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Quantum Information Processing, Volume 15
Volume 15, Number 1, January 2016
- Fei Yan, Abdullah M. Iliyasu, Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca:
A survey of quantum image representations. 1-35 - Jianzhi Sang, Shen Wang, Xiamu Niu:
Quantum realization of the nearest-neighbor interpolation method for FRQI and NEQR. 37-64 - Wenliang Jin:
Dynamical analysis of Grover's search algorithm in arbitrarily high-dimensional search spaces. 65-84 - Renato Portugal, Raqueline A. M. Santos, Tharso D. Fernandes, Demerson N. Gonçalves:
The staggered quantum walk model. 85-101 - Akito Suzuki:
Asymptotic velocity of a position-dependent quantum walk. 103-119 - Piotr Frackiewicz:
Remarks on quantum duopoly schemes. 121-136 - Haozhen Situ:
Two-player conflicting interest Bayesian games and Bell nonlocality. 137-145 - Guo-Fu Weng, Yang Yu:
Playing quantum games by a scheme with pre- and post-selection. 147-165 - Giuliano Gadioli La Guardia:
Asymmetric quantum convolutional codes. 167-183 - Jie Lin, Li-Tuo Shen, Huai-Zhi Wu, Zhen-Biao Yang:
Stabilizing a Bell state by engineering collective photon decay. 185-197 - Zeinab Kordi, Saeed Ghanbari, Mohammad Mahmoudi:
Atom-photon entanglement beyond the multi-photon resonance condition. 199-213 - Qi-Ping Su, Tong Liu, Chui-Ping Yang:
Transferring multipartite entanglement among different cavities. 215-231 - Ajoy Sen, Debasis Sarkar, Amit Bhar:
Local quantum uncertainty in two-qubit separable states: a case study. 233-243 - Wen-Yang Sun, Jia-Dong Shi, Dong Wang, Liu Ye:
Exploring the global entanglement and quantum phase transition in the spin 1/2 XXZ model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. 245-253 - Meng Qin, Zhong-Zhou Ren, Xin Zhang:
Renormalization of the global quantum correlation and monogamy relation in the anisotropic Heisenberg XXZ model. 255-267 - Tomasz Wasak, Piotr Szankowski, Marek Trippenbach, Jan Chwedenczuk:
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for general measurements as an entanglement criterion. 269-278 - Biao-Liang Ye, Shao-Ming Fei:
A note on one-way quantum deficit and quantum discord. 279-289 - Lei Li, Qing-Wen Wang, Shu-Qian Shen, Ming Li:
Geometric measure of quantum discord with weak measurements. 291-300 - Zhiming Huang, Daowen Qiu, Paulo Mateus:
Geometry and dynamics of one-norm geometric quantum discord. 301-326 - Christoph Pacher, Aysajan Abidin, Thomas Lorünser, Momtchil Peev, Rupert Ursin, Anton Zeilinger, Jan-Åke Larsson:
Attacks on quantum key distribution protocols that employ non-ITS authentication. 327-362 - Runhua Shi, Yi Mu, Hong Zhong, Jie Cui, Shun Zhang:
An efficient quantum scheme for Private Set Intersection. 363-371 - Zhiwei Sun, Jianping Yu, Ping Wang:
Efficient multi-party quantum key agreement by cluster states. 373-384 - Tzonelih Hwang, Tzu-Han Lin, Shih-Hung Kao:
Quantum entanglement establishment between two strangers. 385-403 - Yong Zhang, Kun Zhang, Jinglong Pang:
Teleportation-based quantum computation, extended Temperley-Lieb diagrammatical approach and Yang-Baxter equation. 405-464 - Jason M. Dominy, Alireza Shabani, Daniel A. Lidar:
A general framework for complete positivity. 465-494 - Tomas Boothby, Andrew D. King, Aidan Roy:
Fast clique minor generation in Chimera qubit connectivity graphs. 495-508 - Ghader Najarbashi, Bahman Seifi, S. Mirzaei:
Two- and three-qubit geometry, quaternionic and octonionic conformal maps, and intertwining stereographic projection. 509-528 - Tian-Qing Cao, Fei Gao, Ying-Hui Yang, Zhi-Chao Zhang, Qiao-Yan Wen:
Determination of locally perfect discrimination for two-qubit unitary operations. 529-549 - R. Boudjemaa, Amel H. Hamici, Mahmoud Hachemane, Abdallah Smida:
Generalized asymmetric phase-covariant quantum cloning within a nonextensive approach. 551-563 - Wojciech Slomczynski, Anna Szymusiak:
Highly symmetric POVMs and their informational power. 565-606 - Kyungdeock Daniel Park, Guanru Feng, Robabeh Rahimi, Stéphane Labruyère, Taiki Shibata, Shigeaki Nakazawa, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui, Raymond Laflamme, Jonathan Baugh:
Erratum to: Hyperfine spin qubits in irradiated malonic acid: heat-bath algorithmic cooling. 607-608
Volume 15, Number 2, February 2016
- Anurag Mishra, Tameem Albash, Daniel A. Lidar:
Performance of two different quantum annealing correction codes. 609-636 - Yue Ruan, Hanwu Chen, Zhihao Liu, Jianing Tan:
Quantum image with high retrieval performance. 637-650 - Norio Konno, Hideo Mitsuhashi, Iwao Sato:
The discrete-time quaternionic quantum walk on a graph. 651-673 - Thomas G. Wong:
Quantum walk on the line through potential barriers. 675-688 - Ruihu Li, Qiang Fu, Luobin Guo, Xueliang Li:
Construction of quantum caps in projective space PG(r, 4) and quantum codes of distance 4. 689-720 - Zheng-Yuan Xue, Ya-Fei Li, Jian Zhou, Yu-Mei Gao, Gang Zhang:
Tunable interaction of superconducting flux qubits in circuit QED. 721-729 - Rong-Can Yang, Xiu Lin, Li-Xiang Ye, Xiang Chen, Juan He, Hong-Yu Liu:
Generation of singlet states with Rydberg blockade mechanism and driven by adiabatic passage. 731-740 - Xiao-Fei Qi, Jin-Chuan Hou:
Nonlinear entanglement witnesses based on continuous-variable local orthogonal observables for bipartite systems. 741-759 - Yun Zhai, Yewang Chen, Qing Lin:
Enlarge the scale of W state by connecting multiple existed W states. 761-772 - Chunfang Sun, Zhihua Chen, Gangcheng Wang, Chunfeng Wu, Kang Xue, Leong Chuan Kwek:
Protection of quantum correlations against decoherence. 773-790 - Papri Saha, Debasree Sarkar:
Robustness measure of hybrid intra-particle entanglement, discord, and classical correlation with initial Werner state. 791-807 - Chuanmei Xie, Yimin Liu, Jianlan Chen, Zhanjun Zhang:
Study of quantum correlation swapping with relative entropy methods. 809-832 - Josep Batle, C. H. Raymond Ooi, Ahmed Farouk, M. S. Alkhambashi, S. Abdalla:
Global versus local quantum correlations in the Grover search algorithm. 833-849 - Xiuli Song, Yanbing Liu:
Cryptanalysis and improvement of verifiable quantum (k, n) secret sharing. 851-868 - Wenjie Liu, Hai-Bin Wang, Gong-Lin Yuan, Yong Xu, Zhen-Yu Chen, Xing-Xing An, Fu-Gao Ji, Gnim Tchalim Gnitou:
Multiparty quantum sealed-bid auction using single photons as message carrier. 869-879 - Dongxu Chen, Pei Zhang, Hong-Rong Li, Hong Gao, Fu-Li Li:
Four-state quantum key distribution exploiting maximum mutual information measurement strategy. 881-891 - Luis F. M. Borelli, Leandro da S. Aguiar, José Antônio Roversi, Antonio Vidiella-Barranco:
Quantum key distribution using continuous-variable non-Gaussian states. 893-904 - Shima Hassanpour, Monireh Houshmand:
Bidirectional teleportation of a pure EPR state by using GHZ states. 905-912 - Hyunseok Jeong, Seunglee Bae, Seongjeon Choi:
Quantum teleportation between a single-rail single-photon qubit and a coherent-state qubit using hybrid entanglement under decoherence effects. 913-927 - Yuan-hua Li, Xian-Min Jin:
Bidirectional controlled teleportation by using nine-qubit entangled state in noisy environments. 929-945 - Yi-Ping Luo, Tzonelih Hwang:
Authenticated semi-quantum direct communication protocols using Bell states. 947-958 - Seth Lloyd, Olaf Dreyer:
The universal path integral. 959-967 - Wen Zhang, Pinshu Rui, Ziyun Zhang, Yanlin Liao:
Optimal probabilistic cloning of two linearly independent states with arbitrary probability distribution. 969-979 - Tanumoy Pramanik, Siladitya Mal, Archan S. Majumdar:
Lower bound of quantum uncertainty from extractable classical information. 981-999 - Shibei Xue, Ian R. Petersen:
Realizing the dynamics of a non-Markovian quantum system by Markovian coupled oscillators: a Green's function-based root locus approach. 1001-1018
Volume 15, Number 3, March 2016
- Samuel J. Lomonaco:
Howard E. Brandt, Ph.D.: Personal recollections. 1019-1024 - Kaushik P. Seshadreesan, Christoph F. Wildfeuer, Moochan B. Kim, Hwang Lee, Jonathan P. Dowling:
On the connection between quantum nonlocality and phase sensitivity of two-mode entangled Fock state superpositions. 1025-1042 - Samuel J. Lomonaco:
How to build a device that cannot be built. 1043-1056 - John M. Myers, F. Hadi Madjid:
Unpredictability and the transmission of numbers. 1057-1067 - Thomas B. Bahder:
Transfer of spatial reference frame using singlet states and classical communication. 1069-1080 - Paul Benioff:
Space- and time-dependent scaling of numbers in mathematical structures: effects on physical and geometric quantities. 1081-1102 - Michael R. Frey:
Efficiency of quantum energy teleportation within spin- \(\frac{1}{2}\) particle pairs. 1103-1116 - Gregg S. Jaeger, David S. Simon, Alexander V. Sergienko:
Coherent state quantum key distribution based on entanglement sudden death. 1117-1133 - Claire Levaillant:
Topological quantum computation within the anyonic system the Kauffman-Jones version of SU(2) Chern-Simons theory at level 4. 1135-1188 - Shi-Jie Wei, Gui-Lu Long:
Duality quantum computer and the efficient quantum simulations. 1189-1212 - Martin Sandberg, Emanuel Knill, Eliot Kapit, Michael R. Vissers, David P. Pappas:
Efficient quantum state transfer in an engineered chain of quantum bits. 1213-1224 - Alexey E. Rastegin:
On conclusive eavesdropping and measures of mutual information in quantum key distribution. 1225-1239 - Vincenzo Tamma, Simon Laibacher:
Multi-boson correlation sampling. 1241-1262 - Yaakov S. Weinstein:
Syndrome measurement order for the [[7, 1, 3]] quantum error correction code. 1263-1271 - Paul J. Werbos, Ludmila Dolmatova:
Analog quantum computing (AQC) and the need for time-symmetric physics. 1273-1287 - Mark M. Wilde, Joseph M. Renes, Saikat Guha:
Second-order coding rates for pure-loss bosonic channels. 1289-1308 - Frédéric Dupuis, Mark M. Wilde:
Swiveled Rényi entropies. 1309-1345
Volume 15, Number 4, April 2016
- Yaakov S. Weinstein:
Editorial. 1347 - Jason M. Dominy, Daniel A. Lidar:
Beyond complete positivity. 1349-1360 - Mark Adcock, Peter Høyer, Barry C. Sanders:
Quantum computation with coherent spin states and the close Hadamard problem. 1361-1386 - Renato Portugal:
Establishing the equivalence between Szegedy's and coined quantum walks using the staggered model. 1387-1409 - Thomas G. Wong:
Spatial search by continuous-time quantum walk with multiple marked vertices. 1411-1443 - Yaakov S. Weinstein, Daniel Chai, Newton Xie:
Improving ancilla states for quantum computation. 1445-1453 - Lukasz Pawela, Zbigniew Puchala:
Quantifying channels output similarity with applications to quantum control. 1455-1468 - Mei-Feng Chen, Yong-Fa Chen, Song-She Ma:
One-step implementation of a Toffoli gate of separated superconducting qubits via quantum Zeno dynamics. 1469-1483 - Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shi Hu, Wen-Xue Cui, Xin-Xin Jiang, Hong-Fu Wang:
Scheme for implementing multitarget qubit controlled-NOT gate of photons and controlled-phase gate of electron spins via quantum dot-microcavity coupled system. 1485-1498 - Shao-Qiang Ma, Guo-Feng Zhang:
The transport character of quantum state in one-dimensional coupled-cavity arrays: effect of the number of photons and entanglement degree. 1499-1512 - Amir Karimi, Mohammad Kazem Tavassoly:
Generation of entangled coherent-squeezed states: their entanglement and nonclassical properties. 1513-1527 - Hui Zhao, Sha Guo, Naihuan Jing, Shao-Ming Fei:
Construction of bound entangled states based on permutation operators. 1529-1538 - Kapil K. Sharma, S. N. Pandey:
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction as an agent to free the bound entangled states. 1539-1551 - Josep Batle, C. H. Raymond Ooi, Ahmed Farouk, S. Abdalla:
Nonlocality in pure and mixed n-qubit X states. 1553-1567 - Mahmoud Mahdian, Mohammad Bager Arjmandi:
Comparison of quantum discord and relative entropy in some bipartite quantum systems. 1569-1583 - Azam Kheirollahi, Seyed Javad Akhtarshenas, Hamid Reza Mohammadi:
Quantifying nonclassicality of correlations based on the concept of nondisruptive local state identification. 1585-1599 - Javad Behdani, Seyed Javad Akhtarshenas, Mohsen Sarbishaei:
Computable measure of total quantum correlations of multipartite systems. 1601-1627 - Prasenjit Deb:
Geometry of quantum state space and quantum correlations. 1629-1638 - K. G. Paulson, S. V. M. Satyanarayana:
Hierarchy in loss of nonlocal correlations of two-qubit states in noisy environments. 1639-1647 - Jia-Dong Shi, Dong Wang, Liu Ye:
Comparative explorations of the revival and robustness for quantum dynamics under decoherence channels. 1649-1659 - Yan-Ling Wang, Mao-Sheng Li, Zhu-Jun Zheng, Shao-Ming Fei:
On small set of one-way LOCC indistinguishability of maximally entangled states. 1661-1668 - Jun Pan, Lan Zhou, Shi-Pu Gu, Xingfu Wang, Yu-Bo Sheng, Qin Wang:
Efficient entanglement concentration for concatenated Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state with the cross-Kerr nonlinearity. 1669-1687 - Huawang Qin, Yuewei Dai:
d-Dimensional quantum state sharing with adversary structure. 1689-1701 - Rishi Dutt Sharma, Kishore Thapliyal, Anirban Pathak, Alok Kumar Pan, Asok De:
Which verification qubits perform best for secure communication in noisy channel? 1703-1718 - Na Chen, Dongxiao Quan, Hong Yang, Changxing Pei:
Deterministic controlled remote state preparation using partially entangled quantum channel. 1719-1729 - Piotr Zawadzki:
Eavesdropping on quantum secure direct communication in quantum channels with arbitrarily low loss rate. 1731-1741 - Tao Shang, Gang Du, Jianwei Liu:
Opportunistic quantum network coding based on quantum teleportation. 1743-1763 - Jambul Yusupov, Maxim Dolgushev, Alexander Blumen, Oliver Mülken:
Directed transport in quantum star graphs. 1765-1777 - José Luis Cereceda:
Chained Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality for Hardy's ladder test of nonlocality. 1779-1792 - Xiaomei Liu, Z. Z. Du, J.-M. Liu:
Quantum Fisher information for periodic and quasiperiodic anisotropic XY chains in a transverse field. 1793-1810 - Shuguo Lei, Peiqing Tong:
Wigner-Yanase skew information and quantum phase transition in one-dimensional quantum spin-1/2 chains. 1811-1825
Volume 15, Number 5, May 2016
- Victoria Horan, Steve Adachi, Stanley Bak:
A comparison of approaches for finding minimum identifying codes on graphs. 1827-1848 - S. Miyake, Koji Nakamae:
A quantum watermarking scheme using simple and small-scale quantum circuits. 1849-1864 - Kaname Matsue, Osamu Ogurisu, Etsuo Segawa:
Quantum walks on simplicial complexes. 1865-1896 - Caishi Wang, Xiaojuan Ye:
Quantum walk in terms of quantum Bernoulli noises. 1897-1908 - Dan-Wei Zhang, Xu-Chen Yang:
Simulation of the many-body dynamical quantum Hall effect in an optical lattice. 1909-1920 - Jeong Hwan Shin, Jun Heo, Todd A. Brun:
Entanglement-assisted operator codeword stabilized quantum codes. 1921-1936 - Lukasz Pawela, Przemyslaw Sadowski:
Various methods of optimizing control pulses for quantum systems with decoherence. 1937-1953 - G. J. Delben, Marcos G. E. da Luz:
General tracking control of arbitrary N-level quantum systems using piecewise time-independent potentials. 1955-1978 - Zhiming Huang, Daowen Qiu:
Geometric quantum discord under noisy environment. 1979-1998 - Razieh Taghiabadi, Seyed Javad Akhtarshenas, Mohsen Sarbishaei:
Revealing quantum correlation by negativity of the Wigner function. 1999-2020 - Celso Jorge Villas-Bôas, Wesley B. Cardoso, Ardiley T. Avelar, André Xuereb, Norton Gomes de Almeida:
Does "cooling by heating" protect quantum correlations? 2021-2032 - Huan-Juan Liu, Yan Xia, Jie Song:
Efficient hyperentanglement concentration for N-particle Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state assisted by weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity. 2033-2052 - Liang Qiu, Zhi Liu:
Hierarchy, factorization law of two measurement-induced nonlocalities and their performances in quantum phase transition. 2053-2065 - Walter O. Krawec:
Security of a semi-quantum protocol where reflections contribute to the secret key. 2067-2090 - Huawang Qin, Yuewei Dai:
Efficient quantum secret sharing. 2091-2100 - Zhiwei Sun, Jiwu Huang, Ping Wang:
Efficient multiparty quantum key agreement protocol based on commutative encryption. 2101-2111