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NeuroImage, Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 1, January 2005
- Egill Rostrup
, Gitte Moos Knudsen
, Ian Law
, Søren Holm
, Henrik B. W. Larsson
, Olaf B. Paulson
The relationship between cerebral blood flow and volume in humans. 1-11 - Kullervo Hynynen, Nathan McDannold, Nickolai A. Sheikov, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Natalia Vykhodtseva:
Local and reversible blood-brain barrier disruption by noninvasive focused ultrasound at frequencies suitable for trans-skull sonications. 12-20 - Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz
, Christophe Pallier, Willy Serniclaes
, Liliane Sprenger-Charolles, Antoinette Jobert, Stanislas Dehaene:
Neural correlates of switching from auditory to speech perception. 21-33 - Giacomo Koch
, Massimiliano Oliveri
, Sara Torriero, Giovanni A. Carlesimo, Patrizia Turriziani
, Carlo Caltagirone:
rTMS evidence of different delay and decision processes in a fronto-parietal neuronal network activated during spatial working memory. 34-39 - Ellen Bialystok, Fergus I. M. Craik
, Cheryl L. Grady, Wilkin Chau, Ryouhei Ishii
, Atsuko Gunji
, Christo Pantev:
Effect of bilingualism on cognitive control in the Simon task: evidence from MEG. 40-49 - Gaurav Srivastava, Sonia Crottaz-Herbette
, K. M. Lau, Gary H. Glover, Vinod Menon
ICA-based procedures for removing ballistocardiogram artifacts from EEG data acquired in the MRI scanner. 50-60 - Ping Zou, Raymond K. Mulhern, Robert W. Butler, Chin-Shang Li, James W. Langston, Robert J. Ogg:
BOLD responses to visual stimulation in survivors of childhood cancer. 61-69 - Yasuomi Ouchi, Etsuji Yoshikawa, Toshihiko Kanno, Masami Futatsubashi, Yoshimoto Sekine, Hiroyuki Okada, Tatsuo Torizuka, Keisei Tanaka:
Orthostatic posture affects brain hemodynamics and metabolism in cerebrovascular disease patients with and without coronary artery disease: a positron emission tomography study. 70-81 - Rhodri Cusack
, Benedict Russell, Sylvia M. L. Cox, Claudia De Panfilis, Christian Schwarzbauer, Richard Ansorge:
An evaluation of the use of passive shimming to improve frontal sensitivity in fMRI. 82-91 - V. C. Austin, A. M. Blamire, K. A. Allers, Trevor Sharp
, P. Styles, Paul M. Matthews
, Nicola R. Sibson:
Confounding effects of anesthesia on functional activation in rodent brain: a study of halothane and α-chloralose anesthesia. 92-100 - Woo Suk Tae, Eun Yeon Joo, Jee Hyun Kim, Sun Jung Han, Yeon-Lim Suh, Byung Tae Kim, Seung Chyul Hong, Seung Bong Hong:
Cerebral perfusion changes in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: SPM analysis of ictal and interictal SPECT. 101-110 - Peter Walla
, Dagmar Mayer, Lüder Deecke, Wilfried Lang:
How chemical information processing interferes with face processing: a magnetoencephalographic study. 111-117 - Fabio Babiloni
, Febo Cincotti
, Claudio Babiloni
, Filippo Carducci
, Donatella Mattia
, Laura Astolfi
, Alessandra Basilisco, Paolo Maria Rossini, Lei Ding, Ying Ni, J. Cheng, K. Christine, John A. Sweeney
, Bin He
Estimation of the cortical functional connectivity with the multimodal integration of high-resolution EEG and fMRI data by directed transfer function. 118-131 - Nina Forss
, Tuukka T. Raij, Mika Seppä
, Riitta Hari:
Common cortical network for first and second pain. 132-142 - Motoaki Sugiura, Jobu Watanabe, Yasuhiro Maeda, Yoshihiko Matsue, Hiroshi Fukuda, Ryuta Kawashima:
Cortical mechanisms of visual self-recognition. 143-149 - Ravi Bansal, Lawrence H. Staib
, Ronald Whiteman, Yongmei Michelle Wang, Bradley S. Peterson:
ROC-based assessments of 3D cortical surface-matching algorithms. 150-162 - Jason P. Lerch
, Alan C. Evans:
Cortical thickness analysis examined through power analysis and a population simulation. 163-173 - Hao Zhang, André Reitz, Spyros S. Kollias, Paul E. Summers
, Armin Curt, Brigitte Schurch:
An fMRI study of the role of suprapontine brain structures in the voluntary voiding control induced by pelvic floor contraction. 174-180 - Ben J. Harrison
, Marnie E. Shaw, Murat Yücel
, Rosemary Purcell, Warrick J. Brewer, Stephen C. Strother
, Gary F. Egan
, James S. Olver, Pradeep J. Nathan, Christos Pantelis
Functional connectivity during Stroop task performance. 181-191 - Anthony B. Waites, Marnie E. Shaw, Regula S. Briellmann, Angelo Labate
, David F. Abbott
, Graeme D. Jackson
How reliable are fMRI-EEG studies of epilepsy? A nonparametric approach to analysis validation and optimization. 192-199 - Carlos Gias, Nicola Hewson-Stoate
, Myles Jones
, David Johnston, John E. W. Mayhew, P. J. Coffey:
Retinotopy within rat primary visual cortex using optical imaging. 200-206 - Thomas T. Liu
, Eric C. Wong:
A signal processing model for arterial spin labeling functional MRI. 207-215 - Justin Hulvershorn
, Luke Bloy, Eugene E. Gualtieri, John S. Leigh, Mark A. Elliott:
Spatial sensitivity and temporal response of spin echo and gradient echo bold contrast at 3 T using peak hemodynamic activation time. 216-223 - Pia Rämä, Susan M. Courtney:
Functional topography of working memory for face or voice identity. 224-234 - Belinda J. Liddell
, Kerri J. Brown, Andrew H. Kemp
, Matthew J. Barton, Pritha Das
, Anthony Peduto, Evian Gordon, Leanne M. Williams:
A direct brainstem-amygdala-cortical 'alarm' system for subliminal signals of fear. 235-243
- Karl J. Friston
, Klaas E. Stephan
, Torben Ellegaard Lund, Alexa M. Morcom
, Stefan J. Kiebel
Mixed-effects and fMRI studies. 244-252
- Hiroki Fukui, Toshiya Murai, Hidenao Fukuyama, Takuji Hayashi, Takashi Hanakawa:
Functional activity related to risk anticipation during performance of the Iowa gambling task. 253-259
Volume 24, Number 2, January 2005
- Arno Klein
, Joy Hirsch
Mindboggle: a scatterbrained approach to automate brain labeling. 261-280 - Brandon J. Whitcher
, Adam J. Schwarz, Hervé Barjat
, Sean C. Smart, Robert I. Grundy, Michael F. James:
Wavelet-based cluster analysis: data-driven grouping of voxel time courses with application to perfusion-weighted and pharmacological MRI of the rat brain. 281-295 - Lisa Koski, Istvan Molnar-Szakacs, Marco Iacoboni:
Exploring the contributions of premotor and parietal cortex to spatial compatibility using image-guided TMS. 296-305 - Christopher W. Tyler, Heidi A. Baseler
, Leonid L. Kontsevich, Lora T. Likova, Alex R. Wade, Brian A. Wandell:
Predominantly extra-retinotopic cortical response to pattern symmetry. 306-314 - Valtteri Kaasinen
, Ralph Paul Maguire
, Timo Kurki
, A. Brück, Juha O. Rinne:
Mapping brain structure and personality in late adulthood. 315-322 - Alexander Geißler, Rupert Lanzenberger
, Markus Barth
, Amir Reza Tahamtan, Denny Milakara
, Andreas Gartus
, Roland Beisteiner:
Influence of fMRI smoothing procedures on replicability of fine scale motor localization. 323-331 - S. H. Annabel Chen, John E. Desmond:
Cerebrocerebellar networks during articulatory rehearsal and verbal working memory tasks. 332-338 - Andreas M. Bartels
, Semir Zeki:
Brain dynamics during natural viewing conditions - A new guide for mapping connectivity in vivo. 339-349 - William D. Penny
, Nelson J. Trujillo-Barreto
, Karl J. Friston
Bayesian fMRI time series analysis with spatial priors. 350-362 - Paul A. M. Smeets, Cees de Graaf, Annette Stafleu, Matthias J. P. van Osch
, Jeroen van der Grond
Functional MRI of human hypothalamic responses following glucose ingestion. 363-368 - Phyllis Koenig, Edward E. Smith, Guila Glosser, Christian Devita, Peachie Moore, Corey McMillan
, James F. Geelen, Murray Grossman:
The neural basis for novel semantic categorization. 369-383 - Jed A. Meltzer
, R. Todd Constable:
Activation of human hippocampal formation reflects success in both encoding and cued recall of paired associates. 384-397 - Maryam E. Rettmann, Duygu Tosun
, Xiaodong Tao, Susan M. Resnick, Jerry L. Prince
Program for Assisted Labeling of Sulcal Regions (PALS): description and reliability. 398-416 - Mark A. Williams
, Francis McGlone, David F. Abbott
, Jason B. Mattingley
Differential amygdala responses to happy and fearful facial expressions depend on selective attention. 417-425 - Adam Liebert
, Heidrun Wabnitz, Jens Steinbrink
, Michael Möller, Rainer Macdonald, H. Rinneberg, Arno Villringer
, Hellmuth Obrig:
Bed-side assessment of cerebral perfusion in stroke patients based on optical monitoring of a dye bolus by time-resolved diffuse reflectance. 426-435 - Angelo Del Parigi, Kewei Chen
, Arline D. Salbe, Eric M. Reiman, P. Antonio Tataranni:
Sensory experience of food and obesity: a positron emission tomography study of the brain regions affected by tasting a liquid meal after a prolonged fast. 436-443 - Bradley R. Buchsbaum, Rosanna K. Olsen
, Paul F. Koch, Philip Kohn, J. Shane Kippenhan, Karen Faith Berman:
Reading, hearing, and the planum temporale. 444-454 - Gordon D. Waiter
, Justin H. G. Williams
, Alison D. Murray
, Anne Gilchrist, David I. Perrett
, Andrew Whiten
Structural white matter deficits in high-functioning individuals with autistic spectrum disorder: a voxel-based investigation. 455-461 - Matthew P. Kirschen, S. H. Annabel Chen, Pamela Schraedley-Desmond, John E. Desmond:
Load- and practice-dependent increases in cerebro-cerebellar activation in verbal working memory: an fMRI study. 462-472 - Larry Gates, Myong G. Yoon:
Distinct and shared cortical regions of the human brain activated by pictorial depictions versus verbal descriptions: an fMRI study. 473-486 - Ulrich Ettinger
, Elena Antonova, Trevor J. Crawford
, Martina T. Mitterschiffthaler, Sanchayita Goswani, Tonmoy Sharma, Veena Kumari
Structural neural correlates of prosaccade and antisaccade eye movements in healthy humans. 487-494 - Nicholas Maltby, David F. Tolin, Patrick D. Worhunsky
, Timothy M. O'Keefe, Kent A. Kiehl:
Dysfunctional action monitoring hyperactivates frontal-striatal circuits in obsessive-compulsive disorder: an event-related fMRI study. 495-503 - Heike Juch, Ivan Zimine
, Mohamed L. Seghier
, François Lazeyras, Jean H. D. Fasel:
Anatomical variability of the lateral frontal lobe surface: implication for intersubject variability in language neuroimaging. 504-514 - Raimund Kleiser, Hans-Jörg Wittsack, C. M. Bütefisch, S. Jörgens, Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Functional activation within the PI-DWI mismatch region in recovery from ischemic stroke: preliminary observations. 515-523 - Mariana Lazar
, Andrew L. Alexander:
Bootstrap white matter tractography (BOOT-TRAC). 524-532 - My-Van Au Duong, Kader Boulanouar, Bertrand Audoin, S. Treseras, D. Ibarrola, Irina Malikova, Sylviane Confort-Gouny, P. Celsis, Jean Pelletier, Patrick J. Cozzone, Jean-Philippe Ranjeva:
Modulation of effective connectivity inside the working memory network in patients at the earliest stage of multiple sclerosis. 533-538 - Tobias Egner
, Joy Hirsch
The neural correlates and functional integration of cognitive control in a Stroop task. 539-547 - Argye E. Hillis, Melissa Newhart, Jennifer E. Heidler-Gary, Peter B. Barker, Edward Herskovits, Mahaveer Degaonkar:
The roles of the "visual word form area" in reading. 548-559 - Peter Vuust
, Karen Johanne Pallesen, Christopher J. Bailey
, Titia L. van Zuijen
, Albert Gjedde
, Andreas Roepstorff, Leif Østergaard
To musicians, the message is in the meter: Pre-attentive neuronal responses to incongruent rhythm are left-lateralized in musicians. 560-564 - Nicola Hewson-Stoate
, Myles Jones
, John Martindale, Jason Berwick, John E. W. Mayhew:
Further nonlinearities in neurovascular coupling in rodent barrel cortex. 565-574
- Felipe M. Ortuño
, Pilar Lopez
, Natalia Ojeda
, Salvador Cervera:
Dysfunctional supplementary motor area implication during attention and time estimation tasks in schizophrenia: a PET-O15 water study. 575-579 - Karine Sergerie, Martin D. Lepage, Jorge L. Armony:
A face to remember: emotional expression modulates prefrontal activity during memory formation. 580-585 - Josef M. Unterrainer, Christian C. Ruff
, Benjamin Rahm, Christoph P. Kaller
, Joachim Spreer, Ralf Schwarzwald, Ulrike Halsband:
The influence of sex differences and individual task performance on brain activation during planning. 586-590 - Alexander Gerhard
, Johannes Schwarz, Ralph Myers, Richard Wise, Richard B. Banati:
Evolution of microglial activation in patients after ischemic stroke: a [11C](R)-PK11195 PET study. 591-595 - Thomas Michaelis, Takashi Watanabe
, Oliver Natt, Susann Boretius
, Jens Frahm, Sandra Utz, Joachim Schachtner:
In vivo 3D MRI of insect brain: cerebral development during metamorphosis of Manduca sexta. 596-602 - Daniel B. Rowe, Brent R. Logan:
Complex fMRI analysis with unrestricted phase is equivalent to a magnitude-only model. 603-606
Volume 24, Number 3, February 2005
- Ekaterina Pataraia
, Gerald Lindinger, Lüder Deecke, Dagmar Mayer, Christoph Baumgartner:
Combined MEG/EEG analysis of the interictal spike complex in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. 607-614 - Luis Carretié
, José Antonio Hinojosa, Francisco Mercado, Manuel Tapia
Cortical response to subjectively unconscious danger. 615-623 - Atsushi Matsumoto, Tetsuya Iidaka
, Kaoruko Haneda, Tomohisa Okada
, Norihiro Sadato
Linking semantic priming effect in functional MRI and event-related potentials. 624-634 - Albrecht Stroh, Cornelius Faber
, Thomas Neuberger
, Peer Lorenz, Katharina Sieland, Peter M. Jakob
, Andrew Webb, Herbert Pilgrimm, Ralf Schober, Elena E. Pohl
, Claus Zimmer:
In vivo detection limits of magnetically labeled embryonic stem cells in the rat brain using high-field (17.6 T) magnetic resonance imaging. 635-645 - Bettina Pollok, Joachim Gross
, Katharina Müller, Gisa Aschersleben, Alfons Schnitzler
The cerebral oscillatory network associated with auditorily paced finger movements. 646-655 - Geoffrey J. M. Parker
, Simona Luzzi, Daniel C. Alexander
, Claudia A. M. Wheeler-Kingshott
, Olga Ciccarelli, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph
Lateralization of ventral and dorsal auditory-language pathways in the human brain. 656-666 - Jacco A. de Zwart
, Afonso C. Silva, Peter van Gelderen, Peter Kellman, Masaki Fukunaga
, Renxin Chu, Alan P. Koretsky
, Joseph A. Frank, Jeff H. Duyn:
Temporal dynamics of the BOLD fMRI impulse response. 667-677 - Thomas R. Barrick
, Clare E. Mackay
, Sylvain Prima, Frederik Maes
, Dirk Vandermeulen
, Timothy J. Crow, Neil Roberts:
Automatic analysis of cerebral asymmetry: an exploratory study of the relationship between brain torque and planum temporale asymmetry. 678-691 - Christopher Summerfield, Jennifer A. Mangels:
Coherent theta-band EEG activity predicts item-context binding during encoding. 692-703 - Cornelia Kranczioch, Stefan Debener
, Jens Schwarzbach
, Rainer Goebel
, Andreas K. Engel
Neural correlates of conscious perception in the attentional blink. 704-714 - Mark A. Gamalo, Hernando Ombao, J. Richard Jennings:
Comparing extent of activation: a robust permutation approach. 715-722 - Elke Ruth Gizewski
, Oezlem Koeze, Kai Uffmann, Armin de Greiff, Mark E. Ladd
, Michael Forsting:
Cerebral activation using a MR-compatible piezoelectric actuator with adjustable vibration frequencies and in vivo wave propagation control. 723-730 - Riikka Möttönen
, Juha Järveläinen, Mikko Sams, Riitta Hari:
Viewing speech modulates activity in the left SI mouth cortex. 731-737 - Essa Yacoub, Pierre-François van de Moortele
, Amir Shmuel, Kâmil Ugurbil:
Signal and noise characteristics of Hahn SE and GE BOLD fMRI at 7 T in humans. 738-750 - Hugo D. Critchley
, Pia Rotshtein
, Yoko Nagai
, John P. O'Doherty, Christopher J. Mathias, Raymond J. Dolan
Activity in the human brain predicting differential heart rate responses to emotional facial expressions. 751-762 - Manuel Desco
, Mónica Penedo, Juan D. Gispert
, Juan José Vaquero
, Santiago Reig, Pedro García-Barreno:
ROC evaluation of statistical wavelet-based analysis of brain activation in [15O]-H2O PET scans. 763-770 - Philip L. Jackson
, Andrew N. Meltzoff
, Jean Decety:
How do we perceive the pain of others? A window into the neural processes involved in empathy. 771-779 - Hubertus Lohmann, B. Dräger, S. Müller-Ehrenberg, Michael Deppe, Stefan Knecht
Language lateralization in young children assessed by functional transcranial Doppler sonography. 780-790 - Jelena Djordjevic, Robert J. Zatorre, Michael Petrides, J. A. Boyle, Marilyn Jones-Gotman:
Functional neuroimaging of odor imagery. 791-801 - Chien-Chung Chen
, Christopher W. Tyler, Chia-Li Liu, Yao-Hong Wang:
Lateral modulation of BOLD activation in unstimulated regions of the human visual cortex. 802-809 - Hideya Koshino
, Patricia A. Carpenter, Nancy J. Minshew, Vladimir Cherkassky, Timothy A. Keller, Marcel Adam Just
Functional connectivity in an fMRI working memory task in high-functioning autism. 810-821 - Christoph Scherfler
, Sonja W. Scholz
, Eveline Donnemiller, Clemens Decristoforo
, Michael Oberladstätter, Nadia Stefanova
, Eric Diederen, Irene Virgolini
, Werner Poewe, Gregor K. Wenning
Evaluation of [123I]IBZM pinhole SPECT for the detection of striatal dopamine D2 receptor availability in rats. 822-831 - Karen Emmorey, Thomas J. Grabowski, Stephen McCullough, Laura L. Boles Ponto
, Richard D. Hichwa, Hanna Damasio:
The neural correlates of spatial language in English and American Sign Language: a PET study with hearing bilinguals. 832-840 - Lionel Thivard, Jérémie Hombrouck, Thibaut Tezenas Du Montcel, Christine Delmaire, Laurent Cohen
, Séverine Samson, Sophie Dupont, Jacques Chiras, Michel Baulac, Stéphane Lehéricy:
Productive and perceptive language reorganization in temporal lobe epilepsy. 841-851 - Luigi Pizzamiglio, Teresa Aprile, Grazia Spitoni, Sabrina Pitzalis
, Elizabeth Bates, Simona D'Amico
, Francesco Di Russo
Separate neural systems for processing action- or non-action-related sounds. 852-861 - Mauricio R. Delgado, Melinda M. Miller, Souheil Inati, Elizabeth A. Phelps
An fMRI study of reward-related probability learning. 862-873 - Francesco Di Russo
, Sabrina Pitzalis
, Grazia Spitoni, Teresa Aprile, Fabiana Patria, Donatella Spinelli
, Steven A. Hillyard:
Identification of the neural sources of the pattern-reversal VEP. 874-886 - Hauke R. Heekeren
, Isabell Wartenburger
, Helge Schmidt, Kristin Prehn
, Hans-Peter Schwintowski, Arno Villringer
Influence of bodily harm on neural correlates of semantic and moral decision-making. 887-897 - Anda H. van Stegeren, Rutger Goekoop, Walter Everaerd, Philip Scheltens
, Frederik Barkhof
, Joost P. A. Kuijer
, Serge A. R. B. Rombouts
Noradrenaline mediates amygdala activation in men and women during encoding of emotional material. 898-909 - Alex D. Leow, C. L. Yu, S. J. Lee, Sung-Cheng Huang, Hillary Protas, Rob Nicolson
, Kiralee M. Hayashi, Arthur W. Toga, Paul M. Thompson
Brain structural mapping using a novel hybrid implicit/explicit framework based on the level-set method. 910-927 - Shihui Han, Yi Jiang
, Glyn W. Humphreys, Tiangang Zhou, Peng Cai:
Distinct neural substrates for the perception of real and virtual visual worlds. 928-935
Volume 24, Number 4, February 2005
- Isabelle Hesling
, Sylvain Clément, Martine Bordessoules, Michèle Allard:
Cerebral mechanisms of prosodic integration: evidence from connected speech. 937-947 - Shannon O'Donnell, Michael D. Noseworthy
, Brian Levine
, Maureen Dennis:
Cortical thickness of the frontopolar area in typically developing children and adolescents. 948-954 - Seppo Kähkönen, Soile Komssi, J. Wilenius, Risto J. Ilmoniemi
Prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation produces intensity-dependent EEG responses in humans. 955-960 - Ville Mäkinen, Hannu Tiitinen, Patrick J. C. May:
Auditory event-related responses are generated independently of ongoing brain activity. 961-968 - Claus Svarer
, Karine Madsen, Steen Gregers Hasselbalch
, Lars H. Pinborg
, Steven Haugbol, Vibe G. Frokjaer
, Søren Holm
, Olaf B. Paulson
, Gitte Moos Knudsen
MR-based automatic delineation of volumes of interest in human brain PET images using probability maps. 969-979 - Jürgen Fell, Rüdiger Köhling
, Thomas Grunwald, Peter Klaver
, Thomas Dietl, Carlo Schaller, Albert Becker, Christian Erich Elger, Guillén Fernández:
Phase-locking characteristics of limbic P3 responses in hippocampal sclerosis. 980-989 - Claudio Pollo, Meritxell Bach Cuadra
, Olivier Cuisenaire
, Jean-Guy Villemure, Jean-Philippe Thiran
Segmentation of brain structures in presence of a space-occupying lesion. 990-996 - Christophe Phillips
, Jérémie Mattout
, Michael D. Rugg, Pierre Maquet
, Karl J. Friston
An empirical Bayesian solution to the source reconstruction problem in EEG. 997-1011 - Gebhard Sammer, Carlo R. Blecker, Helge Gebhardt, Peter Kirsch
, Rudolf Stark, Dieter Vaitl:
Acquisition of typical EEG waveforms during fMRI: SSVEP, LRP, and frontal theta. 1012-1024 - Paola Sarchielli, Roberto Tarducci, Otello Presciutti, Gianni Gobbi, Gian Piero Pelliccioli, Giuseppe Stipa
, Andrea Alberti, Giuseppe Capocchi:
Functional 1H-MRS findings in migraine patients with and without aura assessed interictally. 1025-1031