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IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Volume 5
Volume 5, Number 1, March 2019
- Ying-Chang Liang
Editorial. 1 - Tugba Erpek
, Yalin E. Sagduyu
, Yi Shi
Deep Learning for Launching and Mitigating Wireless Jamming Attacks. 2-14 - Chao Gan, Ruida Zhou, Jing Yang
, Cong Shen
Cost-Aware Learning and Optimization for Opportunistic Spectrum Access. 15-27 - Mee Hong Ling
, Kok-Lim Alvin Yau
, Junaid Qadir
, Qiang Ni
A Reinforcement Learning-Based Trust Model for Cluster Size Adjustment Scheme in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks. 28-43 - Ahmed A. Alabdel Abass
, Ratnesh Kumbhkar
, Narayan B. Mandayam
, Zoran Gajic
WiFi/LTE-U Coexistence: An Evolutionary Game Approach. 44-58 - Ahmed Al-Tahmeesschi
, Miguel López-Benítez
, Dhaval K. Patel
, Janne Lehtomäki
, Kenta Umebayashi
On the Sample Size for the Estimation of Primary Activity Statistics Based on Spectrum Sensing. 59-72 - Siddhartha S. Borkotoky
, Sneha Latha Kottapalli
, Michael B. Pursley
Analytical Methods for Performance Evaluations of Adaptive Modulation and Coding in Cognitive Radio Systems That Employ Distance Statistics. 73-81 - Yazan H. Al-Badarneh
, Costas N. Georghiades
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Asymptotic Performance Analysis of Generalized User Selection for Interference-Limited Multiuser Secondary Networks. 82-92 - Dan Wang
, Yi Song
ECCO: A Novel End-to-End Congestion Control Scheme in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks. 93-102 - Amr Nabil
, Aditya V. Padaki
, Mohammad J. Abdel-Rahman
, Mustafa ElNainay
, Allen B. MacKenzie
, Jeffrey H. Reed
On Optimal Resource Allocation in Multi-RAT Wireless Networks With Receiver Characteristic Awareness. 103-118 - Hayder Al-Hraishawi
, Gayan Amarasuriya Aruma Baduge
, Hien Quoc Ngo
, Erik G. Larsson
Multi-Cell Massive MIMO Uplink With Underlay Spectrum Sharing. 119-137 - Chin-Jung Liu
, Li Xiao
Interference Precancellation for Resource Management in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks. 138-152 - Kagiso Magowe
, Andrea Giorgetti
, Sithamparanathan Kandeepan
, Xinghuo Yu
Accurate Analysis of Weighted Centroid Localization. 153-164 - Setareh Maghsudi
, Mihaela van der Schaar
Distributed Task Management in Cyber-Physical Systems: How to Cooperate Under Uncertainty? 165-180 - Yousuf Abo Rahama
, Mohamed S. Hassan
, Mahmoud H. Ismail
A Stochastic-Based Rate Control Approach for Video Streaming Over Cognitive Radio Networks. 181-192
Volume 5, Number 2, June 2019
- Martin B. H. Weiss
, Kevin Werbach
, Douglas C. Sicker
, Carlos E. Caicedo Bastidas
On the Application of Blockchains to Spectrum Management. 193-205 - Zaheer Khan
, Janne J. Lehtomäki
Interactive Trial and Error Learning Method for Distributed Channel Bonding: Model, Prototype Implementation, and Evaluation. 206-223 - W. Max Lees
, Adam Wunderlich
, Peter J. Jeavons, Paul D. Hale, Michael R. Souryal:
Deep Learning Classification of 3.5-GHz Band Spectrograms With Applications to Spectrum Sensing. 224-236 - Kesav Kaza
, Rahul Meshram
, Varun Mehta, Shabbir N. Merchant:
Sequential Decision Making With Limited Observation Capability: Application to Wireless Networks. 237-251 - Marcela M. Gomez
, Martin B. H. Weiss
, Prashant Krishnamurthy:
Improving Liquidity in Secondary Spectrum Markets: Virtualizing Spectrum for Fungibility. 252-266 - Hussein Kobeissi
, Youssef Nasser
, Oussama Bazzi, Amor Nafkha
, Yves Louët:
ELASTIC- Enabling Massive-Antenna for Joint Spectrum Sensing and Sharing: How Many Antennas Do We Need? 267-280 - Alexandr M. Kuzminskiy
, Pei Xiao
, Rahim Tafazolli:
Spectrum Sharing With Decentralized Occupation Control in Rule Regulated Networks. 281-294 - Subhankar Chatterjee
, Santi P. Maity
, Tamaghna Acharya
Energy-Spectrum Efficiency Trade-Off in Energy Harvesting Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks. 295-303 - Shailesh Chaudhari
, Danijela Cabric
Power Control and Frequency Band Selection Policies for Underlay MIMO Cognitive Radio. 304-317 - Yuhan Ruan
, Yongzhao Li
, Chengxiang Wang
, Rui Zhang, Hailin Zhang
Power Allocation in Cognitive Satellite-Vehicular Networks From Energy-Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff Perspective. 318-329 - Rajalekshmi Kishore, Sanjeev Gurugopinath
, Sami Muhaidat
, Paschalis C. Sofotasios
, Octavia A. Dobre
, Naofal Al-Dhahir:
Sensing-Throughput Tradeoff for Superior Selective Reporting-Based Spectrum Sensing in Energy Harvesting HCRNs. 330-341 - Daniel Benevides da Costa
, George K. Karagiannidis
, Octavia A. Dobre
, Prabhat K. Upadhyay
, Minghua Xia, Haiyang Ding
, Robert Schober:
Introduction to the Special Section on Energy-Harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks. 342-346 - Sijia Chen, Bin Song
, Luhai Fan, Xiaojiang Du
, Mohsen Guizani
Multi-Modal Data Semantic Localization With Relationship Dependencies for Efficient Signal Processing in EH CRNs. 347-357 - Jia Ye
, Zhedong Liu
, Hui Zhao
, Gaofeng Pan
, Qiang Ni
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Relay Selections for Cooperative Underlay CR Systems With Energy Harvesting. 358-369 - Tianxin Feng, Ganggang Ma
, Jie Xu
Cognitive Wireless Power Transfer in the Presence of Reactive Primary Communication User. 370-381 - Sinchan Biswas
, Subhrakanti Dey, Amirpasha Shirazinia:
Sum Throughput Maximization in a Cognitive Multiple Access Channel With Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Energy Harvesting. 382-399 - Milan Patnaik
, V. Kamakoti, Vashek Matyas, Vojtech Rehák
PROLEMus: A Proactive Learning-Based MAC Protocol Against PUEA and SSDF Attacks in Energy Constrained Cognitive Radio Networks. 400-412 - Rajalekshmi Kishore, Sanjeev Gurugopinath
, Paschalis C. Sofotasios
, Sami Muhaidat
, Naofal Al-Dhahir:
Opportunistic Ambient Backscatter Communication in RF-Powered Cognitive Radio Networks. 413-426 - Shiyang Leng
, Aylin Yener
Age of Information Minimization for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio. 427-439 - Eleni Demarchou
, Constantinos Psomas
, Ioannis Krikidis
Asynchronous Ad Hoc Networks With Wireless Powered Cognitive Communications. 440-451 - Zain Ali
, Guftaar Ahmad Sardar Sidhu
, Muhammad Waqas, Ling Xing
, Feifei Gao
A Joint Optimization Framework for Energy Harvesting Based Cooperative CR Networks. 452-462
Volume 5, Number 3, September 2019
- Simon Haykin
Artificial Intelligence Communicates With Cognitive Dynamic System for Cybersecurity. 463-475 - Shilong Ji
, Wen-Qin Wang
, Hui Chen
, Shunsheng Zhang
On Physical-Layer Security of FDA Communications Over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 476-490 - Pratik Chakraborty
, Shankar Prakriya
Securing Primary Downlink Transmissions From Untrusted Receivers of Co-Existing Underlay Cognitive Networks. 491-503 - Shuai Yuan
, Lei Li, Chunxiao Chigan
On MMD-Based Secure Fusion Strategy for Robust Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. 504-516 - Giovanni Baggio
, Riccardo Bassoli
, Fabrizio Granelli
Cognitive Software-Defined Networking Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. 517-539 - Yirun Zhang
, Jiancao Hou
, Vahid Towhidlou, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei:
A Neural Network Prediction-Based Adaptive Mode Selection Scheme in Full-Duplex Cognitive Networks. 540-553 - A. M. Koushik, Fei Hu
, Sunil Kumar:
Deep Q-Learning-Based Node Positioning for Throughput-Optimal Communications in Dynamic UAV Swarm Network. 554-566 - Eirina Bourtsoulatze
, David Burth Kurka
, Deniz Gündüz
Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission. 567-579 - Qiang Li
, Xueyan Zhang
, Ashish Pandharipande
, Xiaohu Ge
, Hamid Gharavi:
An Energy-Aware Retransmission Approach in SWIPT-Based Cognitive Relay Systems. 580-594 - Zhenyu Zhou
, Chuntian Zhang
, Jingwen Wang, Bo Gu
, Shahid Mumtaz
, Jonathan Rodriguez, Xiongwen Zhao
Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Energy Harvesting-Based Cognitive Machine-to-Machine Communications. 595-607 - Sunghyun Choi, Lingjie Duan
, Hyoil Kim
, Seong-Lyun Kim
Introduction to the Special Section From IEEE DySPAN 2018. 608-610 - Ahmed M. Salama
, Ming Li
, Loukas Lazos, Yong Xiao, Marwan Krunz:
Trading Privacy for Utility in Database-Assisted Dynamic Spectrum Access. 611-624 - Vireshwar Kumar
, He Li, Jung-Min Park
, Kaigui Bian
Crowd-Sourced Authentication for Enforcement in Dynamic Spectrum Sharing. 625-636 - Sreeraj Rajendran
, Wannes Meert
, Vincent Lenders
, Sofie Pollin
Unsupervised Wireless Spectrum Anomaly Detection With Interpretable Features. 637-647 - Suzan Bayhan
, Anatolij Zubow, Piotr Gawlowicz, Adam Wolisz
Smart Contracts for Spectrum Sensing as a Service. 648-660 - Cengis Hasan
, Mahesh K. Marina
Communication-Free Inter-Operator Interference Management in Shared Spectrum Small Cell Networks. 661-677 - Long Hoang Vu
, Ji-Hoon Yun
Multi-Carrier Listen Before Talk With Power Leakage Awareness for LTE-LAA in Unlicensed Spectrum. 678-689 - Mohammed Hirzallah
, Marwan Krunz, Yong Xiao
Harmonious Cross-Technology Coexistence With Heterogeneous Traffic in Unlicensed Bands: Analysis and Approximations. 690-701 - Maqsood Ahamed Abdul Careem
, Aveek Dutta, Weifu Wang:
Spectrum Enforcement and Localization Using Autonomous Agents With Cardinality. 702-715 - Chance Tarver
, Matthew Jordan Tonnemacher, Vikram Chandrasekhar
, Hao Chen, Boon Loong Ng, Jianzhong Zhang, Joseph R. Cavallaro
, Joseph Camp
Enabling a "Use-or-Share" Framework for PAL-GAA Sharing in CBRS Networks via Reinforcement Learning. 716-729 - Petri Ahokangas
, Marja Matinmikko-Blue
, Seppo Yrjölä
, Veikko Seppänen
, Heikki Hämmäinen
, Risto Jurva, Matti Latva-aho
Business Models for Local 5G Micro Operators. 730-740 - Marja Matinmikko-Blue
, Seppo Yrjölä
, Veikko Seppänen
, Petri Ahokangas
, Heikki Hämmäinen
, Matti Latva-aho
Analysis of Spectrum Valuation Elements for Local 5G Networks: Case Study of 3.5-GHz Band. 741-753 - Rohit Singh
, Douglas C. Sicker
Part 15++: An Enhanced ID-Based Approach for Etiquette and Enforcement Management in Unlicensed Band. 754-767 - Alexandre K. Ligo
, Jon M. Peha
Spectrum for V2X: Allocation and Sharing. 768-779 - Faouzi Bader, Octavia A. Dobre:
Introduction to the Special Section From the GLOBECOM 2018 Cogntive Radio and Networks Symposium. 780-782 - Arman Rezaee
, Vincent W. S. Chan:
Cognitive Network Management and Control With Significantly Reduced State Sensing. 783-794 - Sultangali Arzykulov
, Galymzhan Nauryzbayev
, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis
, Behrouz Maham
, Mohamed M. Abdallah
On the Outage of Underlay CR-NOMA Networks With Detect-and-Forward Relaying. 795-804 - Aohan Li
, Guangjie Han
, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
A Fast Blind Scheme With Full Rendezvous Diversity for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks. 805-818 - Ghaith Hattab
, Danijela Cabric
Distributed Wideband Sensing-Based Architecture for Unlicensed Massive IoT Communications. 819-834
Volume 5, Number 4, December 2019
- Shimin Gong
, Lin Gao
, Jing Xu
, Yuanxiong Guo
, Dinh Thai Hoang
, Dusit Niyato
Exploiting Backscatter-Aided Relay Communications With Hybrid Access Model in Device-to-Device Networks. 835-848 - Abdullah M. Almasoud
, Ahmed E. Kamal
Data Dissemination in IoT Using a Cognitive UAV. 849-862 - Binoy G. Kurien
Collaborative and Passive Channel Gain Estimation in Fading Environments. 863-872 - Junnan Yang
, Ming Ding, Guoqiang Mao
, Zihuai Lin
Interference Management in In-Band D2D Underlaid Cellular Networks. 873-885 - K. B. Shashika Manosha
, Kimmo Hiltunen, Marja Matinmikko-Blue
, Matti Latva-aho
Performance Comparison of Alternative Indoor 5G Micro-Operator Deployments in 3.6-GHz and 26-GHz Bands. 886-899 - Mojtaba Vaezi
, Gayan Amarasuriya Aruma Baduge
, Yuanwei Liu
, Ahmed Arafa
, Fang Fang, Zhiguo Ding
Interplay Between NOMA and Other Emerging Technologies: A Survey. 900-919 - Touheed Anwar Atif
, Anand M. Baswade
, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma
, A. Antony Franklin
A Complete Solution to LTE-U and Wi-Fi Hidden Terminal Problem. 920-934 - Ruiting Ouyang
, Takeshi Matsumura
, Keiichi Mizutani
, Hiroshi Harada
A Reliable Channel Estimation Scheme Using Scattered Pilot Pattern for IEEE 802.22-Based Mobile Communication System. 935-948 - Mohamed Grissa
, Attila Altay Yavuz
, Bechir Hamdaoui
Location Privacy in Cognitive Radios With Multi-Server Private Information Retrieval. 949-962 - Abdul Basit
, Wen-Qin Wang
, Shaddrack Yaw Nusenu
, Zhi Zheng
Cognitive FDA-MIMO With Channel Uncertainty Information for Target Tracking. 963-975 - Chin-Jung Liu
, Li Xiao
Building k-Protected Routes in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks. 976-989 - Stefano Iellamo
, Marceau Coupechoux
, Zaheer Khan
SILP: A Stochastic Imitative Learning Protocol for Multi-Carrier Spectrum Access. 990-1003 - Haris Gacanin
, Erma Perenda, Ramy Atawia
Self-Deployment of Non-Stationary Wireless Systems by Knowledge Management With Artificial Intelligence. 1004-1018 - Shimin Gong, Dinh Thai Hoang, Dusit Niyato
, Ahmed El Shafie, Antonio De Domenico, Emilio Calvanese Strinati, Jakob Hoydis:
Introduction to the special section on deep reinforcement learning for future wireless communication networks. 1019-1023 - Alireza Sadeghi
, Gang Wang
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Caching in Hierarchical Content Delivery Networks. 1024-1033 - Yimeng Wang
, Yongbo Li
, Tian Lan, Vaneet Aggarwal
DeepChunk: Deep Q-Learning for Chunk-Based Caching in Wireless Data Processing Networks. 1034-1045 - Chen Dai
, Kun Zhu
, Ran Wang
, Bing Chen:
Contextual Multi-Armed Bandit for Cache-Aware Decoupled Multiple Association in UDNs: A Deep Learning Approach. 1046-1059 - Zhaolong Ning
, Peiran Dong
, Xiaojie Wang
, Lei Guo
, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues
, Xiangjie Kong
, Jun Huang
, Ricky Yu-Kwong Kwok:
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Internet of Vehicles: An Energy-Efficient Computational Offloading Scheme. 1060-1072 - Hamza Khan
, Anis Elgabli
, Sumudu Samarakoon
, Mehdi Bennis
, Choong Seon Hong
Reinforcement Learning-Based Vehicle-Cell Association Algorithm for Highly Mobile Millimeter Wave Communication. 1073-1085 - Dajun Zhang, F. Richard Yu
, Ruizhe Yang
Blockchain-Based Distributed Software-Defined Vehicular Networks: A Dueling Deep Q-Learning Approach. 1086-1100 - Vidit Saxena
, Joakim Jaldén
, Henrik Klessig
Optimal UAV Base Station Trajectories Using Flow-Level Models for Reinforcement Learning. 1101-1112 - Eren Balevi
, Jeffrey G. Andrews
Online Antenna Tuning in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks With Deep Reinforcement Learning. 1113-1124 - Chen Zhong
, Ziyang Lu, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy
, Senem Velipasalar
A Deep Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Framework for Dynamic Multichannel Access. 1125-1139 - Mohit K. Sharma
, Alessio Zappone
, Mohamad Assaad
, Mérouane Debbah, Spyridon Vassilaras
Distributed Power Control for Large Energy Harvesting Networks: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. 1140-1154 - Tingting Yang
, Jiabo Li
, Hailong Feng
, Nan Cheng
, Wei Guan
A Novel Transmission Scheduling Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in Software-Defined Maritime Communication Networks. 1155-1166 - Gongwei Xiao
, Muhong Wu, Qian Shi
, Zhi Zhou
, Xu Chen
DeepVR: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Predictive Panoramic Video Streaming. 1167-1177 - Hany Elgala
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Harald Haas
, Michael B. Rahaim, Hina Tabassum
, Takashi Watanabe:
Introduction to the Special Section on Coexisting Radio and Optical Wireless Deployments (CROWD). 1178-1181 - Loredana Arienzo
Green RF/FSO Communications in Cognitive Relay-Based Space Information Networks for Maritime Surveillance. 1182-1193 - Soyinka Nath, Sujata Sengar
, Shreesh Kumar Shrivastava, Shree Prakash Singh
Impact of Atmospheric Turbulence, Pointing Error, and Traffic Pattern on the Performance of Cognitive Hybrid FSO/RF System. 1194-1207 - Shreesh Kumar Shrivastava, Sujata Sengar
, Shree Prakash Singh
On the Effect of Incorrect Channel Condition Information on Modified Switching Scheme of Hybrid FSO/RF System. 1208-1217 - Hui Yang
, Bohui Wang
, Qiuyan Yao
, Ao Yu, Jie Zhang:
Efficient Hybrid Multi-Faults Location Based on Hopfield Neural Network in 5G Coexisting Radio and Optical Wireless Networks. 1218-1228 - Xiaodi You
, Jian Chen
, Changyuan Yu
Performance of Location-Based Equalization for OFDM Indoor Visible Light Communications. 1229-1243 - Ali Waqar Azim
, Antoine Rullier
, Yannis Le Guennec, Laurent Ros
, Ghislaine Maury:
Energy Efficient M-ary Frequency-Shift Keying-Based Modulation Techniques for Visible Light Communication. 1244-1256

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