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Remote Sensing, Volume 3
Volume 3, Number 1, January 2011
- Doris K. Lam, Tarmo K. Remmel
, Taly Dawn Drezner:
Tracking Desertification in California Using Remote Sensing: A Sand Dune Encroachment Approach. 1-13 - Xavier Bosch-Lluis
, Isaac Ramos-Pérez, Adriano Camps
, Nereida Rodriguez-Alvarez
, Enric Valencia, Juan Fernando Marchan-Hernandez:
Description and Performance of an L-Band Radiometer with Digital Beamforming. 14-40 - Shu-Kun Lin
Retraction: Najafabadi, A.T. Study of Soil Scattering Coefficients in Combination with Diesel for a Slightly Rough Surface in the Cj Band. Remote Sens, 2010, 2, 115-123. 41 - Mitchell B. Lyons, Stuart R. Phinn
, Chris M. Roelfsema
Integrating Quickbird Multi-Spectral Satellite and Field Data: Mapping Bathymetry, Seagrass Cover, Seagrass Species and Change in Moreton Bay, Australia in 2004 and 2007. 42-64 - Anna Brook
, Eyal Ben-Dor:
Automatic Registration of Airborne and Spaceborne Images by Topology Map Matching with SURF Processor Algorithm. 65-82 - Menglin S. Jin, Wittaya Kessomkiat, Gary Pereira:
Satellite-Observed Urbanization Characters in Shanghai, China: Aerosols, Urban Heat Island Effect, and Land-Atmosphere Interactions. 83-99 - Mikko Vehmas, Kalle Eerikäinen, Jussi Peuhkurinen
, Petteri Packalen
, Matti Maltamo:
Airborne Laser Scanning for the Site Type Identification of Mature Boreal Forest Stands. 100-116 - Charlotte B. Hasager
, Merete Badger
, Alfredo Peña
, Xiaoli Guo Larsén
, Ferhat Bingöl
SAR-Based Wind Resource Statistics in the Baltic Sea. 117-144 - Vincenzo Levizzani
, Sante Laviola
, Elsa Cattani
Detection and Measurement of Snowfall from Space. 145-166 - Arianna Pesci
, Giordano Teza
, Elena Bonali:
Terrestrial Laser Scanner Resolution: Numerical Simulations and Experiments on Spatial Sampling Optimization. 167-184 - Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Marcos Adami
, Daniel Alves Aguiar, Mauricio Alves Moreira, Marcio Pupin Mello, Leandro Fabiani, Daniel Furlan Amaral
, Bernardo Machado Pires:
The Soy Moratorium in the Amazon Biome Monitored by Remote Sensing Images. 185-202
Volume 3, Number 2, February 2011
- Jahan Kariyeva, Willem J. D. van Leeuwen
Environmental Drivers of NDVI-Based Vegetation Phenology in Central Asia. 203-246 - Jan de Leeuw, Mohammed Y. Said, Lapezoh Ortegah, Sonal Nagda, Yola Georgiadou, Mark DeBlois:
An Assessment of the Accuracy of Volunteered Road Map Production in Western Kenya. 247-256 - Sima Bagheri:
Nearshore Water Quality Estimation Using Atmospherically Corrected AVIRIS Data. 257-269 - Hartmut Boesch
, David Baker, Brian Connor, David Crisp
, Charles E. Miller:
Global Characterization of CO2 Column Retrievals from Shortwave-Infrared Satellite Observations of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Mission. 270-304 - Michele Crosetto, Oriol Monserrat, Maria Cuevas, Bruno Crippa
Spaceborne Differential SAR Interferometry: Data Analysis Tools for Deformation Measurement. 305-318 - Daniel Jones
, Stephen Pike, Malcolm Thomas, Denis J. Murphy
Object-Based Image Analysis for Detection of Japanese Knotweed s.l. taxa (Polygonaceae) in Wales (UK). 319-342 - Philippe Blanc
, Benoît Gschwind, Mireille Lefèvre, Lucien Wald
The HelioClim Project: Surface Solar Irradiance Data for Climate Applications. 343-361 - Diofantos G. Hadjimitsis
, Chris Clayton
Field Spectroscopy for Assisting Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in Water Treatment Reservoirs Using Atmospheric Corrected Satellite Remotely Sensed Imagery. 362-377 - Reginald R. Muskett, Vladimir E. Romanovsky:
Alaskan Permafrost Groundwater Storage Changes Derived from GRACE and Ground Measurements. 378-397 - Klemen Zaksek
, Kristof Ostir
, Ziga Kokalj
Sky-View Factor as a Relief Visualization Technique. 398-415
Volume 3, Number 3, March 2011
- Valerie Ussyshkin, Livia Theriault:
Airborne Lidar: Advances in Discrete Return Technology for 3D Vegetation Mapping. 416-434 - Adam G. Wells
, David O. Wallin, Clifford G. Rice, Wan-Ying Chang:
GPS Bias Correction and Habitat Selection by Mountain Goats. 435-459 - Anders Knudby
, Chris M. Roelfsema
, Mitchell B. Lyons, Stuart R. Phinn
, Stacy D. Jupiter
Mapping Fish Community Variables by Integrating Field and Satellite Data, Object-Based Image Analysis and Modeling in a Traditional Fijian Fisheries Management Area. 460-483 - Anna Brook
, Eyal Ben-Dor:
Advantages of the Boresight Effect in Hyperspectral Data Analysis. 484-502 - Markus Hollaus
, Christoph Aubrecht
, Bernhard Höfle
, Klaus Steinnocher
, Wolfgang Wagner
Roughness Mapping on Various Vertical Scales Based on Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Data. 503-523 - Nicolas I. Sifakis, Christos Iossifidis, Charalambos Kontoes
, Iphigenia Keramitsoglou
Wildfire Detection and Tracking over Greece Using MSG-SEVIRI Satellite Data. 524-538 - Craig L. Glennie, Derek D. Lichti:
Temporal Stability of the Velodyne HDL-64E S2 Scanner for High Accuracy Scanning Applications. 539-553 - Kazuya Nakano, Hirofumi Chikatsu:
Camera-Variant Calibration and Sensor Modeling for Practical Photogrammetry in Archeological Sites. 554-569 - Amr H. Abd-Elrahman
, Roshan Pande-Chhetri, Gary Vallad:
Design and Development of a Multi-Purpose Low-Cost Hyperspectral Imaging System. 570-586 - Matti Vaaja
, Juha Hyyppä
, Antero Kukko, Harri Kaartinen, Hannu Hyyppä
, Petteri Alho
Mapping Topography Changes and Elevation Accuracies Using a Mobile Laser Scanner. 587-600 - Matthew L. Clark, T. Mitchell Aide:
Virtual Interpretation of Earth Web-Interface Tool (VIEW-IT) for Collecting Land-Use/Land-Cover Reference Data. 601-620 - James H. Churnside
, Evelyn D. Brown, Sandra Parker-Stetter, John K. Horne, George L. Hunt Jr., Nicola Hillgruber, Michael F. Sigler
, Johanna J. Vollenweider:
Airborne Remote Sensing of a Biological Hot Spot in the Southeastern Bering Sea. 621-637 - Wade T. Tinkham, Hongyu Huang
, Alistair M. S. Smith
, Rupesh Shrestha
, Michael J. Falkowski, Andrew Thomas Hudak
, Timothy E. Link
, Nancy F. Glenn
, Danny G. Marks:
A Comparison of Two Open Source LiDAR Surface Classification Algorithms. 638-649
Volume 3, Number 4, April 2011
- Andreas Jochem, Bernhard Höfle
, Martin Rutzinger
Extraction of Vertical Walls from Mobile Laser Scanning Data for Solar Potential Assessment. 650-667 - Maurício Roberto Veronez
, Sérgio Florêncio de Souza, Marcelo Tomio Matsuoka
, Alessandro Reinhardt, Reginaldo Macedônio da Silva:
Regional Mapping of the Geoid Using GNSS (GPS) Measurements and an Artificial Neural Network. 668-683 - Leonid G. Sokoletsky
, Ross S. Lunetta, Michael S. Wetz, Hans W. Paerl
MERIS Retrieval of Water Quality Components in the Turbid Albemarle-Pamlico Sound Estuary, USA. 684-707 - Nicolas N. Baghdadi
, Nicolas Lemarquand, Hani Abdallah, Jean-Stéphane Bailly
The Relevance of GLAS/ICESat Elevation Data for the Monitoring of River Networks. 708-720 - Philipp Meixner, Franz Leberl:
3-Dimensional Building Details from Aerial Photography for Internet Maps. 721-751 - Menale Wondie, Werner Schneider, Assefa M. Melesse
, Demel Teketay:
Spatial and Temporal Land Cover Changes in the Simen Mountains National Park, a World Heritage Site in Northwestern Ethiopia. 752-766 - Gabriela Seiz, Nando Foppa, Marion Meier, Frank Paul:
The Role of Satellite Data Within GCOS Switzerland. 767-780 - Ibrahim F. Shaker, Amr H. Abd-Elrahman
, Ahmed K. Abdel-Gawad
, Mohamed A. Sherief:
Building Extraction from High Resolution Space Images in High Density Residential Areas in the Great Cairo Region. 781-791 - Roland Perko, Hannes Raggam, Janik Deutscher
, Karlheinz Gutjahr, Mathias Schardt:
Forest Assessment Using High Resolution SAR Data in X-Band. 792-815 - Muralikrishna Gumma
, Prasad S. Thenkabail, Fujii Hideto, Andrew Nelson, Venkateswarlu Dheeravath, Dawuni Busia, Arnel B. Rala:
Mapping Irrigated Areas of Ghana Using Fusion of 30 m and 250 m Resolution Remote-Sensing Data. 816-835
Volume 3, Number 5, May 2011
- Alexander A. Kokhanovsky
, Marco Vountas
, John P. Burrows
Global Distribution of Cloud Top Height as Retrieved from SCIAMACHY Onboard ENVISAT Spaceborne Observations. 836-844 - Kande R. M. U. Bandara, Lal Samarakoon, Rajendra Prasad Shrestha
, Yoshikazu Kamiya:
Automated Generation of Digital Terrain Model using Point Clouds of Digital Surface Model in Forest Area. 845-858 - Damian Bargiel
, Sylvia Herrmann:
Multi-Temporal Land-Cover Classification of Agricultural Areas in Two European Regions with High Resolution Spotlight TerraSAR-X Data. 859-877 - Claudia Kuenzer, Andrea Bluemel, Steffen Gebhardt, Vo Quoc Tuan, Stefan W. Dech:
Remote Sensing of Mangrove Ecosystems: A Review. 878-928 - Christoph Straub, Barbara Koch:
Estimating Single Tree Stem Volume of Pinus sylvestris Using Airborne Laser Scanner and Multispectral Line Scanner Data. 929-944 - Sakari Tuominen, Reija Haapanen:
Comparison of Grid-Based and Segment-Based Estimation of Forest Attributes Using Airborne Laser Scanning and Digital Aerial Imagery. 945-961 - Richard L. Miller, Cheng-Chien Liu
, Christopher J. Buonassissi, An-Ming Wu:
A Multi-Sensor Approach to Examining the Distribution of Total Suspended Matter (TSM) in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, NC, USA. 962-974 - Jennifer D. O'Neill, Maycira Costa, Tara Sharma:
Remote Sensing of Shallow Coastal Benthic Substrates: In situ Spectra and Mapping of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada. 975-1005 - Bo-Cai Gao, Rong-Rong Li, Eric P. Shettle:
Cloud Remote Sensing Using Midwave IR CO2 and N2O Slicing Channels near 4.5 μm. 1006-1013 - Derek D. Lichti, Changjae Kim:
A Comparison of Three Geometric Self-Calibration Methods for Range Cameras. 1014-1028 - Rebekka Posselt, Richard Müller
, Reto Stöckli
, Jörg Trentmann:
Spatial and Temporal Homogeneity of Solar Surface Irradiance across Satellite Generations. 1029-1046 - Jane Southworth
, Matt Marsik, Youliang Qiu, Stephen Perz, Graeme Cumming
, Forrest R. Stevens
, Karla Rocha
, Amy Duchelle, Grenville Barnes:
Roads as Drivers of Change: Trajectories across the Tri-National Frontier in MAP, the Southwestern Amazon. 1047-1066
Volume 3, Number 6, June 2011
- Jojene R. Santillan
, Meriam Makinano
, Enrico C. Paringit
Integrated Landsat Image Analysis and Hydrologic Modeling to Detect Impacts of 25-Year Land-Cover Change on Surface Runoff in a Philippine Watershed. 1067-1087 - Peter Hofmann
, Josef Strobl
, Ainura Nazarkulova:
Mapping Green Spaces in Bishkek - How Reliable can Spatial Analysis Be? 1088-1103 - Fabio Remondino
Heritage Recording and 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning. 1104-1138 - Kasper Johansen
, Dirk Tiede
, Thomas Blaschke
, Lara A. Arroyo, Stuart R. Phinn
Automatic Geographic Object Based Mapping of Streambed and Riparian Zone Extent from LiDAR Data in a Temperate Rural Urban Environment, Australia. 1139-1156 - Alexis Dorais, Jeffrey A. Cardille
Strategies for Incorporating High-Resolution Google Earth Databases to Guide and Validate Classifications: Understanding Deforestation in Borneo. 1157-1176 - Hiroyuki Miyazaki
, Koki Iwao, Ryosuke Shibasaki:
Development of a New Ground Truth Database for Global Urban Area Mapping from a Gazetteer. 1177-1187 - Txomin Hermosilla
, Luis Ángel Ruiz Fernández
, Jorge A. Recio, Javier Estornell
Evaluation of Automatic Building Detection Approaches Combining High Resolution Images and LiDAR Data. 1188-1210 - Audrey L. Mayer
, Ricardo D. Lopez:
Use of Remote Sensing to Support Forest and Wetlands Policies in the USA. 1211-1233 - Conrad Bielski
, Simone Gentilini, Marco Pappalardo:
Post-Disaster Image Processing for Damage Analysis Using GENESI-DR, WPS and Grid Computing. 1234-1250 - Claus Rinner, Mushtaq Hussain:
Toronto's Urban Heat Island - Exploring the Relationship between Land Use and Surface Temperature. 1251-1265 - Nicolas N. Baghdadi
, Pauline Camus, Nicolas Beaugendre, Oumarou Malam Issa
, Mehrez Zribi
, Jean François Desprats, Jean Louis Rajot
, Chadi Abdallah
, Christophe Sannier:
Estimating Surface Soil Moisture from TerraSAR-X Data over Two Small Catchments in the Sahelian Part of Western Niger. 1266-1283
Volume 3, Number 7, July 2011
- Claudia M. C. S. Listopad, Jason B. Drake, Ron. E. Masters, John F. Weishampel:
Portable and Airborne Small Footprint LiDAR: Forest Canopy Structure Estimation of Fire Managed Plots. 1284-1307 - Christian Schuster, Iftikhar Ali, Peter Lohmann, Annett Frick, Michael Förster
, Birgit Kleinschmit
Towards Detecting Swath Events in TerraSAR-X Time Series to Establish NATURA 2000 Grassland Habitat Swath Management as Monitoring Parameter. 1308-1322 - Hossein Arefi
, Peter Reinartz
Accuracy Enhancement of ASTER Global Digital Elevation Models Using ICESat Data. 1323-1343 - Kenta Obata
, Hiroki Yoshioka
Comparison of the Noise Robustness of FVC Retrieval Algorithms Based on Linear Mixture Models. 1344-1364 - Eero Ahokas, Juha Hyyppä
, Xiaowei Yu, Markus Holopainen:
Transmittance of Airborne Laser Scanning Pulses for Boreal Forest Elevation Modeling. 1365-1379 - Geoffrey J. Hay, Christopher Kyle, Bharanidharan Hemachandran, Gang Chen
, Mir Mustafizur Rahman
, Tak S. Fung, Joseph L. Arvai:
Geospatial Technologies to Improve Urban Energy Efficiency. 1380-1405 - Lingli Zhu, Juha Hyyppä
, Antero Kukko, Harri Kaartinen, Ruizhi Chen:
Photorealistic Building Reconstruction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data. 1406-1426 - Magdalena Main-Knorn, Gretchen G. Moisen, Sean P. Healey, William S. Keeton, Elizabeth A. Freeman, Patrick Hostert:
Evaluating the Remote Sensing and Inventory-Based Estimation of Biomass in the Western Carpathians. 1427-1446 - Christian Geiß, Hannes Taubenböck, Michael Wurm
, Thomas Esch, Michael Nast, Christoph Schillings, Thomas Blaschke:
Remote Sensing-Based Characterization of Settlement Structures for Assessing Local Potential of District Heat. 1447-1471 - Maja Bitenc
, Roderik Lindenbergh, Kourosh Khoshelham
, A. Pieter Van Waarden:
Evaluation of a LIDAR Land-Based Mobile Mapping System for Monitoring Sandy Coasts. 1472-1491 - Jonathan S. Barton, Michael F. Jasinski:
Sensitivity of Depth-Integrated Satellite Lidar to Subaqueous Scattering. 1492-1515 - Lisa Cowart, D. Reide Corbett
, John P. Walsh
Shoreline Change along Sheltered Coastlines: Insights from the Neuse River Estuary, NC, USA. 1516-1534 - Lin Liu
, Yuanzhi Zhang:
Urban Heat Island Analysis Using the Landsat TM Data and ASTER Data: A Case Study in Hong Kong. 1535-1552
Volume 3, Number 8, August 2011
- Eufemia Tarantino
, Benedetto Figorito:
Extracting Buildings from True Color Stereo Aerial Images Using a Decision Making Strategy. 1553-1567 - Luis C. Alatorre, Raquel Sánchez-Andrés, Santos Cirujano, Santiago Beguería
, Salvador Sánchez-Carrillo
Identification of Mangrove Areas by Remote Sensing: The ROC Curve Technique Applied to the Northwestern Mexico Coastal Zone Using Landsat Imagery. 1568-1583 - Fred A. Kruse, James V. Taranik, Mark Coolbaugh, Joshua Michaels, Elizabeth F. Littlefield, Wendy M. Calvin
, Brigette A. Martini:
Effect of Reduced Spatial Resolution on Mineral Mapping Using Imaging Spectrometry - Examples Using Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI)-Simulated Data. 1584-1602 - Roy W. Spencer, William D. Braswell:
On the Misdiagnosis of Surface Temperature Feedbacks from Variations in Earth's Radiant Energy Balance. 1603-1613 - Mikko Vastaranta
, Markus Holopainen, Xiaowei Yu, Juha Hyyppä
, Antti Mäkinen, Jussi Rasinmäki, Timo Melkas, Harri Kaartinen, Hannu Hyyppä
Effects of Individual Tree Detection Error Sources on Forest Management Planning Calculations. 1614-1626 - Dario J. Canelón, José L. Chávez
Soil Heat Flux Modeling Using Artificial Neural Networks and Multispectral Airborne Remote Sensing Imagery. 1627-1643 - Takeshi Motohka, Kenlo Nishida Nasahara
, Kazutaka Murakami, Shin Nagai
Evaluation of Sub-Pixel Cloud Noises on MODIS Daily Spectral Indices Based on in situ Measurements. 1644-1662 - Belinda Lipa, Donald E. Barrick, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Yoichi Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Awaji, John L. Largier, Newell Garfield:
Japan Tsunami Current Flows Observed by HF Radars on Two Continents. 1663-1679 - Joshua J. Picotte
, Kevin Robertson
Timing Constraints on Remote Sensing of Wildland Fire Burned Area in the Southeastern US. 1680-1690 - Carl Seielstad, Crystal Stonesifer, Eric Rowell, Lloyd Queen:
Deriving Fuel Mass by Size Class in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning. 1691-1709 - Sebastian d'Oleire-Oltmanns
, Bodo Coenradie, Birgit Kleinschmit
An Object-Based Classification Approach for Mapping Migrant Housing in the Mega-Urban Area of the Pearl River Delta (China). 1710-1723 - Michael Leslar, Jianguo Wang
, Baoxin Hu:
Comprehensive Utilization of Temporal and Spatial Domain Outlier Detection Methods for Mobile Terrestrial LiDAR Data. 1724-1742 - Thomas Blaschke
, Geoffrey J. Hay, Qihao Weng
, Bernd Resch
Collective Sensing: Integrating Geospatial Technologies to Understand Urban Systems - An Overview. 1743-1776 - Leena Matikainen, Kirsi Karila:
Segment-Based Land Cover Mapping of a Suburban Area - Comparison of High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Datasets Using Classification Trees and Test Field Points. 1777-1804
Volume 3, Number 9, September 2011
- Susan K. Maxwell:
Downscaling Pesticide Use Data to the Crop Field Level in California Using Landsat Satellite Imagery: Paraquat Case Study. 1805-1816 - Wieke Heldens
, Uta Heiden
, Thomas Esch, Enrico Stein, Andreas Müller:
Can the Future EnMAP Mission Contribute to Urban Applications? A Literature Survey. 1817-1846 - Mario Ivan Alba, Luigi Barazzetti
, Marco Scaioni
, Elisabetta Rosina
, Mattia Previtali
Mapping Infrared Data on Terrestrial Laser Scanning 3D Models of Buildings. 1847-1870 - Steven Lang, Eamon McKeogh
LIDAR and SODAR Measurements of Wind Speed and Direction in Upland Terrain for Wind Energy Purposes. 1871-1901 - Satu Dahlqvist, Petri Rönnholm, Panu Salo, Martin Vermeer
Evaluating the Correctness of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Heights Using Vehicle-Based RTK and VRS GPS Observations. 1902-1913 - Colin Thomas, Stéphanie Doz, Xavier Briottet
, Sophie Lacherade:
AMARTIS v2: 3D Radiative Transfer Code in the [0.4; 2.5 µm] Spectral Domain Dedicated to Urban Areas. 1914-1942 - Egidio Arai, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Gabriel Pereira, Nandamudi L. Vijaykumar:
A Multi-Resolution Multi-Temporal Technique for Detecting and Mapping Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. 1943-1956 - Uwe Ballhorn, Juilson Jubanski, Florian Siegert:
ICESat/GLAS Data as a Measurement Tool for Peatland Topography and Peat Swamp Forest Biomass in Kalimantan, Indonesia. 1957-1982 - Julian Vrbancich, Wolfgang Lieff, Jörg M. Hacker:
Demonstration of Two Portable Scanning LiDAR Systems Flown at Low-Altitude for Investigating Coastal Sea Surface Topography. 1983-2001 - Wolfgang Wagner
Taking Responsibility on Publishing the Controversial Paper "On the Misdiagnosis of Surface Temperature Feedbacks from Variations in Earth's Radiant Energy Balance" by Spencer and Braswell, Remote Sens. 2011, 3(8), 1603-1613. 2002-2004 - Sparkle L. Malone, Leda N. Kobziar
, Christina L. Staudhammer, Amr H. Abd-Elrahman
Modeling Relationships among 217 Fires Using Remote Sensing of Burn Severity in Southern Pine Forests. 2005-2028 - Kwasi Appeaning Addo, Lloyd Larbi, Barnabas Amisigo, Patrick Kwabena Ofori-Danson:
Impacts of Coastal Inundation Due to Climate Change in a CLUSTER of Urban Coastal Communities in Ghana, West Africa. 2029-2050 - Kevin E. Trenberth
, John T. Fasullo
, John P. Abraham:
Issues in Establishing Climate Sensitivity in Recent Studies. 2051-2056 - Catharina J. E. Schulp, Rob Alkemade
Consequences of Uncertainty in Global-Scale Land Cover Maps for Mapping Ecosystem Functions: An Analysis of Pollination Efficiency. 2057-2075 - Patrick Erik Bradley
, Boris Jutzi
Improved Feature Detection in Fused Intensity-Range Images with Complex SIFT (ℂSIFT). 2076-2088 - Albert Rango, Kris Havstad, Rick Estell:
The Utilization of Historical Data and Geospatial Technology Advances at the Jornada Experimental Range to Support Western America Ranching Culture. 2089-2109
Volume 3, Number 10, October 2011
- Francielle da Silva Cardozo, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Gabriel Pereira, Fabrício Brito Silva
Using Remote Sensing Products for Environmental Analysis in South America. 2110-2127 - Thi Dong-Binh Tran, Anne Puissant
, Dominique Badariotti, Christiane Weber:
Optimizing Spatial Resolution of Imagery for Urban Form Detection - The Cases of France and Vietnam. 2128-2147 - Mussie G. Tewolde, Pedro Cabral
Urban Sprawl Analysis and Modeling in Asmara, Eritrea. 2148-2165 - Asuncion Riaza
, Jorge Buzzi
, Eduardo García-Meléndez
, Véronique Carrère, Andreas Müller:
Monitoring the Extent of Contamination from Acid Mine Drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) Using Hyperspectral Imagery. 2166-2186