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NeuroImage, Volume 48
Volume 48, Number 1, October 2009
- Jan Derrfuss
, Raymond A. Mar:
Lost in localization: The need for a universal coordinate database. 1-7 - Antonia F. de C. Hamilton:
Lost in localization: A minimal middle way. 8-10 - Finn Årup Nielsen
Lost in localization: A solution with neuroinformatics 2.0? 11-13 - David C. Van Essen
Lost in localization - But found with foci?! 14-17 - Angela R. Laird
, Jack L. Lancaster, Peter T. Fox
Lost in localization? The focus is meta-analysis. 18-20
- David H. Salat, Stephanie Y. Lee, André J. W. van der Kouwe, Douglas N. Greve, Bruce Fischl, H. Diana Rosas:
Age-associated alterations in cortical gray and white matter signal intensity and gray to white matter contrast. 21-28 - Andrea Cherubini
, Patrice Péran
, Carlo Caltagirone, Umberto Sabatini
, Gianfranco Spalletta:
Aging of subcortical nuclei: Microstructural, mineralization and atrophy modifications measured in vivo using MRI. 29-36 - Caroline C. Brun, Natasha Leporé, Xavier Pennec
, Agatha D. Lee, Marina Barysheva, Sarah K. Madsen, Christina Avedissian, Yi-Yu Chou, Greig I. de Zubicaray
, Katie McMahon, Margaret J. Wright
, Arthur W. Toga, Paul M. Thompson
Mapping the regional influence of genetics on brain structure variability - A Tensor-Based Morphometry study. 37-49
- Ardalan Aarabi
, Kamran Kazemi, Reinhard Grebe, Hamid Abrishami Moghaddam, Fabrice Wallois:
Detection of EEG transients in neonates and older children using a system based on dynamic time-warping template matching and spatial dipole clustering. 50-62 - Douglas N. Greve, Bruce Fischl:
Accurate and robust brain image alignment using boundary-based registration. 63-72 - Weili Zheng, Michael W. L. Chee
, Vitali Zagorodnov:
Improvement of brain segmentation accuracy by optimizing non-uniformity correction using N3. 73-83 - Nicholas P. Blockley
, Susan T. Francis, Penny A. Gowland
Perturbation of the BOLD response by a contrast agent and interpretation through a modified balloon model. 84-93 - Frank Freyer, Robert Becker, Kimitaka Anami, Gabriel Curio
, Arno Villringer
, Petra Ritter
Ultrahigh-frequency EEG during fMRI: Pushing the limits of imaging-artifact correction. 94-108 - Amnon Bar-Shir, Ian D. Duncan, Yoram Cohen:
QSI and DTI of excised brains of the myelin-deficient rat. 109-116 - Adam G. Thomas
, Sean Marrett
, Ziad S. Saad, Douglas A. Ruff
, Alex Martin, Peter A. Bandettini:
Functional but not structural changes associated with learning: An exploration of longitudinal Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM). 117-125 - Andreas Schäfer, Sam J. Wharton, Penny A. Gowland
, Richard Bowtell
Using magnetic field simulation to study susceptibility-related phase contrast in gradient echo MRI. 126-137 - Chris Hinrichs, Vikas Singh, Lopamudra Mukherjee, Guofan Xu, Moo K. Chung
, Sterling C. Johnson
Spatially augmented LPboosting for AD classification with evaluations on the ADNI dataset. 138-149 - Kâmil Uludag
, Bernd Müller-Bierl, Kâmil Ugurbil:
An integrative model for neuronal activity-induced signal changes for gradient and spin echo functional imaging. 150-165 - Molly G. Bright
, Daniel P. Bulte, Peter Jezzard
, Jeff H. Duyn:
Characterization of regional heterogeneity in cerebrovascular reactivity dynamics using novel hypocapnia task and BOLD fMRI. 166-175 - Jarkko Ylipaavalniemi
, Eerika Savia, Sanna Malinen, Riitta Hari, Ricardo Vigário
, Samuel Kaski:
Dependencies between stimuli and spatially independent fMRI sources: Towards brain correlates of natural stimuli. 176-185
- Paul R. A. Stokes, Mitul A. Mehta, H. Valerie Curran, Gerome Breen
, Paul M. Grasby:
Can recreational doses of THC produce significant dopamine release in the human striatum? 186-190 - Shimin Fu
, Yuxia Huang, Yuejia Luo, Yan Wang, John R. Fedota, Pamela M. Greenwood, Raja Parasuraman:
Perceptual load interacts with involuntary attention at early processing stages: Event-related potential studies. 191-199 - Andreas von Leupoldt, Tobias Sommer
, Sarah Kegat, Hans Jörg Baumann, Hans Klose, Bernhard Dahme, Christian Büchel:
Dyspnea and pain share emotion-related brain network. 200-206 - Sébastien Treserras, Kader Boulanouar, Fabrice Conchou, Marion Simonetta-Moreau, Isabelle Berry
, Pierre Celsis, François Chollet, Isabelle Loubinoux
Transition from rest to movement: Brain correlates revealed by functional connectivity. 207-216 - Moriah E. Thomason, Christian E. Waugh
, Gary H. Glover, Ian H. Gotlib:
COMT genotype and resting brain perfusion in children. 217-222
- Anastasia Christakou
, Rozmin Halari, Anna B. Smith, Eve Ifkovits, Mick Brammer, Katya Rubia
Sex-dependent age modulation of frontostriatal and temporo-parietal activation during cognitive control. 223-236 - Christine Stelzel, Stephan A. Brandt, Torsten Schubert
Neural mechanisms of concurrent stimulus processing in dual tasks. 237-248 - Michael G. Hardin, Daniel S. Pine, Monique Ernst:
The influence of context valence in the neural coding of monetary outcomes. 249-257 - Fabian Grabenhorst
, Edmund T. Rolls
Different representations of relative and absolute subjective value in the human brain. 258-268 - Marta I. Garrido
, James M. Kilner
, Stefan J. Kiebel
, Klaas E. Stephan
, Torsten Baldeweg, Karl J. Friston
Repetition suppression and plasticity in the human brain. 269-279 - Zheng Ye
, Xiaolin Zhou:
Conflict control during sentence comprehension: fMRI evidence. 280-290 - Isabell Wartenburger
, Hauke R. Heekeren
, Franziska Preusse, Jürg Kramer, Elke Van der Meer:
Cerebral correlates of analogical processing and their modulation by training. 291-302 - Maryam Rostami, S. M. Hadi Hosseini
, Makoto Takahashi, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryuta Kawashima:
Neural bases of goal-directed implicit learning. 303-310
- Klaas Enno Stephan
, Will D. Penny
, Jean Daunizeau, Rosalyn J. Moran, Karl J. Friston
Corrigendum to "Bayesian model selection for group studies" [NeuroImage 46 (2009) 1005-1017]. 311
Volume 48, Number 2, November 2009
- Nanyin Zhang
, Essa Yacoub, Xiao-Hong Zhu, Kâmil Ugurbil, Wei Chen:
Linearity of blood-oxygenation-level dependent signal at microvasculature. 313-318 - Jian Yang, Jianxin Liu, Gang Niu, Kevin C. Chan, Rong Wang, Yong Liu, Ed X. Wu
In vivo MRI of endogenous stem/progenitor cell migration from subventricular zone in normal and injured developing brains. 319-328
- Paul Edison
, David J. Brooks
, Federico E. Turkheimer
, Hilary A. Archer, Rainer Hinz
Strategies for the generation of parametric images of [11C]PIB with plasma input functions considering discriminations and reproducibility. 329-338 - Matthias T. Wyss, Nicolas M. Obrist, Florent Haiss
, Rolf Eckert, Ross Stanley, Cyrill Burger, Alfred Buck, Bruno Weber
A beta-scintillator for surface measurements of radiotracer kinetics in the intact rodent cortex. 339-347 - Srikanth Ryali
, Gary H. Glover, Catie Chang, Vinod Menon
Development, validation, and comparison of ICA-based gradient artifact reduction algorithms for simultaneous EEG-spiral in/out and echo-planar fMRI recordings. 348-361 - Garth E. Terry, Jeih-San Liow, Sami S. Zoghbi, Jussi Hirvonen, Amanda G. Farris, Alicja Lerner, Johannes T. Tauscher, John M. Schaus, Lee Phebus, Christian C. Felder
, Cheryl L. Morse, Jinsoo Hong, Victor W. Pike, Christer Halldin, Robert B. Innis:
Quantitation of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in healthy human brain using positron emission tomography and an inverse agonist radioligand. 362-370 - Chloe Hutton, Bogdan Draganski
, John Ashburner
, Nikolaus Weiskopf
A comparison between voxel-based cortical thickness and voxel-based morphometry in normal aging. 371-380
- Tilman Schulte, Eva M. Müller-Oehring, Shara Vinco, Fumiko Hoeft, Adolf Pfefferbaum, Edith V. Sullivan
Double dissociation between action-driven and perception-driven conflict resolution invoking anterior versus posterior brain systems. 381-390 - Linda Chang, Christine Cloak
, C. S. Jiang, S. Farnham, B. Tokeshi, Steven Buchthal, B. Hedemark, L. M. Smith, Thomas Ernst:
Altered neurometabolites and motor integration in children exposed to methamphetamine in utero. 391-397 - Sari Karlsson, Lars Nyberg
, Per Karlsson, Håkan Fischer
, Petra Thilers, Stuart W. S. MacDonald
, Yvonne Brehmer, Anna Rieckmann, Christer Halldin, Lars Farde
, Lars Bäckman:
Modulation of striatal dopamine D1 binding by cognitive processing. 398-404 - Gijs Plomp
, Manuel R. Mercier
, Thomas U. Otto
, Olaf Blanke, Michael H. Herzog
Non-retinotopic feature integration decreases response-locked brain activity as revealed by electrical neuroimaging. 405-414
- Gregory J. Christie, Matthew S. Tata:
Right frontal cortex generates reward-related theta-band oscillatory activity. 415-422 - Suk-Tak Chan
, Sze-wing Tang
, Kwok-wing Tang, Wing-kit Lee, Shing-shun Lo, Kenneth K. Kwong
Hierarchical coding of characters in the ventral and dorsal visual streams of Chinese language processing. 423-435 - Russell Thompson, John S. Duncan
Attentional modulation of stimulus representation in human fronto-parietal cortex. 436-448 - Hyeon-Ae Jeon
, Kyoung-Min Lee, Young-Bo Kim, Zang-Hee Cho:
Neural substrates of semantic relationships: Common and distinct left-frontal activities for generation of synonyms vs. antonyms. 449-457 - Yeisid Gozzo, Betty R. Vohr, Cheryl Lacadie, Michelle Hampson
, Karol H. Katz, Jill Maller-Kesselman, Karen C. Schneider, Bradley S. Peterson, Nallakkandi Rajeevan, Robert W. Makuch, R. Todd Constable
, Laura R. Ment:
Alterations in neural connectivity in preterm children at school age. 458-463 - Emi Tanaka, Tetsuo Kida
, Koji Inui
, Ryusuke Kakigi:
Change-driven cortical activation in multisensory environments: An MEG study. 464-474 - Marzia De Lucia
, Christian Camen, Stephanie Clarke
, Micah M. Murray
The role of actions in auditory object discrimination. 475-485 - Keisuke Wakusawa, Motoaki Sugiura, Yuko Sassa, Hyeonjeong Jeong
, Kaoru Horie, Shigeru Sato, Hiroyuki Yokoyama, Shigeru Tsuchiya, Ryuta Kawashima:
Neural correlates of processing situational relationships between a part and the whole: An fMRI study. 486-496
Volume 48, Number 3, November 2009
- Khader M. Hasan, Otto Pedraza:
Improving the reliability of manual and automated methods for hippocampal and amygdala volume measurements. 497-498 - Rajendra A. Morey, Christopher Petty, Yuan Xu, Jasmeet Pannu Hayes, H. Ryan Wagner II
, Darrell V. Lewis, Kevin S. LaBar, Martin Styner
, Gregory McCarthy:
Rebuttal to Hasan and Pedraza in comments and controversies: "Improving the reliability of manual and automated methods for hippocampal and amygdala volume measurements". 499-500 - Xiaoli Li
, Duan Li
, Logan James Voss, Jamie W. Sleigh:
The comodulation measure of neuronal oscillations with general harmonic wavelet bicoherence and application to sleep analysis. 501-514 - Qihong Zou, Changwei W. Wu
, Elliot A. Stein, Yufeng Zang
, Yihong Yang:
Static and dynamic characteristics of cerebral blood flow during the resting state. 515-524 - Nuran Tunc-Skarka, Wolfgang Weber-Fahr, Mareen Hoerst, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
, Mathias Zink, Gabriele Ende:
MR spectroscopic evaluation of N-acetylaspartate's T2 relaxation time and concentration corroborates white matter abnormalities in schizophrenia. 525-531 - Shlomi Lifshits, Arie Tamir, Yaniv Assaf:
Combinatorial fiber-tracking of the human brain. 532-540
- Toni Cunillera
, Estela Camara
, Juan M. Toro
, Josep Marco-Pallarés
, Núria Sebastián-Gallés, Héctor Ortiz, Jesús Pujol, Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells
Time course and functional neuroanatomy of speech segmentation in adults. 541-553 - Timm Rosburg
, Peter Trautner, Christian Erich Elger, Martin Kurthen:
Attention effects on sensory gating - Intracranial and scalp recordings. 554-563
- Frank Van Overwalle, Kris Baetens:
Understanding others' actions and goals by mirror and mentalizing systems: A meta-analysis. 564-584 - Antonia Ceccarelli, Maria Assunta Rocca
, Elisabetta Pagani
, Andrea Falini
, Giancarlo Comi, Massimo Filippi
Cognitive learning is associated with gray matter changes in healthy human individuals: A tensor-based morphometry study. 585-589 - Björn Herrmann
, Burkhard Maess
, Anna S. Hasting, Angela D. Friederici:
Localization of the syntactic mismatch negativity in the temporal cortex: An MEG study. 590-600 - Jennifer K. Roth, Marcia K. Johnson, Carol L. Raye, R. Todd Constable
Similar and dissociable mechanisms for attention to internal versus external information. 601-608 - Daniel H. Weissman, L. M. Warner, Marty G. Woldorff
Momentary reductions of attention permit greater processing of irrelevant stimuli. 609-615 - Stefan Heim
, Simon B. Eickhoff
, Katrin Amunts
Different roles of cytoarchitectonic BA 44 and BA 45 in phonological and semantic verbal fluency as revealed by dynamic causal modelling. 616-624 - Michael B. Miller, Christa-Lynn Donovan, John D. Van Horn, Elaine German, Peter Sokol-Hessner, George L. Wolford:
Unique and persistent individual patterns of brain activity across different memory retrieval tasks. 625-635
Volume 48, Number 4, December 2009
- Allan MacKenzie-Graham
, Seema K. Tiwari-Woodruff, Gaurav Sharma, Cynthia Aguilar, Kieumai T. Vo, Lauren V. Strickland, Laurie Morales, Boma Fubara, Melanie Martin
, Russell E. Jacobs
, G. Allan Johnson
, Arthur W. Toga, Rhonda R. Voskuhl:
Purkinje cell loss in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. 637-651
- Stefano Zago
, Roberta Ferrucci
, Sara Marceglia
, Alberto Priori
The Mosso method for recording brain pulsation: The forerunner of functional neuroimaging. 652-656 - Claus Kiefer, Lisa Brockhaus, Katja Cattapan-Ludewig, Pietro Ballinari, Yuliya Burren, Gerhard Schroth, Roland Wiest
Multi-parametric classification of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: The impact of quantitative magnetization transfer MR imaging. 657-667
- Xue Hua, Suh Lee, Igor Yanovsky
, Alex D. Leow
, Yi-Yu Chou, April J. Ho, Boris Gutman, Arthur W. Toga, Clifford R. Jack Jr.
, Matt A. Bernstein
, Eric Reiman, Danielle J. Harvey, John Kornak, Norbert Schuff, Gene E. Alexander, Michael W. Weiner, Paul M. Thompson
Optimizing power to track brain degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment with tensor-based morphometry: An ADNI study of 515 subjects. 668-681 - Friederike Moeller
, Hartwig R. Siebner, Nils Ahlgrimm, Stephan Wolff, Hiltrud Muhle, Oliver Granert
, Rainer Boor, Olav Jansen, Jean Gotman, Ulrich Stephani, Michael Siniatchkin:
fMRI activation during spike and wave discharges evoked by photic stimulation. 682-695 - Philippe A. Chouinard
, Melvyn A. Goodale
FMRI adaptation during performance of learned arbitrary visuomotor conditional associations. 696-706
- Einat Shetreet, Naama Friedmann
, Uri Hadar:
An fMRI study of syntactic layers: Sentential and lexical aspects of embedding. 707-716 - Kai Hwang
, Erica D. Palmer, Surina Basho, Jonathan R. Zadra, Ralph-Axel Müller:
Category-specific activations during word generation reflect experiential sensorimotor modalities. 717-725 - Zara M. Bergström
, Jan de Fockert, Alan Richardson-Klavehn:
ERP and behavioural evidence for direct suppression of unwanted memories. 726-737 - Michael C. Stevens
, Pawel Skudlarski, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Vince D. Calhoun
Age-related cognitive gains are mediated by the effects of white matter development on brain network integration. 738-746

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