correlation. 527-531 - Hannes Taubenböck, Martin Habermeyer, Achim Roth, Stefan W. Dech:
Automated Allocation of Highly Structured Urban Areas in Homogeneous Zones From Remote Sensing Data by Savitzky-Golay Filtering and Curve Sketching. 532-536 - Lorraine Remer, Yoram J. Kaufman, Richard Kleidman:
Comparison of Three Years of Terra and Aqua MODIS Aerosol Optical Thickness Over the Global Oceans. 537-540 - Ronggao Liu, Jiyuan Liu, Shunlin Liang:
Estimation of Systematic Errors of MODIS Thermal Infrared Bands. 541-545 - Cem Ünsalan
Gradient-Magnitude-Based Support Regions in Structural Land Use Classification. 546-550 - Oscar Mora
, Román Arbiol, Vicenç Palà, Albert Adell, Marga Torre:
Generation of Accurate DEMs Using DInSAR Methodology (TopoDInSAR). 551-554 - Jong-Sen Lee, Ernst Krogager, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Wolfgang-Martin Boerner:
Polarimetric Analysis of Radar Signature of a Manmade Structure. 555-559 - Franz Meyer, Richard Bamler, Norbert Jakowski
, Thomas Fritz:
The Potential of Low-Frequency SAR Systems for Mapping Ionospheric TEC Distributions. 560-564 - Rudolf Richter, Martin Bachmann
, Wouter Dorigo
, Andreas Müller:
Influence of the Adjacency Effect on Ground Reflectance Measurements. 565-569 - Saralees Nadarajah, Samuel Kotz:
A Comment on "Homomorphic Wavelet-Based Statistical Despeckling of SAR Images". 570-571

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