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Parallel Computing, Volume 28
Volume 28, Number 1, January 2002
- Gerhard R. Joubert:
Editorial. 1-2 - Angela C. Sodan:
Applications on a multithreaded architecture: A case study with EARTH-MANNA. 3-33 - Hendrik L. Tolman:
Distributed-memory concepts in the wave model WAVEWATCH III. 35-52 - P. Wang, Karen Y. Liu, Tom Cwik, Robert Green:
MODTRAN on supercomputers and parallel computers. 53-64 - Fusen He, Jie Wu:
An efficient parallel implementation of the Everglades Landscape Fire Model using checkpointing. 65-82 - Rajeev Thakur
, William Gropp
, Ewing L. Lusk:
Optimizing noncontiguous accesses in MPI-IO. 83-105 - Hung-Chang Hsiao, Chung-Ta King:
Implementation and evaluation of directory hints in CC-NUMA multiprocessors. 107-132 - Huei-Huang Chang, Ge-Ming Chiu:
An improved fault-tolerant routing algorithm in meshes with convex faults. 133-149
Volume 28, Number 2, February 2002
- Erricos John Kontoghiorghes
, Ahmed H. Sameh, Denis Trystram:
Special issue on parallel matrix algorithms and applications. 151-153 - Olivier Beaumont
, Arnaud Legrand, Fabrice Rastello, Yves Robert
Dense linear algebra kernels on heterogeneous platforms: Redistribution issues. 155-185 - Olaf Schenk
, Klaus Gärtner:
Two-level dynamic scheduling in PARDISO: Improved scalability on shared memory multiprocessing systems . 187-197 - Dany Mezher, Bernard Philippe:
Parallel computation of pseudospectra of large sparse matrices. 199-221 - Constantine Bekas, Efstratios Gallopoulos:
Parallel computation of pseudospectra by fast descent. 223-242 - Martin Becka, Gabriel Oksa, Marián Vajtersic:
Dynamic ordering for a parallel block-Jacobi SVD algorithm. 243-262 - Martin H. Gutknecht, Stefan Röllin:
The Chebyshev iteration revisited. 263-283 - Ahmed H. Sameh, Vivek Sarin:
Parallel algorithms for indefinite linear systems. 285-299 - Pascal Hénon, Pierre Ramet
, Jean Roman:
PaStiX: a high-performance parallel direct solver for sparse symmetric positive definite systems. 301-321 - Y. Liang, Jim Weston, Marek Szularz:
Generalized least-squares polynomial preconditioners for symmetric indefinite linear equations. 323-341 - Joël M. Malard:
Parallel restricted maximum likelihood estimation for linear models with a dense exogenous matrix. 343-353 - Wojciech Owczarz, Zahari Zlatev
Parallel matrix computations in air pollution modelling. 355-368
Volume 28, Number 3, March 2002
- Boniface Nkonga, P. Charrier:
Generalized parcel method for dispersed spray and message passing strategy on unstructured meshes. 369-398 - Stephen H. Brill, George F. Pinder:
Parallel implementation of the Bi-CGSTAB method with block red-black Gauss-Seidel preconditioner applied to the Hermite collocation discretization of partial differential equations. 399-414 - Harald J. Ehold, Wilfried N. Gansterer, Dieter F. Kvasnicka, Christoph W. Ueberhuber:
Optimizing Local Performance in HPF. 415-432 - Alain Girault:
Elimination of redundant messages with a two-pass static analysis algorithm. 433-453 - Kleanthis Psarris:
Program analysis techniques for transforming programs for parallel execution. 455-469 - Jen-Chih Lin, Nan-Chen Hsien:
Reconfiguring binary tree structures in a faulty supercube with unbounded expansion. 471-483 - Francesco Quaglia, Bruno Ciciani, Michele Colajanni
Performance analysis of adaptive wormhole routing in a two-dimensional torus. 485-501 - Yosi Ben-Asher:
The parallel client-server paradigm. 503-523
Volume 28, Number 4, April 2002
- Abdelkader Hameurlain, Franck Morvan:
CPU and incremental memory allocation in dynamic parallelization of SQL queries. 525-556 - Andrzej M. Goscinski, Michael Hobbs
, Jackie Silcock:
GENESIS: an efficient, transparent and easy to use cluster operating system. 557-606 - Olivier Aumage, Luc Bougé, Jean-François Méhaut
, Raymond Namyst:
Madeleine II: a portable and efficient communication library for high-performance cluster computing. 607-626 - Petr Salinger, Pavel Tvrdík:
Optimal broadcasting and gossiping in one-port meshes of trees with distance-insensitive routing. 627-647 - Abderezak Touzene:
Edges-disjoint spanning trees on the binary wrapped butterfly network with applications to fault tolerance. 649-666 - Roberto Serra
, Marco Villani
, Anna Salvemini:
Erratum to "Continuous genetic networks". 667
Volume 28, Number 5, May 2002
- Domenico Talia
, Pradip K. Srimani:
Parallel data-intensive algorithms and applications (guest editorial). 669-671 - Mario Cannataro
, Domenico Talia
, Pradip K. Srimani:
Parallel data intensive computing in scientific and commercial applications. 673-704 - Peter Sanders:
Reconciling simplicity and realism in parallel disk models. 705-723 - Renato Ferreira, Gagan Agrawal, Joel H. Saltz:
Data parallel language and compiler support for data intensive applications. 725-748 - William E. Allcock, Joseph Bester, John Bresnahan, Ann L. Chervenak, Ian T. Foster, Carl Kesselman
, Sam Meder, Veronika Nefedova, Darcy Quesnel, Steven Tuecke
Data management and transfer in high-performance computational grid environments. 749-771 - Yanyan Yang, Omer F. Rana
, David W. Walker
, Christos Georgousopoulos, Giovanni Aloisio
, Roy Williams:
Agent based data management in digital libraries. 773-792 - Massimo Coppola, Marco Vanneschi:
High-performance data mining with skeleton-based structured parallel programming. 793-813 - David B. Skillicorn
Parallel frequent set counting. 815-825 - Michael D. Beynon, Chialin Chang, Ümit V. Çatalyürek
, Tahsin M. Kurç, Alan Sussman
, Henrique Andrade, Renato Ferreira, Joel H. Saltz:
Processing large-scale multi-dimensional data in parallel and distributed environments. 827-859
Volume 28, Number 6, June 2002
- Pablo A. Estévez
, Hélène Paugam-Moisy, Didier Puzenat
, Manuel Ugarte:
A scalable parallel algorithm for training a hierarchical mixture of neural experts. 861-891 - Tyng-Yue Liang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Jun-Qi Li:
Selecting threads for workload migration in software distributed shared memory systems. 893-913 - Jingling Xue
, Wentong Cai
Time-minimal tiling when rise is larger than zero. 915-939
Volume 28, Number 7-8, August 2002
- Andreas Uhl, Peter Zinterhof:
Parallel computing in image and video processing (guest editorial). 941-943 - Cristina Nicolescu, Pieter Jonker:
A data and task parallel image processing environment. 945-965 - Frank J. Seinstra, Dennis C. Koelma, Jan-Mark Geusebroek:
A software architecture for user transparent parallel image processing. 967-993 - Alberto Biancardi
, Alain Mérigot:
Extending the data parallel paradigm with data-dependent operators. 995-1021 - Francisco Argüello
, Juan López, María A. Trenas, Emilio L. Zapata:
Architecture for wavelet packet transform based on lifting steps. 1023-1037 - Ishfaq Ahmad, Yong He, Ming L. Liou:
Video compression with parallel processing. 1039-1078 - Hazem M. Abbas
, Mohamed M. Bayoumi:
Parallel codebook design for vector quantization on a message passing MIMD architecture. 1079-1093 - Rade Kutil:
Approaches to zerotree image and video coding on MIMD architectures. 1095-1109 - Aravind Dasu, Sethuraman Panchanathan:
Reconfigurable media processing. 1111-1139 - Khaled Benkrid, Danny Crookes, Abdsamad Benkrid:
Towards a general framework for FPGA based image processing using hardware skeletons. 1141-1154 - A. C. Zawada, Nicholas Luke Seed
, Peter A. Ivey:
Continuous and high coverage self-testing of dynamically re-configurable systems. 1155-1178 - Virginie Fresse, Olivier Déforges:
ARIAL: Rapid Prototyping for Mixed and Parallel Platforms. 1179-1202 - Edwige E. Pissaloux, Frank Amiot, Tharam S. Dillon:
A vision-application adaptable computer concept and its implementation in FreeTIV computer. 1203-1219
Volume 28, Number 9, September 2002
- Mark Christiaens, Michiel Ronsse, Koenraad De Bosschere:
Bounding the number of segment histories during data race detection. 1221-1238 - Mikhail S. Tarkov, Youngsong Mun, Jaeyoung Choi, Hyung-Il Choi:
Mapping adaptive fuzzy Kohonen clustering network onto distributed image processing system. 1239-1256 - Erricos John Kontoghiorghes
Greedy Givens algorithms for computing the rank-k updating of the QR decomposition. 1257-1273 - Ke Chen
, Choi-Hong Lai:
Parallel algorithms of the Purcell method for direct solution of linear systems. 1275-1291 - Shao Dong Chen, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor:
An efficient algorithm for constructing Hamiltonian paths in meshes. 1293-1305 - Yuan-Shin Hwang:
Parallelizing graph construction operations in programs with cyclic graphs. 1307-1328 - PeiZong Lee, Wen-Yao Chen:
Generating communication sets of array assignment statements for block-cyclic distribution on distributed memory parallel computers. 1329-1368
Volume 28, Number 10, October 2002
- Alexey L. Lastovetsky
Adaptive parallel computing on heterogeneous networks with mpC. 1369-1407 - Jeffrey Nesheiwat, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Instrumentation database system for performance analysis of parallel scientific applications. 1409-1449 - Chi Shen, Jun Zhang:
Parallel two level block ILU preconditioning techniques for solving large sparse linear systems. 1451-1475 - Lili Ju
, Qiang Du
, Max D. Gunzburger:
Probabilistic methods for centroidal Voronoi tessellations and their parallel implementations. 1477-1500 - Carlos Alberto Alonso Sanches
, Nei Yoshihiro Soma
, Horacio Hideki Yanasse
Comments on parallel algorithms for the knapsack problem. 1501-1505
Volume 28, Number 11, November 2002
- Ian N. Dunn, Gerard G. L. Meyer:
QR factorization for shared memory and message passing. 1507-1530 - Jean-Guillaume Dumas
, Jean-Louis Roch:
On parallel block algorithms for exact triangularizations. 1531-1548 - Taesoon Park, Inseon Lee, Heon Young Yeom:
An efficient causal logging scheme for recoverable distributed shared memory systems. 1549-1572 - Claire Hanen
, Alix Munier Kordon:
Minimizing the volume in scheduling an out-tree with communication delays and duplication. 1573-1585 - Stephen A. Jarvis
, Jonathan M. D. Hill, Constantinos J. Siniolakis, Vasil P. Vasilev:
Portable and architecture independent parallel performance tuning using BSP. 1587-1609 - Li-Chiu Chang
, Fi-John Chang
An efficient parallel algorithm for LISSOM neural network. 1611-1633
Volume 28, Number 12, December 2002
- Pasqua D'Ambra
, Marco Danelutto
, Daniela di Serafino
Advanced environments for parallel and distributed computing. 1635-1636 - Pasqua D'Ambra
, Marco Danelutto
, Daniela di Serafino
, Marco Lapegna
Advanced environments for parallel and distributed applications: a view of current status. 1637-1662 - Steve MacDonald, John Anvik
, Steven Bromling, Jonathan Schaeffer, Duane Szafron, Kai Tan:
From patterns to frameworks to parallel programs. 1663-1683 - Jocelyn Sérot, Dominique Ginhac
Skeletons for parallel image processing: an overview of the SKIPPER project. 1685-1708 - Marco Vanneschi:
The programming model of ASSIST, an environment for parallel and distributed portable applications. 1709-1732 - Domenico Laforenza:
Grid programming: some indications where we are headed. 1733-1752 - Nathalie Furmento
, Anthony Edward Mayer, A. Stephen McGough, Steven J. Newhouse, Tony Field, John Darlington:
ICENI: Optimisation of component applications within a Grid environment. 1753-1772 - Micah Beck, Dorian C. Arnold, Alessandro Bassi
, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova, Jack J. Dongarra, Terry Moore, Graziano Obertelli, James S. Plank
, D. Martin Swany
, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Richard Wolski:
Middleware for the use of storage in communication. 1773-1787 - Michele Di Santo, Franco Frattolillo
, Wilma Russo
, Eugenio Zimeo:
A component-based approach to build a portable and flexible middleware for metacomputing. 1789-1810 - Boyana Norris
, Satish Balay, Steven Benson, Lori A. Freitag, Paul D. Hovland
, Lois C. McInnes, Barry F. Smith:
Parallel components for PDEs and optimization: some issues and experiences. 1811-1831

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