Pattern Recognition, Volume 112

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Volume 112, April 2021

Objects and image analysis Clustering Classifiers and classification Various applications Face and biometrics Features Objects and image analysis Handwriting and document analysis Human movements and activities Clustering Machine learning Objects and image analysis Machine learning Features Structural pattern recognition, network and graph methods Clustering Objects and image analysis Human movements and activities Clustering Features Machine learning Objects and image analysis Classifiers and classification Objects and image analysis Features Classifiers and classification Structural pattern recognition, network and graph methods Classifiers and classification Machine learning Classifiers and classification Objects and image analysis Classifiers and classification Data science and big data Machine learning Clustering Objects and image analysis Structural pattern recognition, network and graph methods Objects and image analysis Handwriting and document analysis Features Machine learning Features Objects and image analysis Classifiers and classification Objects and image analysis Special Section on Weakly Supervised Learning on Big Vision Data Human movements and activities Machine learning Features Classifiers and classification Objects and image analysis Structural pattern recognition, network and graph methods Objects and image analysis Special Section on Pattern Recognition Methods for Bridging the Vision-Language Gap in Multimodal Data Analysis Clustering Objects and image analysis Classifiers and classification